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July 7th, 2010, 03:55 PM
This just happened to me in the dark in the back garden.
Problem: how to know if you still have cobweb / spider / dead insects in your hair.

Solution: touch hair gingerly and scream and pull your hand back in horror to feel lump of cobweb. Remove said cobweb, shuddering. Look in mirror and see squished spider in hair. Shriek and remove it with tissue. Undo plaits and comb hair. Find no further evidence. Re-plait hair and try not to wonder what could still be in your hair that you don't know about. :confused:

Of course, the real solution would be to wash my hair, but it's night time, so it's a bit late to wash my hair, and it's not wash day for me today anyway!

Has this happened to anyone else? It frequently happens to me when I'm cycling through the woods. I hate it when you suddenly get one plastered right across your face.

July 7th, 2010, 04:01 PM
You're spying on me! You must be watching me as I walk through my dark back yard to my back door!

July 7th, 2010, 04:07 PM
Ive done this before.......

I usually freak out....start banging my head like im at a concert, and begin rolling around on the ground like im on fire......

I dont like spiders at all....:o

July 7th, 2010, 04:08 PM
Ive done this before.......

I usually freak out....start banging my head like im at a concert, and start rolling around on the ground like im on fire......

Ha ha ha! Seriously? That would be very funny to see!

I would probably stand and laugh at this spectacle for a while, and then take pity on you and help you pick the dead insects out of your hair - perhaps! :eek:

Edit: it has just occurred to me that the sheer horribleness of this happening would be made even worse in countries where there are poisonous spiders. We don't have any poisonous ones here in the UK, but in places like Australia for example, you do, don't you? Eeek! I don't even want to imagine how awful it would be, trying to determine whether the spider that has suddenly appeared on my head / face is a poisonous one or not!

July 7th, 2010, 04:10 PM
*SHRIEK*! Oh gosh, that's my worst phobia, extremely so, as I kept reading I kept looking around my room looking for spider webs. Yeah. Paranoia much? :p LOL.
I've never had that happen to me before, and I never want to... *shiver*... but knowing Vietnam... O.O (Thank god the spiders build their webs like super high up in the trees, a huge fright if you look up to the sky though, let me tell you.)

I'd do the exact same as DARKMARTIAN! :p

July 7th, 2010, 04:31 PM
Ha ha ha! Seriously? That would be very funny to see!

I would probably stand and laugh at this spectacle for a while, and then take pity on you and help you pick the dead insects out of your hair - perhaps! :eek:

Aww thanks.......I would definately need some comforting after such a traumatic experience...:p

I'd do the exact same as DARKMARTIAN! :p

Picture us both walking through one at the same time then......http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/crying.gif

July 7th, 2010, 04:32 PM
You just need to get a cycling buddy to ride ahead of you :)

July 7th, 2010, 04:34 PM
Picture us both walking through one at the same time then......http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/crying.gif

It sounds like the "headbanging" would be literal because you'd probably end up smashing your heads together! Ouch!

July 7th, 2010, 04:34 PM
You just scared me!!!

Edit: it has just occurred to me that the sheer horribleness of this happening would be made even worse in countries where there are poisonous spiders. We don't have any poisonous ones here in the UK, but in places like Australia for example, you do, don't you? Eeek! I don't even want to imagine how awful it would be, trying to determine whether the spider that has suddenly appeared on my head / face is a poisonous one or not!

And you made it even worse :(

July 7th, 2010, 04:40 PM
Ew! Don't even want to think about it. What would be worse for me is getting a June bug or Japanese beetle in my hair. This happened to me once and I hope it NEVER happens again. :shudders:

July 7th, 2010, 04:42 PM
Ew! Don't even want to think about it. What would be worse for me is getting a June bug or Japanese beetle in my hair. This happened to me once and I hope it NEVER happens again. :shudders:

I'm not familiar with either of those insects. What are they? Are they extra bad for some reason?

July 7th, 2010, 04:48 PM
It sounds like the "headbanging" would be literal because you'd probably end up smashing your heads together! Ouch!

Well if it has to be so....then hopefully the spider is right in between them when it happens.......

Hair wash time!!!!.....:D

July 7th, 2010, 05:05 PM
^ Ick. Imagine the squished spider brains we have to wash out... *Shiver*

Aww thanks.......I would definately need some comforting after such a traumatic experience...:p

Picture us both walking through one at the same time then......http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/crying.gif

Lmao! :D That's an amazing sight indeed. :D

You just need to get a cycling buddy to ride ahead of you :)

ROFL! I'd second this idea, thanks for making me laugh out loud. ;)

It sounds like the "headbanging" would be literal because you'd probably end up smashing your heads together! Ouch!

What a pun. *Trying to think of something witty to say here*

July 7th, 2010, 05:14 PM
Scream, then faint.

I don't go anywhere in the backyard (or anywhere else, for that matter) where I could possibly have to walk through a spider web. E.V.E.R. Not since The Incident.

I'm extraordinarily arachnophobic.

July 7th, 2010, 05:24 PM
1. Shriek
2. Faint while trying to escape by running in circles.
3. Wake up and WASH HAIR, wash day or not. The thought of spider nasties anywhere near me is enough for me to launch myself into a hot shower.

I don't cope well with spiders and deliberately avoid walking around/near places I know they (no pun intended) hang out. The front door gets a good looking-at before I turn the handle and step through, since they especially like to live where I need to walk. Jerks.

July 7th, 2010, 05:44 PM
I'd never reach back and touch it - goodness no - I'd shake my hair wildly then run into the house begging someone to look me over for a bug, and if no one was available, I'd take on the skills of a master contortionist looking in the mirror.

(Although I'm not particularly afraid of spiders, bugs in general are just icky)

July 7th, 2010, 06:03 PM
I don't like having to remove the sticky, insect-corpse-infested mess from my MBL hair, shower or not. It's a chore.
It happens to me pretty often, I spend a lot of time in those kinds of places. Usually I just pluck it out by hand, run my fingers through a couple times to get rid of any deceased bugs, and then carry on.

July 7th, 2010, 06:08 PM
The other morning when I was getting in my car to go to work, I stuck my hand in the driver's side door handle and pulled it away immediately. It felt awful, gross, and terrifying! I took a stick and cleared out the handle, which was full of spider webs and a spider nest, and this HUGE, HIDEOUS garden spider came out. GAWD!!!!! AWFUL!!!! The car was fine when I parked it the night before, but the evil spider had taken up residence over night. Fortunately, it didn't bite me, and the stick cleared the monster and its lair out of my car door handle, but it was the grossest, most chilling experience~!

I have an intense fear of spiders.

July 7th, 2010, 06:09 PM
I don't mind the web- its the possibility of a spider being on me that makes me crazy. I usually spin around frantically patting down my head and (if i'm in my own yard) ripping off articles of clothing until I am certian that I am spider free.

July 7th, 2010, 06:11 PM
The other morning when I was getting in my car to go to work, I stuck my hand in the driver's side door handle and pulled it away immediately. It felt awful, gross, and terrifying! I took a stick and cleared out the handle, which was full of spider webs and a spider nest, and this HUGE, HIDEOUS garden spider came out. GAWD!!!!! AWFUL!!!! The car was fine when I parked it the night before, but the evil spider had taken up residence over night. Fortunately, it didn't bite me, and the stick cleared the monster and its lair out of my car door handle, but it was the grossest, most chilling experience~!

I have an intense fear of spiders.

OMG......Im paranoid now.....:o

July 7th, 2010, 06:39 PM
Mental note, no more reading spider threads.

Must go take a shower, must make sure nothing is in my hair although I haven't seen a spider web in about a week, the very thought...........*shudder*

July 7th, 2010, 06:43 PM
One of my most memorable bike wrecks involved a spider web in the face. it didn't occur to me at the time to worry about it could impact my hair routine, though.

July 7th, 2010, 06:44 PM
When I walk through a spiderweb, the first thing I do is start spitting! Because usually, I'm walking and doing some heavy breathing with my mouth open. I just don't want them in my mouth :D

July 7th, 2010, 06:52 PM
i do what i call the spider dance..
basically for like 5 minutes straight i freak out and frantically brush my hands all over over and over very roughly while screaming "get it off! get it off! get it off!" over and over.. and yes there are some poisonous spiders in Connecticut..

some of the spiders in my yard are huge (their abdomen region is like half a cm by 1 cm and their footprint is like 3 cm) brown and FURRY.. like mini brown tarantulas..
i dont know if those ones are poisonous but they are scary..

July 7th, 2010, 08:59 PM
Shriek, scream, run in circles while clawing at hair, face, eyes, etc. Start stripping, continue screaming, end up running around as nude as i can be without being indecent, and possibly faint. Come to, and if I am not concussed, shower for the next few hours to ensure that the spider is DEAD. But the evil buggers can hold their breath, so I would submerge myself with a straw for air, so that way they would drown before I got out. I really, really hate spiders.

Yes, I have some serious spider issues. I'm down with snakes, mice, etc, am a forensic anthropology major, am not easily grossed out... but something about spiders just freaks me out hardcore.

July 8th, 2010, 01:38 AM
I'd probably do what Ace Ventura did while running out of the bat cave. :rollin:
Fortunately I've had only spiderweb in my hair without its owner. :)

July 8th, 2010, 01:43 AM
I would just have to die.

Jane53 I was nearly sick reading your story. And I don't even want to know about Islandgirl's Incident!

July 8th, 2010, 02:27 AM
Please note however, bats are NOT going to get stuck in your hair!

July 8th, 2010, 04:12 AM
This happens to me all the time. I hate it.
The worst experience I had was going to bed afterwards, going in the shower when I woke up and then after shampoo-ing my hair, a spider I had just killed with the shampoo that was hiding in my hair fell down my face and into my eye. Fun.
I think I'm going to start wearing a shower-cap when I'm creeping round the garden or my car at night.

July 8th, 2010, 04:36 AM
:shrug: Happens to me all the time. I work a lot outside in woody areas and we have an old house where we keep some spiders in the corners as friendly fly-eating pets :laugh:.
I just make sure that the spider crawls away safely and then I wipe the net off my cloths, face and hair and call it done. I´d never even thought about undoing my updo or wash it because of that :p I´d be showering and redoing my hair all day then.
But then there are little things which gross me out. Hey, I worked in a bar for a while and was the only one who could clean away puke without fainting or adding to the mess :wacko:

July 8th, 2010, 04:45 AM
Never really happened to me, and you would probably be shocked if you knew that i like spiders.:crush:

I dislike other insects like dragonflies and big moths, but i'm not afraid, i simply kill them.

July 8th, 2010, 06:32 AM
i simply kill them.

Noooooooooooooooo! :(

July 8th, 2010, 09:58 AM
^ Ick. Imagine the squished spider brains we have to wash out... *Shiver*

But you could add some honey and call it a moisture-and-protein DT!!!! :D

Mental note, no more reading spider threads.

Must go take a shower, must make sure nothing is in my hair although I haven't seen a spider web in about a week, the very thought...........*shudder*


Shriek, scream, run in circles while clawing at hair, face, eyes, etc. Start stripping, continue screaming, end up running around as nude as i can be without being indecent, and possibly faint. Come to, and if I am not concussed, shower for the next few hours to ensure that the spider is DEAD. But the evil buggers can hold their breath, so I would submerge myself with a straw for air, so that way they would drown before I got out. I really, really hate spiders.


This is one reason I'm glad I had a boy... he can pick the ickies out of my hair for me! :p

Please note however, bats are NOT going to get stuck in your hair!

Oh, honey, have you SEEN my hair????? I've lost whole toddlers in there before, so a bat doesn't stand a chance of making it out unscathed!!!!

July 8th, 2010, 10:13 AM
Oh, honey, have you SEEN my hair????? I've lost whole toddlers in there before, so a bat doesn't stand a chance of making it out unscathed!!!!

ROFL - when I used to have wild and crazy hair I always used to say when I did talks, "Look, bats do not get stuck in your hair, do you think I'd do if there was any risk?"

Always got laughs..

July 8th, 2010, 10:24 AM
A few years ago, I walked between two trees while on a hike. I did not notice the huge spiderweb that was so beautifully strung between these two trees, but I felt the resistance (oh yeah) as I walked into it. I happened to look up, and seriously, the fat spider was crawling down towards me! It was not a huge spider, but big enough that I did Squiggyflop's spiderdance, and headbanging like DARKMARTIAN. Instinctively, I took off running and jumping and whacking myself in the head!!! My hiking partners thought I had been stung or something.

Honestly though, I felt bad for the poor spider. I try not to kill insects and bugs and creepy crawly things, as I feel they have a right to be here as well. I just try to avoid them. But this poor spider, he must have thought he had caught a years' worth of food!

And yes, Merlin.. bats do not get stuck in the hair :) And they're so cute!

July 8th, 2010, 11:03 AM
Aggggghh, I don't mind spiders, but I hate how their webs feel when they get on you. Down here in hotland, we get these enormous banana spiders that weave absolutely massive webs that they like to string between trees. Not cool, man, not cool.

Though personally, I always worry more about the brown recluse and black widow spiders. The banana spiders aren't really poisonous.

I always spend a few minutes frantically scrubbing at my face and feeling my hair to make sure it's all gone. I don't know what it is with me and webs, but they're nasty.

July 8th, 2010, 12:49 PM
Arrrrrghhhhh why must you make me think of such things!! Our garden is riddled with the little beasties. I'd do the mad hopping around, wailing and hitting myself thing I think.

July 8th, 2010, 12:59 PM
Oh dear, thankyou chopandchange for the um.. detailed description...
I had one of those things (I can't even stand to type the word) fall on my face from the ceiling (t'was dead) :shudder:

If one got in my hair, I think I'd have to shave my head...

Note: when walking outside in the dark, I tend to wave my hands/ a stick/ umbrella in front of me if in an area where a thing may have made it's home, to avoid just this situation :o

July 8th, 2010, 01:10 PM
That's one of the benefits of covering your hair when outside...:) But what's worse than a spider is a dead, squished, dismembered spider-paste in your hair. So I'd try my best to remove the spider alive. They don't want to be in your hair anyway.

July 8th, 2010, 01:14 PM
I don't really mind spiders, but other bugs generally freak me out and I had a strange paranoia about getting them stuck in my hair even before I read this thread. Haha, thanks everyone! :D

I did the headbanging thing that DARKMARTIAN described a month or two ago, when I was walking down a very busy city street and a bug just flew right into my forehead/hair. I immediately reached up to knock it out and I felt it for a second and then lost it, and then became convinced that it had somehow burrowed into my hair... so yeah, I did a crazy dance on the street, pulled out my bun, shook my hair all over the place, and jumped up and down in an effort to shake it off of me.

Fortunately, in a big city I am unlikely to ever see anyone on the street again and I was waaaaayyyyy more worried about the bug than I was about looking crazy. :lol:

July 8th, 2010, 01:18 PM
Fortunately, in a big city, looking crazy isn't even noticed by the people around you. :lol:

There, fixed that for you! :p

July 8th, 2010, 01:21 PM
There, fixed that for you! :p

LOL - excellent point! :D That is one of the few things I will miss, since I'm moving away... gotta act normal again in public.... :)

July 8th, 2010, 01:28 PM
I have done that. I usually am caught in the face with cobwebs. It has not happened to me lately, although I have never caught the spider in my hair, but who knows what the future holds.

July 8th, 2010, 01:36 PM
Definitely add me to the "get the spider off" dance/headbanging crew. My hair is short and I would STILL have to shower. We have poisonous ones here though, both Black Widows and Brown Recluse. Nasty little things.

My worst bug incident, however, involved a giant cockroach. Not those little bitty ones that infest your house, these things are at LEAST 2 inches long, usually longer, do a google search for American Cockroach if you're feeling brave. Anyway, it was dark, I was in the middle of some *ahem* personal time with my husband, and suddenly I feel something crawling on my arm. I start freaking out and screaming and waving my arms, hubby is confused beyond belief, we get the lights on and this thing is ON MY BACK. Ugh. It took at least a couple hours to calm down.

July 8th, 2010, 01:36 PM
:shrug: Happens to me all the time. I work a lot outside in woody areas and we have an old house where we keep some spiders in the corners as friendly fly-eating pets :laugh:.
I just make sure that the spider crawls away safely and then I wipe the net off my cloths, face and hair and call it done. I´d never even thought about undoing my updo or wash it because of that :p I´d be showering and redoing my hair all day then.
But then there are little things which gross me out. Hey, I worked in a bar for a while and was the only one who could clean away puke without fainting or adding to the mess :wacko:
Ok, how on earth do you "make sure the spider crawls aways safely"?
In my experience they crawl in places I don't want them too, so I remove them by hysterically slap myself all over the place :p I would love to be able to tolerate them more. I don't have that reaction to any other insects.

A few years ago, I walked between two trees while on a hike. I did not notice the huge spiderweb that was so beautifully strung between these two trees, but I felt the resistance (oh yeah) as I walked into it. I happened to look up, and seriously, the fat spider was crawling down towards me! It was not a huge spider, but big enough that I did Squiggyflop's spiderdance, and headbanging like DARKMARTIAN. Instinctively, I took off running and jumping and whacking myself in the head!!! My hiking partners thought I had been stung or something.

Honestly though, I felt bad for the poor spider. I try not to kill insects and bugs and creepy crawly things, as I feel they have a right to be here as well. I just try to avoid them. But this poor spider, he must have thought he had caught a years' worth of food!

And yes, Merlin.. bats do not get stuck in the hair :) And they're so cute!
Ah geee, oaaah, I have been in such a situation myself. It totally destroyed my evening stroll in the woods that time, I was paranoid about spiders the whole time after that and felt like something was crawling on me all the time :p Hate when it happens.

I love the woods and spend quite a lot of time there, it does help with my spider phobia, I can be quite near in the vicinity of a spider without getting freaked out. It really depends on the situation. If I'm in a tent with a spider I can get quite hysterical, but if I'm outside the tent with the same spider I don't react at all like that. I like spiders and find them to be very intriguing creatures, as long as they don't in some unfortunate event get stuck in my hair!

July 8th, 2010, 01:53 PM
My worst bug incident, however, involved a giant cockroach.

OMG, EWWWW!! I know exactly what you are talking about, been a little too close to them a few times myself.... Vermin-type bugs are my worst fear/phobia, much more so than the outdoor type bugs that might just wander inside (such as spiders). Those vermin-y bugs are the types of bugs I have a fear of getting in my hair or anywhere else on me, especially having lived in a city with lots of those types of critters about. That is truly horrifying!!

On the other hand, I've never lived anywhere where there were truly large, scary and/or poisonous spiders, so I don't really have a fear of them. But I am pretty sure I could develop a fear pretty quickly if any of the other incidents described on this thread happened to me....

July 8th, 2010, 02:58 PM
Ok, how on earth do you "make sure the spider crawls aways safely"?

:p Nothing easier than that. I ask my o/h or other people around, if they can see any spider on me and if yes to help it with moving to another location... if I don´t see the spider myself. Most times the net is empty anyways, though.

Thinking of small evil crawly things in ones hair, I muchly prefer spiders and their nets over the lovely "älgfluga"/elk-fly (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipoptena_cervi)... ick. It´s easy to locate/feel them when they are crawling on you and they just love to hide in hair. I have to admit that I make sure that those do not crawl away safely :twisted: which admittedly makes my updo a bit more frizzy looking than without plucking them off my head. In most cases I wear a snug bandana during that time of the year, when hiking in the areas where they are active, to avoid getting one (or a dozen of them, eek) stuck in my hair.

July 8th, 2010, 03:55 PM
@ Paniscus and TrudieCat

I had no idea that spiders cold turn so many people into instant metal-heads.....http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt267/DARKMARTIAN/Smilies/headbanger.gif

July 8th, 2010, 03:58 PM
Oh big fat hairy deal!

July 8th, 2010, 04:26 PM
I don't mind spiders and am quite happy if we have them in our house because i hate flies. My kids are not so keen on them though, but i have explained just how important spiders are to the world. I am absolutely terrified of daddylonglegs (big leggy evil flies) and moths though and i like the fact that spiders eat them. I actually have put spider webs (minus the spider!) on grazes instead of gauze. Oh and a scottish myth is if you have spiders in your house you do not have ghosts.

July 8th, 2010, 04:34 PM
I don't mind spiders and am quite happy if we have them in our house because i hate flies. My kids are not so keen on them though, but i have explained just how important spiders are to the world. I am absolutely terrified of daddylonglegs (big leggy evil flies) and moths though and i like the fact that spiders eat them. I actually have put spider webs (minus the spider!) on grazes instead of gauze. Oh and a scottish myth is if you have spiders in your house you do not have ghosts.

Awww I like the daddylonglegs! They're cute! That is, they're cute to look at, but not to feel. I hate it when they are fluttering around panicking, trying to get back outside, and they flutter onto your skin. Ugh!

July 8th, 2010, 05:10 PM
Ive done this before.......

I usually freak out....start banging my head like im at a concert, and begin rolling around on the ground like im on fire......

I dont like spiders at all....:o

That's what I do + scream and cry like a girl. Then I shower, no matter what time of day or night it is. I'm paranoid about spiders, and just reading this thread makes me cringe :run:

Whenever there are spiders in the house, I force my SO to deal with them. If he's not around I spray them with hairspray so they stick to the wall and can't run off. The worst part is that I feel really bad for doing it, but I can't get close enough to kill it - I'm just too scared - so unless the spider is actually ON me, there's no chance of me killing it with my own hands/hair/rolling around :o

July 8th, 2010, 05:14 PM
That's what I do + scream and cry like a girl. Then I shower, no matter what time of day or night it is. I'm paranoid about spiders, and just reading this thread makes me cringe :run:

Whenever there are spiders in the house, I force my SO to deal with them. If he's not around I spray them with hairspray so they stick to the wall and can't run off. The worst part is that I feel really bad for doing it, but I can't get close enough to kill it - I'm just too scared - so unless the spider is actually ON me, there's no chance of me killing it with my own hands/hair/rolling around :o

You need one of these - a spidercatcher (http://www.spidercatcher.net/EU/home.htm)! They're great.

July 8th, 2010, 05:32 PM
You need one of these - a spidercatcher (http://www.spidercatcher.net/EU/home.htm)! They're great.

No no, I do want them dead so they can't come back! Just don't want them to be in pain or die a slow death from hairspray. I couldn't use that thing even if I wanted to. I don't see myself holding anything that has a spider on the end of it without fainting. I once threw away my best pair of shoes after (in panic and before discovering the hairspray-method) throwing one shoe at a spider on the wall - that's how much it bothers me.

I used to have one of those insect repelling thingies that makes high pitched noises. The only problems were that I could hear the noises from the machine (always been very sensitive to high pitched noises), and that the first couple of weeks your room will be flooded with spiders and other insects, since they're all trying to get away from the noise. It might have made my room an unpleasant place to live for spiders, but it didn't stop them from coming in to have a look around, hmph.

July 8th, 2010, 07:03 PM
This right here (http://www.catscorner.ca/images/danceshoe/flatrubbersole.jpg) is my favorite Spider Catcher! :D

July 8th, 2010, 07:59 PM
GRU that made me laugh out loud.

July 8th, 2010, 08:03 PM
I have a no kill policy in our house apart from daddylonglegs which i hoover up with the hose but if i spider dares go on the floor then Gizmo our papillon/yorkshire terrier x goes mental at them barking then he plays with them with his front paws just like a cat and when they are dead he eats them! Its yukky but quite funny.

July 8th, 2010, 08:27 PM
I once socked a friend in the jaw for tossing a daddy-longleg at me..:o he never did it again though!...:)

A short video to chill some souls.....:D


July 8th, 2010, 08:52 PM
GRU that made me laugh out loud.

I aim to please! :D

I have a no kill policy in our house apart from daddylonglegs which i hoover up with the hose but if i spider dares go on the floor then Gizmo our papillon/yorkshire terrier x goes mental at them barking then he plays with them with his front paws just like a cat and when they are dead he eats them! Its yukky but quite funny.

My policy for insects/vermin/whatever is that if they're not related to me or paying me rent, they have no right to be inside my house and they deserve whatever punishment I choose to dish out!!!

Daddylonglegs are the one spider that I don't even flinch about (unless it was in my hair... that's just GROSS!... icky dance!!!!) -- I know they don't bite, and they don't move all that quickly, so they're easy enough to grab by the leg and escort outside. Anything else gets my above-referenced Spider Catcher treatment!!!

I once socked a friend in the jaw for tossing a daddy-longleg at me..:o he never did it again though!...:)

A short video to chill some souls.....:D


Knowing your sense of humor, DM, I'm not even going to THINK about clicking on your link!!!!

July 8th, 2010, 09:07 PM
Knowing your sense of humor, DM, I'm not even going to THINK about clicking on your link!!!!

Its nothing too outrageous ....just a big clump of daddy long legs. But enough to send me scurrying....:o

July 8th, 2010, 09:13 PM
Its nothing too outrageous ....just a big clump of daddy long legs. But enough to send me scurrying....:o

BLECH!!!! Glad I didn't click on it!!!!

July 8th, 2010, 09:31 PM
DM i assume the video is daddylonglegs spiders but we don't have these in the uk. What i am afraid of is crane flies (aka daddylonglegs) which are large evil flies that make the most horrendous whirring noise and if they get in your hair their spindly legs fall off and get stuck in it. And just in case i did not click on your video link!

July 8th, 2010, 09:35 PM
Yep, our Daddylonglegs are spiders that are completely benign.... funny that two totally different bugs have the same name on different continents!

July 8th, 2010, 09:47 PM
The other morning when I was getting in my car to go to work, I stuck my hand in the driver's side door handle and pulled it away immediately. It felt awful, gross, and terrifying! I took a stick and cleared out the handle, which was full of spider webs and a spider nest, and this HUGE, HIDEOUS garden spider came out. GAWD!!!!! AWFUL!!!! The car was fine when I parked it the night before, but the evil spider had taken up residence over night. Fortunately, it didn't bite me, and the stick cleared the monster and its lair out of my car door handle, but it was the grossest, most chilling experience~!

I have an intense fear of spiders.

I'm sorry. I laughed. Not AT you, but at the way you told the story! :)

July 9th, 2010, 03:50 AM
Yep, our Daddylonglegs are spiders that are completely benign.... funny that two totally different bugs have the same name on different continents!

I've heard they're the most poisonous spiders in the world, but they can't bite through human skin because their mouths are too small (:joy:). Don't know if it's true, but I'm not about to google it and risk seeing a picture of one. They're the ones that scare me the most.

July 9th, 2010, 05:04 AM
I've heard they're the most poisonous spiders in the world, but they can't bite through human skin because their mouths are too small (:joy:). Don't know if it's true, but I'm not about to google it and risk seeing a picture of one. They're the ones that scare me the most.

I do believe that is a myth Sylvanas. Also, and I forget exactly what they are called, but they arent actually spiders (arachnids) either. If I am correct ive actually heard them compared to the earthworm on account of its "segmented" type body, void of an abdomen and a thorax or something like that.

They are ENIGMAS!!!!.....:p

July 9th, 2010, 06:24 AM
They are ENIGMAS!!!!.....:p

No, they're SPIDERS, DM! :wigtongue

July 9th, 2010, 06:32 AM
No, they're SPIDERS, DM! :wigtongue

Thanks for clarifying that GRU.

I always thought they were butterfly's......http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt267/DARKMARTIAN/neer.gif

July 9th, 2010, 06:50 AM
Thanks for clarifying that GRU.

You're welcome! Always happy to help! :D

July 9th, 2010, 07:12 AM
You're welcome! Always happy to help! :D

You must be a VERY... happy woman then GRU.....:D


July 9th, 2010, 07:13 AM
What i am afraid of is crane flies (aka daddylonglegs) which are large evil flies that make the most horrendous whirring noise and if they get in your hair their spindly legs fall off and get stuck in it. And just in case i did not click on your video link!

I can just about cope with spiders but crane flies really do freak me out. http://www.emoticons.free.fr/smileys/Emotion-Scare/scarerun.gif

DARKMARTIAN Having looked at that video I am very glad we don't have those horrors over here in the UK.http://www.emoticons.free.fr/smileys/Emotion-Scare/scare4.gif

July 9th, 2010, 07:20 AM
I can just about cope with spiders but crane flies really do freak me out. http://www.emoticons.free.fr/smileys/Emotion-Scare/scarerun.gif

DARKMARTIAN Having looked at that video I am very glad we don't have those horrors over here in the UK.http://www.emoticons.free.fr/smileys/Emotion-Scare/scare4.gif

Yeah......that video could very easily become a nightmare...:(

I blame my older sister......I remember her picking me up one time when i was really little and taking me over to a sink in the basement and trying to make me look at a spider. I screamed and wouldnt open my eyes...:o

But really spiders are the only "bug" that does that to me. I mean ill run from a bee or a wasp but they dont "Freak" me out like arachnids do.


July 9th, 2010, 09:40 AM
Scream, then faint.

I don't go anywhere in the backyard (or anywhere else, for that matter) where I could possibly have to walk through a spider web. E.V.E.R. Not since The Incident.

I'm extraordinarily arachnophobic.
eurgh! me too! arachnophobic buddies :o i saw one near my feet, out in the garden one summer, FREAKED OUT. screamed, SPRINTED into the house, stripped off, spent half an hour in the shower, scrubbing and scrubbing,got verrry paranoid.. i. hate. spiders! :eek:

July 9th, 2010, 11:47 AM
I like spiders to an extent. They're allowed to live near the airvents of my house because that's where the flies come in from. I'd rather have a spider on the wall than a fly taking a crap in my kitchen. If I see spiders whereI don't want them I usually just make them crawl on my hand and take them to the attic or outside. I'm not sure what I'd do if one got in my hair but I'd probably just give it time to leave and then rinse. :)

As for the daddylonglegs spiders... They are not spiders. They belong to the Arachnida class, Opiliones order (spiders are Aranea) and are related to mites and ticks (Acari). The correct name for daddylonglegs is harvestmen. Harvestmen don't have venom glands so they cannot pose a threat to humans. They are simply disgusting and generally imply poor hygiene in the houses they live in as they mostly eat fungal and fecal matter or dead organisms.

(No, I just can't keep myself from being a smartass, oh no. :p)

July 9th, 2010, 11:56 AM
I'm not familiar with either of those insects. What are they? Are they extra bad for some reason?
Not "bad", so to speak. They are crunchy beetles that sound like jets when they fly by! Their legs are a bit prickly which makes them stick to stuff easily, especially hair!

July 9th, 2010, 06:09 PM
Usually I'll lean to the side it got me and shake my hairs very gently so they are jiggling "vertically". I figure it's the easiest way for a potential spider to drop out -- I think that if I flip my hair over or shake it to hard the spider could just get caught up in MY web! lol

Don't want that.

If anyone's around I'll ask them to check.

Usually if I'm going to be near where spiders are I keep my hair up.

I'm not at all afraid of spiders, I just don't want one ON me!