View Full Version : My way to long and more healthier hair

August 8th, 2010, 01:45 AM
Hi, I had read here for a long time until I registered, so I think it`s about time to introduce myself. My name is Nicole, 38 years old and I´m located in germany.

At the beginning of 2009 I cutted my hair (nearly 13,78 inch) back to 16 1/8 inch cause I want more healthy hair. It were the beginning of use sicicone-free and natural cosmetics only.

an older pic from 2006 (bleached)

2008 (before the cut, TONS of silicon):

At the beginning of 2009:
http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/144124700212383qf4spw.jpg http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/abgeschnittenyorq6tk3.jpg

Mai 2009

Mai 2010: and Juli 2010:
http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/14412733603404uahpfro.jpg http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/1441279635851z392rult.jpg

Actual hairkosmetics:
-Aubrey Organics Rosa Mosqueta Shampoo
-Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner
-Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner
-Alverde Repair Shampoo
-Sante Balsam Care Conditioner
and lots of different oils for the hair-ends

Have a great day :)

August 8th, 2010, 01:58 AM
Wowsers, you have amazing hair :D

August 8th, 2010, 02:56 AM
Thank you Hotrox :oops: You as well ! Such silky curls!! :bigeyes:

August 8th, 2010, 03:48 AM
Beautiful hair, so shiny!

August 8th, 2010, 04:22 AM
sorry to be a hair perv... but,

:drama: :agape:

August 9th, 2010, 09:57 AM
@Barniie+ Serious
Thank you so much, you`re so nice and both with soo beautiful pics!!

August 9th, 2010, 11:01 AM
Very beautiful hair. It's coming in nicely!

August 9th, 2010, 11:41 AM
Your hair is so gorgeous!! :cloud9: I love the length and how shiny and silky it looks!

August 9th, 2010, 01:46 PM
Thank you Mexibeach and Sarah :)

But unfortunately my hair is not so easy to handle. Its much better, since I use silicon-free products only, but it doesn`t feel very silky. They are a bit dry and in moisty air they have a strange kind of "blow up" (*g* can´t say if thats the right description in english, so please be indulgent with me :flower: )

Wonderful haircolor! Is is your natural colour of hair?

August 9th, 2010, 02:28 PM
Thank you Mexibeach and Sarah :)

But unfortunately my hair is not so easy to handle. Its much better, since I use silicon-free products only, but it doesn`t feel very silky. They are a bit dry and in moisty air they have a strange kind of "blow up" (*g* can´t say if thats the right description in english, so please be indulgent with me :flower: )

Wonderful haircolor! Is is your natural colour of hair?

Nah, it's fake, haha. My natural color is a mousy diry blonde so I'm always dying it something!

I know what you mean about your hair - mine does the same thing when it's humid outside. Annoying!

How long do you want to grow your hair to?

August 9th, 2010, 02:46 PM
Nah, it's fake, haha. My natural color is a mousy diry blonde so I'm always dying it something!

I know what you mean about your hair - mine does the same thing when it's humid outside. Annoying!

How long do you want to grow your hair to?

Oh, I know this, I have a mousy dirty "light-brown" :)

Did you find a "counteragents" against this "blow up effect"?

How long, oh, I`m not really sure. Around 36-38 inch maybe, if the hair ends are more or less ok. And you?

August 9th, 2010, 03:28 PM
Oh I am so jealous of you guys with beautiful smooth hair. I am having troubles growing it out and doing things with it... Nici I absolutely LOVE the color!
I have ben trying to get the perfect color for myself (a dark auburn-redish) and so far it has been a little dissapointing. None of the stylists in my area seem to know what they are doing :P

August 9th, 2010, 03:40 PM
Oh, I know this, I have a mousy dirty "light-brown" :)

Did you find a "counteragents" against this "blow up effect"?

How long, oh, I`m not really sure. Around 36-38 inch maybe, if the hair ends are more or less ok. And you?

I use this leave in conditioner - Panteen Split End Prevention Cream. It works pretty well at keeping my hair from getting too poofy and wavy but my ends still always look kind of frizzy and I'm not sure what to do that about that yet! :(

I'm growing my hair out to my waist. It's finally nearing bra strap length so I'm happy about that :) I had a major haircut back in february - the stylist butchered me and I vowed never to cut again, haha

August 10th, 2010, 07:15 AM
The color on your avatar IS fantastic, and it looks very smooth! Do you have another pic of your hair color/ hair somewhere here? Its a very warm and shiny color.
Thank you, but it isn`t my natural color ;) I use plant hair colors.

@Oh, I used Panthene until I changed to silicon free last years, but it also doesn`t help completely against this frizzy or "blow-up" syndrom. Have you tried aloe vera?

Hehe, I dont know if I would ever go again to a stylist ;) Last visit were at the beginning of last year and now I cut only the hair ends sometimes a bit, short trim. I`m really afraid of stylists :rolleyes: How much have yours cut at februar?

August 10th, 2010, 07:42 AM
You have beautiful hair Nici! And officially welcome.:bounce:

August 10th, 2010, 07:51 AM
Thanks so much growing2shine and best wishes to denmark :) - I love it. (last year we spent our holidays in bork havn).

August 10th, 2010, 01:30 PM
Someone posted this link in another forum, its about frizz and very interesting. I think, I have the surface frizz.

August 11th, 2010, 04:53 AM
Haha, I keep reading this thread title as "my way too long hair ..." and then wondering why one would come to this forum if they thought their hair was way too long?!?

Sorry for the ramble and welcome!!

August 11th, 2010, 09:42 AM
The color on your avatar IS fantastic, and it looks very smooth! Do you have another pic of your hair color/ hair somewhere here? Its a very warm and shiny color.
Thank you, but it isn`t my natural color ;) I use plant hair colors.

@Oh, I used Panthene until I changed to silicon free last years, but it also doesn`t help completely against this frizzy or "blow-up" syndrom. Have you tried aloe vera?

Hello Nici

I too use herbal/vegetable hair colours. I think that Logona hair colours are wonderful, they leave my hair feeling very soft, and, for a few weeks after colouring, the effect of the herbal colour reduces my surface frizz.

In general, I like to use aloe vera to control the frizzy top layer of my hair. I also use two Aubrey Organics products (I noticed that you are a fan of that brand): AO Mandarin Magic Moisturising Jelly, and AO B5 Styling Gel. I've been using both of those products, combined with a little aloe vera, in my hair for the last two months and I am very pleased with the results. One bottle of each product will last for around 1 month (and that is with almost daily use for thick, hair), so I think they are cost-effective too :)

I, also, think your hair looks very good - you were so brave to have had so much haircut off in order to allow the rest of your hair to grow again :)

August 14th, 2010, 02:28 AM
*lol* I would wonder about this as well :grnbiggri Oh, I wish my hair would be too long ;)
Thanks for you welcome!

Oh, I never have tried the Mandarin magic moisturising jelly and the design gel. I should order the Mandarin jelly! Thank you :)
I still have problems with pure Aloe Vera, it leaves a "restive" feeling in my hair. I`ve heard a lot times from others, that it works fantastic against this frizz, but not in my hair :confused:

I love Sante and Logona as well, but does your hairline take on this color as good as the rest of your hair? I have some probs with this part of my hair to color it with herbal/vegetable colors.

August 14th, 2010, 06:36 AM
[QUOTE you were so brave to have had so much haircut off in order to allow the rest of your hair to grow again :)[/QUOTE]

I totally agree! You've got awesome hair by the way! Welcome to the LHC!

August 14th, 2010, 07:53 AM
Oh, I never have tried the Mandarin magic moisturising jelly and the design gel. I should order the Mandarin jelly! Thank you :)
I still have problems with pure Aloe Vera, it leaves a "restive" feeling in my hair. I`ve heard a lot times from others, that it works fantastic against this frizz, but not in my hair :confused:

I love Sante and Logona as well, but does your hairline take on this color as good as the rest of your hair? I have some probs with this part of my hair to color it with herbal/vegetable colors.

I find that the Mandarin jelly is very moisturising and my sensitive head/dry, frizzy hair tolerates it very well. It provides a very light styling hold too. A bottle of the product lasts me for absolutely ages. To apply, I use about a €1 sized blob, rub it on my palms, and smooth it/rake it through wet hair. I even smooth a little on the hair at the top of my head, because it's so light it will give a bit of control against frizz but not leave my roots feeling/looking greasy.

Because my mid-lengths and ends are very dry/frizzy, and I am wearing my hair curly these days, I follow an application of Mandarin Jelly with an application of B-5 Styling gel (same amount, €1 sized blob) and I apply it to the hair that lies below ear-level. I like B5 because it is a leave-in conditioner and gel combined in one product, it gives a good styling hold to combat frizz and encourage my curls, it smells nice, and it's most definitely not sticky. My sister, who also has curly hair, but wears it straight, also likes B5 gel for helping to keep her curls away and to prevent frizz.

With regards to aloe vera and how it feels in your hair, I think I know what you mean about that 'restive' feeling: I've learned from experience that aloe vera works very well to combat frizz and to moisturise the hair but that it is a strong product, so not a lot is required - I would use half the amount of aloe vera gel that I use of the B5 gel.

I can use aloe vera all over my hair (sparingly on the hair that lies above ear-level or near the roots), and I find that I only need one application between hair washes because, if I have a little bed-head frizz in the mornings, I can reactivate the aloe vera gel's effect by misting my hair with water.

As with all the styling products I've mentioned above, I apply them to wet hair and allow them to dry until they have formed a stiff cast on my hair, and then, when the hair is dry, I can scrunch or squeeze sections of hair to remove the hard cast feeling (with some pomade or jojoba oil on my hands). I always end up with hair that is soft and is not frizzy. As I mentioned, my sister also has curly hair but wears it straight, and she uses the same method when it comes to these products so it works for straight hair too :)

When it comes to Logona and blending my hairline with the rest of my hair, I use the Logona hair powders rather than the creams. I like the Logona creams because they are much easier to use, but after trying both products, I find the powders are worth a little extra work because they give a much stronger colour to the hair, and this gives a much better blending effect between new hair growth and older hair.

I ask my husband to apply the Logona colour to my hair for me, because, unlike me, he is very methodical and precise ;) I mix the chosen powder (in my case I combine 50% Flammenrot and 50% Naturrot) with hot water to form a yoghurt-consistency paste. The paste is best applied to the hair with a brush to ensure that the hairline is adequately covered with the colour. I find that I need to reapply the colour every 5 weeks to ensure that new hairline growth is covered. I have used the Logona powders to successfully blend the difference between new growth and hair that was synthetically coloured.

August 14th, 2010, 10:43 AM
The color on your avatar IS fantastic, and it looks very smooth! Do you have another pic of your hair color/ hair somewhere here? Its a very warm and shiny color.
Thank you, but it isn`t my natural color ;) I use plant hair colors. [quote]

@Nici: :D Thanks so much. I was always very self conscious of my hair until i cut layers which really took out some of the 'pouf'. I am new on here and do not know how to post pictures yet but as soon as I figure it out I will post some. I have been trying to find things to manage my hair that do not cost me lots of money (I am going to med school) but so far have not had much luck... I have never done anything like henna or such and would really like to get started. Unfortunately I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere so there are not many options regarding hair advice :P

August 15th, 2010, 04:06 PM
Your hair is amazing!
and you have a really sweet tattoo!