View Full Version : Short-term use of prescription steroids - effects on hair?

May 15th, 2008, 06:00 AM
I struggled a little bit on where to post this, sorry :rolleyes: I'm having surgery in a couple of weeks, and the doctor wants me to take a 6-day course of Medrol. Do any of you have any experience taking this, and did you have any side effects? I found one general post on the Internet where someone experienced hair loss :scared: I don't think this is a common side effect, but I apparently live my life to be an exception.

May 15th, 2008, 06:31 AM
Whoa. I don't know about hair loss, but I had a severe allergic reaction 2 weeks ago and they gave me prednisone for it, which is also a steroid. I felt like everything was going lightning fast and I was talking and doing things way fast. Thankfully I only needed to take it for 4 days. I was sitting still and could not calm down.:( It was kind of scary. My primary Dr. gave me mederol but I didn't take it because of fear of more speedy antics. Then I went to the allergist and he told me the hospital gave me too high dosage because I'm tall and lean, so that's why I had this reaction. He said its good that I'm off it because prolonged use of too high dosage would possibly lead to insanity (roid rage?) My advice is talk to your doctor to make sure the dosage they give you is right for your height and weight. I hope I havent scared you. On the bright side I didn't notice any shedding any more than I had before, and I've been off the wretched drug for about 10 or 12 days.

May 15th, 2008, 06:45 AM
I have taken short term steroids (A "dose pack", with a high dose the first day, gradually decreasing over a week) a couple of times, for things like an unexplainable itchy rash.

No hair loss or other side effects I'd consider serious, and it took care of the problem nicely.

May 15th, 2008, 10:06 AM
Oh, I have loads of experience with steroids, both short and long term (I have a chronic lung disease). I just finished a monthlong stretch on prednisone at a fairly high dosage, a couple months ago.

I've never experienced hair loss from steroids. If anything I think my hair grows faster when I'm on them. I don't notice a change in the quality of my hair, either. I also never notice an increased shed after I'm done with them.

Only side effects I ever experience are: increased flexibility (I'm a yoga instructor, I'd notice this), increased energy & endurance (I'm also a competitive athlete), increased appetite (not so fond of this one) and as a result of the last one, WEIGHT GAIN. I'm really not happy with that at all. I know that some people experience trouble sleeping, but I never have.

Good luck with your surgery. May you have a speedy recovery!

May 15th, 2008, 12:37 PM
I'm currently on Prednisolone (which is basically the same as prednisone, the difference is that prednisone is converted into prednisolone in the liver), not a very high dosage I think, from what I've read others have been prescribed (I started on 15 mg 2 weeks ago, gradually dosed down to 5 mg tomorrow), and I have not noticed any hair loss.
The only thing hair related I have noticed is that it suddenly feels like my hair had a growth spurt, it suddenly feels longer and maybe fuller, but I'm NOT saying that this IS because of the steroid drugs, but they are a suspect.
I will research steroid drugs some more to see if there is anything that will make it likely to have this effect, but just off the top of my head it does not seem entirely unlikely...
I do not want anyone getting this great idea about trying to be put on steroids because it makes hair grow faster, heheh.. But on the other hand I suspect the other side effects might be preventive against that..
I went to se my doctor again today, and she noted that I had gotten what she called "The Prednisolone Face".. Oh joy, heheh.. I'm retaining water, but luckily I have not yet gained any weight..

*UPDATE* Only thing I could find so far is that sometimes corticosteroids is used to treat alopecia areata, which is a condition where the immune system attacks hair follicles, causing the hair to fall out.. the corticosteroids supress the immune system, stopping the hair loss, but it doesn't seem to speed up hair growth in any way.

May 15th, 2008, 02:27 PM
Thats interesting. I've been on the pregnasome steroid for asthma, and I noticed more shedding, but I've never been on it for more then 2 weeks.

May 16th, 2008, 08:30 AM
I had hair loss on prednisone, which my rheumatologist says is natural. I used it long term though. I suspect short term use is probably okay.

May 17th, 2008, 12:51 AM
Not me, but my son. He had prednisolone for 7 months, starting with a very high dose (600mg) and he had no hair loss or anything like that. The only side effects I could see was the increased appetite and weight gain Islangrrl mentioned, water retention (salt free diet to combat that) and an increased emotivity, although the last could have been linked to either his illness or other drugs he was taking at the time

May 17th, 2008, 06:53 AM
I occasionally (now thankfully rare) need to take steroids for asthma and I've never noticed hair loss with them. Big moonface yes, but rubbish hair, no.