View Full Version : Hello Hello :-)

July 30th, 2010, 05:29 PM
Hi! I've just joined - but i'm a little surprised I didn't know about the site until now - I am definitely a long hair fanatic!

I've been trying to grow out my hair pretty much my whole life - right now it's waist length. My hair has this annoying habit of deciding to fall out when it's past a certain length and my life is past a certain stress level - so I keep having to cut it off to long-ish and trying to start over again.

I found this site in a very unusual way - I have an etsy shop selling hairsticks, jewelry and belly dance costumes, and I was checking my statistics - and it said I had a bunch of referral links from here! Of course I was curious to see what you guys were saying about me! :o) I never found it, but this looks like a rather fun place to hang out, so here I am!

July 31st, 2010, 01:37 PM
Welcome, Auralynne. :)

August 1st, 2010, 02:18 PM
Welcome! I hope you have a fun time on LHCF!:) Wow,it must be awesome having a hair toys store.Cool! :p