View Full Version : Mini ficcare *grumble*

May 15th, 2008, 09:10 PM
I just got my mini ficccares tody and they stink. They have no teeth in them and they slip right ouyt of my hair. What the heck can I use them for????

May 15th, 2008, 09:13 PM
I would only use them in place of bobby pins, and only where i might use bobby pins that would be visible. just me.

May 15th, 2008, 09:16 PM
The mini maximas? Yeah, I almost bought some then I saw them in Nordstrom's and they were so slippery they didn't even seem to stay on the price tag card thing. I'm much happier with my small maxima that I can use for half ups.

You could do a semi messy up do with a few unobtrusive hair pins, some mini claw clips and throw the ficcare minis in for accent.

You could do a half up with both minis holding the half ponytail--sort of put them facing each other with the small ends pointing toward small ends, almost one on top of the other, if that makes sense.

May 15th, 2008, 09:50 PM
Do you think you have shoved enough hair into them? I always thought if I had a pair, I might try clamping down a french twist to the scalp hair, one going straight down into the twist at the top and one going straight up into the twist at the bottom ....you might not see them, but they look nice if they were seen.

May 15th, 2008, 09:55 PM
I bought a pair off the swap board, theyre so tiny, I bought them for my little 4 year old neice.

I think they might look cute as clip on earrings, ha ha ha (that was a joke, lol)

May 15th, 2008, 09:55 PM
Do you think you have shoved enough hair into them? I always thought if I had a pair, I might try clamping down a french twist to the scalp hair, one going straight down into the twist at the top and one going straight up into the twist at the bottom ....you might not see them, but they look nice if they were seen.

Good idea!
I've never bought any of the minis cause I wasn't sure I would actually use them for anything. I bet my mother would use them for pulling back the sides of her hair...
Hmmm maybe you could use them for some sort of twist half-up or maybe for a nape ponytail?

May 15th, 2008, 11:58 PM
I don't believe my suggestion is keeping with the TLHC guidelines. :whistle:

May 16th, 2008, 01:43 AM
I've had them and they're VERY tiny. I believe people use them for clipping back (not very thick) bangs or that kind of thing. I think if they're slipping out of your hair, it means you tried to put too much into them (they're similar to the beak clips in that way). I can't imagine using it for French twist in any form. They just don't hold much hair.

Here (http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r194/ptngr/200704MiniMaxHalfUpDirtyMirror.jpg)was how I used mine for a sort of "half-up".

May 16th, 2008, 04:39 AM
I use them to hold back the shorter hair I have framing my face. They only hold a little bit, but they're very strong for their size!


May 16th, 2008, 04:46 AM
I think they are brilliant! so small and dinky, yet so strong!

I use them for clipping back front hair, or a small halfup as PatGear shows (very much less than half but that's what I call the style however much hair is in it).

May 16th, 2008, 04:48 AM
I have issues with mine, too. The color - honey marble - looks good in my hair, but getting the darn things OPEN is really, really hard (and I am a strong woman...).

Unless they are holding enough hair, they do slide down, and in my case pull on my hair in a damaging and uncomfortable way. Kind of the same thing with my Large size normal ficcare - no real hold.

I think there are some uses for them IF you can get them to work, but I was really disappointed at what I saw as a lack of the usual Ficcare quality.

May 16th, 2008, 05:47 AM
I love mine - even ordered a second pair. I have very fine slippery hair, but it is heavy. Alot of times I find that bobby pins will not hold my hair and the hair I want to pin is too small for a barrette so I use the mini's. I think my mini's have gotten more use then any of my other hair toys.

May 16th, 2008, 06:12 AM
I know they dont work at all for half ups.That si the main reason i got them becuase my small ficcare is to late to hold half ups on me unless i put it in a bun. The minis either slip down or I get to much hair in them,and I dont have enough hair for pony tail half ups with my small maxima. I will try them for holding small things once my hair is up in a style and see if that works. Thanks everyone :flowers:

May 17th, 2008, 10:26 AM
I also use them as shown in the picture. I have the masterpiece brown and I think they're very pretty. They hold well, but I only know one thing to do with it, so I'm really not using them often. They're cute and such, but I would never order a second pair.