View Full Version : Washing with bad shampoo/conditioner

June 26th, 2010, 01:16 AM
How yuk it is! Couple of days ago I first washed my hair with some obscure brand and used the same condishener: my hair went hard. So I used another weird brand + condishener and little better, imagine washing and conditioning twice! Today I used some Fructice whatever stuff (not sure what the name was) conditioner only and again, yuk hair. When I travel I really got to take my own shampoo and conditioner with me!
Anyone else got such extreme results from some shampoos and conditioners?

June 26th, 2010, 01:20 AM
I can't say I've ever had my hair go hard on me because of any shampoo or conditioner. It sounds like those brands have something in them that your hair really doesn't like.

June 26th, 2010, 01:38 AM
I tried a natural conditioner called Alverde. It was horrible. Made a build-up and my ends were very dry but my scalp looked greasy.
I also tried Garnier Fructis for CO washes. My hair on my scalp was very flat a greasy. I realized that it was too heavy to be put on scalp so started using it only on my ends and it worked well. I use Garnier Fructis triple nutrition and I like it. :)

June 26th, 2010, 03:03 AM
It's always wise to take your own hair care when traveling. The last thing I would want to worry about when traveling is a bad hair day. :o;)

June 26th, 2010, 03:43 AM
Most shampoos and conditioners worked fine for me. One exception was some natural clay 'poo that made my hair very coarse (as in non-smooth) and tangly. I've also never had good results with Garnier Fructis which's shampoo made me very fly and frizzy while the conditioner was limp and heavy. Using both created a rather strange result.

June 27th, 2010, 01:27 AM
That Garnier Fructis took half the bottle of the conditioner for my hair, and it still didn't work haha. My own conditioner lasts real long! My hair is still sulking now ;)

June 27th, 2010, 03:38 AM
Hey, I was also wondering about what shampoos are good for your hair particually the ingredients. I've been using Pantene and my hair has been feeling really soft (although this may also be because i havent dyed it for ages) But I was wondering what other people thought of Pantene :)

James M
June 27th, 2010, 03:48 AM

Currently on vacation, I smiled when I read this. I've been on a week long trip and I packed everything but my usual hair products. (aussie) AND! Guess what? All I can get ahold of where I am at is this Suave shampoo that is absolutely owning my hair, and making it want to tangle, and cry.

I'm going home today and I can't wait to take a shower, and just treat the mane :cool:

Hahah this website has got me thinking about my hair to much I think now lol

<3 this place, yep.

June 27th, 2010, 06:49 AM
The worst experiences I've had with shampoo and/or conditioner have been:
Dove Energize Grapefruit- I used the shampoo & conditioner together, but I'm pretty sure it's the shampoo that is a nightmare because as soon as I rinsed it out of my hair, it felt dry, stripped, AND coated in plastic at the same time. :confused:

Then there's 2 that most people on here LOVE:
Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Conditioner and Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner - both leave my hair feeling coated in plastic, not soft or moisturized. Just coated. :shrug:

Hey, I was also wondering about what shampoos are good for your hair particually the ingredients. I've been using Pantene and my hair has been feeling really soft (although this may also be because i havent dyed it for ages) But I was wondering what other people thought of Pantene :)

Pantene may get a bad rap on here since many do not use cones, but I used it for over a decade when my hair was at it's longest and most processed(past waist, straightened, dyed, and heat styled). It was good for me at the time and I loved it. I tried the 'new' Pantene and so far I didn't like it, but I may try another version(I tried the Classic one). There's a thread on 'new Pantene' in 'Conventional Products.'

Hope that helps. :flower:

June 27th, 2010, 07:02 AM
My hair will let me know if it considers something bad, by becoming a dry coarse haystack. :D Or my skin will, by breaking out on the nape, scalp, jawline etc. (usually a fragrance or other chemical reaction, which I get from anything by Garnier unfortunately).

I use Pantene though! My hair loves their cones. Yum yum, it gobbles up those thick Crisco-y conditioners. :D It's not processed or damaged though, just very coarse and porous.

June 27th, 2010, 07:20 AM
I had to laugh; we are leaving on a VAC this week and my father was telling me I needn't bring shampoo or conditioner as the hotel we are staying in has it. Ummmm, trying to politely tell him that those shampoos and/or conditioners won't cut it wasn't easy; he just didn't get it! LOL

June 27th, 2010, 07:55 AM
The worst experiences I've had with shampoo and/or conditioner have been:
Dove Energize Grapefruit- I used the shampoo & conditioner together, but I'm pretty sure it's the shampoo that is a nightmare because as soon as I rinsed it out of my hair, it felt dry, stripped, AND coated in plastic at the same time. :confused:

The same thing happened to me with the Dover Energizing Gragefruit. And my hair is fine, so it's weird when something makes it coated & flat, and dry at the same time. I used to like the Dove Cool Moisture one when it first came out, but they changed the formula and the scent and now I don't like it. I do like the Dessert Essense Italian Red Grape because it brings out the red in my hair, but it smells very strongly of grape juice so I can only take so much of it. The Shikai Color Reflect are nice and the scent isn't offensive. I also like Aubrey Organics GPB protein conditioner, though it gets mixed reviews because some people hate the balsam scent (I happen to love it- very 70s).

June 27th, 2010, 08:07 AM
yes. I can't remember the name of the random brand, but it was one of those balsam and pine types. the result was super dry and tacky hair, as if I got actual sap in my hair. gross. dove is horrible on my hair as well, for some reason...

garnier fructis and pantene are decent as long as I don't use them nonstop or I get wicked grossness going on right at my scalp. aussie and herbal essences are good ones :) but I've only ever tried the ones for long hair, so I'm not sure about the rest of their lines.

June 27th, 2010, 08:16 AM
When I visited a friend about a month ago I decided not to bring any of my own shampoo and conditioner, so I ended up using her Tresseme products, which didn't work at all for me. They made my hair really crunchy until I went back home and did two clarifying + SMT sessions.

June 27th, 2010, 10:29 AM
what are all these "cones" im hearing about? :)

June 27th, 2010, 10:30 AM
I'm guinea pigging myself for my family--all of us have some measure of dry scalp and itchiness, and when I came to this site and learned about SLS and that it may be the culprit, I went out and got Avalon.

Most shampoos on the market would help but never stop the problems I was having--aussie, garnier fructise, pantene, and herbal essences was especially bad for dandruff. Pantene made my hair feel soft, but it got greasy the day after washing, and I'd find waxy build-up in my hair, which grossed me out.

I'm on week 1 of using no-cone, sulfate-free shampoo/conditioner, and I'm already enjoying no itch and hair that looks much more balanced by the next time I wash. I don't think I'll ever go back to conventional shampoo.

June 27th, 2010, 10:45 AM
emsahib, they're talking about silicone derivatives such as dimethicone, which are often used in cosmetic products for their soft, slippery feel. They build up on hair and need to be removed every once in while, depending on each individual's response. A lot of people here swear they can't use them; others swear by them.

I used the Morocco Method a few times and it was a major disaster for me. It's roots, herbs, clays, etc. Expensive! I had to sell the slightly used/unused product on the old board to try to recoup some $. I hope the woman who bought them had better luck. One of their products, though, was nice, but very difficult to rinse out.

After using cassia, my hair will be like straw for two washes/conditionings. Since it's making my hair better in the long run, though, I put up with it.

June 27th, 2010, 11:01 AM
One wash of anything rarely makes any difference on my hair. It can feel different while wet, but once dry it generally looks fine. Personally I think changes in water quality affect my hair more than product. Currently I'm in a hard water area, and leaving usually means very nice hair :) Before, when I lived in a place with very nice water leaving always meant not very nice hair, even when using my usual products.

June 27th, 2010, 02:31 PM
I tried my hair with a organic shampoo and conditioner. I'm finding the shampoo is fine for my greasy roots but the conditioner was not much good.. I'm using a branded conditioner at the moment and find a better result. I'm still going to try some more organic conditioners though, there all different after all.

June 29th, 2010, 01:37 PM
The other night I was reading up on Tresemme products and found this article on The Consumerist.
And then a follow up with a picture.
I just can't image my hair being that snarled! Well, when I was little my hair would get pretty tangly because I didn't use conditioner. I'm still learning how to use my products the most effective way I can.

Madame J
June 29th, 2010, 01:49 PM
I had extremely sticky, gunky hair from using the shampoo at the hotel where I stayed for a conference a month ago. When I got home, I tried washing with my regular stuff, but I had icky hair for a couple weeks. I finally just bought a bottle of VO5 clarifying shampoo and washed with that, conditioning with a VO5 'cone-free conditioner. My hair felt so much better.

June 29th, 2010, 01:50 PM
The only time I had a *terrible* hair reaction was when I did a baking soda wash. Gah! :( Straw, tangly, stiff, dull. Very hard to fix too, several washes and conditions and it still felt wrong.

Condition-only left my hair fairly heavy and dull, but diluting it well with warm water helped that immensly.

With shampoo and conditioner I've found most any is ok *if* I dilute it a lot. That means 1 squirt of product in a big plastic tumbler of warm water.

At this time I only use dilute shampoo (any old cheap one I like the smell of), no conditioner at all. My hair feels soft and does not appear very greasy even after a week. In winter I was surprised to notice little static elctricity. If that became a problem I'd use dilute conditioner.

Note: I keep my hair in an updo. Loose might require something different.

June 29th, 2010, 02:01 PM
The other night I was reading up on Tresemme products and found this article on The Consumerist.
And then a follow up with a picture.
I just can't image my hair being that snarled! Well, when I was little my hair would get pretty tangly because I didn't use conditioner. I'm still learning how to use my products the most effective way I can.
How strange. I've never used that particular 'flavor' of tresemme, but I've always liked their products. I wonder how she used the conditioner.

June 29th, 2010, 04:55 PM
I had a free sample of the new Pantene Volume shampoo and conditioner. 'Ugh' is all I can say. My hair was like straw after using them one time. I threw the products in the trash. It took a week to get my hair soft and shiny again.

June 29th, 2010, 07:06 PM
my hair reacts badly to most shampoos with sls in them. I guess my fine hair is just really sensitive.

June 29th, 2010, 08:56 PM
My hair doesn't do well with Pantene, either. It makes my scalp itch and I don't like the smell. I did like it in the 80s and early 90s, however.

June 30th, 2010, 12:57 AM
would one shampoo thats bad for one person be good for someone else depending on hair type?

July 2nd, 2010, 01:49 AM
The other night I was reading up on Tresemme products and found this article on The Consumerist.
And then a follow up with a picture.
I just can't image my hair being that snarled! Well, when I was little my hair would get pretty tangly because I didn't use conditioner. I'm still learning how to use my products the most effective way I can.

That is scary! But hair stylists can un-tangle it. It's not necessary to cut it all off.

would one shampoo thats bad for one person be good for someone else depending on hair type?

I think it might be how the scalp reacts, if it gets irritated it can get extra oily or dry and that affects hair as well. But as you said hair type might be even more the reason.

Some shampoos make my hair instantly greasy, not sure how it can happen that quickly. It took my hair a few days to get back to normal.
I use an organic shampoo and conditioner, they are really cheap and you don't need to use much at all. I mostly dilute the shampoo.