View Full Version : Could anyone do a detailed article on a rope crown braid?

July 8th, 2010, 06:33 AM
I love the updo by Elainehali but cannot work out how to do a rope crown braid. Is there anyone here willing to do an detailed article on it with pictures. Pretty please.

Purdy Bear
July 8th, 2010, 06:36 AM
Im sure there is someone. Iv done the rope crown braid on a styling head, and it wasnt that hard, once you know how to do a French rope braid.

PS: I dont have hair, so cant do it from a personal perspective.

July 8th, 2010, 07:00 AM
I have two things bookmarked on here that you might find helpful:




July 8th, 2010, 10:44 AM
I'm not sure I'm good enough at it to do an article, but I attempted this for my summer ball. It didn't come out exactly like it looks in the original article, but I was quite pleased with the results.

I practiced it lots of times- at least 15- before I felt even remotely confident of being able to do it on the day. I found I could only manage it when my hair was quite greasy.

My best tip for this was to section off in advance the bits of hair that I was going to add in for each twist of the crown braid. I used mini jaw clips and sectioned the lower half of my hair into about 20 sections before I started.

Hope this helps :)

I would link to some pictures, but I'm not sure how to, but I've got some in an album :)