View Full Version : Conditioner recommendations?

July 10th, 2010, 08:48 AM
My hair is 2c/m/ii and since I've stopped using the blow dryer my hair is softer and shinier, which is good :), but it is also slippery, which is not so good :mad:. It slips right out of my new flexi ( size small). I shampoo every other day with White Rain extra body and I really like it and I've been using Thermasilk volumizing conditioner. When I blow dried it was fine, I guess it frazzled it enough so that it wouldn't slip out of clips and things.

So, have any of you had this problem and what works for you? I want a little slip so that it detangles easily, but not so much that I can't put it up. Also, I'm on a pretty tight budget at the moment so dollar store products would be ideal!

July 10th, 2010, 09:43 AM
Does your shampoo or conditioner contain cones? I'm not familiar with those products because we don't get them over here. I just know that when I use cones, nothing will stay in my hair. Not even an elastic!

When my hair gets very slippery from CO-ing, I use an ACV rinse. It helps with the slipperyness but makes my hair look greasy faster.

July 10th, 2010, 06:02 PM
I think White Rain has cones in it (please correct me if I am wrong!), but I am not sure about the conditioner (although I can guess that it does). I find that cones make my hair slippery and not in a good way. You might want to try a shampoo and conditioner that are cone-free to see if that makes a difference and whether your hair likes cones or no cones better.

July 10th, 2010, 07:34 PM
I don't know if the White Rain shampoo has cones or not, but the ThermaSilk conditioner has dimethiconol, is that a cone? I think I'll try a cone free conditioner as suggested and see how that works.

Thanks for helping!!!