View Full Version : braiding

July 19th, 2010, 05:59 PM
how do you french braid your own hair

July 19th, 2010, 06:15 PM
I've watched youtube videos and have read instructions on line to learn techniques, I've practiced a ton but haven't gotten anywhere yet. I'll be watching this thread in hopes of picking up more helpful hints.

July 19th, 2010, 06:18 PM
I've watched youtube videos and have read instructions on line to learn techniques, I've practiced a ton but haven't gotten anywhere yet. I'll be watching this thread in hopes of picking up more helpful hints.
thank you i have also tried my self but i had no progress

July 19th, 2010, 06:30 PM
Can you do regular English braids? It's a lot easier to work out French braids once you've got the English braid down. Once you've got that, Torrin's videos are a great way to learn. :) Here's her vid on French braiding: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC_unKDz_JA

General tip though, I find French braiding easier when I'm sat at a desk or table, then I can lean forward, still keeping hold of the sections with my fingers, and rest my arms when I need to.

July 19th, 2010, 07:28 PM
If you are having trouble with doing French braids, you could also try the Faux French Braid. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kOyGD_KOoA) I find this style comes in handy when I don't have time to do a full-on French/Dutch braid. :)

Take your time and be patient. Don't try to braid really quickly or it might not turn out neat. You'll find the best way for you eventually. Good luck and have fun!

July 19th, 2010, 07:35 PM
As strange as it may seem, I absolutely CANNOT french or dutch braid while looking in a mirror. It messes me up for some reason.

I find using my chin or mouth as an extra hand is very helpful.

So, when I was first learning I thought of my fingers as hungry mouths and each time I added they "got a bite" and when I crossed, they "swallowed". So, it was "get a bite, swallow. get a bite, swallow". I know it's weird, but it helped me visualize what I was supposed to be doing with my fingers.

Ummm....yeah....you should probably watch Torrin's video :D

July 19th, 2010, 08:10 PM
Youtube is your friend, and of course the members here, when it comes to these styles. It took me about 2 months of practice to really make a presentable one.

I learned from ALL of the members here who have posted tutorials, and I give them credit! :thumbsup:

July 19th, 2010, 10:08 PM

I can't use mirrors to do it, either. My brain can't handle the flip-flops.


Practice on other people. Practice on dolls. Particularly with braiding, I find it helpful to learn on something I can see, and then translate it to the top/back of my own head once I've got the basics down.

Did I mention you should practice?

July 19th, 2010, 10:24 PM
The best tip I ever got from LHC on braiding is to watch a video every night before bed and then practice a braid in your hair while watching it. That way you can get at least daily practice when you're doing your sleep braid and it doesn't matter if it looks hideous.

Jenn of Pence
July 20th, 2010, 03:53 PM
I try hard to take up the new hair at the same place on either side (e.g. at the temples, at cheekbones, etc.). Doesn't always work perfectly, but it does help to keep it a little more symmetric. I've gone so far as to contemplate making plaits in multiples of six (three on each side) to ensure the strands at the end have the same amount of hair, but that's a lot of effort to figure out so I don't normally. ;)

I agree with practicing a lot. I must have practiced a lot when I was growing up. I didn't do french braids for a long time between high school and now, but I'm at least able to put up a decent one now. Still need to practice to get my mad skillz back!