View Full Version : Permanantly damaged?

July 1st, 2010, 07:00 PM
Hi all...my hair is naturally curly. I have straightened since I was 17...so 5years & now I am going heat (styling) free. I actually did this over a year ago & have cut it completely out of my routine except for the occasional straightening.

Well, my issue is that even though I have cut back on straightening 99% for over a year, my bangs still don't curl. I am very discouraged by this & would like to know if there is a way to mend this problem?

PS- I have already tried reconstructing conditioners...

July 1st, 2010, 07:14 PM
How long are your bangs? Do you think it might be a length issue? I mean, sometimes curls become more pronounced the longer the hair is.
You say that you've tried reconstructive conditioners (protein treatments) what about moisture treatments?

July 1st, 2010, 07:22 PM
I also think it's probably a length issue. From your avy, I'm guessing you have wavy/wurly hair instead of really curly. My hair is naturally wavy as well, but my bangs are straight-ish, because they're pretty long now. What helps me is to just put some water in a spray bottle and just mist your bangs with it. Don't soak your hair. Then run your fingers through it pretty wild so the hair doesn't stick together and let it airdry. Hope that works!

July 1st, 2010, 07:23 PM
What she said!!

My hair needs about 6 inches for the curl pattern to show up, so if I have bangs they never curl, just kind of flick out.

So, maybe try growing them longer, you'll loose some length on them if they do start to curl anyway

July 1st, 2010, 07:34 PM
I agree that your curls may start lower down in your hair rather than at the root, which can cause bangs that won't curl. Mine do curl, but the pattern is such that the curl ends sticking straight out from my head, so I'm thinking I may do away with curly bangs and just stick with face framing layers.

What is your wash/care routine? Knowing what you do and what you use may help us give some advice!

July 1st, 2010, 07:51 PM
When I used to straighten my hair it did get permanently damaged and had to be cut off (however I straightened for 5+ years). Your hair is probobly dried out and needs extra moisture. Coconut oil is great for locking in moisture and I have recently found that soaking hair in castor and coconut oil is fantastic for restoring tons of moisture in just a few hours.

July 2nd, 2010, 12:33 AM
I agree with it being a length issue! My hair is normally wavy, but my bangs are straight! Once my bangs grow out they start to form waves, letting the inner wave/curl pattern come out!