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View Full Version : Regaining thickness

August 22nd, 2010, 02:30 PM
Has anyone here lost a lot of thickness due to medication and eventually regained it all, or at least almost? I need to hear some encouraging stories. I've become somewhat obsessed with thickness, and haven't been able to enjoy my hair as much as I did in the past because of this issue, which is why I haven't been a frequent visitor here. My hair was once very, very thick. When I noticed that I had lost a significant amount of volume, I measured the circumference of my hair for the first time. It was at 4.5" I'm guessing I had started out at close to 6". It eventually diminished to as little as 2.75". Currently, I can't squeeze it smaller than 3", and I am happy to have regained a quarter of an inch, but I want more! If you went through similar loss, and regained some volume, I'd like to know how much, and what helped the most. Thanks in advance for any input.

August 22nd, 2010, 03:52 PM
Hi Solange,
Not quite the same situation as you, but I have had major shedding episodes following arthritis flareups, and it does grow back. My ponytail thickness is about 3" now, but if I hold a lock of hair out sideways from my head I can see that there are a lot of hairs that aren't long enough to get in the ponytail yet - I think these are the regrowth following the last shed. It's a bit like growing out layers, but spread through the hair instead of the shortest bits being on the top, if that makes any sense.

August 22nd, 2010, 04:16 PM
I lost over half my thickness due to medication. While it was (sort of) a novelty to wear items holding all my hair that had never really held anything, it was very distressing. It eventually grew back out once I stopped taking the meds.

Also had it happen fairly recently due to illness. I was worried it wasn't coming back as I'm still ill, but apparently there are levels of ill, and it's coming back. :)

Not sure how that works if it's a med you need to keep taking. What might likely happen is your body becomes accustomed to the meds enough that your hair comes back. This process takes awhile. Might help if one day you feel short stubby hairs near your scalp, or see a number of short bits and then you will know it's only a matter of time.
Hang in there. :flower:

August 23rd, 2010, 03:15 AM
I lost over half my thickness due to medication. While it was (sort of) a novelty to wear items holding all my hair that had never really held anything, it was very distressing. It eventually grew back out once I stopped taking the meds.

Exactly the same here: I lost more than half. I should have specified that I stopped taking that medication (Atenolol, for cardiac arrhythmia) almost two years ago.

Thanks! :O)

August 23rd, 2010, 03:38 AM
I've had a major shed 2 years ago, due to a severe iron deficiency. I'm back to normal now, but my hair is so thin that it is gradually see-trough from BSL to the ends (between hip and tailbone now) :(:(:(
I can see a lot of shorter hair sticking out but it will literally take years to reach the longer locks (that is if it doesn't get damage before it even reaches the end...)
I wear it up most of the time because I don't like to show the damage but updos doesnt suit me very well and I'd really like to wear it down more often again!

So I guess thickness comes back, but it is just a matter of patience...

August 23rd, 2010, 04:37 AM
I gained a lot of hair since on LHC. I don't think it has ever been this thick, at least it has never been this long in my adult life. But it takes a lot of patience...

August 23rd, 2010, 04:50 AM
I lost at least a third of my volume (ponytail circumference) when I started taking cytostatic medicine some years ago. It actually felt like I lost half... It was awful losing hair in handfuls. It started growing back a few months later, even though I was still on the same medication! The new hairs seemed to be curlier and darker than the previous hair so I got a serious halo going :D
I got all my thickness back (and lately perhaps even more...)
So don't despair, it's possible that you will get all, or most of your thickness back in time!!