View Full Version : HALP! Another hair dilemma...

July 26th, 2010, 12:18 AM
So I was standing in front of the mirror just now, playing around with my hair... when all of a sudden a chunk fell over my forehead and I was reminded of what I look like with bangs. Now I can't stop thinking about them! Thing is, I just spent the last decade (on and off) growing them out. They're still several inches shorter than my longest layers. But for the last year or so, I kinda been feeling like my hair is just blah. It has no style. It's just there. And now I'm thinking bangs would be the perfect remedy.

By the way, I'm talking blunt cut bangs that hit at eyebrow level- think Anne Hathaway. I know this style looks good on me because I always had them as a girl. On the one hand, I'll have to grow them out again. I hate having to grow hair out when I want to go back to my old style, which is why I've never let a drop of dye ever touch my hair. There's a little voice inside my head saying, "Don't be so reckless! You never do anything 'extreme' with your hair, so why start now?" And then another voice replies, "'Cause I'm only 19 and I'm starting college in a new, far-off place where I don't know anybody, that's why. If there is an ideal time to just go ahead and do the unexpected, it's right now!"

Please make the voices stop! Either help me convince myself to get bangs, or give me a reason not to do the big snip. :o

July 26th, 2010, 01:27 AM
That's definitely a case for the two-week-rule. Give yourself time to think about it. If you get bangs and don't like them anymore, you will be stuck with them for years of growing out, plus various stages in which the will get on your nerves even more than usual and might look funny.

On the other hand, you're probably not going to decide this for the rest of your life. Yes, growing out bangs is a pain, but at your age I don't think you want to keep the same hairstyle for ever. Take some time to think about it, and if you still want them (and you must want them every single day of those two weeks), go ahead :)

Please also keep in mind that bangs may require more frequent washing and/or styling, so if you know you're on the lazy side or have a busy timetable, think this through really well.

July 26th, 2010, 01:35 AM
Another solution is clip on bangs. I have seen these in hair dresser stores and they look really real and quite pretty and come in lots of colours and usually made of human hair, that way you can only wear them when you go out and feel like having bangs while leaving your hair intact without cutting it.

July 26th, 2010, 01:44 AM
Three words for you.

Clip on Bangs.

July 26th, 2010, 02:12 AM
Or if you cannot find clip in bangs that match your color perfectly, you can do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfGfloRYJ1A

July 26th, 2010, 04:06 AM
A bonus about clip-in bangs is if you ever get caught in the rain, the bangs won't dry all over the place and you won't have to spend the rest of the day trying to flatten them with your hands and rulers and all sorts!

July 26th, 2010, 04:11 AM
By the way, I'm talking blunt cut bangs that hit at eyebrow level- think Anne Hathaway. I know this style looks good on me because I always had them as a girl. On the one hand, I'll have to grow them out again. I hate having to grow hair out when I want to go back to my old style, which is why I've never let a drop of dye ever touch my hair.

If you had them before and you liked them and they looked good on you, why not get them? It's not a crime to have bangs!