View Full Version : Leginayba - has anyone purchased?

July 25th, 2010, 03:34 PM
As in the title, has anyone purchased a stick, fork, or any other item from their shop, either by etsy or ebay? I am a bit confused about the shipment. On ebay they say it's 5,99$ for EACH item you buy, no matter how many and they promise to return the money if they pay less for sending goods. On etsy they say it's 5,99$ for one item, but only 1,99$ for any additional one :( They don't answer my mail and I really don't know..

July 26th, 2010, 03:58 AM
There was a thread about this seller not to long ago. One or two weeks ago, I believe. You could try a search?

July 26th, 2010, 06:18 AM
I have ordered from Sarah. Some of my items were not finished as well as I would have liked but its not too hard to finish them they way I like and for the price I didn't expect much more. Also she sent a free fork too.I find the wood forks are finished much nicer than the horn I will probably order from her again because I found communication with her to be excellent. Just remember that it takes a few weeks to get your items but despite the lack of detail in finishing I love my items and there are a few that are still on my wish list.


July 27th, 2010, 07:23 AM
I have ordered from Sarah.

Thank you for help:) I settled the matter with Sarah, as she answered my mails.