View Full Version : Blog categories... Heeeelp!

Shermie Girl
March 11th, 2008, 10:03 AM
Gosh I'm starting a lot of threads in this section, lately. :o Anyway, I am having trouble with blog categories. I can't figure out how to do them. I have clicked and tried everything I can think of and I just can't figure it out. Could someone zap me with a clue, please? And speak slowly, remember, I am old and a total computer idiot. :lol: :flowers:

capelli lunghi
March 11th, 2008, 10:29 AM
To create blog categories
Click Blogs at the top.
Click Blog Control Panel in the Options box on the left side.
Click Blog Categories in the Blog Control Panel box on the left side.
Add your categories..

To categorize your new or current blogs..
Post a new blog or click the edit icon http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/images/misc/blog/edit.gif on current blogs.
Scroll down to the Additional Options box under where your enter your blog.
Check one or more blog categories
Click Save

March 11th, 2008, 10:37 AM
I am not able to even acess the link blogs..("the webpage can not be displayed")
Is the feature all open yet?

Edit: Disregard..the page is just really really slow on me..o_O *sry*

capelli lunghi
March 11th, 2008, 10:39 AM
I am not able to even acess the link blogs..("the webpage can not be displayed")
Is the feature all open yet?Hmm.. Yeah they are open.. I just went there and everything looks fine! Don't know what to tell you.. :( Sorry!

Oh.. NM then.. I saw your NM.. lol

Shermie Girl
March 11th, 2008, 10:41 AM
Thank you sooo much, Capelli Lunghi! :flowers:

*Off to make categories :D*

March 11th, 2008, 10:59 AM
Another question: seems like the default category is "Uncategorized." I've noticed that some members have renamed or deleted this category. How do I do that? I want to rename "Uncategorized" as "Babble." :p

capelli lunghi
March 11th, 2008, 11:06 AM
Another question: seems like the default category is "Uncategorized." I've noticed that some members have renamed or deleted this category. How do I do that? I want to rename "Uncategorized" as "Babble." :pThe "Uncategorized" category appears and disappears.. If someone has blogs that they have not put in a category.. you will see the Uncategorized category show up on the side of the page and at the bottom of individual blog posts.. If someone puts all their blogs in categories they made.. then you will no longer see the Uncategorized at the side or the bottom of blog posts. Hope that is not confusing.. lol If you want your posts to end up in Babble.. you will have to create that category and check the box next to "Babble" when you are creating/editing your blog posts..


March 11th, 2008, 11:42 AM
The "Uncategorized" category appears and disappears.. If someone has blogs that they have not put in a category.. you will see the Uncategorized category show up on the side of the page and at the bottom of individual blog posts.. If someone puts all their blogs in categories they made.. then you will no longer see the Uncategorized at the side or the bottom of blog posts. Hope that is not confusing.. lol If you want your posts to end up in Babble.. you will have to create that category and check the box next to "Babble" when you are creating/editing your blog posts..


Thanks! Hmmm, now I need to decide if I want to go through all that extra work. . .:cool:

March 11th, 2008, 12:27 PM
capelli lunghi (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/member.php?u=8267)- thanks! That was perfect! Now I can go be all anal and micro-organize my blather.

Shermie Girl
March 11th, 2008, 05:00 PM
capelli lunghi (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/member.php?u=8267)- thanks! That was perfect! Now I can go be all anal and micro-organize my blather.

You? Anal? Naw... ;) :lol:

May 25th, 2008, 12:05 AM
I am a spammer and the moderators have edited my thread to remove any information about me or my site. :spam: