View Full Version : Lush Caca Marron/Rouge Over Dark, Chemically Dyed Hair

August 12th, 2010, 02:53 PM
I've been thinking about using Lush henndigo again for a couple of reasons: 1) I'd like my hair to be as strong as possible and henna never hurts in that regard; 2) I think I want more reddish tones for autumn. I've used henna and Lush Caca before, but in Brun. There wasn't a color change. I have a brick of Marron that I purchased and ground up in March, but then decided not to use. It has been in the freezer. Is it ok to use? I heard that indigo doesn't do so well in the freezer, but it's just powder...

I'm also a little concerned about having roots/demarcation. I used semi-permanent dye on my hair for years and colored it black a few times. Then I went back to brown (but all the parts that had been colored black stayed pretty dark). After my first caca attempt, I tried to get some of the black dye off my length with honey lightening and it worked a bit. For the last 3 months, I have only colored my roots using a root touch-up kit. I'm worried that a redder caca will have zero effect on my length and make my "roots" (probably 6 inches grown-out from the black dye days) too red.

If you look in my album, you can see that the color is lighter and redder in the photos without flash. (See in particular the twin French braids.)

Basically, there are a couple of questions I need answered:
1) Can I get a red-brown without terribly visible roots?
2) Can I use Caca Marron to achieve the desired color?
3) Should I get a brick of Rouge or Brun and mix them with the Marron?


August 12th, 2010, 03:26 PM
When I first starting using henna I went back and forth between the Caca's and chemical.
The Lush seemed to do a pretty good job at blending the line.
In certain light it's noticeable that my length is darker than my roots, but it doesn't look bad.
I pretty much use straight henna now with an occasional Brun gloss to darken it a bit.
And unless I get them cut off, my ends will always be darker from the dye.

August 12th, 2010, 03:27 PM
Oh meant to suggest cutting in some brun to the marron! :)

August 12th, 2010, 03:57 PM
Marisa- I'm kinda tempted to just use the Marron NOW, since I have it and will be hanging out at home until tomorrow morning. I can always go over it with Brun in a day or two if it's too red, right? There's a Lush about 10 minutes from me.

August 13th, 2010, 07:13 AM
You can definitely do it that way!
I love mixing and experimenting as well, makes the whole process a bit exciting. :)

August 14th, 2010, 10:23 AM
Well, it didn't do anything. I left it on for about 10 hours and the top of my head is the tiniest bit redder, but that's it. I also had to shampoo SEVEN times to get the cocoa butter out. I really don't know why the cocoa butter was such a problem this time; the last time I used it, the butter wasn't an issue. I think I may just do straight henna next time...