View Full Version : 7 years of growth, planning to cut it soon (23/male)

August 27th, 2010, 03:04 PM
Hello. My last haircut was almost 7 years ago. I will be 24 in a few weeks and I reckon I might cut all my hair off. It just kind of feels like time, and I finally don't feel big resistance to doing so. My main reason for keeping it for so long already is that it was such an investment of time to grow it that it seemed like a "waste" to cut it, you know.

My main reason for wanting to cut it is to free myself from that very attachment.

Here is a very large picture showing how it changed over time, with some funny hair styles included as well.

What length do you think looks the best? Basically after 2 or 3 years it didn't really change in how it looked. Measuring in the way these forums asked me to when registering (from my front hairline over the top and down the back) I just measured 36 inches when dry, and I would think ~40 inches when wet and combed.

Any comments from other long--->short veterans will be welcome, plus general suggestions.

also, I will be cutting it myself.

main picture:


To address some other relevant points:

> My hairline is receeding, but not quickly yet. I could start going bald any day now but it isn't an immediate threat
> Short hair will be a lot easier in my job - I have no uniform requirements but it is a physical job and my hair gets in the way a lot.
> Girls always swoon when I let my hair down, say it's beautiful etc, but really not many actually like it. But I generally have very little to do with women http://static.thestudentroom.co.uk/images/smilies/cool.gif so that side of things is not of huge importance.

And, FYI, this is how much grew in one year:


ok, all replies welcome. Thanks a lot.

August 27th, 2010, 03:11 PM
If you are intent on cutting it. I like the one year look. It's still long for most guy standards, but a definite radical change from now.

August 27th, 2010, 03:12 PM
I think it looks super super cool in pic no 4 as it makes your beard look great too, but its totally your choice and your hair is cool in all the images too!

Maybe a trim first so see if its what you want? Then cut back to a place you feel ok settling at. You have a great growth rate too!

Well thats my two cents maybe the guys with long hair will have better ideas as they have "been there" e.g. yellow charriot, ericthegreat, EdG, shadow walker (who all have different length hair and rock it! :rockerdud:) so good luck with your decision! :)

August 27th, 2010, 03:13 PM
You kind of look like an Olga in that last pic. :) It looks good, but then I like long hair on everyone, pretty much. You can of course do what you want with your own hair, it just takes so dang long to get it all back! I just cut all mine off, and wish I hadn't. Just think before you chop. :p

August 27th, 2010, 03:16 PM
Hm... looks awesome in the 7th pic, in my opinion. The 10th's cool, too.

August 27th, 2010, 03:18 PM
If you are starting to lose your hair, there's a prescription med (in a pill format) to retard hairloss that works for several years - see your Dr. about it.

August 27th, 2010, 03:19 PM
Cool timeline! I like your hair. Looks like you just joined. Why don't you stick around a while, mull the cut over. Maybe you'll grow to appreciate what you have. It does seem like a shame to cut, but I wouldn't call keeping it a bad attachment. Most men are attached to short hair, after all. If you do need a change, perhaps cut it back to the longest it was when you felt comfortable wearing it down...

August 27th, 2010, 03:20 PM
Thanks for the replies, everyone. I like very active forums!

You kind of look like an Olga in that last pic. :) It looks good, but then I like long hair on everyone, pretty much. You can of course do what you want with your own hair, it just takes so dang long to get it all back! I just cut all mine off, and wish I hadn't. Just think before you chop. :p

That's a shame you regret it - I just found your thread and I gather it was at an awkward in-between stage?

I actually found that first couple of years to be really fun. I was in my last two years at school and maybe part of it was that long hair on boys was strictly disallowed (as were beards), but the constant changing was really good fun. I remember it was about 10 months before I had to part it (the first parted picture in the series is when I just started to wear it that way) and about 18 months before I could tie it back.

None of it was a problem at school, but I really would have trouble going from short to long again now, with my work and other activities.

August 27th, 2010, 03:25 PM
What length do you think looks the best?
Picture twelve please :D !!

August 27th, 2010, 03:25 PM

I'm not a guy, so I can't really speak to the issue of being a guy with long hair. But I will tell you that I cut my knee length hair, in a couple of big stages, back to a pixie a few years back. I can't begin to tell you how much I hated having short hair. Which is why it's long again.

That being said, what it all boils down to is this: It's Your Hair. If you want to cut it, you can. I might suggest not just buzzing everything off at once, though. I don't know where 36" falls on you, so it's hard to give you a landmark, but I'll suggest maybe cutting back to waist length first to see if it makes a difference in how you regard your hair. And take it from there.

I think the photos of you at 21, with roughly elbow length hair, are awesome. You're cute. In a "you could be my son" kind of way.

August 27th, 2010, 03:26 PM
Aww I love your long hair! But after all it is your head :->

August 27th, 2010, 03:26 PM
Picture twelve please :D !!


(more words)

August 27th, 2010, 03:30 PM
i recommend taking it slow and maybe cutting it back in chunks to see how you like it. Maybe APL then shoulder etc. That way you atleast have an option

August 27th, 2010, 03:33 PM
Yea, I'm tempted to do it all in one go so that I have really long off cuts to keep, haha. But I think it does make more sense to do it in bits.

So long as one day I can make wool from the hair and knit a hat.

August 27th, 2010, 03:36 PM
Well with your nice growth rate, I suppose cutting it won't be so bad- if you want to grow it back out you can. As a girl, while I think you have amazing hair (swoon) IMO I think that the 'clean cut' is more attractive. However, I like picture 8 (SL?) a lot- it's amazing. I think it does nice things to frame your face and it's very attractive on you. And it's short enough to be out of the way. Okay enough of my 2 cents! :) Let us know what you decide.

August 27th, 2010, 03:59 PM
You look great with long hair.. like picture 12 :) LIke the cut in picture 1 to match with your more mature features now. Great facical structure and features to wear long and short well.

it's going to come down to how you feel in cutting it.. You could wear any length and look good.. (that is just me lol )

PF Graham
August 27th, 2010, 04:05 PM

I think it looks great as it is.

Sorry, I just think it takes so much time and it looks really healthy.

Also, LOVE the timeline pictures.

- P

August 27th, 2010, 04:22 PM
I like the 10th picture (21 y/o). IMO, the length suits you very well.

Ravenwaves 88
August 27th, 2010, 04:28 PM
I like the 1yr 4mo pic. Longish layered hair with short facial hair.....you look very handsome and it would be an easy pony hair style.:D

I do like your hair long.....it's so rare to see such nice long haired men. ;)

August 27th, 2010, 04:31 PM

That being said, what it all boils down to is this: It's Your Hair. If you want to cut it, you can. I might suggest not just buzzing everything off at once, though. I don't know where 36" falls on you, so it's hard to give you a landmark, but I'll suggest maybe cutting back to waist length first to see if it makes a difference in how you regard your hair. And take it from there.


This (and all that). The only thing I can think to add is that if it is getting in your way at work or anywhere else: put it up. There are "updo" ideas galore here, including some by/on your fellow gentlemen.

And welcome to LHC.

ETA: Oh, and another vote for #12/13.

August 27th, 2010, 04:35 PM
Ohhhhhh, I normally don't like long hair on guys...like not in a wahoo way, but if you didn't have a goatee, I'd totally swoon too. I'm not a facial hair gal.

But your hair looks very pet-able.

August 27th, 2010, 04:45 PM
Ohh, love pic #4. The volume in front is very fun, as are the sideburn/mutton chops. But then again, you're a handsome fellow and can pull off whatever you go with. :)

August 27th, 2010, 04:47 PM
I think it looks great long! I find it weird how most girls dont like long hair on guys. I only like guys with long hair for some reason :P But I can see why your cutting it, long hair does get uncomfortable after a while. But I`d say shoulder length would look the best if you did have to cut it.

August 27th, 2010, 04:53 PM
OMG...you look HOT HOT HOT with it LONG!!! I love long hair on men and yours looks great!!!

August 27th, 2010, 05:01 PM
Well just to toss my two cents it - I think your long hair is a great look on you. Perhaps you'll be able to glean some helpful care tips and things on this site that will improve your hair even more.
If you really want to cut it, then do it - just don't just it to please someone else!
And as for girls who don't like long hair on guys - they seriously need to broaden their horizons and take the blinders off. Long, well cared for hair = cool. And the goatee is rad!

August 27th, 2010, 05:04 PM
If you really want to cut it, then do it
On the sound of "another one bites the dust" :( .

August 27th, 2010, 05:13 PM
I love your hair as it is, but you seem to have the fortunate characteristic of being able to pull off all the lengths very well. :)

August 27th, 2010, 05:24 PM
Picture twelve please :D !!
Agree here!

I feel like one of those olypmpics board where we all have cardboards with big numbers "9.5" "10" "6.2" to each pic :D

So, Another twelve here ! (and if it's valid, thirteen and fourteen too)

As for short hair, I like 7 too :D

August 27th, 2010, 05:37 PM
I'll add a vote for that just-above-the-elbows pic!

Of course, you realize that you're going to get rather long-biased results by asking the long hair forum, right?!?!

Also, if you're worried about the hairline receding, seriously take a look at Rogaine or one of the generic forms of Minoxidil. It's done some incredible stuff for my DH's kinda-high forehead, and his hair is generally thicker than I've seen it in the ~8.5 years I've known him. (Just keep the stuff away from cats!)

August 27th, 2010, 05:47 PM
On the sound of "another one bites the dust" :( .
I don't think he should but is is his hair :)
I personally think more guys need long hair!

August 27th, 2010, 05:49 PM
I like 1 year, 4 months a lot, but also 4 years.

The long hair does suit you, but if you want something else, all of the lengths did look good on you.

August 27th, 2010, 09:00 PM
Personally, I like either four months after your last hair cut, or 1 year and 4 months. It seems to compliment your face, very cute.

I just wanted to mention, I admire how adventurous and varied your facial hair is

Also, if you do cut it really short...you can sell your hair if it's healthy. I know that might sound creepy, but, you mentioned it felt like "a waste" to just cut it all off. There's tons of websites.

August 27th, 2010, 09:06 PM
Amazing timeline of hair photos! Thanks so much for sharing. I love your hair , especially at 1 yr 4 months. That length (shoulder length I'm guessing) looks very handsome on you. :)

I honestly adore your long hair but if you wish to cut it, you will look great without it as well. :) And you can always grow it back if you desire.

Good luck! :)

August 27th, 2010, 09:33 PM
I like the look of long hair on you, but do what you feel is best for you. You could maybe start to cut it off a few inches at a time until you get to where your happy because once you cut it all off there is no going back, I've learned the hard way when I was younger and wish I wouldn't have cut so much off at once. Good luck with whatever you choose!

August 27th, 2010, 09:34 PM
I like picture 10 the best. I think it's a little past shoulder length.

August 27th, 2010, 09:47 PM
My favorite would be the 4 years 7 months picture, where it looks a bit above elbow length. But to be fair, the previous picture was only about shoulder length, so I don't know how you look with anything in between (e.g. APL). Anyway, I think either short or long looks great, but whatever you choose, be sure to post a picture afterward! :)

Jenn of Pence
August 27th, 2010, 10:02 PM
I hope some of our regular guys around here post, if they haven't already!

From a female perspective, then, I personally like long hair on a guy, especially when it's nice like yours. :) I also suggest cutting in stages to see how you feel at each shorter length. Another suggestion is the "two week rule," where you wait two weeks before you do anything and then see how you feel. Being on this forum has a way of changing your perspective, I promise! ;)

August 27th, 2010, 10:11 PM
The short-haired pic looks like a generic guy, while the long-haired pic screams "I am an individual!"

Long hair tends to do that. It's your hair and your choice, of course.

August 27th, 2010, 11:05 PM
I like 10, 11, 12.....

August 27th, 2010, 11:16 PM
So, I haven't read through the thread yet, and I know I haven't been around a ton lately, but I have to tell you...you are a man that can definitely pull off long hair. :thudpile: You are also a man that looks great with shorter hair. Ultimately, it is your choice. I am growing from an inch long pixie and I may a bit of fun with it, but I miss long hair.

Long hair definitely turns my head. Not in a creepy way, but because it screams unconventional and beautiful!

August 27th, 2010, 11:17 PM
So, I haven't read through the thread yet, and I know I haven't been around a ton lately, but I have to tell you...you are a man that can definitely pull off long hair. :thudpile: You are also a man that looks great with shorter hair. Ultimately, it is your choice. I am growing from an inch long pixie and I may a bit of fun with it, but I miss long hair.

Long hair definitely turns my head. Not in a creepy way, but because it screams unconventional and beautiful!

August 27th, 2010, 11:28 PM
love the buns at the end. Looks great either way IMO, though I think it may have peaked around chin length or so?

It feels great to finally be READY for a big cut doesn't it?! You think you'll never want short hair again and then one day you just realize it's possible!

Good luck!

August 27th, 2010, 11:35 PM
Hang onto the length until Halloween, perfect costume for you: Bugs Bunny as the Valkyrie Brunnhilde.

Unless you've already done that, then go ahead and snip until you're satisfied :D

August 27th, 2010, 11:39 PM
I'm chiming in as a girl who likes guys with long hair. I think your hair is increadibly sexy and it would be a shame for you to chop it. Also, pic 15 should be proof to you and anyone else that you are perfectly capable of making your hair look profesional and masculine. If you really want to chop it, think about it long and hard. i once cut to APL and hated myself for years.

August 28th, 2010, 12:10 AM
Picture twelve please :D !!

I agree, 12 and 13 are the best. Anyway, you do what you feel is right for whatever time in your life. I'm sure you'll grow it back one day even if you do cut it off. Just remember, sometimes men get thinning hair as they age (unfortunate but not uncommon). You should enjoy your hair while you're young, just in case. Anyway, that's my angle to get you to keep it, wether or not it's likely to happen.

I'll joking/manipulating aside, you really are asking if you should go for a change, or no change. If you think this change is necessary in your life, go for it. I'm sure you can change your mind about it later on and give up cutting again.

August 28th, 2010, 01:03 AM
I love bald guy:p so I like the 2nd.
but 4 years 7month is really good too.

August 28th, 2010, 01:30 AM
This is a little off the subject but I love the color of your hair. :p That said, if you're determined to cut it, I like the 1year 6 days pic. It flatters your features, though you do look good with longer hair as well. :toast:

August 28th, 2010, 01:40 AM
I love the long hair, but it is your hair to enjoy long or short. I liked most of the looks on you, my favourites were the more hairy ones as it reminds me of my DH :D

August 28th, 2010, 02:39 AM
I love your hair, you suit almost every single cut you have on that timeline there. :)
It is your hair, your choice, but I really love your hair at the moment! :D

August 28th, 2010, 03:20 AM
I cut my hair from hip to chin a few years back, and never really regretted it. I'm growing it back out now, but I wanted the change and I liked the result. If you're sure you're ready... do what you feel. Your hair looks great long, but it's not bad at shorter lengths either, so enjoy whatever you decide!

August 28th, 2010, 04:05 AM
I think it looks great long! I find it weird how most girls dont like long hair on guys. I only like guys with long hair for some reason :P But I can see why your cutting it, long hair does get uncomfortable after a while. But I`d say shoulder length would look the best if you did have to cut it.
Completely agree!

I do understand the feeling of "let's get rid of it". I am quite extreme myself so I've planned that when a certain event happens in my life (and it will, sadly) I'm gonna go bald. And then grow until at least classic.
Did I say extreme?? :uhh:

August 28th, 2010, 04:17 AM
I love your hair long - especially in the 21 years old picture. It suits you a lot, although the other lengths look good too.

August 28th, 2010, 04:27 AM
Wow, your hair's gorgeous!! :D

I'm fanatic about men with extremely long hair so i won't bugger you by telling you not to cut it :) I'll just say, if you're going to have a radical change, go for the shoulder length one. Remember, you can always cut more but you cannot instantly grow it back :)

August 28th, 2010, 05:20 AM
I'm loving pic #12 @ 21 years old.

August 28th, 2010, 06:31 AM
If cutting it is what you want go for it. It looked great at every length and I really loved your sideburns cut into Mutten chops!

You can always cut a few inches at a time to see where you like it best :D

August 28th, 2010, 11:00 AM
My favorite is pic no. - oh wait, i lost count - blue shirt, hair about mid-back.

K, why i LOVE it that length - Beowulf - Ossian - Elrond ... haven't even started on the rock stars yet!

I dunno -does having it long necessarily mean you're attached to it?

As everyone here will tell you, though, being the supportive group we are - do what makes YOU happy! :)

August 28th, 2010, 11:32 AM
The all look good imo! I liked the 1 year 4 months picture the best if you're going to cut it!

PS: Last picture = awesome.

August 28th, 2010, 12:27 PM
I'm typically not a big fan of long hair on a guy (no offense) I think mainly because the heads of hair I've seen IRL have been poorly taken care of. BUT yours looks fantastic; just the way it is. I am a fan of facial hair on men, especially a nicely groomed goatee or beard which you rock both nicely ;)

August 28th, 2010, 12:41 PM
I really like the way your hair looks from 1 year 2 months (18 years old) onward.
In my opinion, cutting it back that far would already be a radical change, so if that's what you're going for, I'd say no shorter than that (for starters, at least) :)

That said, as others have said, your hair looks pretty great at any length. And if you're bored with it, definitely hang around here, and you'll find out a lot of different things to do with it.

August 28th, 2010, 04:14 PM
Your time line is neat to see. You remind me somewhat of Hugh Jackman in your 17 yo old photo. You're very cute and have whiskers a-plenty to play with! (Probably wasn't supposed to say that, right?)

I understand the urge to lighten up the hair. Especially after it feels like you've reached a goal. It's kind of like a "now, what?" feeling.

August 28th, 2010, 04:18 PM
I love the long hair, but my favorite is the + 1 year 4 months one where you're wearing a black shirt and its a side shot of you.

August 28th, 2010, 04:28 PM
10, 12 and 13 are my favorites. You've got great hair.

August 28th, 2010, 04:33 PM
I have a serious weakness for both long hair and facial hair on guys. Love it. Like.. When I say weakness, I REALLY MEAN it!
So if you're gonna chop, maybe go for APL, or maybe like your 1year 8month photo. Beards are easier to play around with and grow back quickly, so they're great for that 'I need to change something' urge. You clearly take great care of your hair and I applaud you for that, because although I adore long hair on men, too many guys don't know what the heck to do with it and it looks awful.

Yours.. Is magnificent.

So I WILL mourn if you cut it, but at least you have these photos, right? Have heaps of fun with it before you go for the scissors, I say.

*goes back to staring at those photos*

August 28th, 2010, 05:06 PM
Let me start by saying that I am extremely happily married to a bald man. But I gotta tell you, your long hair is gorgeous! :thud: Put me down for picture twelve also.

August 28th, 2010, 07:12 PM
Sweet Moses, you were an adorable teenager. Isn't it crazy to see how much you've matured over the years?

Anyway I like it at shoulder length, right around 1 year.

August 28th, 2010, 07:31 PM
My favorite is at 1year 4 months where you are sitting on the couch... I think your on the couch. Love that hair!

August 28th, 2010, 08:25 PM
I'd like to put my 2cents in again to say... I think receding hairlines are sexy, so don't stress about that.

August 29th, 2010, 05:16 AM
Thanks for the replies, everyone. And thanks for the compliments, ladies. Feel free to PM me - maybe I could post you cuttings of my hair and a signed photograph? For just a small fee to cover the costs...

actually someone mentioned monetising the haircut somehow - selling it afterwards, or being sponsored to cut it. The latter I don't feel right doing, since firstly I barely know anyone in real life and secondly I don't really like asking for donations for something so easy. Or for anything, for that matter.

I would consider selling the hair but I'm not sure if that's a very active market is it? There are one or two auction sites but they seem quiet.

hmm - anyway, here's a bonus picture I just found, which shows the length a bit better. The photo is kind of scuffed up, sorry:


And a blurry one but it looks quite cool:


To everyone saying I must take great care of it - nothing could be further from the truth. Actually it's in awful condition. I used to go weeks without brushing it, and months/years without washing it properly. I just stuff it back in a ponytail and try to forget about it, mostly. These days I use shampoo once or twice a week, and have been experimenting with different conditioning agents, like vinegar and olive oil. Nothing is very good, including commercial conditioners - plus they're pretty expensive. My hair is very dry and straw-like, actually - most of the pictures up to the point where I started parting it have some kind of wax of gel in the hair, otherwise it kind of just puffs up into a big ball.

I have some questions about how to cut it as well - apparently I can't just have my hair down and then cut around at the length I want?

August 29th, 2010, 05:30 AM
To everyone saying I must take great care of it - nothing could be further from the truth. Actually it's in awful condition. I used to go weeks without brushing it, and months/years without washing it properly. I just stuff it back in a ponytail and try to forget about it, mostly.

Umm, that's actually the best way to care for hair :D No wonder it grew this long!

August 29th, 2010, 05:37 AM
Umm, that's actually the best way to care for hair

Yea I guess - not many men use heat or chemical treatments anyway, though.


If left alone my hair quickly becomes very dry and voluminous towards the ends, and flat and heavy with thick grease up on my head. For a time I tried regular and thorough brushing to distribute the grease but it didn't really work at all.
I could pull the grease off my comb afterwards and end up with an amount like two pieces of chewing gum :/
Heavy grey stuff, it was. Awesome.

August 29th, 2010, 05:51 AM
Sounds like all you need is shampoo on the scalp and conditioner on the length, possibly a light oiling after. If you're not completely set on cutting, your hair is completely salvageable. There are articles floating around that could help you out.

Now, about the gunk collected off your comb: pics or it didn't happen :D