View Full Version : Saying hello

August 5th, 2010, 08:13 PM
Thought I'd jump in, the water looks pretty good...

I've actually lurked here for quite a long time, off and on... my oldest daughter has quite long (just past tailbone) hair that gets very dry very easily, and I often look around for ideas for her. I've done CO on her for at least five years, and I'm pretty sure I got the idea from this forum... :) Mine isn't as long as hers but generally hangs out (lol) between midback and waist.

Anyway, I figured I ought to finally introduce myself. I'm 34, live on a wannabe farm in Nowhereville Oregon with hubby and 5 kiddos, one boy (the oldest) and the rest girls who all have long hair! The shower drain and vaccum cleaner hate us :D.

So howdy!

August 5th, 2010, 08:54 PM

What a big family you have! You're a kind Mom to come looking for help with your daughter's hair! I love love love Oregon, I bet you have a beautiful farm!

You might want to start with using oil on her ends, it definitely helps combat the dryness. I use Coconut oil, but lots of users have had luck with olive, almond, monoi, argan, etc.

Another thing you might want to check is the hardness of the water in your area- I've had to get a special showerhead filter because the chlorine in our water was destroying my hair.

Really hope you enjoy your time here! :)

August 6th, 2010, 06:24 PM
Thanks for the welcome! Yes, we have hard water and a water softener for our well. I'm not sure which is worse, the hard water or the salt to soften it. But that's part of living in the country!

We do have a beautiful farm, if you like poison oak. LOL. No, I love it, but it's a neverending battle between us and the blackberries and poison oak! We're armed with goats, though, so we're winning. ;)

I haven't had any luck finding an oil for my daughter that doesn't gum her up terribly, but I'm still trying different possibilities. Her hair is VERY different from mine, also, which means I'm experimenting ALL the time!

And I've recently become addicted to hair "toys" ... we call them hair "pretties" at our house, and we have gazillions. But strangely I always seem to need more...:cool: