View Full Version : thinking of cutting it

August 20th, 2010, 10:00 AM
my hair is APL my split ends are pretty bad and i have been thinking about this for awhile now and i wanna do it but i dont know what to say to the hair dresser

my ends are up to my collar bone and i need bangs

August 20th, 2010, 10:52 AM
Hm. I wish I would've done this at APL! I'd say, go out and find a cute hair cut that is somewhere between chin and shoulder. Look through magazines and online, or often times hairdressers have books full of hair cuts you can look through.

If you want to grow your hair back out, then explain that, your hair needs to be cut back due to splits, so you're looking for a short hair cut that will grow out nicely. Also, avoid getting your hair layered with a razor, as it tends to lead to more splitting. If you do get layers, you may want to get long layers, as short layers can be annoying to grow out, since you have to cut so much.

August 20th, 2010, 03:08 PM
I have been thinking about this for awhile my hair is at APL and my ends are up to my collar bone but I don't know what to say to the hairdresser about my hair

August 21st, 2010, 08:45 AM
Is it best to get rid of all the split ends (I have alot) before you try saving it out? Right now I also am at APL, and my hair is badly layered, looks terrible..

Or can I grow it out anyway? Or will I have to cut alot more when it is pretty long? :confused:

August 22nd, 2010, 09:54 AM
Is it best to get rid of all the split ends (I have alot) before you try saving it out? Right now I also am at APL, and my hair is badly layered, looks terrible..

Or can I grow it out anyway? Or will I have to cut alot more when it is pretty long? :confused:

Usually it's said that it is better to trim the splits out early on so they don't travel up the hair shaft. Splits can also lead to breakage, so even though your hair may be growin an inch per month, you may only be getting a half inch longer because the ends are breaking off.

Even though I knew all that, I wanted the length more than health, so I grew my hair with splits. I thought I was going around at a steady 1/2 inch per month, but when I hennaed my hair, I was amazed to see that my roots were an inch long by the end of the month. I'd have gained twice as much length if I had trimmed earlier on. I just want to get to waist, then maintain from there. Well, between breakage, and my own crazy growth pattern, my hair grew into a deep V at midback, but was so scraggly, rough, and thin that I ended up cutting of 3 inches, setting me back quite a bit. If I had just taken care of my hair, I probably would've lost 2 or 3 inches off early on, then gained an additional half inch per month.

You can grow them out though. I've learned that S&D (search and destroy), along with oiling (EVOO soaks and Fox's Shea Butter Cream work for me) really helps my hair stay manageable.

HTH and welcome to LHC CurlAhead!