View Full Version : Can certain things boost hair growth rates?

May 19th, 2008, 12:48 PM
Hey guys, I'm just a bit ignorant when it comes to biology and logic.
... so I know my question may sound stupid to some of you (or there's probably already a topic on this but I don't think I've seen it), but I figured this would be the best place to ask!

Is it true that protein and vitamins help to boost hair growth rates, or is there actually anything that can do that? Because I've heard things about certain foods that can actually help hair grow faster. Is it another one of those things that vary from person to person or is it even just another one of those hair myths that aren't true at all? Plus, I also heard that hair grows faster in the summer... can someone justify this?

Thanks guys... I know they're silly questions, but I suppose nobody's born knowing these things:p

May 19th, 2008, 12:56 PM
I am not sure about boosting hair growth rates.
I've heard that Monistat does that.
Also, some claim Mane n' Tail shampoo helps.
Thats more person to person, I believe.

However, proper diet, nutrition, vitamins and exercise can MAXIMIZE hair growth.
Since hair can be slowed down by stress, dying and poor nutrition, certainly improving this gives hair an opportunity to grow to its best potential.
However, if this potential is a half an inch per month, more vitamins will not boost this.
You can only ensure consistency (if that).

May 19th, 2008, 01:07 PM
As far as summer is concerned, I know that I grew an inch a month last summer, then that slowed to about half an inch a month. Apparently hair grows faster in the summer as some kind of vestige from the days when we had more hair on our bodies and it grew faster in the summer to have more hair for the winter, although I'm not sure about how true that is

May 19th, 2008, 01:12 PM
I definately recommend looking into at least a good multivitamin if you are not taking one and also trying to increase protein. I am not the best at doing this but am trying and last month I had one inch of growth which I thought was great.
As for certain shampoos, etc to get your hair to grow faster I thing that is a person to person thing.
And try not to stress out about how slow or fast your hair is growing because that will slow down your growing rate.

May 19th, 2008, 01:17 PM
:alcoholic:Now I know you all are going to think I am smoking some really good stuff here hehehe

I tend to shed at about the same times a year my dog does. And, whats more my hair grows faster/more in the winter, not the summer, i shed most in the summer.

This always seemed to make sense to me, because well, I'm a mammal too, and i figured I was just shedding my winter coat LOL

May 19th, 2008, 01:40 PM
:alcoholic:Now I know you all are going to think I am smoking some really good stuff here hehehe

Can I have some? XP

I tend to shed at about the same times a year my dog does. And, whats more my hair grows faster/more in the winter, not the summer, i shed most in the summer.

This always seemed to make sense to me, because well, I'm a mammal too, and i figured I was just shedding my winter coat LOL

That's interesting. I wonder if any studies have been done into this.

May 19th, 2008, 01:53 PM
Hahah nice, Kirin :D

Thanks for the good advice guys, I think I'm going to try with some vitamins... because goodness knows I'm possibly the least healthiest person on the continent.

May 19th, 2008, 05:47 PM
I have read that biotin and other b vitamins really help with hair growth and all around hair health.

May 19th, 2008, 08:59 PM
I tried biotin as I heard it was helpful for some people in getting better hair growth. It didn't help my hair grow but it did give me some real painful pimples : )

May 19th, 2008, 09:09 PM
I tried biotin as I heard it was helpful for some people in getting better hair growth. It didn't help my hair grow but it did give me some real painful pimples : )

Biotin and other B vitamins are known to give this problem to a certain percentage of people. To not cause these effects B vitamins in most of those people have to be balanced specifically for them, which is hard to do without the side effect causing trial and error. They may be actually deficient in one or two B vitamins. It is hard to test which one and if a complex is taken or one of the non deficient B vitamins an imbalance occurs usually resulting in skin problems (pimples).

I had to do some research on this as I had a really bad reaction to them, both skin and other problems, both biotin and B complex. So if you want to try them then keep a close watch on how your body reacts when you start. If you are fine after taking them for a week then you shouldn't have a problem.

On shedding, I shed in autumn and have the faster growth in the summer.

May 19th, 2008, 10:01 PM
I'm studying biology, so you'll have to excuse me in advance if this gets long-winded...

But, to answer your question, yes, amino acids and proteins can definitely help boost growth.

Hair is made up of proteins, the main one being keratin (also the primary component in your nails). Keratin is a polymer, which means that it is made of a long chain of amino acids. By giving your body amino acids, you are essentially providing it with material to make hair strands out of. Cysteine is especially important, because it forms the disulfide bonds in your hair that contribute to strength and texture.

Biotin, pantothenic acid (panthenol) and other B vitamins are rumored to be good for the hair, though I'm not sure there is any conclusive evidence to their effects. At any rate, B vitamins certainly can't be bad for your body, assuming you're not grossly overdosing.

I personally take Hair Formula 37 vitamins, which contain essential amino acids and B vitamins, among other ingredients. When I'm taking them I get up to 1 inch of growth per month instead of my natural 1/2 inch, so I would say it's definitely worth a try! At the very least, make sure you're getting proper nutrients by taking a multivitamin. Hope this helps!

May 19th, 2008, 10:17 PM
I'm studying biology, so you'll have to excuse me in advance if this gets long-winded...

Not long winded at all, you rock!

I personally take a biotin and a gelatin vitamin every day, and one iron free multi vitamin every other day.

Biotin I've been doing for about four months and the only think I've noticed is that my nails have become much harder, before they were soft and ripped easy, now they are harder and thicker, almost like acrylic now and when they break they actually chip off like rocks, not rip at the corners like paper.

The Gelatin, I've been doing for almost three weeks, I've heard gelatin is really good for collagen production and hair and skin.. and I don't like eating Jell-o, so I do the lazy thing and pop the pill. Havent noticed much of a difference, my skin is a bit more glowy, but I've also started using salasylic acid with my daily routine.

Multi vitamins, very helpful if you're like me and not very healthy. The only thing is beware of Iron in the vitamins, Iron poisoning can happen. I personally cannot take vitamins with Iron in it, because it makes me all kinds of sick.

Wow, I went on a bit of a vito-rant didn't I? Sorry, its early and I'm really sleepy and I babble while sleepy.:D

If you do find anything that seems to make your hair grow faster let me know.

May 19th, 2008, 10:40 PM
Since hair can be slowed down by stress, dying and poor nutrition, certainly improving this gives hair an opportunity to grow to its best potential.

Hehe maybe I'm just tired, but when I read this I thought, "huh, I would think that hair growth would by stopped by dying, not just slowed down. Does hair still grow after we're dead? Hmmm... :ponder:"

:D I'm so silly!

At any rate, I've been taking MSM and trying my darndest to eat more protein, and I think it's really helping.