View Full Version : Tangling; don't want to cut

May 16th, 2008, 11:25 AM
I know this is an age old problem here but I let someone put a semi-permanent color on my hair 6 months ago (it was a barecue sauce red disaster; it was supposed to just cover some bleached ends) and since then it really tangles a lot (but at least the color has worn off-back to my natural color, thankfully) I know what caused it; I just need some encouragement not to cut it and some suggestions on helping my poor hair. I am at about 28"-almost waist length for me (I'm really short) and I don't want to lose any length. I am not getting any splits or breakage. I have tried cones and no cones and both help a little but then my hair seems to get oily really fast. Maybe I need to just put it up more and wash it less. I am also growing out chin to shoulder length bangs that fly everywhere and get oily quicker than the rest of my hair.

Any help, encouragement and advice would be appreciated.


May 16th, 2008, 11:40 AM
Have you tried clarifying really well? You might just have some stubborn build-up that needs to be removed. Also, a very light dusting trim might help.

May 16th, 2008, 11:42 AM
try a deep treatment like Olive oil overnight, Try a nice protein treatment, try cwc, and oil the ends nightly. Keeo trying different things and see if they help. I eventually had to do a 1/2 inch trim and then my ends were better, but only because they were badly split.

May 16th, 2008, 11:52 AM
I don't know if you use cones/no cones, but I use suave kids detangling spray. It's cheap and effective for getting little knotts out.

May 16th, 2008, 02:50 PM
For me, clarifying followed by a nice long SMT can help a lot with tangles, but I get funny kinked ends when my hair gets dry.

If all else fails, put it up in styles that prevent it from tangling, I guess. That's what I do...

May 16th, 2008, 03:32 PM
Oh I've been fighting tooth and nail with my nape hairs for months now, literally cutting chunks of tangles out of it. I thought I tried everything (as far as conditioning). I was out of baking soda and always forgot to pick some up. Well, last week I grabbed a box and headed home. Used a handfull (no poo), wet it and my hair, and massaged it in, focusing on my stupid nape and my ratty ends. Heavy moisture afterwards, and VOILA! Normal hair again! I hadn't realized how much buildup I was getting from my JASON leave in. Woohooo.

Definitly give a GOOD clarify a go.

May 17th, 2008, 03:01 PM
Many thanks to everyone! I clarified with shampoo and baking soda last night then oiled the ends with jojoba oil. It definately feels better and today I am wearing it up. Oh, I followed the clarifying with my favorite no-cone conditioner. I can get my fingers through it again!!!