View Full Version : Think I used to lurk here.... 10 years ago.

August 21st, 2010, 11:30 AM
Hello all, I think I used to lurk here, 10 years ago :poot: and rediscoverd the wealth of beauty, knowledge and comradery at LHC. Its time to register! Ive been busy beyond belief the past couple years and just realized a few days ago, "I have long hair again." I was born with long hair (like 5 inches from the scalp!) so I guess its fate.

My hair varies daily between straight, wavy as below, and having huge spirals. Style by weather. A highlight or two I need to cover up is showing in the pic. Allergic to PPD so its Elumen or nothing. (I miss real oxidation dyes SO BAD)


August 21st, 2010, 04:51 PM
I've started to write an Elumen tutorial both for my own reference and others. The information on this topic is so scattered. I figure why not post up the first section.

PPD & PPD allergy free.
Considered very safe from a health standpoint.
Its hair-dye. :)
Very low damage.
Some people like way it changes their hair texture. Hair feels lighter, fuller,
True red colors more durable than traditional commercial dyes.

Not durable compared to PPD dyes.
The cool colors or components of your shade that are cool wash out MUCH faster than traditional dyes. Punky greens/blues fade quickly, and browns turn redder with time.
Some people do not like way it changes their hair texture. Hair feels fly-away, puffy, frizzy in a non-dry way.
Does not deliver the sleeking/shining/straightening or added density of PPD dyes.
Expensive and must be ordered online/mail.

Elumen Products & alternatives:

Prepare - used to correct PH when dyeing after bleaching. Lactic acid formulation.
Alternative: Vinegar Dilution - use similar to Prepare

Return - used to (attempt) to remove Elumen color to hair. Alcohol formulation.
Alternative: Herbal Essences' "long term relationship" shampoo - removes more color than Remove (Discovered by accident but very effective.)

Clean - used to remove stains from skin and fixtures. Alcohol formulation.
Alternative: Rubbing Alcohol - works as well as clean and you can adjust the dilution to your skin sensitivity.
Glass Cleaner - removes rather than sets dye from very smooth surfaces; mirrors, sheet-plastic, some counter-tops.
HINT: Plastic containers and tools of type 5 (Polypropylene) are generally not stained.

Elumen Haircolor - includes Deep Bright Light and Pure color groupings. Formulated from acid dyes, most of which are considered safe for food. The base is water, propylene carbonate, and alcohol with lactic acid for PH.
Alternative: None this is about Elumen dye.

Lock - used after dye to "lock in color and remove excess dye" Alcohol and lactic acid formulation.
Alternative: In the process of testing concoctions and methods.

Wash - Elumen's shampoo, "formulated to maintain dye longer." Contains SLS, and Panthenol. The shampoo seems gentle overall compared to typical SLS shampoos.
Alternative: in the process of testing.

Care - Elumen's spray-in leave-in. I have never used this product.
Alternative: Any spray-in you like.

Treat - Elumen's rinse-out conditioner. I have never used this product.
Alternative - I have never used Treat. My hair is conditioner dependent and I fear changing from my favourite drugstore conditioners. I now add some vinegar to the conditioner to adjust the PH to the acidic side. Reports soon on if this effects color durability.

August 23rd, 2010, 02:36 AM
Welcome back. That's quite a bit of wonderful information you have!

August 25th, 2010, 05:13 AM
Hi Swivelhop, welcome!!

Might I suggest you transferring your Elumen info to the Elumen thread? http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=5594

You share some great information and that subforum is much better read than the introduction subforum.

August 27th, 2010, 02:51 AM
Wait a sec, back it up- LHC was around a decade ago?! :agape: I had no idea it was that old. Welcome back!

August 27th, 2010, 07:49 AM
Thanks all. I hope to finish the Elumen information in article/faq format. I found it so overwhelming to sift through the Elumen thread. I will duplicate the information there tho.

I _think_ TLCH was around a decade ago. Dropping "The". I seem to remember it being mostly snapshots of long hair sightings and long hair admirers with few longhairs around, but there was good information about how to take care of long hair. It could of been an other site however.

This board is so active its hard to keep up with what is going on. Now that I have found the subscription list things should be much better. Now if I can figure out why I can't be logged in more than 3 mintues....

August 30th, 2010, 10:40 AM
Wait a sec, back it up- LHC was around a decade ago?! :agape: I had no idea it was that old. Welcome back!

LHC existed on the network54 boards before it moved to this format in 2003. Not quite 10 years ago, but close.

The founding members of LHC were at network54-based LHL before it became a pay site, then left to found LHC in early 2002.

August 30th, 2010, 11:09 AM
Welcome back and happy growing!

Beatnik Guy
August 30th, 2010, 01:00 PM
Welcome (back).

I think you may be thinking of (the sadly defunct) tlhs.org or maybe longhairlovers? :ponder:

August 30th, 2010, 01:03 PM
Ah yes, it was tlhs.org.