View Full Version : Knee and Beyond
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August 18th, 2010, 12:19 AM
Seeing the threads for BSL to waist, waist to tailbone, tailbone to classic, and classic to knee, I searched for a knee-length thread and discovered there wasn't one. So, I'm creating one! :cheese:
Welcome to the knee-length and beyond thread! :waving:
While I'm technically past knee-length, my hair tapers rapidly below my waist. Only about twenty strands made it past my knees. :o
I expect this thread will receive much less traffic than the other length threads. I recommend subscribing. :)
August 18th, 2010, 12:39 AM
Well, I have about a whole foot to go before my own hair reaches to my knees, but I will surely keep up with this thread to see who else is in this super-exclusive club.
Officially, my goal length is still my own personal terminal length. But now, my ends are starting to get rather pointy even though I trim and S&D my ends quite often, so I think I might eventually settle on knee length as my ultimate goal length if I end up getting very thin ends. I would rather have a thicker, healthier hemline than to have my ends taper to nothingness.
August 18th, 2010, 02:50 AM
I think I belong here, although growth has been quite uneven these times (puppies chewing on braid tassel, anyone ? :D ). But I might trim and get back to the other thread ... what to do, what to do ??
August 18th, 2010, 02:53 AM
I'm going to comment even though I don't have much length. I have APL hair but my hoal is to get to my terminal length. You folks inspire me every day. I thought you should know that!
August 18th, 2010, 06:27 PM
I'll be here in another month or two :D :D :D!
August 18th, 2010, 06:49 PM
Officially, my goal length is still my own personal terminal length. But now, my ends are starting to get rather pointy even though I trim and S&D my ends quite often, so I think I might eventually settle on knee length as my ultimate goal length if I end up getting very thin ends. I would rather have a thicker, healthier hemline than to have my ends taper to nothingness.Thick ends at knee-length would be doing very well. :agree:
I think I belong here, although growth has been quite uneven these times (puppies chewing on braid tassel, anyone ? :D ). But I might trim and get back to the other thread ... what to do, what to do ??Welcome slz! :)
I'm going to comment even though I don't have much length. I have APL hair but my hoal is to get to my terminal length. You folks inspire me every day. I thought you should know that!Thanks beez1717. There are truly inspiring knee-lengths on this board (I'm not one of them).
I'll be here in another month or two :D :D :D!Gossamer, you will be here in no time at all. :)
August 18th, 2010, 07:05 PM
I've technically reached knee-length, but only just. :D So I've sort of got one foot in the classic to knee thread, and one foot in this one!
Having duly subscribed, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread to see who comes in. :drama:
Thanks for starting it, EdG!
August 18th, 2010, 07:07 PM
Welcome Teazel! :)
Cinnamon Hair
August 18th, 2010, 07:34 PM
Checking in! :toast: Glad to have our own thead.
August 18th, 2010, 07:38 PM
Please post pictures everyone! Hehehe, I'm greedy, but I must see pictures in this thread! Ya'll are our inspirations!!! :D
August 18th, 2010, 07:44 PM
I'm nowhere near, but I'll be checking regularly to look at everyone's beautiful hair. :D
P.S. Is it possible for you lovely long hairs to post exactly how you take care of your hair and what(if anything) you feel contributed to being able to reach such amazing lengths? :flower:
August 18th, 2010, 07:47 PM
WOW!!!! I am not there yet, but I am soooo impressed and in awe!!!
Nevada Rose
August 18th, 2010, 07:53 PM
Dated August 18th, 2010..........,I am on my way here.
{doing the turtle walk}
Cinnamon Hair
August 18th, 2010, 08:02 PM
Please post pictures everyone!
Pictures here (
P.S. Is it possible for you lovely long hairs to post exactly how you take care of your hair and what(if anything) you feel contributed to being able to reach such amazing lengths? :flower:
Routine videos pt1 ( and pt2 ( Growth journey here. (
The two main ingredients are gentle hair care and lots of patience.
August 18th, 2010, 08:04 PM
Pictures here (
Routine videos pt1 ( and pt2 ( Growth journey here. (
The two main ingredients are gentle hair care and lots of patience.
Thank you so much Cinnamon Hair!!! :flower:
Your hair is just :thudpile:
August 18th, 2010, 08:24 PM
Been at knee length for about 2 years now, just maintaining to make things more healthy. Eventually I'd like to have a knee length braid though.
Thanks for making this thread, I'm actually kind of surprised it hasn't been done before *shrugs*
August 18th, 2010, 08:48 PM
Just past knee length myself, so calf really, nice to see a thread for it :)
Only recently have I actually thought about what I want to do with my hair, 9 years ago I stopped cutting and trimming and said id just "Let it grow, and see what happens!". Recently, I didn't think it would get past thigh, then it did, didn't think it would get past knee, but it did (though, only 4 inches of growth in the past year, so it seems like its slowing right down now), and now I'm thinking about what ill do if it continues on down my calf.
I think I like top/mid calf as a possible permanent length as its long enough to be "long" and make me happy, but short enough to still wear it out without it being a huge hassle (like I imagine ankle length would be). I don't know, I guess ill just wait and see if it grows any longer and decide when/if the time comes to make a decision!
August 18th, 2010, 08:51 PM
Oh, and Ed, only 25 of my hairs make it to my calf, thin wispy fairytale ends .. but I love them :)
August 18th, 2010, 09:29 PM
Great thread! Thanks Ed :)
My hair is at mid calf now and 61". Luckily I have pretty much hair at ends. It has thinned some past knee, but I am working on improving that.
August 18th, 2010, 09:38 PM
My hair is at knee now. Here's a picture I cropped from a recent meet photo:
ETA: And I think that gentle combing, wearing hair up and genetics all play a part in my hair getting to this length. Oh, and not cutting, of course!
August 18th, 2010, 09:38 PM
Thanks beez1717. There are truly inspiring knee-lengths on this board (I'm not one of them).
You ARE one, Ed. I have never looked at your avatar and siggie pics and not sucked in my breath with envy. :p
I'm not a longie so I won't have much to say here...I just wanted to say that much. Yes, you and all the kneelengthers here are a huge, huge inspiration to the rest of me.
August 18th, 2010, 09:41 PM
Welcome Cinnamon Hair, kmoc123, Nevada Rose, Eryka, Paniculata, Kome, virgo75,LadyLongLocks, julya,and GlennaGirl! :)
Please post pictures everyone! Hehehe, I'm greedy, but I must see pictures in this thread! Ya'll are our inspirations!!! :DThere may not be many photos in this thread. The longer one's hair becomes, the more one tries to avoid attention. ;)
P.S. Is it possible for you lovely long hairs to post exactly how you take care of your hair and what(if anything) you feel contributed to being able to reach such amazing lengths? :flower:We have conquered time. :agree:
And chose our parents carefully. :D
Thanks for making this thread, I'm actually kind of surprised it hasn't been done before *shrugs*I was surprised too. We may not have as much to talk about since fewer people here are still growing. :shrug:
Oh, and Ed, only 25 of my hairs make it to my calf, thin wispy fairytale ends .. but I love them :)Cool. Let's both see if we can double our thickness to 50 strands! :cheese:
Thank you, GlennaGirl! :flower:
August 18th, 2010, 10:55 PM
I think I qualify for this thread. :)
Here's wet hair (my hair is longest when wet or it seems so, :lol: ) from early July. :)
August 18th, 2010, 11:02 PM
Welcome HairColoredHair! :)
August 18th, 2010, 11:07 PM
Oh pretty! Just SL here, but I need to visit you all to remember no chopping allowed!
August 19th, 2010, 12:25 AM
Yay! I was hoping someone would start this thread (though the classic-to-knee one is fun too). Here I am checking in to add my name to the roster. consider me subscribed :D
Sorry I can't help much with methods - for most of my life my method was "brush, braid, ignore" and that only changed when I found LHC and realized all the other fun ways I could play with my hair. I'm now doing CWC and oil every other day (which has done wonders for my hair) and am taking hair vitamins, though I haven't yet really seen any effect from that. Now I'm hoping/waiting for a thicker hemline, which will probably take time since my hair thins drastically mid-thigh. It's funny, the one thing it takes to achieve knee-length - patience - I have now lost because I care about my hair more and want to see instant results, whereas before I just let it grow and was happily surprised at every inch gained.
anyway. someone asked for pictures, so:
I look forward to following this thread :)
August 19th, 2010, 08:59 AM
Welcome MandyBeth and LunnaFindel!
For people posting photos, I recommend linking photos from your LHC album so that they're visible only to LHC members.
August 19th, 2010, 10:10 AM
I'm not even near knee, but I'm really curious if there are members who have knee-length and longer with only a very small pony circumference? I can see there are some ii's among you, but are you on the lower side of ii or rather on the thicker side?
Just wondering if it's possible to get there with thinner hair...
August 19th, 2010, 10:23 AM
Yay! I was hoping someone would start this thread (though the classic-to-knee one is fun too). Here I am checking in to add my name to the roster. consider me subscribed :D:)
Lunnafinel, whether here or in the classic-to-knee thread, your hair is so lovely!
August 19th, 2010, 10:30 AM
That is an excellent question!:) I have i/ii hair and I too am wondering about terminal length.
I'm not even near knee, but I'm really curious if there are members who have knee-length and longer with only a very small pony circumference? I can see there are some ii's among you, but are you on the lower side of ii or rather on the thicker side?
Just wondering if it's possible to get there with thinner hair...
August 19th, 2010, 10:35 AM
This thread is so inspiring! I recently decided I wanted to make my long-term goal knee length and dh measured me yesterday to be 50" at knee. At my current average growth rate, barring termination or other factors beyond my control, that should be 3.5-4 years from now.
Thanks for starting this thread, EdG! I'll be checking in to remind myself not to give up. Hopefully, I'll get to officially join in just a very few years. :D
akka naeda
August 19th, 2010, 11:07 AM
Think I can join here temporarily:). My hair's about knee, with the ends curled from bunning it's level with the crease at the back of my knees, pulled slightly it's calf length, the next trim may shorten it back just above knee.
My routine is comb; plait; (sometimes bunned plait); oiling at night; wash once every 7-14 days with sulphate shampoo on the scalp, SMT mix on the length; trim every 3 months; forget about my hair the rest of the time:D
I'm hoping for a thicker and more even hemline, but this may not happen as my lifestyle dictates that my hair is plaited for safety, so I have damage to the ends where the band goes, which shows as thinning in the centre rather than at the edges.
August 19th, 2010, 12:43 PM
I'm not even near knee, but I'm really curious if there are members who have knee-length and longer with only a very small pony circumference? I can see there are some ii's among you, but are you on the lower side of ii or rather on the thicker side?
Just wondering if it's possible to get there with thinner hair...
Your hair thickness and the actual length that your hair can grow to don't really have to have anything to do with each other.
For example, someone with very thick, coarse hair might have a relatively short terminal length. I know a guy who has 3b very thick, dark brown Italian hair. We're talking super thick hair, he has around a 5 inch ponytail. His hair length always varies between around shoulder length to APL. I asked him if he ever grew his hair longer than that, and he said that he's actually been trying to grow out his hair for years but he could never get his hair past APL! And he takes care of his hair really well, he uses oils and moisturizing conditioners and he only trims when its necessary. His hair just seems to hit terminal past APL. To be fair, he's also 6'2 so perhaps because of his height, his hair doesn't seem to look very long on him when in fact it would be longer on a shorter person.
But nonetheless, someone with fine, thin hair can indeed also grow their hair to knee length or longer. It really comes down to genes really.
August 19th, 2010, 01:26 PM
The longer one's hair becomes, the more one tries to avoid attention. ;)
This hits on the biggest question I am dealing with do you handle the "reaction" factor as your hair gets longer?
I'm just nearing tailbone, so I guess I'm just beginning to deal with the mental part of "longer than *normal*" hair...I wear it up most of the time, and most people don't know how long it is but when I just braid or wear it down, I'm getting alot of reactions (and the first "You're going for the Pentecostal (religious) look." comment recently--which is not my reason for growing it this long. I just smiled and didn't say anything :p).
So, #1--THANK YOU to all of you for sharing pics with us. It is beautiful, and I really love to see it. I also love seeing the lovely updos that can be done with very long hair, and how healthy it can look. AMAZING!!
#2--How do you handle the "reaction" factor? (Not always negative, but just the *attention* it draws.)
August 19th, 2010, 01:35 PM
hey, I'm just wondering but is there a way to figure out what your terminal length might be, without looking at ancestry (I can't do that since i'm adopted). I'm just so curious heheh. Anyway, as I said before you are all a HUGE inspiration.
August 19th, 2010, 01:45 PM
Coming back in 6 months or so to annoy you all :wigtongue
I'm not even near knee, but I'm really curious if there are members who have knee-length and longer with only a very small pony circumference? I can see there are some ii's among you, but are you on the lower side of ii or rather on the thicker side?
Just wondering if it's possible to get there with thinner hair...
I know we have (had?) a member with just i-circumference at near ankle length…
Thick hair does give you the advantage that you can break more hairs and still make it to a certain length but it doesn’t seem to be a “you need hair this thick to grow this long” thing
August 19th, 2010, 01:47 PM
I made an article about it
Direct link (
But be aware this is emphasised as estimating your terminal length
hey, I'm just wondering but is there a way to figure out what your terminal length might be, without looking at ancestry (I can't do that since i'm adopted). I'm just so curious heheh. Anyway, as I said before you are all a HUGE inspiration.
August 19th, 2010, 04:32 PM
Wow such wonderful hair all of you :).
Although I am only aiming for waist length, I admire all of you for your beautiful hair!
Carrie Ingalls
August 19th, 2010, 05:12 PM
The two main ingredients are gentle hair care and lots of patience.
I would also add genetics to the list, but without those two your genes may not do much for you.
A sampling of pictures:
This was taken late summer 2009 and is one of my all time favorite pictures of my hair. :)
This was taken May 2010.
I have reached floor twice and trimmed back to ankle. I am currently planning to fluctuate between these two points, with trims approximately every 6-7 months.
SheaLynne, I like to think of basking in the reaction (whether intended positively or negatively). I do get tired of hearing, "Your hair is soo should donate it." I have noticed that the people who are most negative about long hair are probably jealous; not necessarily of the hair but the daring to be different and the strength of will to stick with a commitment. I like to say anyone can cut their hair, but not everyone can grow it crazy long. So, why not enjoy it? ;)
Thanks EdG for starting this thread.
August 19th, 2010, 06:53 PM
Carrie Ingalls,
You look like a mermaid in that first pic :-)
Nevada Rose
August 19th, 2010, 07:11 PM
Welcome Cinnamon Hair, kmoc123, Nevada Rose, Eryka, Paniculata, Kome, virgo75,LadyLongLocks, julya,and GlennaGirl! :)
Great thread here. Not my stomping grounds yet since I am classic length on my way to knee. :)
August 19th, 2010, 07:53 PM
Oh my! :thudpile:
August 19th, 2010, 08:27 PM
Thanks for starting this thread, EdG! I'll be checking in to remind myself not to give up. Hopefully, I'll get to officially join in just a very few years. :DWelcome cmnt831! :)
Think I can join here temporarily:). My hair's about knee, with the ends curled from bunning it's level with the crease at the back of my knees, pulled slightly it's calf length, the next trim may shorten it back just above knee. Welcome akka naeda!
#2--How do you handle the "reaction" factor? (Not always negative, but just the *attention* it draws.)The effect has been described as leaving thudpiles in one's wake. :rolleyes:
I always wear my hair loose, so it's even more of an attention-grabber. :o
Coming back in 6 months or so to annoy you all :wigtongueIgor, you belong here. :)
I would also add genetics to the list, but without those two your genes may not do much for you.Welcome Carrie Ingalls! :)
August 20th, 2010, 09:48 AM
Your hair thickness and the actual length that your hair can grow to don't really have to have anything to do with each other.
But nonetheless, someone with fine, thin hair can indeed also grow their hair to knee length or longer. It really comes down to genes really.
Agreed, to that point exactly. Thickness and possible length do not have to have something to do with each other, but they can. I wonder if it's possible that your hair would theoretically (genetically) grow to your ankles but will never reach them because it's too thin and fragile although you take good care of it.
I know we have (had?) a member with just i-circumference at near ankle length…
Thick hair does give you the advantage that you can break more hairs and still make it to a certain length but it doesn’t seem to be a “you need hair this thick to grow this long” thing
If anyone could point me in his/her direction, I'd be grateful :)
I just would really love to see that it's not only possible but I'm curious what it would look like. (Out of personal interest, I have a 2" circumference and my hair is thinning noticably from the waist down):
August 20th, 2010, 02:32 PM
If anyone could point me in his/her direction, I'd be grateful :)
I just would really love to see that it's not only possible but I'm curious what it would look like. (Out of personal interest, I have a 2" circumference and my hair is thinning noticably from the waist down):
I’m not sure it’s allowed to point you directly to other members like this but I used the search function for you and it seems like the member I was thinking about doesn’t frequent the new LHC board anymore
Duckish ( F/M/i at classic length
gin411 ( F/I at 43 inches
Lady Magenta ( F/I at 48,5 inches
Launna ( M/I at 49 inches
Luxepiggy ( M/i at tailbone length
Maria_asa ( F/i at 44,5 inches (And I can personally testify a gorgeous head of hair)
MommaJ ( F/i at 45 inches
Milemma ( F/i at 69 inches
Nini ( F/i at thigh length
Unnamed ( F/I at 52 inches
August 20th, 2010, 04:13 PM
So much inspiration in one place is almost more than I can stand! I'm just giddy at the thought that perhaps someday I could add my silver knee length tresses to the good company in this thread. Thank you all for allowing the rest of us to dream and enjoy and benefit from your example. :bowtome:
August 20th, 2010, 04:56 PM
So many beautiful heads of the hair here. *wow* :thudpile:
I hope in May 2011 can I connect here.:pray:
Greetings from Feng- Shui :flower:
I have again examines my length.
It is longer than I thought.:joy:
I can reach knee length in January or February 2011 already I think.:disco:
August 24th, 2010, 09:22 AM
I’m not sure it’s allowed to point you directly to other members like this but I used the search function for you and it seems like the member I was thinking about doesn’t frequent the new LHC board anymore
Thank you so much, Igor! :flower:
I didn't know you could use the search function like this, otherwise I'd have looked this up myself :o I know I've posted quite a bit but concerning the board features I'm still a bit of a newbie I guess. So thanks again for your help!
August 26th, 2010, 01:38 AM
Does anybody have any combing tips for me as my hair continues to outpace the length of my arms? I've been putting it up into a ponytail to comb out the length, but combing is still a pretty daunting task!
August 26th, 2010, 02:25 AM
Does anybody have any combing tips for me as my hair continues to outpace the length of my arms? I've been putting it up into a ponytail to comb out the length, but combing is still a pretty daunting task!
My hair is just a little bit too long for my arms, but I've started wrapping it around my neck to do the ends. When I brush/comb I divide my hair into two parts and pull one over each shoulder, and it's pretty easy to just put each half on the wrong side of my head so that they're easier to reach.
For the thread in general, I'm sneaking up on all of you knee-lengthers, and I should be joining up in a couple months if all goes well.
August 26th, 2010, 02:28 AM
*Peeks over the gold and pearl gate that encloses the epic garden of "knee-length and beyond" world.*
Someday I will be allowed in there. *sniffle*
August 26th, 2010, 07:47 AM
Does anybody have any combing tips for me as my hair continues to outpace the length of my arms? I've been putting it up into a ponytail to comb out the length, but combing is still a pretty daunting task!That's a milestone. :cheese:
I use both arms and form a triangle. I have a picture in my private album
*Peeks over the gold and pearl gate that encloses the epic garden of "knee-length and beyond" world.*
Someday I will be allowed in there. *sniffle*
You'll be here in not too much time. :agree:
August 26th, 2010, 08:37 AM
Does anybody have any combing tips for me as my hair continues to outpace the length of my arms? I've been putting it up into a ponytail to comb out the length, but combing is still a pretty daunting task!
I comb my hair sitting down with it pulled over one shoulder into my lap. It works well and it's easier to reach the ends. If I try to comb while standing I end up with tangles at the ends because they're harder to reach. :)
Cinnamon Hair
August 26th, 2010, 02:21 PM
Does anybody have any combing tips for me as my hair continues to outpace the length of my arms? I've been putting it up into a ponytail to comb out the length, but combing is still a pretty daunting task!
My answer to everything seems to be a video so why stop the trend now? :o Combing video. (
I lean to one side to let my hair fall in front of me then use one arm to hold it against my body while I comb the ends. Sometimes I can get away with just holding up the comb as I reach the last few inches and the ends fall out as they go through the comb.
August 26th, 2010, 02:30 PM
THUD........just THUD.
August 26th, 2010, 02:45 PM
Wow! I love your hair Cinnamon Hair! So glad to see y'all fellow long-hairs. :-)
August 26th, 2010, 03:03 PM
That's a milestone. :cheese:
I use both arms and form a triangle. I have a picture in my private album
I think that I have seen that photo of yours Ed, and that would certainly be a good arm workout for me! I will try holding the ponytail that way, but I think that my family members will laugh at me if they see me!
I comb my hair sitting down with it pulled over one shoulder into my lap. It works well and it's easier to reach the ends. If I try to comb while standing I end up with tangles at the ends because they're harder to reach. :)
I have been sitting to comb lately too. Well, for one of the combing stages anyhow. I stand first to comb the scalp hair straight back, in preparation for the ponytailing. I sit to comb the ends. Then I stand back up to get the top part of the ponytail detangled.
It works ok, but it doesn't seem like the best solution.
My answer to everything seems to be a video so why stop the trend now? :o Combing video. (
I lean to one side to let my hair fall in front of me then use one arm to hold it against my body while I comb the ends. Sometimes I can get away with just holding up the comb as I reach the last few inches and the ends fall out as they go through the comb.
I watched your video, and wow that was fast! Is that how long it takes you to comb? I spend at least 30 minutes, usually more. My hair doesn't have nearly so much slip as yours. If I did that move toward the end of the video, when you move your hair from over your shoulder to the back, I would add so many more tangles back into my hair!
Thanks for all the replies everybody!
August 26th, 2010, 03:14 PM
Hi, just a lowly collarbone length LHC-er here, just wanted to let y'all know that y'all have some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen! Maybe I can join this thread in about... 5 years :)
Cinnamon Hair
August 26th, 2010, 03:18 PM
I watched your video, and wow that was fast! Is that how long it takes you to comb? I spend at least 30 minutes, usually more. My hair doesn't have nearly so much slip as yours. If I did that move toward the end of the video, when you move your hair from over your shoulder to the back, I would add so many more tangles back into my hair!
Well I'm a big cheater :) because I do the majority of my detangling in the shower when it is soaked in conditioner and I have the stream of water to help. It is super easy then!
The video was made when I dry detangled after taking it down from a bun. If I had worn it down the tangles would have been worse. Still though, 10 minutes is probably the most time I ever spend detangling, and usually it's more like 5. My hair is straight and slippery, so that may make a difference, but I do get lots of matting/spider web type tangles especially in my nape area and throughout the length on the fine hairs that grow from that area.
August 26th, 2010, 03:32 PM
Oh good, it makes me feel better that it was an after bun combing session! I have had trouble combing while wet, even conditioner soaked, for a while now. Any special, long hair tips? Or do you just comb the same as your detangle video?
Cinnamon Hair
August 26th, 2010, 03:40 PM
Oh good, it makes me feel better that it was an after bun combing session! I have had trouble combing while wet, even conditioner soaked, for a while now. Any special, long hair tips? Or do you just comb the same as your detangle video?
Yes, I do the same thing in the shower. Lean to one side and let it fall in front so I can see what I'm doing. My shower detangling usually goes fast. If I do get a bad knot that won't come out I'll add more conditioner to that spot and if it's still a no go then I put it in my towel and try again while it is drying.
For me the conditioner I use makes a big difference. If it's a wimpy light conditioner then I'm in trouble. That is why I like really thick stuff like Biolage Conditining Balm (no cones) and L'Oreal Mega Moisture (super coney).
August 26th, 2010, 03:43 PM
I'm not here yet, (only waist when wet) but give me a 2 years (I'm guessing) and I'll be here!
August 26th, 2010, 04:10 PM
I have a question for all you nice knee and beyond-people: How much do you estimate you shed per day?
I seem to shed around 10 on WO days and maybe 50 on wash days :hmm:
August 26th, 2010, 05:29 PM
Thanks Cinnamon Hair! You know, I always use thin and wimpy conditioners! I will have to pick up one of those thick tub style ones. Or else just wash my hair over at my sister's house and use one of her thick, coney conditioners.
And Igor, I think I probably shed about 50 hairs a day, but I don't count them. The wad of hairs after I am done is bigger than a marble, but smaller than a golf ball.
August 26th, 2010, 05:56 PM
I shed between 50 a day on a good shed day to 100 a day on a bad shed day. The majority of my sheds are short (one foot), but every few days I will shed a 3-4 foot strand.
My theory is the total length shedded per day remains constant at around 100 feet regardless of one's terminal length. I would expect the knee-length members to shed fewer but longer strands.
August 26th, 2010, 06:07 PM
I think it's somewhere about 50 strands... but I shed much less on non-wash days.... (mostly because I tend to have it up and/or braided on non-wash days, :lol: )
'course there's days I think I'm shedding entire kittens....
@julya the conditioner can make a big difference in how well your hair detangles... If I'm having a bad time of it some Tresemme silicone-free or Say Yes to Tomatoes tends to loosen it up. That or I really need to clarify...
August 26th, 2010, 08:59 PM
Wow! I love your hair Cinnamon Hair! So glad to see y'all fellow long-hairs. :-)
Love the braids......
Happy Hair Growing!
August 27th, 2010, 01:15 PM
I used Sunsilk Daring Volume last night, because it was there and a thick style conditioner, and wow the detangling was quick this morning! It only took me about 15 minutes to get it done! I still had a hard time combing in the shower, but I did try. I am thinking that I might have to invest in some of these fancy conditioners, and neglect my beloved Suave.
Thanks again for the suggestions!
August 28th, 2010, 01:43 AM
Re: brushing hair - I think the "hold the hairbrush in the air and let the hair fall as you stroke" advice is good, I do that. I also brush it on my lap and follow the brush with my other hand, sort of pulling the hair up my legs so I have a base to brush it against. But yeah, detangling shouldn't take very long - I think I spend 1-3 minutes on it unless something went terribly wrong.
Re: hair shedding - sometimes I wonder if I shed too much, because it always seems like more than the allotted 100 strands/day, but maybe it's just the length. I've never actually counted though....
August 28th, 2010, 06:27 AM
I lean to one side to let my hair fall in front of me then use one arm to hold it against my body while I comb the ends.
Pretty much this. And to reach the ends, I will hold my hair up higher against my body with my left arm and bend over to reach down (if that makes sense). Also, when the tangling is bad or if I want it really thoroughly combed (yes, sometimes I settle for just "almost combed" :o ), I part it in two and do each half over "its" shoulder.
but then, when I reunite the two, there comes more tangles in the nape, and I have to do it again ... am I the only one whose hair tangle just because I look at it wrongly, it seems ? Sigh.
I have a question for all you nice knee and beyond-people: How much do you estimate you shed per day?
I don't know. I'm afraid to know. I hate to see my shed hairs, when I gather what's fallen at my feet after a combing session, I'm pretty much devastated and I try to do it fast and not look at it too much so that I don't give it too much reality. When I feel one hair pulled out you can hear my teeth gritting. I think I'm a little too obsessive on this issue, I'll admit :o .
August 28th, 2010, 01:24 PM
Yes, slz my hair is like that! It tangles if I blink too hard! And moving it from in front of the shoulder to behind the shoulder will add tangles too. You are not alone!
OR Cowgirl
August 28th, 2010, 05:53 PM
I never thought I'd make it to knee length but here I am! On to ankle length!! :cheese:
August 28th, 2010, 07:51 PM
Congratulations, OR Cowgirl! :rockerdud
OR Cowgirl
August 29th, 2010, 11:01 AM
Thank you, Teazel! The ends are thinner than I'd like (had a major stress-related shed a few years ago) but I'm just tickled that I haven't hit terminal yet! The rest will catch up eventually!
August 29th, 2010, 11:14 AM
Congratulations OR Cowgirl. :flower:
August 29th, 2010, 11:18 AM
Yes, slz my hair is like that! It tangles if I blink too hard! And moving it from in front of the shoulder to behind the shoulder will add tangles too. You are not alone!I can untangle my hair, wait an hour, and it's tangled again. My hair spontaneously tangles. :(
Congratulations, OR Cowgirl!
August 29th, 2010, 01:24 PM
Knee length is where I've been maintaining my hair for years. It grows a few inches on my calves, then I trim it back. :O)
August 29th, 2010, 04:58 PM
Yes, slz my hair is like that! It tangles if I blink too hard! And moving it from in front of the shoulder to behind the shoulder will add tangles too. You are not alone!
I can untangle my hair, wait an hour, and it's tangled again. My hair spontaneously tangles. :(
Misery loves company, they say - here's to us :beerchug:
Oh and I nevertheless let my hair down on the jetty in Biarritz tonight - feel free to virtualy smack me on the back of the head :rolleyes: .
August 31st, 2010, 02:33 AM
Oh yeah, leaf falls in Texas and my hair tangles. I actually had the bright idea to curl my hair this weekend and then sleep with everything in, then wear it loose outside. Needless to say, it took my boyfriend and I 3 hours combined to undo my mess. Oy vey.
August 31st, 2010, 09:05 AM
I'm not here yet but know that Igor belongs here even though her hair isn't quite there yet...
If it wasn't for CinnamonHair, I would probably have taken several inches off this last week. Thank you Cinnamonhair and your hair is gorgeous. Love your video's and still a big fan.
I will be here at some point, closing in on tailbone then onward. I will be keeping an eye on this thread because I love the pointers and tips given by the people I look up to for growing advice. I also love seeing the pictures for encouragement.
September 1st, 2010, 05:30 AM
I am going to subscribe, because maybe, just maybe one day :)) Currently nearing classic and planning to stop there for a while to even up the ends.. but there is a temptation to go to knee....
September 1st, 2010, 12:14 PM
I am going to subscribe, because maybe, just maybe one day :)) Currently nearing classic and planning to stop there for a while to even up the ends.. but there is a temptation to go to knee....
You know you wannnnnna.... :D:D:D
September 1st, 2010, 08:01 PM
I'm going to keep an eye on this thread as well. The longest I've ever grown out my hair is probably around hip. My hair is an inch or two past waist now, but I want to grow to terminal this time. Hopefully that will be somewhere at least around knee! I think Asian genes might be in my favor, haha. I suppose one of the factors will be how well I take care of my hair.
September 1st, 2010, 08:17 PM
I'm a bit past knee - I think I hit knee length about 3 years ago. I remember when I was a kid and read the Little House books, they would talk about Laura brushing her knee-length hair, and I just couldn't imagine having hair that long (mine was usually around waist/TB). And now I do :). I still marvel at it sometimes =).
September 1st, 2010, 11:14 PM
I'm not here yet but know that Igor belongs here even though her hair isn't quite there yet...
Thank you :oops: :flowers: (Feeling special, heh)
September 1st, 2010, 11:21 PM
Sigh, trimmed off an inch today, thus delaying my movement to this thread, but ensuring I'll have a better hemline when I do. Someday!
September 2nd, 2010, 12:11 AM
I keep coming back here to admire everyone's beautiful hair. <3
I keep changing my goal length. First I think, hey, I'd like to have tailbone length hair, then I think, but thigh length would be amazing.. then I think, oooh! look at how nice knee length looks!. I can't make up my mind, lol.
September 2nd, 2010, 09:24 AM
ArienEllariel: Do it!! Knee length is where it's AT! All the cool kids are doing it. :P:cheer:
September 2nd, 2010, 10:26 AM
I keep coming back here to admire everyone's beautiful hair. <3
I keep changing my goal length. First I think, hey, I'd like to have tailbone length hair, then I think, but thigh length would be amazing.. then I think, oooh! look at how nice knee length looks!. I can't make up my mind, lol.
I planned to go to waist, then to TBL and then after looking at LHC members' photos I decided to grow to knee. Just take a look at pictures of knee length hair, set one as your desktop background for a day or two and your mind will make up itself for you:D:D:D
Cinnamon Hair
September 2nd, 2010, 03:17 PM
I planned to go to waist, then to TBL and then after looking at LHC members' photos I decided to grow to knee. Just take a look at pictures of knee length hair, set one as your desktop background for a day or two and your mind will make up itself for you:D:D:D
Yep, it's a slippery slope. That is for sure!
September 2nd, 2010, 06:03 PM
Yep, it's a slippery slope. That is for sure!
Is it perhaps made slippery via hair oil right? :joy:
Tonight in my quest for hair like the people on this thread I'm gout out and buying some vinegar with my groceries :) I am super excited. You all inspire me as I have said before.
Cinnamon Hair
September 2nd, 2010, 06:06 PM
Is it perhaps made slippery via hair oil right? :joy:
Indeed :p although I would worry more about the slipperiness of L'Oreal Mega Moisture which is known for turning the shower floor into an ice skating rink.
September 2nd, 2010, 06:08 PM
Yep, it's a slippery slope. That is for sure!And there is no turning back once one has invested 8-10 years in hair. :cheese:
Carrie Ingalls
September 2nd, 2010, 09:36 PM
Does anybody have any combing tips for me as my hair continues to outpace the length of my arms? I've been putting it up into a ponytail to comb out the length, but combing is still a pretty daunting task!
I will have more to say on this once I can up load some more pictures. I never really thought too much about how I comb, I just kinda adapted as it got longer. For a while I would finger part down the middle and then comb the halves separately and then out them back together. But, more recently (about a year ago) I decided I was tired of the center part, and I started to comb it as one entity.
My four step method for combing longer hair:
1. I start at the scalp and comb (with my elbow up in the air) to just past my shoulders.
2. I tip my head back and comb from just below my shoulders down to waist (max of just past classic).
3. At this point I bring my hair to the side/front under my arm, not over my the shoulder.
4. I hold my hair (ponytail style) above where I am actually combing, lifting the ends to a more accessible location. I do find that I usually bend over somewhat during this step.
Bringing it to the front:
Combing those hard to reach ends:
That is the general method I use when combing my hair. However it must be noted that I adapt this order somewhat depending of the nature of the tangles on a given day.
Oh, and here is a picture of my little sister Grace Ingalls, she belongs in this thread, doesn't have an account here right now.
Thanks to Angela Rose for these pictures from a recent meet.
September 2nd, 2010, 10:06 PM
Does anybody have any combing tips for me as my hair continues to outpace the length of my arms? I've been putting it up into a ponytail to comb out the length, but combing is still a pretty daunting task!
That was the hardest transition for me to make. I finally tried looping it around my neck to reach the ends - lo and behold, it worked ;) (I do this to oil the ends, too). So now my detangling routine is to put it all over one shoulder, loop it around my neck, oils the ends, and then detangle them ("ends" being about the last foot or so - whatever I can easily reach without pulling the loop too tight around my neck :doh:). When they are done, I unwrap the hair, put it all over one shoulder, and detangle from the bottom up. With little tangles I can just lift my hair with one hand and use the other to run the comb all the way through. With big tangles I comb down as far as I can go easily, then wrap it around my neck again to get the rest of it (if I'm getting too many tangles that won't comb through, I will re-oil my ends - that usually helps). After I get it all detangled, I will usually put it over the other shoulder and repeat, but that doesn't take nearly as long.
September 2nd, 2010, 10:11 PM
Bringing it to the front:
Combing those hard to reach ends:
Oh, and here is a picture of my little sister Grace Ingalls, she belongs in this thread, doesn't have an account here right now.
Thanks to Angela Rose for these pictures from a recent meet.
Wow! :thud:
Beautiful hair, both of you! :applause
September 2nd, 2010, 10:31 PM
ArienEllariel: Do it!! Knee length is where it's AT! All the cool kids are doing it. :P:cheer:
Lol, I'm telling you, it's very tempting. :) All the beautiful princess hair I see in pictures is anywhere from classic to knee length and I've always wanted princess hair. I love yours by the way! :D
I planned to go to waist, then to TBL and then after looking at LHC members' photos I decided to grow to knee. Just take a look at pictures of knee length hair, set one as your desktop background for a day or two and your mind will make up itself for you:D:D:D
You know, I just might. ;)
September 2nd, 2010, 10:54 PM
So close, and yet so far!
This is from a little more than a month ago, so I should be getting pretty darn close by now! It was at knee this spring, but I took off 3-4 inches to even up the hem. I'll join this thread soon enough-- just you wait, my pretties! *evil cackle*
September 3rd, 2010, 12:31 AM
just creeping this thread, coveting all the pretty hair. I don't think mine's gonna get there, it seems stuck where it's at, so I'll just eyeball ya'll from the other side of the fence. :(
September 3rd, 2010, 02:10 AM
I will have more to say on this once I can up load some more pictures. I never really thought too much about how I comb, I just kinda adapted as it got longer. For a while I would finger part down the middle and then comb the halves separately and then out them back together. But, more recently (about a year ago) I decided I was tired of the center part, and I started to comb it as one entity.
My four step method for combing longer hair:
1. I start at the scalp and comb (with my elbow up in the air) to just past my shoulders.
2. I tip my head back and comb from just below my shoulders down to waist (max of just past classic).
3. At this point I bring my hair to the side/front under my arm, not over my the shoulder.
4. I hold my hair (ponytail style) above where I am actually combing, lifting the ends to a more accessible location. I do find that I usually bend over somewhat during this step.
Bringing it to the front:
Combing those hard to reach ends:
That is the general method I use when combing my hair. However it must be noted that I adapt this order somewhat depending of the nature of the tangles on a given day.
Oh, and here is a picture of my little sister Grace Ingalls, she belongs in this thread, doesn't have an account here right now.
Thanks to Angela Rose for these pictures from a recent meet.
There ought to be a special award for having two members of the same family in this thread!
September 3rd, 2010, 05:53 AM
So close, and yet so far!
This is from a little more than a month ago, so I should be getting pretty darn close by now! It was at knee this spring, but I took off 3-4 inches to even up the hem. I'll join this thread soon enough-- just you wait, my pretties! *evil cackle*
4-5 weeks and you will be there, if this picture was taken a month ago! :)
September 3rd, 2010, 08:03 AM
I will have more to say on this once I can up load some more pictures. I never really thought too much about how I comb, I just kinda adapted as it got longer. For a while I would finger part down the middle and then comb the halves separately and then out them back together. But, more recently (about a year ago) I decided I was tired of the center part, and I started to comb it as one entity.
My four step method for combing longer hair:
1. I start at the scalp and comb (with my elbow up in the air) to just past my shoulders.
2. I tip my head back and comb from just below my shoulders down to waist (max of just past classic).
3. At this point I bring my hair to the side/front under my arm, not over my the shoulder.
4. I hold my hair (ponytail style) above where I am actually combing, lifting the ends to a more accessible location. I do find that I usually bend over somewhat during this step.
Bringing it to the front:
Combing those hard to reach ends:
That is the general method I use when combing my hair. However it must be noted that I adapt this order somewhat depending of the nature of the tangles on a given day.
Oh, and here is a picture of my little sister Grace Ingalls, she belongs in this thread, doesn't have an account here right now.
Thanks to Angela Rose for these pictures from a recent meet.
*wow*You and your sister have very beautiful hair.:thudpile:
The hair from your more sister is so beautifully wavy. :bigeyes:
I think it am very similar from Empress Elisabeth of Austria.
It reminds me of hair from Elisabeth on this painting.:flower:
Quelle: ,_1864.jpg&filetimestamp=20070327122418
September 3rd, 2010, 05:43 PM
Wow! :thudpile: What an inspirational thread! What gorgeous hair! One day........:)
September 4th, 2010, 06:38 AM
I've been knee length for a year or so now. I really need to get another picture as I've been maintaining and my ends are thickening!
Right now, I don't see myself going past knee length. I find when my hair crosses the middle of my knees, it suddenly becomes very, very challenging to reach the ends for proper combing, or for part to braid. So every few months I have new growth trimmed off which leaves me about 1" above knee length.
September 14th, 2010, 06:18 PM
Mine is around 3 inches below my knee!
September 14th, 2010, 11:10 PM
I'm pretty sure I'm part of this group or at least an inch or less away.
Here's the latest pic of me. My hair is in a braid, so it is shorter, but I think you can tell it's down there:
BTW, I don't usually have my hair tied up like that, but it was a special occasion and it was my first time doing it.
As far as combing goes, I usually part my hair in to and bring them to the front. Then I pick up my ends as needed to comb it through. If I angle myself the right way, I can also usually get the whole length too.
Nevada Rose
September 15th, 2010, 01:09 AM
I'm pretty sure I'm part of this group or at least an inch or less away.
Here's the latest pic of me. My hair is in a braid, so it is shorter, but I think you can tell it's down there:
BTW, I don't usually have my hair tied up like that, but it was a special occasion and it was my first time doing it.
As far as combing goes, I usually part my hair in to and bring them to the front. Then I pick up my ends as needed to comb it through. If I angle myself the right way, I can also usually get the whole length too.
Your hair looks like it would be at knee length to me.:thudpile:
I will have more to say on this once I can up load some more pictures. I never really thought too much about how I comb, I just kinda adapted as it got longer. For a while I would finger part down the middle and then comb the halves separately and then out them back together. But, more recently (about a year ago) I decided I was tired of the center part, and I started to comb it as one entity.
My four step method for combing longer hair:
1. I start at the scalp and comb (with my elbow up in the air) to just past my shoulders.
2. I tip my head back and comb from just below my shoulders down to waist (max of just past classic).
3. At this point I bring my hair to the side/front under my arm, not over my the shoulder.
4. I hold my hair (ponytail style) above where I am actually combing, lifting the ends to a more accessible location. I do find that I usually bend over somewhat during this step.
Bringing it to the front:
Combing those hard to reach ends:
That is the general method I use when combing my hair. However it must be noted that I adapt this order somewhat depending of the nature of the tangles on a given day.
Oh, and here is a picture of my little sister Grace Ingalls, she belongs in this thread, doesn't have an account here right now.
Thanks to Angela Rose for these pictures from a recent meet.
Here I go again! :thudpile:Beautiful, just simply beautiful.
October 19th, 2010, 10:07 AM
The other day, a woman came up to me and said the usual, "wow! you have really long hair!" (for which i thanked her, as always) but then she said, "I do do you braid it?" I told her I pulled it over my shoulder...isn't that the only way to do it? But no, what she does is, as soon as she reaches the nape of her neck, she flips it over her head and braids down in front of her...between the eyes, as it were. She says it makes the braid straighter, without that annoying kink that can happen from pulling it over the shoulder.
Does anyone else do this? what do you think of it?
I tried it and it works quite well... I'm considering being a crossed-eye hair braider for life!
October 19th, 2010, 10:10 AM
The other day, a woman came up to me and said the usual, "wow! you have really long hair!" (for which i thanked her, as always) but then she said, "I do do you braid it?" I told her I pulled it over my shoulder...isn't that the only way to do it? But no, what she does is, as soon as she reaches the nape of her neck, she flips it over her head and braids down in front of her...between the eyes, as it were. She says it makes the braid straighter, without that annoying kink that can happen from pulling it over the shoulder.
Does anyone else do this? what do you think of it?
I tried it and it works quite well... I'm considering being a crossed-eye hair braider for life!
Interesting idea. I get my braids kink or twist free even when I pull it in front of my shoulder to keep braiding, I just make sure not to twist the braid when I do the switch :shrug:
October 19th, 2010, 10:45 AM
The other day, a woman came up to me and said the usual, "wow! you have really long hair!" (for which i thanked her, as always) but then she said, "I do do you braid it?" I told her I pulled it over my shoulder...isn't that the only way to do it? But no, what she does is, as soon as she reaches the nape of her neck, she flips it over her head and braids down in front of her...between the eyes, as it were. She says it makes the braid straighter, without that annoying kink that can happen from pulling it over the shoulder.
Does anyone else do this? what do you think of it?
I tried it and it works quite well... I'm considering being a crossed-eye hair braider for life!
I'm only at classic now (I was checking out this thread for a little hair inspiration :D) but this is honestly the easiest way for me to get a nice, straight braid.
I start it snug, go a little past the nape, flip it over and keep braiding. The only tricky part for me, is to be sure and not braid so close to the top of the head as to snag any hairs off the top - can be a messy result.
I'm one of those people who can never get the braid straight if I pull it over my shoulder, so if anyone else is like me, this might be worth a try. :thumbsup:
October 19th, 2010, 01:58 PM
I don't belong in this thread yet either. I'm visiting from classic to knee land. :) Grow, grow. :p
I braid over my shoulder, but I have to pay attention when I switch not to get the kink. I may try the straight-over method. I think I might get confused and start dutch braiding. :confused:
P.S. Nienna I love your avatar. :heart:
October 19th, 2010, 05:42 PM
The other day, a woman came up to me and said the usual, "wow! you have really long hair!" (for which i thanked her, as always) but then she said, "I do do you braid it?" I told her I pulled it over my shoulder...isn't that the only way to do it? But no, what she does is, as soon as she reaches the nape of her neck, she flips it over her head and braids down in front of her...between the eyes, as it were. She says it makes the braid straighter, without that annoying kink that can happen from pulling it over the shoulder.
Does anyone else do this? what do you think of it?
I tried it and it works quite well... I'm considering being a crossed-eye hair braider for life!
This does make the braid straighter, but when I used to do it I noticed that I had those one or two hairs that pulled more often braiding this way than over the shoulder.
Maybe it would be different now (I was still learning to braid back then), but I rather doubt it. :lol: (And I was still remarkably adept at turning it about anyway, but that was probably also due to the whole 'learning' bit.)
December 25th, 2010, 09:48 AM
Here's wishing all my past-knee buddies a Merry Christmas. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, you may continue to be awesome in your own right. :D
December 25th, 2010, 09:58 AM
Here's wishing all my past-knee buddies a Merry Christmas. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, you may continue to be awesome in your own right. :D
Merry Christmas! :xmas:
Next one I will hopefully celebrate in this group! :wigtongue
December 25th, 2010, 10:44 AM
Merry Christmas! :xmas:
Next one I will hopefully celebrate in this group! :wigtongue
I'm sure you will! :D
December 25th, 2010, 11:09 AM
Happy holidays, everyone! :)
December 25th, 2010, 01:05 PM
Merry Christmas! :xmas:
Next one I will hopefully celebrate in this group! :wigtongue
For sure! :)
December 25th, 2010, 09:42 PM
Merry Christmas! (to those who celebrate it)
Did anyone else get their hair stuck in wrapping paper tape? or was it just me? :silly:
December 25th, 2010, 10:41 PM
Merry Christmas! (to those who celebrate it)
Did anyone else get their hair stuck in wrapping paper tape? or was it just me? :silly:
I went to bags years ago for this reason. Now the tree attacks me instead. :lol:
Carrie Ingalls
December 26th, 2010, 11:43 PM
Hey there knee-length and beyond pals!
Just thought I would drop in to say that on December 22nd I trimmed 4.5" bringing me back to ankle again (pictures in album). I have also been doing a lot of S&D while I am off on break and I think my hair is softer and smoother than I can ever remember it being! That and the new blunt ends make for more escapees from updos...but I am happy with it.
December 27th, 2010, 09:25 AM
I'm late visiting this thread since I don't visit LHC too often anymore, but I think you could say I fit right in. When braided, my hair is just past my knees. When it's loose, it's just above the floor. I actually haven't measured it in a long, long time, but I'll see if I can get DH to take a picture one of these days.
December 27th, 2010, 09:38 AM
Dancingbarefoot!!! :cheese:
You have been missed!!!! :grouphug:
December 27th, 2010, 09:48 AM
Thanks, Igor! It's good to "see" some familiar faces. :)
December 28th, 2010, 12:10 AM
Hello, fellow "knee-length's and beyond"! :) Lunnafindel suggested I check out this thread...I've enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures. I had no idea before I joined LHC that there were so many other folks like me in the world, i.e., super-long hair. :p Actually, that was how I discovered this site in the first place, I googled "hairstyles for super long hair" and LHC was at the top of the list. I have really enjoyed learning new ideas, and have posted pictures in a few other threads. I'll try to get a few posted here soon. ;)
For now, here is one that was taken this past summer. My braid is several inches past the back of my knees, and when I wear my hair down it is about 3-4 inches off the ground. I like to keep my hair trimmed evenly across the bottom so it looks thicker.
December 28th, 2010, 12:15 AM
wow, I am speechless, this topic is amazing.
all of your hair looks so good!
this is an heck of an inspiration topic to me!
December 28th, 2010, 02:26 AM
I don't belong here but I just have to sneak in and say: Wow
December 28th, 2010, 04:38 AM
Welcome back dancingbarefoot! :)
arc691, your hair is amazing. :thud:
January 20th, 2011, 11:02 PM
I... I... I think I might finally belong here. I'm timid about this because any hint of braid waves and I'm back above knee, but the hair in the photo below is dry and just barely below the crease at the back of my knees. Phew.
Now I need to decide if I maintain at this length for a few months or let it keep going.
January 20th, 2011, 11:46 PM
I... I... I think I might finally belong here. I'm timid about this because any hint of braid waves and I'm back above knee, but the hair in the photo below is dry and just barely below the crease at the back of my knees. Phew.
Now I need to decide if I maintain at this length for a few months or let it keep going.
Yes, you definitely belong! Your hair is gorgeous!
January 21st, 2011, 05:37 AM
I've been here for a while and haven't added an updated pic in so long its shameful. So here ya go. . .
*Rose Red*
January 22nd, 2011, 04:43 AM
all your hair looks amazing! There´s a lot for me to do to get such hair!
January 22nd, 2011, 07:42 AM
Oh! I didn't see this thread before!
Hello everyone, I'm eresh and I'm a hair-addict lol
I was on my way to ankle (midcalf) but cut back to knee on my weddingday for fresh ends.
Maintaining there since, like Stagecoach I'm trying to get the ends to thicken up.
After that I'll see if I want to go longer again (probably will)
Pictures are in my album
Paranda Belle
January 27th, 2011, 05:50 AM
Hi, My hair is knee when wet (sadly when dry it shrinks a few inches) so I shall lurk around here until I get to that magical stage of knee when dry.
January 27th, 2011, 05:00 PM
I would also add genetics to the list, but without those two your genes may not do much for you.
A sampling of pictures:
This was taken late summer 2009 and is one of my all time favorite pictures of my hair. :)
This was taken May 2010.
I have reached floor twice and trimmed back to ankle. I am currently planning to fluctuate between these two points, with trims approximately every 6-7 months.
SheaLynne, I like to think of basking in the reaction (whether intended positively or negatively). I do get tired of hearing, "Your hair is soo should donate it." I have noticed that the people who are most negative about long hair are probably jealous; not necessarily of the hair but the daring to be different and the strength of will to stick with a commitment. I like to say anyone can cut their hair, but not everyone can grow it crazy long. So, why not enjoy it? ;)
Thanks EdG for starting this thread.Ok, that's it. It's official. I'm in love! :crush:
January 27th, 2011, 09:07 PM
I wanna have hair to there..... I'm at tb plus (not quite classic, but past tb). I have just trimmed a bit to get rid of some unruly stragglers. Hoping for knee length sometime.... before I'm too old and go bald!! Luv your hair (and everyone else also). :)
Carrie Ingalls
April 16th, 2011, 06:55 PM
So I am in the middle of trying to figure out how in the world I am going to wear my hair for commencement/graduation. I did not participate in the high school graduation ceremony so I have never worn a graduation cap. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. I am considering starting a separate thread, but I thought that I would start here first since you all have more of an idea of what I am dealing with and it would be a logical place for others with this length to find the ideas shared.
Cinnamon Hair
April 16th, 2011, 07:23 PM
Carrie, for college graduation I went with low ponytail, braided the length, then folded it until the pony reached about bra-strap level.
April 17th, 2011, 01:11 AM
I think I wore mine in a half up, but back then it was only classic length. No idea what I'll do for my next grad in 3 (*crosses fingers) years. Let us know what you figure out!
April 20th, 2011, 11:50 AM
Oooh, Carrie, we'll be graduating together! :graduate:
I hadn't started thinking about a hairstyle for graduation yet, but I should...I'll be watching this thread now for any ideas.
Maybe three braids woven together? That would shorten it and keep it tightly tied up... hmmm...
Carrie Ingalls
April 23rd, 2011, 09:26 PM
Oh, and I forgot to add that I also have to get in the car immediately after graduation and drive 6 hours straight.
I've been thinking that I might wear two french braids and hide the ends under the base of the other braid (so they loop up and crisscross). But I would rather wear my hair in an unbraided updo for driving. Also, I would have to find someone that could french braid it for me...
Lunnafindel, congrats on graduating! :)
I wouldn't mind showing off my hair a little since I always wear it up at school, it would be kind cool to "surprise" people with it. If we didn't have to wear the hat I would totally wear I simple high bun with a tail (like the one in my album that I wore to see Tangled).
April 23rd, 2011, 09:41 PM
I'm with you!
April 23rd, 2011, 11:16 PM
I might change my goal length to floor. I have no idea whether my hair can even get that long but we'll see. :)
April 24th, 2011, 06:23 PM
It will take me forever to be allowed in here :wail:
April 30th, 2011, 09:26 PM
It will take me forever to be allowed in here :wail:
Just a couple more years don't you worry! I'm on the waiting list too :p
April 30th, 2011, 10:01 PM
Just a couple more years don't you worry! I'm on the waiting list too :pLHC offers a solution to that: just keep browsing the board and you'll be at knee-length before you know it. ;)
May 1st, 2011, 06:04 PM
I guess I could say I'm ready for this thread. I started "maintaining" at knee around December, but it was only just the few longest hairs that actually reached. After less than a handful of wet dustings I feel like I'm truly at knee. Tonight I was walking around with my air-dried hair in a low ponytail and could feel the ends tickling the back of my knees/top of my calves. My ends have thickened (though not as much as I'd like) so I know I should keep at it... but I wanna growwww!
May 1st, 2011, 10:39 PM
Congratulations, pinkbunny!
Hairs brushing the calves is the sign that one has arrived... it's a feeling that one can get used to. :)
May 1st, 2011, 10:53 PM
Congratulations, pinkbunny!
Hairs brushing the calves is the sign that one has arrived... it's a feeling that one can get used to. :)
Let me echo EdG's congrats to you pinkbunny!
And yes, it's totally a feeling I've gotten used to in the past couple months. I know I need a trim, but it's kind of a difficult decision to make right now...
May 5th, 2011, 04:27 PM
LHC offers a solution to that: just keep browsing the board and you'll be at knee-length before you know it. ;)
Looks like I'm right on track then :D
May 5th, 2011, 05:31 PM
Congratulations, pinkbunny!
Hairs brushing the calves is the sign that one has arrived... it's a feeling that one can get used to. :)
Let me echo EdG's congrats to you pinkbunny!
And yes, it's totally a feeling I've gotten used to in the past couple months. I know I need a trim, but it's kind of a difficult decision to make right now...
It's like the first time I felt my hair brush my lower back - but 10 times better! :D ;)
May 5th, 2011, 06:09 PM
LHC offers a solution to that: just keep browsing the board and you'll be at knee-length before you know it. ;)
:rollin: Ed, you outed the LHC secret! Gasp!
May 5th, 2011, 06:30 PM
aaaaaaaaa- *subscribes to thread* y'all have like the bestest hair ever, my goal is knee-length but I have 6 more years to go :mad:
*raises hands in dramatic pose* Curses, why didn't I start growing my hair sooner?! :(
May 12th, 2011, 08:08 PM
Well, DH vetoed my request to maintain at knee & just gave me a dusting.... To the calves, then! ;)
May 12th, 2011, 08:51 PM
Argh! So jealous of y'all!
I have collarbone-lengthed hair. I measured how long it would take me to reach knee length...7 years!
My reaction: Nooooooooo, I'll be OLD!
May 12th, 2011, 08:59 PM
I have collarbone-lengthed hair. I measured how long it would take me to reach knee length...7 years!
My reaction: Nooooooooo, I'll be OLD!
Think of it this way: you'll be 7 years older in 7 years anyway.
May 13th, 2011, 01:37 PM
Well, DH vetoed my request to maintain at knee & just gave me a dusting.... To the calves, then! ;)
Popping my head in for continued smiled at the DH veto. I am currently at waist, I asked my SO what he would like to see with my hair....hip? knee? what?
His answer was, "the last time you cut it was IT......I'm thinking Crystal Gayle" Love that personal goal was knee or calf, anyway. lol
May 14th, 2011, 10:35 AM
It's like the first time I felt my hair brush my lower back - but 10 times better! :D ;)
That's exactly how I remember it ;)
Well, DH vetoed my request to maintain at knee & just gave me a dusting.... To the calves, then! ;)
Good decision!:)
May 14th, 2011, 06:51 PM
Well, DH vetoed my request to maintain at knee & just gave me a dusting.... To the calves, then! ;)
Popping my head in for continued smiled at the DH veto. I am currently at waist, I asked my SO what he would like to see with my hair....hip? knee? what?
His answer was, "the last time you cut it was IT......I'm thinking Crystal Gayle" Love that personal goal was knee or calf, anyway. lol
You gals are lucky... my hubby likes my hair long, but says it looks too hippy-like when it gets to waist. Sigh. I'm going for longer this time anyway. He's been warned. :o
May 15th, 2011, 06:11 AM
It's like the first time I felt my hair brush my lower back - but 10 times better! :D ;)
And I tell you - even better, the first time when you'll feel it brush your heels as you walk barefoot !! It feels just like if you're at floor legth already, woohoo - except you're not, but it means you're getting close. I didn't expect it when I first felt it, it was GREAT :D !
And gossamer, I'm with you on the difficulty to take the decision to trim ! I doesn't get any easier, on the contrary, the closer to floor I get, the most difficult it is to cut back - I simply can't anymore, although I'd really need it :D.
May 15th, 2011, 09:21 AM
And I tell you - even better, the first time when you'll feel it brush your heels as you walk barefoot !! It feels just like if you're at floor legth already, woohoo - except you're not, but it means you're getting close. I didn't expect it when I first felt it, it was GREAT :D !
And gossamer, I'm with you on the difficulty to take the decision to trim ! I doesn't get any easier, on the contrary, the closer to floor I get, the most difficult it is to cut back - I simply can't anymore, although I'd really need it :D.
Woah, I can't wait to get to that point! I did end up trimming some last week, maybe an inch or so, and now I can't feel it brushing my calves unless I tip my head back. Oh well. A summer of bunning it and forgetting about it ought to do wonders for my perception of its length, right? :)
May 18th, 2011, 06:35 PM
And I tell you - even better, the first time when you'll feel it brush your heels as you walk barefoot !! It feels just like if you're at floor legth already, woohoo - except you're not, but it means you're getting close. I didn't expect it when I first felt it, it was GREAT :D !
Oh man, I can't wait! :cheese:
May 21st, 2011, 06:17 AM
I have a question to those of you with longer then knee length hair.
When wearing it down or in a braid, what do you do to prevent the ends from hanging on the floor while sitting on a chair etc? :confused:
I am always afraid of damage and dirt. I have a work-table that's higher then normal, with a corresponding high chair, so my hair is just above the floor when braided. Apart from that, I do let the hair hang on the floor most of the time, but I'm not very confortable with it. It's the only thing that bothers me about having very long hair.
May 21st, 2011, 07:19 AM
When wearing it down or in a braid, what do you do to prevent the ends from hanging on the floor while sitting on a chair etc? :confused:I put my hair in my lap.
In addition to the floors being dirty, there is the serious problem that people don't expect hair on the floor, and will be completely oblivious to the dangers of stepping on it. :rolleyes:
This is especially problematic for me because my ends are thin. So, I put my hair in my lap whenever I'm sitting down in public. :)
May 21st, 2011, 08:21 AM
I'm not at knee length (YET! Stalking this thread until I get there) but I knew a boy that was, and he would bring his braid to the front from his left shoulder, and put it back from the right.
I'm not sure this makes sense, English is not my first language, sorry if it seems confusing :o
May 21st, 2011, 10:06 AM
I'm not at knee length (YET! Stalking this thread until I get there) but I knew a boy that was, and he would bring his braid to the front from his left shoulder, and put it back from the right.
I'm not sure this makes sense, English is not my first language, sorry if it seems confusing :o
Almost makes sense! You're saying he would wrap it once around his neck?
I do something where I pull the braid first over my left shoulder, and then put it back again, essentially draping a loop over the shoulder. Then I pull the end over my right shoulder so I end up with the tail hanging to about waist length in front. As long as it isn't too warm, the hair on both shoulders doesn't bother me, and it keeps it from dangling down the back of my chair and getting sat upon.
May 21st, 2011, 10:12 AM
You could double the braid back on itself (a la Cindy Christian who had floor length and beyond hair).
Just take the end of the braid and thread it through the beginning braid and secure in place with a Flexi 8..or use a ribbon to secure it.
May 21st, 2011, 11:42 AM
Almost makes sense! You're saying he would wrap it once around his neck?
When you put it like that it almost sounds like he chokes on it :lol: But I think that's it, he wraps it very loosely around the neck and leaves the tassel in the back.
May 21st, 2011, 01:57 PM
When wearing it down or in a braid, what do you do to prevent the ends from hanging on the floor while sitting on a chair etc? :confused:
I just let the bottom several inches hang to the front of one shoulder (usually the right) and the rest of the length sort of sits as a loop on my back. This way if I'm eating I don't have to worry about food landing on my hair (which it would if it was sitting in my lap lol). Or, if I'm in a high-backed chair and there's no fear of anyone walking behind me I'll drape it over the back of the chair...
May 22nd, 2011, 12:47 AM
If my hair is out, braided or free, ill either put it in my lap, or wrap it around my neck like a scarf, people look at me strangely hah, but it works well for keeping it off the ground when I sit and out from under peoples shoes!
May 22nd, 2011, 02:00 AM
For some reason the pic won't show but, my album has some new shots in it.
May 22nd, 2011, 04:56 AM
Thank you for the replies. :)
I see that all of you at least make sure the hair doesn't touch the floor. I am not so strict about that as long as I'm at home or in a clean place, I just don't want my hair sweeping the floor outside or in dirty places. :rolleyes:
Also, I don't want to look too silly. I do wrap the braid around my neck in some situations (cleaning etc), but I don't really want to be seen like that. Besides, to me it's unconfortable to have the braid around my neck.
I sometimes drape the braid over my lap, but I need to sit still in order to keep it in place.
Pinkbunny's solution has the disadvantage of having this loop on the back, which is unpractical on high-backed chairs and while driving a car. Also, the braid doesn't stay in place very long.
Madora's solution would probably work, but I don't want to fold the braid, because I like the length to be visible while standing and walking.
I do something where I pull the braid first over my left shoulder, and then put it back again, essentially draping a loop over the shoulder. Then I pull the end over my right shoulder so I end up with the tail hanging to about waist length in front.
This seems like an excellent solution to me, it never came into my mind to try this, I tried it and it works! :) It stays in place, doesn't feel uncomfortable like wrapping the braid araound the neck does, you can sit on any chair and drive a car. I'm defininately going to use this solution. Only disadvantage: it still looks a bit silly... But I can still put the braid over my lap in public...;)
So thank you once more.
May 22nd, 2011, 07:57 AM
I have to admit I'm not as careful as I should - I often find myslef sitting on my braid, and I don't really mind if it touches the floor when I bend or kneel. Well actually I feel like touching / sweeping the floor is part of the "showing off" thing. Yeah I'm freakish like that :eyebrows: .
All Natural Mom
May 25th, 2011, 12:39 PM
I just found this thread!:D
My hair is about 1/2-1 inch below the knee.
I was wondering how long it took all of you to grow this long? (mine, 7 years from chin length)
And do you trim or no? (I have only tirmmed once in 7 years, to even it up for a wedding)
May 26th, 2011, 06:23 PM
I was wondering how long it took all of you to grow this long? (mine, 7 years from chin length)
Hah ! This is THE question people typically ask, and TBH I find it pretty weird - how come it what comes to their mind first, I have no idea. And I cannot answer anyway, since I never decided "OK I'm growing my hair from now on". It just happened, over time, since I trimmed more or less regularly.
May 26th, 2011, 06:49 PM
I was wondering how long it took all of you to grow this long? (mine, 7 years from chin length)
And do you trim or no? (I have only tirmmed once in 7 years, to even it up for a wedding)
It's really difficult to answer the first question. I decided to have long hair sometime when I was in elementary school and never wanted to cut it again. Big mistake. My hair was a mess of split ends and had a huge taper - not a pretty fairy tale taper but a ratty, messy one. Got the whole mess trimmed to about BSL when I was 14.
Let it grow with fairly large trims twice a year until I was 21, when it had gotten past classic a little but was once again damaged due to bad diet, lax hair care, and that the top bunk of my dorm room bed was right next to the heater vent. Totally fried it. Cut off 12 inches that summer. Growth during those 7 years also had to be pretty slow - I had issues with food and also didn't discover conditioner until I started college.
I've been taking better care of it these past five years. My diet has steadily improved over the past 4 (since leaving college dining halls behind and dating a guy who won't just let me eat crackers for dinner) and since discovering LHC last year I've been doing even more to care for my ends.
So did it take me 12 years from BSL to knee? Not really. It's far more complicated than that.
Do I trim? Yes. Since college I've been doing 2-3 trims a year, taking an inch or so off each time. I much prefer blunt ends and I'd like to thicken them up while hanging out at knee-ish for a while.
All Natural Mom
May 26th, 2011, 06:58 PM
It comes to my mind first b/c 1) that's what everyone always ask me 2) I did just decide one day to grow it out so I was kinda curious how fast mine grew compared to others
All Natural Mom
May 26th, 2011, 07:01 PM
I should really trim, I don't usually have many split ends, it just seems super tedious to do a S&D (not that I have ever done it)
May 26th, 2011, 07:03 PM
I was wondering how long it took all of you to grow this long? (mine, 7 years from chin length)
And do you trim or no? (I have only tirmmed once in 7 years, to even it up for a wedding)
I can't answer the first question either, because I've grown my hair in fits and starts. It had always been more-or-less waistlength until I discovered LHC, and then I grew to classic. After a few years I was inspired to go to mid-thigh, and then to knee... I would probably go further but I think this is pretty much terminal for me.
I much prefer blunt ends and I'd like to thicken them up while hanging out at knee-ish for a while.
Me too. :)
May 26th, 2011, 09:09 PM
It took me until I was 12, with 2-3 inch trims every year or half-year, but then I (and my hair) kept growing for a while after that.
May 27th, 2011, 02:25 AM
I don't trim, I prefer fairy tale ends anyway, once the hair is past classic length. But I had a few big cuts before I reached waist length and decided that I wanted to grow to terminal. Without these cuts, I think it would have taken me 7 years to grow from rather short to knee (15 cm a year).
June 1st, 2011, 05:28 PM
Whenever I don't feel like going into all the complicated details of my hair growth, I just give an estimate of 15 years from shoulder. I wanted long hair before that, but I feel like it's when my actual "hair journey" began, albeit a little chop here and there for maintenance...
June 1st, 2011, 05:46 PM
I generally say its taken 12 years to grow from shoulder whenever someone asks me, but that includes a 6ish inch cut about 6 years ago in order to try and even out my hemline and make the rest of my hair the same length as my growing bangs since I started growing them out at the same time I decided to grow my hair to the floor. The time also includes the 7 years prior to finding my current hairdresser and getting trims from people who considered a 1/2 inch trim to be about 2 inches. So I'm sure it would've taken a shorter amount of time if those factors weren't included into my hair growth journey.
And as to the second question, yes, I do trim (if it wasn't obvious from the above paragraph), but it's only every 6 or so months and very little is taken off; only enough to even out the hemline.
June 1st, 2011, 06:03 PM
I think you all have such magical hair and you all seem to grow it so quickly. I can only dream of my hair ever reaching such lengths, but you have all inspired me.
June 1st, 2011, 06:17 PM
I am another one, browsing LHC til my hair grows to the floor :p
June 1st, 2011, 06:27 PM
I think you all have such magical hair and you all seem to grow it so quickly. I can only dream of my hair ever reaching such lengths, but you have all inspired me.
15+ years didn't seem quick to me lol.
June 1st, 2011, 09:06 PM
I'm not sure that I even ever seen this thread before--I don't know how that happened!
I guess it took me 21 years to grow my hair this long, because that's how old I am and I've never had anything but small trims. :)
And I already answered your next question, but yes, I do trim my hair. I don't really have a specific schedule of trimming, I just do it when I feel like it. My hair grows sooo fast I could probably do it every month if I wanted to.
June 2nd, 2011, 03:45 AM
Reading the last replies I was wondering when you all decided to grow your hair this long.
For me it came gradually, just wanted long hair and as it grew I wanted it longer. I think when it was about waist or hip length I decided I wanted to grow it to terminal length and I have sticked to that decision ever since.
Is this true for most of you? Is it an idea that gradually ripens in your head? Or was knee length+ always your goal? How did it happen? ;)
June 2nd, 2011, 05:51 AM
For me it came gradually, just wanted long hair and as it grew I wanted it longer. I think when it was about waist or hip length I decided I wanted to grow it to terminal length and I have sticked to that decision ever since.
Is this true for most of you? Is it an idea that gradually ripens in your head? Or was knee length+ always your goal? How did it happen? ;)
Same thing here - I never had a goal really. I never thought about terminal untill I came here on LHC, but ultimately I think it's what I always aimed for : just let it grow until it doesn't grow any longer.
June 2nd, 2011, 06:38 AM
I made the decision because of a horrible looking cut (to my opinion) in 8th grade. I took the advice of others and cut my hair to my shoulders, but because of the thickness of it, it would poof horribly (as in the outside strands would be about the width of my shoulders) and since it was so short I couldn't pull it back into anything. I decided after that not to ever take anyone else's advice on my hair and that I wanted to grow it to the floor. I think the floor goal was because I was a big Sailormoon fan at the time and the uber long hair on the show influenced me, but I've kept that goal even after phasing out of watching the show so, I don't know.
June 2nd, 2011, 09:23 AM
Another visitor here, hoping that some day I can join this thread! :cloud9:
June 2nd, 2011, 12:25 PM
Just posting to bump really...As I am not a longhair yet. But this whole thread has been so wonderful to read through that I just wanted to bring it back to people's attention.
Beautiful hair, girls (and guys). I am in aww of it all. Never thought such long hair could look so gorgeous.
Truly an inspirational thread.:applause
I would love to hear the small stuff that happens when you have hair that long. With what do you associate your hair? Is it just hair to you, or does it represent something more? (like how a motorcycle can represent freedom...)
June 2nd, 2011, 01:39 PM
I don't cut my hair (besides trims) for religious reasons (I'm a Christian). So my hair was already pretty long before I even thought about my appearance or whether I wanted long hair or not. I didn't really think about my hair at that time. In fact, I didn't really much about my hair at all until I was 17-ish, I think and joined this forum. :)
June 2nd, 2011, 04:47 PM
My origianl goal was 36", which on me is quite long seeing I'm only 5"3. BSL on me is 22", but after seeing all this amazing hair I'm tempted to grow my hair knee length just to see if I can. My husband on the other hand will think that is too long but I think he will adjust. After all I could always cut it to classic length, or shorter.
June 3rd, 2011, 04:11 AM
My origianl goal was 36", which on me is quite long seeing I'm only 5"3. BSL on me is 22", but after seeing all this amazing hair I'm tempted to grow my hair knee length just to see if I can. My husband on the other hand will think that is too long but I think he will adjust. After all I could always cut it to classic length, or shorter. I say, go for it!!:joy:
June 3rd, 2011, 10:13 AM
Ok so I am guilty of peeking in here to see all the lovely looonnnggg hair.
I have a question for those who actualle belong here:
Do you ever get odd comments at knee+ that you did not get at shorter lengths?
All Natural Mom
June 3rd, 2011, 10:25 AM
Reply to Hairfreaky:
I started just wanted to grow my hair longer, I had short hair for about 10 years prior, and at the time long hair to me was about waist.
Then truly I got lazy about going to get it cut or anything, so it just kept growing. When it reached tailbone is about when I decided to let it go to terminal. Curiosity kinda drove me to see how long it would get.
All Natural Mom
June 3rd, 2011, 10:29 AM
Ok so I am guilty of peeking in here to see all the lovely looonnnggg hair.
I have a question for those who actualle belong here:
Do you ever get odd comments at knee+ that you did not get at shorter lengths?
I do occasionally get asked: why? or doesn't it get in your way, how do you manage? my favorite is "I bet you go through alot of shampoo" (really it's always shampoo for some reason never conditioner)
All Natural Mom
June 3rd, 2011, 10:37 AM
I would love to hear the small stuff that happens when you have hair that long. With what do you associate your hair? Is it just hair to you, or does it represent something more? (like how a motorcycle can represent freedom...)[/quote]
The small stuff like if I wear it down it inevitablly gets sat on (and not always by me) or stuck in something. It does require a little more attention as in paying attention to wear all of it is.
It used to be just hair to me, but I have had it for so long people associate me with my hair (I am know for my long tresses), it is kinda part of who I am. I won't say I'm obsessed with my hair (I think all of us here are more AWARE of hair, ours and others), but I don't think I could say, cut it anytime soon. In an odd way it represents the nature-loving, tree-hugging hippie in me.
June 3rd, 2011, 10:51 AM
WaitingSoLong, my favorite comments (often repeated) are:
"Is that your real hair?" (to which I sometimes reply, "no, it's a wig I put on to see how many people I can fool. jk!")
"Do you ever sit on your hair?" (well that's sort of uncomfortable, so normally I move it out of the way first...)
and the awkward, "How do you know...go to the bathroom?":undecided (see above response)
The worst is always "You should cut your hair and donate it" (to which I sometimes respond with a polite "no" and sometimes with a reference to the similar donatability of their kidneys...) This one I consider rude because it's most often said by a perfect stranger - how dare you tell me what to do with my hair? Go back to your shopping cart!:patrol:
Other than the last one, the comments make me happy and strike up an amiable conversation.
Oh, I forgot the most difficult one to answer: :bigeyes:"your hair's so long!" ...well... I'm not sure if that's a compliment because there's no value judgement there, just a fact... so do I respond in kind (your eyes are so green!)? or thanks, since I think long hair is awesome, so I assume they do too. Or is it perhaps derisive? I dunno.
All Natural Mom
June 3rd, 2011, 11:01 AM
The worst is always "You should cut your hair and donate it" (to which I sometimes respond with a polite "no" and sometimes with a reference to the similar donatability of their kidneys...)
Oh, I forgot the most difficult one to answer: :bigeyes:"your hair's so long!" ...well... I'm not sure if that's a compliment because there's no value judgement there, just a fact... so do I respond in kind (your eyes are so green!)? or thanks, since I think long hair is awesome, so I assume they do too. Or is it perhaps derisive? I dunno.
I forgot about the first one and yes, it is annoying that others would tell you what to do with your hair. I really like the kidney response though, I will have to use that one some time.:rollin:
The last one: I actually had this one again this morning and I am in the same boat, how do you respond to this, I usually say "Thank You" b/c I also assume it was meant ot be a compliment, but it usually seems like an uncontrollable blurt out of their mouth.:confused:
June 3rd, 2011, 12:27 PM
ARC691. I tried to thank you for your kind comment you left on my profile but for some reason it wouldn't allow to post a comment on your page, so thank you so much!! (If anyone knows how I can fix this it would be appreciated.)I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you or being rude.
Thanks for the encouragment. I think I will go for it just to see if I can. I've given up dyes and bleach so I want my virgin hair again. How beautiful that will be. :)
June 3rd, 2011, 02:25 PM
I have gotten the "your hair is so long" comment and I usually say "Um, okay.......awkward....."
I have to confess I HAVE wondered what you do with your hair if it is loose and you use the restroom. Even at my length, I have issues with this (only when its time up). I wrap it around my neck and stuff the rest in my shirt. LOL. No one has ever asked me that, though. Is that what you all do?
June 3rd, 2011, 04:06 PM
So I found my new inspiration Sooooo many awesome pictures
June 3rd, 2011, 04:44 PM
For the bathroom question, if my hair isn't in an updo, it's in a braid, so I just fling it over my shoulder (the shoulder farther away from the toilet paper). If I go to the bathroom during one of the few times I have it loose, I also wrap my hair around my neck and into my shirt. Or, if I'm wearing a skirt, I just gather my hair into my skirt as I lift it. ...tmi...
June 3rd, 2011, 06:31 PM
if I'm wearing a skirt, I just gather my hair into my skirt as I lift it. ...tmi...
Lunnafindel - not TMI at all. I would probably not have thought of that, and I wear skirts all the time.
Sometimes details really make a difference. If you had merely said "I use my skirt", I would not have understood what you meant.
If my hair ever gets that long, I'll use your suggestion. Thanks!
June 4th, 2011, 10:37 AM
I would love to hear the small stuff that happens when you have hair that long. With what do you associate your hair? Is it just hair to you, or does it represent something more? (like how a motorcycle can represent freedom...)
My hair is like any other body part. I think I shocked my father once when I said cutting my hair off would be like cutting an arm or leg off.
I have a question for those who actualle belong here:
Do you ever get odd comments at knee+ that you did not get at shorter lengths?
(See dumb comments thread lol) Actually, I get more compliments than insults, but the comments are pretty much the same & it's the awe that increases with length.
Or, if I'm wearing a skirt, I just gather my hair into my skirt as I lift it. ...tmi...
This. It also works with nightgowns & shirts. I just flip it up in the back so my hair gets scooped up inside.
June 4th, 2011, 10:48 AM
For the bathroom question, if my hair isn't in an updo, it's in a braid, so I just fling it over my shoulder (the shoulder farther away from the toilet paper). If I go to the bathroom during one of the few times I have it loose, I also wrap my hair around my neck and into my shirt. Or, if I'm wearing a skirt, I just gather my hair into my skirt as I lift it. ...tmi...
This is actually a very good tip, I'll have to keep that in mind for the future. Thanks for sharing!
Carrie Ingalls
June 20th, 2011, 10:35 PM
I thought of this thread today when I went for a run...I put my hair in a quick rope braid and hit the pavement. I couldn't help but smile as my rope braid flicked around lower-midcalf as I ran. I think next time I might clip it in half to reduce the wear and tear a little. I don't like to run with it up in a bun, because it always seems to pull too much at my front hairline and I don't want to damage my hairline (wonky as it is thanks to my great aunt, the only person in my family who has a hairline like mine).
So, if/when you run how do you wear your hair?
June 22nd, 2011, 09:42 AM
I generally wear my hair down so my bathroom solution is to bring it under my arm and then wrap it around my upper arm and hold it against my body. It never ceases to amaze me how many people ask me that question along with the comment "Your hair is so long!" Um.....yes, yes it is :uhh:.
July 1st, 2011, 09:51 PM
Question for all the 'beyond'ers... anyone know how to fake a half-up? Wedding hair planning, you see. The bride wants a half-up. On a boat... wind. :bigeyes:
July 1st, 2011, 09:56 PM
Question for all the 'beyond'ers... anyone know how to fake a half-up? Wedding hair planning, you see. The bride wants a half-up. On a boat... wind. :bigeyes:
Hope that helps :flower:
July 1st, 2011, 10:25 PM
Pictures here (
Routine videos pt1 ( and pt2 ( Growth journey here. (
The two main ingredients are gentle hair care and lots of patience.
repunzel repunzel let down thy cinnomon hair! ;) your journal is just amazing. i am in awe :)
July 2nd, 2011, 01:50 PM
RitaPG, I LOVE that hairdo. I think it's the most beautiful on I know.
Be warned though, (not HairColoredHair, of course, but others reading the thread), this is not for the faint-of-hair. My hair was just barely long enough, as you can see.
HairColoredHair, maybe you can do something similar but without the braids - just loose hair folded up? I don't know if that'll work, but it's worth an experiment...
July 2nd, 2011, 01:54 PM
Hope that helps :flower:
RitaPG, I LOVE that hairdo. I think it's the most beautiful on I know.
Be warned though, (not HairColoredHair, of course, but others reading the thread), this is not for the faint-of-hair. My hair was just barely long enough, as you can see.
HairColoredHair, maybe you can do something similar but without the braids - just loose hair folded up? I don't know if that'll work, but it's worth an experiment...
Gorgeous! I was going to suggest something like this:
July 8th, 2011, 07:58 PM
Is it common to see long hair in California? I was there for a week (I didn't really see any super long hair) and I got more comments on my outfits than my hair - I'm not used to that... lol
July 10th, 2011, 12:46 AM
Is it common to see long hair in California? I was there for a week (I didn't really see any super long hair) and I got more comments on my outfits than my hair - I'm not used to that... lol
In more hispanic communities, its fairly common to see between BSL-hip length hair. Just in our older traditions for the woman to have longer hair. But in general here in SoCal though, people will most likely comment clothes and hair color/style than hair length. Hair is usually only at BSL or less. Fashion seems to matter more than hair length and condition. I only see hip and beyond hair around here in the hispanic communities and on younger girls probably because their mothers want them to or on the older hispanic woman that came from another country.
July 10th, 2011, 03:40 PM
(Envious lurker commenting here)
I think the reasons why longer hair is not more common anywhere is due more to most people following the pack, in terms of hair care and styling. Most people, in particular younger girls and women, Use a lot of products and styling tools including hot rollers/curling irons/flat irons etc that don't do good things for their hair. On top of highlights, coloring, teasing, etc. The combined chemical and mechanical damage requires more frequent cuts to keep the damage under control. It probably isn't a deliberate style choice to have shorter (according to LHC standards) hair so much as wanting to have nice looking hair while subjecting it to all those damaging things on a daily basis.
July 11th, 2011, 05:08 AM
My hair is calf-length now. :D Well, it is when it's fairly straight, but most of the time it's wavy and bounces around just at knee. Still! DH said (somewhat grumpily), "It'll be down to the floor next!"
:pray: :eyebrows:
July 11th, 2011, 08:34 AM
*wow*You and your sister have very beautiful hair.:thudpile:
The hair from your more sister is so beautifully wavy. :bigeyes:
I think it am very similar from Empress Elisabeth of Austria.
It reminds me of hair from Elisabeth on this painting.:flower:
Quelle: ,_1864.jpg&filetimestamp=20070327122418
I'm just lurking, but what a great picture!! This woman and her hair are GORGEOUS. I'm glad to see a couple extremely long curlies on this thread, its nice inspiration for me :eek:
July 11th, 2011, 02:50 PM
Am I ever glad I found this thread!!! ArienEllariel ( found my new member post and directed me here. I'm 5'9 and my hair is about ankle length. It's wispy, but it's there.
I've only cut my hair once, and it was a rescue trim from getting stuck in a shower drain and then one of those rolling desk chairs. That was several years ago, so ankle length is back now. (And I'm much wiser for the experience.)
I've already learned a lot during my first few days here at LHC. Lots of tips and things to try. My whole life thusfar, I've just tried to manage my hair and keep it out of my way. Now I want to treat it better and enjoy it. Who knows? I might not have reached my terminal length yet! :thumbsup:
July 11th, 2011, 03:03 PM
Truly inspirational!!! I just wish to make it to classic, GOD willing. Keep posting pictures PLEASE!!!!
July 11th, 2011, 03:04 PM
I thought of this thread today when I went for a run...I put my hair in a quick rope braid and hit the pavement. I couldn't help but smile as my rope braid flicked around lower-midcalf as I ran. I think next time I might clip it in half to reduce the wear and tear a little. I don't like to run with it up in a bun, because it always seems to pull too much at my front hairline and I don't want to damage my hairline (wonky as it is thanks to my great aunt, the only person in my family who has a hairline like mine).
So, if/when you run how do you wear your hair?
I make a bun, but I use two claw clips to hold it... one at 10 o'clock and one at 2 o'clock, if that makes sense. That way it's not pulling at the top. To me, it seems to pull more if I braid it. The swinging motion is kind of uncomfortable to me, and the braid tends to fray, and I worry about breakage from that.
July 11th, 2011, 04:05 PM
In more hispanic communities, its fairly common to see between BSL-hip length hair. Just in our older traditions for the woman to have longer hair. But in general here in SoCal though, people will most likely comment clothes and hair color/style than hair length. Hair is usually only at BSL or less. Fashion seems to matter more than hair length and condition. I only see hip and beyond hair around here in the hispanic communities and on younger girls probably because their mothers want them to or on the older hispanic woman that came from another country.
Well, I'm not hispanic - nor a child, so I don't fit either of those categories. I think the longest hair (in Santa Monica/L.A./Hollywood) I saw was maybe mid-back, and mine hangs around mid-thigh when braided. Still mostly got comments on my clothes - but I guess that just means I'm fashionable by Cali standards! ;)
July 11th, 2011, 04:23 PM
Well, I'm not hispanic - nor a child, so I don't fit either of those categories. I think the longest hair (in Santa Monica/L.A./Hollywood) I saw was maybe mid-back, and mine hangs around mid-thigh when braided. Still mostly got comments on my clothes - but I guess that just means I'm fashionable by Cali standards! ;)
Well then you are unique ;) I mean, isn't hair past waist already unique enough? That is very odd though that you got no comments or stares. Yes, maybe it means you've got some really great clothes!!! If i were there, i would definitely notice and compliment your hair :p Done it so much at WalMart
July 11th, 2011, 04:29 PM
I thought of this thread today when I went for a run...I put my hair in a quick rope braid and hit the pavement. I couldn't help but smile as my rope braid flicked around lower-midcalf as I ran. I think next time I might clip it in half to reduce the wear and tear a little. I don't like to run with it up in a bun, because it always seems to pull too much at my front hairline and I don't want to damage my hairline (wonky as it is thanks to my great aunt, the only person in my family who has a hairline like mine).
So, if/when you run how do you wear your hair?
I make a bun, but I use two claw clips to hold it... one at 10 o'clock and one at 2 o'clock, if that makes sense. That way it's not pulling at the top. To me, it seems to pull more if I braid it. The swinging motion is kind of uncomfortable to me, and the braid tends to fray, and I worry about breakage from that.
I don't exactly run, I just use an elliptical - and it's pretty low-impact enough that almost any updo works. It's aerobics I have problems with. Clips and buns just bounce loose after a few minutes. The only thing that works is a braid, either french, dutch, ponytailed english, rope, etc. I hate that it swings wildly, wrapping around my arms, and gets frizzy, but it's the only thing that holds...
July 12th, 2011, 12:53 AM
Sorry for sneaking in, even though I am only roughly 3" before classic.
That sounds so familiar, that most buns unravel if you do a workout. I do this bun I do it with 4 Claw clips instead of 3, but it holds rock-solid. :)
Hope this helps.
July 12th, 2011, 07:26 AM
When I was little I had short hair and I always dreamed o knee- length or longer. Now I'm pat BSL, but I always thought my terminal was waist... well - since I found LHC I hope that I was wrong.
Also, when I started to grow my hair back in 5th grade my very strict aunt used to ask me if I would donate my hair for children who had chemo. I said "no" because I really wanted to grow my hair, she rebuked me that I am selfish and I should be ashamed...
July 12th, 2011, 11:56 AM
If I had $1 for every time I've been called selfish because I wouldn't donate my hair... :(:(
July 12th, 2011, 12:01 PM
If I had $1 for every time I've been called selfish because I wouldn't donate my hair... :(:(
People are obnoxious like that. Tell them to donate a kidney, that hair will never save a life.
heidi w.
July 12th, 2011, 01:16 PM
Well, sign me up.
I just trimmed to just below the knees (photo in Hair album if you want to see).
heidi w.
heidi w.
July 12th, 2011, 01:17 PM
When I was little I had short hair and I always dreamed o knee- length or longer. Now I'm pat BSL, but I always thought my terminal was waist... well - since I found LHC I hope that I was wrong.
Also, when I started to grow my hair back in 5th grade my very strict aunt used to ask me if I would donate my hair for children who had chemo. I said "no" because I really wanted to grow my hair, she rebuked me that I am selfish and I should be ashamed...
Well, if she knew the real story ... as in the numbers, .... she'd be ashamed for the organization at how poorly it's doing. IN fact, kiddies do not get a wig for free. The parents have to submit paperwork of tax papers to prove eligibility, and then it's a sliding scale.
heidi w.
heidi w.
July 12th, 2011, 01:20 PM
I have gotten the "your hair is so long" comment and I usually say "Um, okay.......awkward....."
I have to confess I HAVE wondered what you do with your hair if it is loose and you use the restroom. Even at my length, I have issues with this (only when its time up). I wrap it around my neck and stuff the rest in my shirt. LOL. No one has ever asked me that, though. Is that what you all do?
What do you do with slacks or a dress or a skirt?
You move it out of the way.
Hair hangs forward relatively easily when it's this long.
BUT in other news, you will get wild hairs in your buttcrack when you shampoo. That's always special. LOL
heidi w.
I mean who doesn't know to "move it out of the way"....?
heidi w.
July 12th, 2011, 01:22 PM
I don't exactly run, I just use an elliptical - and it's pretty low-impact enough that almost any updo works. It's aerobics I have problems with. Clips and buns just bounce loose after a few minutes. The only thing that works is a braid, either french, dutch, ponytailed english, rope, etc. I hate that it swings wildly, wrapping around my arms, and gets frizzy, but it's the only thing that holds...
When I kickboxed and did tae kwon do, fairly cardio stuff, I would braid and then tuck the braid in one strap of my bra-like top. It held pretty well and stayed out of the way.
Exercising with long hair IS a problem.
heidi w.
July 12th, 2011, 01:52 PM
What do you do with slacks or a dress or a skirt?
You move it out of the way.
Hair hangs forward relatively easily when it's this long.
BUT in other news, you will get wild hairs in your buttcrack when you shampoo. That's always special. LOL
heidi w.
I mean who doesn't know to "move it out of the way"....?
Omg. I hated getting "wild hairs in my buttcrack" in the shower from simple shedding! (I don't get them any there anymore, since I part my hair in the middle and do each side separately in the front as per CG method.)
I can't even imagine how weird it would be if the ones that slid down there were still attached to my head!!
July 15th, 2011, 04:50 PM
BUT in other news, you will get wild hairs in your buttcrack when you shampoo. That's always special. LOL
Haha! Truth be told, I find it sort of satisfying to pull them out, sort of like cutting off split ends or popping a pimple. Please don't call me weird...:couch:
July 15th, 2011, 05:03 PM
Haha! Truth be told, I find it sort of satisfying to pull them out, sort of like cutting off split ends or popping a pimple. Please don't call me weird...:couch:
:laugh: I agree!
I hope it's not too weird. :D
My hair's not even really long yet!
July 16th, 2011, 01:05 AM
just out of curiosity, I have a circumference of 8cm (3.15") And I am thinking of growing to knee length at the moment, so I was wondering if there is anyone with a similar circumference at knee length.
Happy growing
July 16th, 2011, 02:55 AM
BUT in other news, you will get wild hairs in your buttcrack when you shampoo. That's always special. LOL
I already get that from shed hairs. It always disturbs me. Not something I would enjoy happening in larger amounts.
Dark Queen
July 16th, 2011, 11:54 AM
I already get that from shed hairs. It always disturbs me. Not something I would enjoy happening in larger amounts.
HAHA! I'm already getting that on occasion. I'm just beyond classic (lurking this thread until I qualify :D). I have to make a conscious effort to move my hair to the side in the shower, LOL.
July 16th, 2011, 12:41 PM
Speaking of shed hairs, has anyone killed a vacuum lately? :laugh;
Dark Queen
July 16th, 2011, 12:49 PM
Speaking of shed hairs, has anyone killed a vacuum lately? :laugh;
I killed my computer's intake fan and a toy helicopter :(
Bill D.
July 16th, 2011, 01:09 PM
Also, when I started to grow my hair back in 5th grade my very strict aunt used to ask me if I would donate my hair for children who had chemo. I said "no" because I really wanted to grow my hair, she rebuked me that I am selfish and I should be ashamed...
So let me see if I understand that all-too-common point of view...
1. If you have long hair and don't want to donate it because you want to continue to have long hair, then you're selfish.
2. If your self-righteous critic does not grow their hair long to donate it because they don't want long hair even temporarily, then they are not selfish, and in addition they are entitled to lecture longhairs about donating their own hair.
Next time someone tells you that you are selfish for not donating your hair, ask if they are growing their hair long for donation, and if not, why they consider you to be selfish if they won't practice what they are preaching.
Bill D.
July 16th, 2011, 01:45 PM
Speaking of shed hairs, has anyone killed a vacuum lately? :laugh;Vacuum cleaners tremble in my midst. :lol:
In addition to regularly removing hairs wrapped around the beater brush, I once had to remove hairs that had wrapped around the shaft of an electric fan-heater.
ETA: I have even found hairs wrapped around the casters of an office chair.
July 16th, 2011, 04:35 PM
I have to cut hair off the beater brush regularly. I try to help it out by taking a rubber soled shoe and scraping the carpet where I fix my hair. The rubber grabs the hair and lifts it out of the carpet. If I do this every other day, then not so much gets stuck in the vacuum. But it's gross to see such a wad of hair even after just a day or two. I think, if I could just keep this on my head, how much thicker my hair would be! :wail:
July 16th, 2011, 04:44 PM
my cat swallowed one of my shed hairs once. It wasn't pretty. Let's just say it didn't all come out at once and it had some "cling ons" as it was dangling from her. Lovely.
July 16th, 2011, 07:21 PM
Just admiring the long hair here....I'm no where near knee & even wonder if I can grow to that length...Happy Hair Growing:)
Carrie Ingalls
July 17th, 2011, 12:09 AM
Speaking of shed hairs, has anyone killed a vacuum lately? :laugh;
Not recently, for a number of reasons:
1. For the past several years we have been using a shop vac instead of a traditional vacuum, so there is no beater bar to get messed up.
2. when I comb my hair I remove the hair from the comb as I go and pile it on a chair seat or other flat surface. After I am finished and have put my hair up I rub my foot or hand around on the floor in circular motions to make sure that I don't leave hair on the floor. I use my hand when I want to be extra thorough especially if I am not at my own home because other people tend to find it really gross if they find sheds lying around.
3. most of our high traffic areas are linoleum or wood and sweeping is quite effective for cleaning most of the time.
Though when I was younger there were a number of toys with wheels that got a little clogged with hair (that was before Grace and I started wearing our hair up). It was also during that time frame that there we sometimes had to cut the hair off the beater bar. Live and learn.
We also keep our hair from clogging the shower drain by sticking the sheds to the shower wall, at the end of a shower there is hardly any in the drain cover.
July 18th, 2011, 03:18 PM
Speaking of shed hairs, has anyone killed a vacuum lately? :laugh;
*raises hand* Guilty! I killed it dead, too. Barely over a year old, my mother had bought it for me as a gift. Usually when the beaterbar was full or if a belt slipped it would automatically shut off til I fixed it and reset it. This last time it wouldn't start after reset. I think the motor locked up lol...
Vacuum cleaners tremble in my midst. :lol:
In addition to regularly removing hairs wrapped around the beater brush, I once had to remove hairs that had wrapped around the shaft of an electric fan-heater.
ETA: I have even found hairs wrapped around the casters of an office chair.
Really, though - is there anywhere you wouldn't find hair (in a longhair "habitat" lol)? The bad part is that when it is several feet long, it's not like you can blame the dog!
1. For the past several years we have been using a shop vac instead of a traditional vacuum, so there is no beater bar to get messed up.
2. when I comb my hair I remove the hair from the comb as I go and pile it on a chair seat or other flat surface. After I am finished and have put my hair up I rub my foot or hand around on the floor in circular motions to make sure that I don't leave hair on the floor. I use my hand when I want to be extra thorough especially if I am not at my own home because other people tend to find it really gross if they find sheds lying around.
3. most of our high traffic areas are linoleum or wood and sweeping is quite effective for cleaning most of the time.
We also keep our hair from clogging the shower drain by sticking the sheds to the shower wall, at the end of a shower there is hardly any in the drain cover.
I do most of these tricks! The ShopVac is a good idea - I'll look into that (especially since I just murdered my vacuum). I even drape hair over the side of the bathtub (doesn't matter if it's up, some always escapes). Anytime I'm collecting sheds I always wind it around my fingers and ball it up so they're less likely to float back out of the trash bin. We plan to get "hardwood" linoleum in our living room and rip out the carpet whenever we can afford it.
July 21st, 2011, 09:54 PM
This might sound like a stupid thing to ask, but how do you braid your own knee length hair?
I mean, human arms can only go so far...
July 21st, 2011, 09:57 PM
Well, I don't have knee length, that's for sure, but braiding extra long hair just involves putting it around your head a turn or two, like you were wearing a scarf, then continuing to braid as before.
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