View Full Version : Um..How do you use gel?

August 2nd, 2010, 08:38 PM
I know this is a silly question but I am serious. My hair typically does not like gels but I am wondering if I do it wrong.

What kind/brand?
Applied wet or dry?
How applied?
What is your hair type?(2s, 3s, 4s)
Got any pics?:)
TIA :cheese:

August 2nd, 2010, 09:04 PM
Whenever I've used gels, it's been because I want a way to bring out my curls/waves. I've used lots of random brands, nothing I remember in particular.
I put it in when my hair is damp, a quarter sided amount.
I just rub it around my palms and then scrunch it into my hair, gathering small sections of hair at a time in my open palm and then as I close my hand I move it in a upward motion, like to bring the hair up to the roots.
My hair is really wavy and the gel helps to define the curls so I don't have parts that are straightish and parts that are curlyish. Hope that helps!

August 2nd, 2010, 09:05 PM
When I use gel, I have to apply it when my hair is dripping wet. As soon as I rinse my hair (which I do upside down, last thing in the shower), I turn off the water and scrunch my hair up once to squeeze out the bulk of the water. Then I put a glob of gel on my hands, rub them together, and scrunch my hair up a bit. I try very carefully to go straight up with the hair, not smooshing any of the strands to the sides that will tangle. Then I plop my hair on t shirt, although I have been doing a "reverse plop" that I find works much better

Oh I use Herbal Essense Twisted something (the one for curly hair), but I'm not committed to it. I used to use Aussie Tizz no Frizz. I vary them up.

August 3rd, 2010, 02:19 AM
I apply it my wet hair, about the size of a almond for my above shoulder hair.

I rub it between my palms and then smooth it over my, avoiding the top inch or so and also smooth it on underneath. I kind of put my hair between my palms and run it down the length, lightly

I then run/rake my fingers through the bottom few inches inch and give a very light scrunch at the same time.

I then don't touch my hair again until it is dry.

August 3rd, 2010, 04:27 AM
I use gel on dry hair the morning after a wash (I usually go to bed with damp hair). If my hair looks good, I use gel to keep it that way. I usually put leave-in (Fox's) on my length and ends, then gel all throughout my hair. I use a small amount - at the most a thumbtip size blob - of cheap extra hold hair gel.

Gel or some kind of styling product are necessary for my hair to look OK, since i have lots of different lengths due to major postpartum shed and my hair is messy and varies dramatically in texture and wave.

August 3rd, 2010, 08:49 AM
I take a dollop and rub it between my palms and fingers, then finger-comb the ends with my gelled fingers. Last I run my palms down the surface of my hair at the scalp area to encourage all those little sticky-up hairs to lie down. Sometimes it even works!

I'm not particular about my gel, as long as it doesn't contain alcohol. Sometimes I use aloe vera gel, sometimes styling gel.