View Full Version : Coconut oil question

August 27th, 2010, 09:44 AM
I have heard a lot about the benefits of coconut oil but I was wondering if any of you who have experience with it could help me out. I basically have two questions: what is your routine with coconut oil and what benefits have you seen since using it :)

Thanks a lot

August 27th, 2010, 10:09 AM
There are many people around here who use coconut oil. It helps hair keep moisture inside, makes it soft, brings shine and slip. Oils that are applied on hair are meant to imitate natural oils your scalp is producing. When hair gets very long, the ends don't get much of those natural oils, so oiling helps with that. Coconut oil is not heavy and scientifically proven to help prevent protein loss.

I use it on daily basis, just spoon out some coconut oil, melt it between my hands and spread it in my hair. :)

August 27th, 2010, 10:34 AM
Hi and welcome to LHC! :) I don't know your hair type, but I have wavy/curly coarse hair and using virgin coconut oil once a week (sometimes more) is very beneficial. I usually start by oiling my hairline, then the parted area of my scalp and finally the ends. I leave that overnight and do a heavier oiling the next day. So, basically, I usually do an oiling that lasts 2-3 days, so to speak.

Just so you know, my hair used to be extremely poofy, frizzy and rough for many years, but after over a year of using it, my hair is wavier/curlier, softer, shinier and stronger (thicker hair strands). Also, massaging while you oil is a bonus! :D

I also like to use a very fine comb- very gently, of course- through my hair so that it spreads the oil well. A BBB (boar bristle brush) also works well. Hope this helps! :flower:

August 27th, 2010, 12:46 PM
thanks a lot :)
My hair is straight but gets poofy because I have a lot of it. It breaks easily and I have recently moved to chicago so the cold is giving me a lot of dryness in the ends and also some splits. It is now at BSL but i want to grow it out to my waist and then maybe to a classical length but it takes forever to grow...

That's basically my hair in a nutshell and I have been reading how coconut oil provides the strenght and nutrients that hair needs to grow and be healthy...

August 27th, 2010, 12:59 PM
Using a teeny amount on your palms (so that your palms look like satin) helps for some lovely shine..this is known as a light oiling.

Sometimes I heavily oil over night, sometimes I oil an hour or so before a shower. Soaking hair in a cone free conditioner at the beginning of the shower and rinsing off with warm water at the end helps remove the oil. :)