View Full Version : Small victories!

July 2nd, 2010, 09:58 PM
I just took a cellphone shot of my progress and WOAH! I am impressed!

Before I started up here, I was a part of the wash-condition-blowdry everyday club. It's what both of my parents do, and they both have incredibly fine hair (but my dad's not balding, and he's 70 :D ). My mother battled with her hair by using a laundry list of products (mousse, gel, setting lotion, etc), and banned hot oil from the house because it would make "our hair" look oily and greasy.

Much to my parents' horror, I've forsaken their routine and wash my hair as infrequently as possible (max every other, up to 3 days between). I've had to live with this deep seated paranoia that my hair would look nasty and stringy and greasy (etc) after the first 24 hours between washings.

My mother is better about it. Since her long hair days (and after her 40th birthday shearing), she's been through beauty school and has specialized in keeping long hair long. Well, as much as a "professional" can, anyway. She does my highlights and understands when I show up on her doorstep with my 3 day old hair. She's also very fond of dusting and is glad that she heard about it.

My father, well, he's a traditionalist. If I'm going out with him, I he wants my hair washed and dried (along with makeup which I hate terribly).

ANYWAY, the point of this is that I've moved away from my parents' style of haircare... and it's worked! I wish I had an old before pic that I could compare to. Today's 48 hr looks like last year's 12 hr minus blowdrying. It's thicker and stronger and longer :D :D It's always been a dream of mine to have tailbone hair, but now it looks like I may actually reach it!

Any other small victories out there?

July 2nd, 2010, 11:02 PM
Ever since i've been lingering on lhc for the past few months and actually making an account last month, i've noticed my hair has gotten a bit thicker and it's starting to grow like it use to. Around my junior/senior years in high school, i would dye my hair and straighten every single day!!! but my mom raised me to wash my hair every 2 days or so. But yes! my goal was to at least get my hair on a healthier path so it can grow grow groww :D
btw my dad is the same way haha

July 3rd, 2010, 01:31 AM
It's taken a while, but I'm finally starting to see the benefits of stretching washes. When I first started, my hair looked terribly greasy after only a day. Now, as long as I wash my bangs, it doesn't start looking icky until day 3. Hooray! Now I don't have to spend so much time in the shower every morning!