View Full Version : Fabric softener changed my texture . . .

August 11th, 2010, 01:19 AM
But is it permanent? I put generic fabric softener in my hair because I had a few major tangles. It seems to have straightened my curls. :confused:

August 11th, 2010, 01:38 AM
But is it permanent? I put generic fabric softener in my hair because I had a few major tangles. It seems to have straightened my curls. :confused:

I think fabric softener would straighten anything. :p I'd stay away from putting chemicals intended for laundry in my hair. :rolleyes:

August 11th, 2010, 02:02 AM
I don't know about your texture, maybe it over softened it and left it straighter? It might take a couple of shampoos to go back to normal. I don't think any harm was done...I read in a couple of old beauty books women used it in place of conditioner. conditioner is like a fabric softener for our hair anyway.

hehe, so I'm bored and did a little searching and found some guys using downy to try and regrow their hair (hope it's ok to link to another forum..it's a hair loss forum, not a long hair forum) http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=46991 I found it kinda funny.

August 11th, 2010, 02:42 AM
There is no way you would have done anything permanent. I would think there is just too much coating on your hair and it has pulled it lank. I guess now you know how to get it straight when you want it like that! Just clarify and go back to your normal routine and it should be back to normal.

August 11th, 2010, 02:52 AM
Maybe after few washings it will go back to normal...? I bet it didn't change your hair's structure. Maybe it's like... after putting heavy straightening conditioner on your hair. Everything will go back to normality after washing.

August 11th, 2010, 03:19 AM
I have read somewhere about people using fabrick softener on their hair to prevent static electricity...
I don't think the change is permanent, probably a temporary change in the hydrogen bonds on the surface of your hair (if I remember correctly that is the static-preventing factor...), it should go back to normal after you wash your hair again :)

August 11th, 2010, 07:59 AM
Thanks everyone. :):) I shall see where it is in the next week or two.

August 11th, 2010, 08:06 AM
Oh my lord! Who told you to do that!? You should read the material safety data sheet for that fabric softener. It is not meant to go on one's skin or body! :confused:

August 11th, 2010, 08:38 AM
Oh my lord! Who told you to do that!? You should read the material safety data sheet for that fabric softener. It is not meant to go on one's skin or body! :confused:

A friend was sure it would get the tangles out of my hair, as nothing else was working. She uses fabric softener at times on her hair.:rolleyes:

Madame J
August 11th, 2010, 09:12 AM
Isn't fabric softener just silicone with some fragrances and solvents? Ah, I looked it up -- some use quaterniums and some use silicones. They also contain water/alcohol and emulsion-stabilizers. Probably pretty close to what's used in commercial hair products, actually.

Annalouise, I did read the MSDS for "Spring Fresh Fabric Softener" and it just says not to ingest it, it may irritate eyes, and it may be mildly irritating to the skin. For comparison, these are the same (or milder) than the hazard warnings on sodium lauryl sulfate (in plenty of personal care products) and the same as the hazards for cetyl alcohol (in most conditioners and body lotions, as a moisturizing agent).

For the OP, the fabric softener probably changed your texture because silicones can change texture. I imagine it would last until you remove the silicone coating.

akka naeda
August 11th, 2010, 10:18 AM
I wouldn't put it on my hair.
All the cotton items I have say not to be washed with fabric conditioner because it destroys the fibres.

It's why I sometimes wonder whether hair conditioner does a similar thing to hair.

August 11th, 2010, 12:18 PM
Poetic, I doubt you did much (if anything) to the true structure of your hair, BUT it is quite true that fabric softeners of all kinds - even the dryer sheets - do destroy the structure of fabrics over time and repeated use.

Also, fabric softners seriously reduce the absorbency of all fabrics (with the first use, even) - so my towels and bath rugs never ever get put into the washer or the dryer with fabric softners of any kind.

These are my reasons why I try not to use fabric softeners in my laundry whenever possible... and I very rarely use it.

One of the only ways I use fabric softner is the dryer sheets, one tossed into a cool dryer with an item that has too much cat hair to brush off (I've got 7 cats), and even then I only put the item of clothing into a cool-air dryer for 10 or 15 minutes - tops - with the softner sheet. Heat isn't necessary to get some softner ability from the commercial dryer sheets, and less is more. This treatment always gets a laundry item cat-hair-free.

August 11th, 2010, 12:33 PM
I don't know how safe it is to use fabric softener, but I know I feel itchy just thinking about it!

I like fabric softener in my laundry but if I touch it with my hands they itch for hours and hours. It's a nightmare.

I can't imagine that feeling on my head or neck! :shake:

August 11th, 2010, 12:39 PM
...snip.. destroys the fibres.

It's why I sometimes wonder whether hair conditioner does a similar thing to hair.

snip- fabric softeners of all kinds - even the dryer sheets - do destroy the structure of fabrics over time and repeated use.

fabric softners seriously reduce the absorbency of all fabrics snip

Hope you ladies don't mind me snipping and bolding, but this is making me think about conditioner - does it do the same thing? - destroy the structure of our hair and/or reduce absorbancy?

I'm wondering because I noticed that when I did CO my hair seemed to get more dry instead of more moisturized. It only felt better when I shampooed. :confused:

Though I'm not sure how I'd go without conditioner as my hair is curly and dry....

Any more thoughts?

August 11th, 2010, 06:07 PM
Virgo75- I don't have any answers but its an interesting question.


August 11th, 2010, 08:01 PM
but this is making me think about conditioner - does it do the same thing? - destroy the structure of our hair and/or reduce absorbancy?

I'm wondering because I noticed that when I did CO my hair seemed to get more dry instead of more moisturized. It only felt better when I shampooed. :confused:
I don't know. Sorry.

I have extremely oily hair; only my ends are dry.
I've always had very, very, VERY oily hair - and it's always been baby-fine and too soft, so I've always had the opposite problems of yours.

August 11th, 2010, 08:44 PM
Don't want to threadjack but thanks for responding to my question Annalouise & StephanieB. :flower:

It's funny, my hair is wispy, baby fine, curly, and dry with somewhat oily roots.
I can't get by without conditioner, but it only seems to work if I shampoo.
When I don't shampoo conditioner only makes my hair feel drier. :confused: