June 23rd, 2010, 08:24 AM
hiya...hope every1 is ok! i tried 2 find this thread already but didnt have much luck.
I think trends seem 2 pass me lol iv been looking in2 getting a Ez comb and i wondered if anyone had 1 and what they were like?
iv been reading reviews so i can research b4 i buy but iv seen a few comments saying hairzing and swinky are better but i live in the Uk and cant seem 2 find a UK stockist so i was wondering 4 all your input on Ez combs??
my hair is not long enough to start using hair toys properly yet so im going to have start small so when my hair does grow i can enjoy all the different 1s the world has 2 offer or make my own but atm im stuck with Ez comb or somethin similair lol
I think trends seem 2 pass me lol iv been looking in2 getting a Ez comb and i wondered if anyone had 1 and what they were like?
iv been reading reviews so i can research b4 i buy but iv seen a few comments saying hairzing and swinky are better but i live in the Uk and cant seem 2 find a UK stockist so i was wondering 4 all your input on Ez combs??
my hair is not long enough to start using hair toys properly yet so im going to have start small so when my hair does grow i can enjoy all the different 1s the world has 2 offer or make my own but atm im stuck with Ez comb or somethin similair lol