View Full Version : Does anyone have a relatively short goal length?

August 24th, 2010, 08:41 AM
My hair is now collarbone length and I'm able to do a few cute updo's, and half up, and also when I leave it down it's longer than it is wide so it's not so much of a triangle, so that's good. Also, it's easy to wash and take care of. I'm kind of liking it and I wondered if there are any here that have shoulder or apl as their goal length? If so please tell us why and what you think about it. Show pics if you can, I'd love to see them. I'm not sure I'm changing my original goal length of waist, but I am thinking about it. I really like the peacock twist and I don't know if I want to lose it.

August 24th, 2010, 09:00 AM
I was never allowed to have anything longer than shoulder when I was a child so my goal length is around midback. I dont think that counts as 'short' but it is shorter than a lot of the hair here... For now I am just going with the flow and if I really like my current length then I stay with that for a while and concentrate on keeping it healthy and playing with hairstyles.
I dont know if that answers your questions but I dont think your goal length has to be 'long' just what makes you happy :)

August 24th, 2010, 09:22 AM
my original goal was just long enough to pull it all back into a ponytail.. i had decided on this goal because i didnt think my hair was capable of growing longer..
as you can see i changed my goal.. first to scar length (mid hip to hide my surgical scar) and then to terminal, and then when i calculated that my terminal would be floor length i decided on classic..

i think a lot of new members only go for bsl at first.. its what society calls 'long'

here is my hair at those short (can pull it back in a pony lengths)
this is it flat ironed straight
.................................................. ..........................................
here are some braid waves (pigtail braids since i couldnt do a single braid on myself yet)
.................................................. ...............................................
later i figured out how to braid it
as seen here
.................................................. .................................

i hear you about the triangle head thing
i used to have triangle head as seen here:
heehee this pic was also taken before i grew boobs.. lol its weird seeing it because that not what my body looks like anymore..

August 24th, 2010, 09:26 AM
My goal was waist and I actually got past that but decided to cut and now I've been happily maintaining at mid-back for the last 18 months. I still have that long-hair feeling but it's more manageable and I feel, more flattering to my face and body.

I know I won't go any longer again, and may even go a little shorter, as long as I can still get it out of my face when needed and of course, use the excessive collection of hair accessories that I've built up.

August 24th, 2010, 09:43 AM
Hi, I am new and this is my very first post! My hair is past shoulder length at the longest
layers but not mid-back. I want to grow out the layers, (keep my bangs for now) and get
my hair to one length at mid-back.

August 24th, 2010, 09:53 AM
My goal was BSL (which I think is whort but really thats pretty long, long enough that I get lots of compliments anyway) but now im there I realized I want Waist+

I think ill grow to hip and then cut all the left over parts of my layers out taking me back to my goal. I want a thick hem like Sqiggy or spidermom who have amazing hair!

However I worry when I get there ill say "oh when I curl it looks to short!" or drape it over one shoulder and ill want another goal :p

Some people have shorter hair but it looks longer as its curly or thick, I have such fine hair that I like length alot. Each to their lovely own.

See ive been round LHC long enough now looking at pretty hair that I think Waist+ is short. There is so much quality hair in the avatars and siggys that I have lost length perspective.

Oh dear! ...but in a good way :p

August 24th, 2010, 11:19 AM
I think mine is short compared to a lot around here, lol. I'm shooting for BSL or maybe a few inches past that. I just don't think I could maintain much longer than that. But I guess I will see for sure when I get it to that length! :)

August 24th, 2010, 11:25 AM

My previous goal was waist, and then I got myself to APL... and chopped it all off. Part of me enjoys the growing process more than the actual destination, and part of me has no idea what to do with long hair. My goal right now is to get back to APL, and if I still want to grow, I will, but right now that seems to fit me pretty well.

August 24th, 2010, 11:54 AM
I guess my goal is probably kind of short for here - around waist when left curly. But different lengths appeal to different people and look good on different body types. I wear my hair down most of the time, and having it longer than waist/hip would be really annoying.

August 24th, 2010, 01:04 PM
What could I say about my goal? I'm 20 years old and my hair never grew beyond my ears :) I didn't even know my hairtype, I only know it's not curly and not pin straight - it's 1c or 2a, I think.
So my goal length is now shoulder length, I would be so happy if I had it already because I'm very very curious about my hair type.

August 24th, 2010, 01:15 PM
My Goal is Mid-Back. It's not short but compared to some of the Beautiful hair here it's not super long. Just Maintainable! :)

August 24th, 2010, 01:18 PM
Mine is mid back. I've had TBL before and want to just get between BSL and Waist.

August 24th, 2010, 01:21 PM
My goal was waist I'd never had longer than the tips just barely making BSL, so waist seemed like a crazy long goal. Then I changed my goal around a few times & now my "goal" is between mid-back & waist. I wait til it gets to waist & cut to mid back, grow to waist & cut to mid-back... Compared to many on here that's a shorter goal, compared to most of what I see walking down the street it's pretty darn long.

August 26th, 2010, 09:44 PM
Last go round of growing my hair out, I went to almost waist, and ended up donating 8 inches to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. After cutting, I realized for me that waist length is just way too hard to manage. My hair is way too heavy for that length to work.

My goal for growing this time around is BSL. However, I am a few inches shy of that right now and my updos are already starting to hurt me by the end of the work day. So I am not sure if I will go much longer than I currently am at. I may even cut an inch or two off. We will see! :)

August 26th, 2010, 09:51 PM
A lot of people on this forum think my goal length of BSL or even waist is relatively short. *shrugs*

August 27th, 2010, 01:53 AM
My first goal is APL, once there I'll reassess but I'm thinking maybe BSL. I really can't see myself with hair any longer than that.

:dear god, I hope they don't kick me out :p:

August 27th, 2010, 02:05 AM
My goal length is bsl.

August 27th, 2010, 06:17 AM
- My own goal length is longer than Apl but after looking around the pictures of the lovely LHC users here, it feels like my goal of Waist is not so long, after all . . I think I will have to see, maybe I will want hiplength, as long as my hair isnt too thick by then or annoying . . or I end up cutting weird layers [because I am definitely cutting layers into my hair] . . which reminds me, there seems to be some kind of layer-adversion here, which is strange, because my hair looks better with layers than without . . because it's curly .

Without layers it would be a big pyramid shape -.-

August 27th, 2010, 06:50 AM
I initially wanted BSL, that shifted to waist and now I don't know anymore. The reason I chose BSL at first was that I wanted long hair that was still short enough to be manageable. LHC taught me that BSL isn't particularly long and longer hair can behave too. :) So my current plan is to let it grow for as long as I feel safe to wear it down every now and then.

August 27th, 2010, 07:01 AM
My goal length right now is mid-back. (Actually, Tabitha, your sig picture is sort of my hair inspiration!) If I get there and find I want it longer still I might go for waist, but I definitely don't see myself with longer hair than that.