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View Full Version : Preventing Tangles and Wanting to Wear Hair Down

June 22nd, 2010, 12:09 PM
I've been wearing my hair up almost every day for quite some time. The only reason my post in the "wear hair up challenge" thread is so low, is because I was only counting unbroken streaks. In total though, I probably have worn my hair up for 11 months out of 12.
However, I don't have the kind of hair that allows me to indulge often. The layer of hair that rubs against my back is extremely fine and gets the most damage just from friction and subsequent tangles. That section of hair is always shorter as a result of cutting out damage. If I can prevent the tangles or give my hair enough slip to make detangling a less damaging process, I'm guessing I could wear my hair down more often.
I guess my question is, how? I have gone no-cone (but still use sulfates on my scalp), so I would PREFER to have a silicone free option. However, if silicone is the gold standard for slip, then would a low-sulfate shampoo (such as Tresseme Naturals) be enough to clean off the buildup? How have y'all kept the tangles at bay?

ETA: I use a small amount of olive or jojoba oil after a wash. It smooths my hair and prevents frizz, but doesn't do much in the way of tangles.

June 22nd, 2010, 12:17 PM
Have you tries the Suave Naturals line? It is silicone free and provides plenty of slip for me to detangled my curly hair. I think VO5 and White Rain are also -cone free.

June 22nd, 2010, 12:26 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. I should add that I am currently protein free as well, and I am REALLY happy with my current, really moisturizing conditioner. I'm rehabilitating my hair from protein shock, so I definitely need a heavy conditioner.
So, I'm thinking in terms of a leave-in.

Please tell me though, am I being unrealistic to try to find something that will keep my hair relatively untangled? Or is that just an issue with hair type and there's nothing I can do to prevent it?

June 22nd, 2010, 12:37 PM
What about a coney shine/detangling serum? I have super tangly hair too. Wearing silky tops helps too!

June 22nd, 2010, 12:52 PM
Hmm...I feel like my hair really used to have this problem (a really tangled underside), but now I don't really have it that much anymore. Maybe my hairtype changed?

How much of your underside is prone to this damage and tangling? Would it be practical (or would you be willing) to do something like English braid the underside and let the rest of it fall free? Since you list your hair as iii, I bet you wouldn't lose that much volume from doing that, and this might enable your bottom hair from staying tangle-free, while enjoying having the rest of your hair down. It's like a half-up, but in reverse :)

In addition to coconut, maybe you could try aloe? That allows me to more thoroughly moisturize my hair, as I put it on before I use coconut oil.

Or you could carry a comb around with you, and just try to comb out the underside every couple of hours while you're wearing it down.

Good luck :flower:

June 22nd, 2010, 01:02 PM
I have heard that broccoli seed oil gives slip similar to cones, but haven't tried it myself. (My hair tangles even with cones and tends to make more fairy knots when I use them, but it can be weird sometimes.)

I've heard that some people have luck preventing tangles with curlier underlayers if they braid just that bottom section, leaving it hidden under the loose hair. Might be worth trying. Shirts made of non-linty material that the hair glides over are also a good choice on hair-down days.

June 22nd, 2010, 01:04 PM
I swear by cones for down hair days, and have no other advice. I'll be reading this with interest!

June 22nd, 2010, 01:04 PM
My hair actually breaks a bit more when I wear it up.

So go for some down time!

June 22nd, 2010, 01:19 PM
Hmm...I feel like my hair really used to have this problem (a really tangled underside), but now I don't really have it that much anymore. Maybe my hairtype changed?

How much of your underside is prone to this damage and tangling? Would it be practical (or would you be willing) to do something like English braid the underside and let the rest of it fall free? Since you list your hair as iii, I bet you wouldn't lose that much volume from doing that, and this might enable your bottom hair from staying tangle-free, while enjoying having the rest of your hair down. It's like a half-up, but in reverse :)

In addition to coconut, maybe you could try aloe? That allows me to more thoroughly moisturize my hair, as I put it on before I use coconut oil.

Or you could carry a comb around with you, and just try to comb out the underside every couple of hours while you're wearing it down.

Good luck :flower:

I have heard that broccoli seed oil gives slip similar to cones, but haven't tried it myself. (My hair tangles even with cones and tends to make more fairy knots when I use them, but it can be weird sometimes.)

I've heard that some people have luck preventing tangles with curlier underlayers if they braid just that bottom section, leaving it hidden under the loose hair. Might be worth trying. Shirts made of non-linty material that the hair glides over are also a good choice on hair-down days.

Funny enough, my underlayer is completely straight. As in 1A straight. The canopy and front is wavy, the middle back consists of varying degrees of 1. I like the braid idea, however, I have heavily layered hair, so the braids might show through. I also like wearing my hair in front of my shoulders, so I don't want the braids to show there either. Perhaps when my hair is all one length, this could work well. I should probably change my thickness stats because my ponytail circumference is exactly 4", so it is not as thick as some members' here. *cough* UltraBella *cough*
Fortunately I have coconut oil and aloe, so I will give that a try. How much does broccoli seed oil cost?

My hair actually breaks a bit more when I wear it up.

So go for some down time!

How I wish this was the case! My hair really benefits from protective styles, so I have to take far more precautions in wearing it down, rather than up.

June 22nd, 2010, 01:22 PM
What about a coney shine/detangling serum? I have super tangly hair too. Wearing silky tops helps too!

I swear by cones for down hair days, and have no other advice. I'll be reading this with interest!

I'm willing to use cones, however, would a low sulfate shampoo work at getting them out? I don't mind using high sulfates on my scalp (I do so on a regular basis), but my ends are a different matter.

June 22nd, 2010, 01:43 PM
Fortunately I have coconut oil and aloe, so I will give that a try. How much does broccoli seed oil cost?
Not cheap, compared to coconut...
Google gave me a few places that carry it...
Link 1 (http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/soap/product.asp?product_id=OILBROCCOLI) Link 2 (http://www.botanicoil.com/products/broccoli_seed_oil.htm) Link 3 (UK) (http://www.ofasimplenature.webeden.co.uk/#/broccoli-seed-oil/4524754605)

June 22nd, 2010, 01:46 PM
My hair is extra tangle prone, but I still managed to wear it down for a long time. I try to avoid collared shirts and wear smoother fabrics when my hair is down. That seems to cut down on my problems a great deal. HTH.

June 22nd, 2010, 01:58 PM
Wear a very silky, smooth fabric when you want to wear your hair down, like finished (as opposed to raw) silk. Also, you could make a little braid out of the bottom-most fragile layer.

June 22nd, 2010, 02:17 PM
I use Kinky Curly Knot Today detangler and it's fab for these kinds of situations - I leave in just a smidge after washing, and it seems to help keep my hair from getting too tangled. I'm curly, so I don't comb out my hair til it's wet and conditioned, but using this detangler has helped immensely in reducing my breakage.

I want to say the slip comes from.. is it marshmallow root? Maybe?

June 22nd, 2010, 11:50 PM
Thanks so much for all of your responses.

I'm going to try the minibraids, hopefully I can finagle a way to make them not show.
I will also give the coconut and aloe a try. I have yet to try that combination, and also I won't have to buy anything new!
Finally, I may return to my coney serum for a trial run with my new routine. Maybe if I'm really gentle with my hair as I'm clarifying or if I follow up with a serious deep treatment, then washing out the SLS shouldn't wreak too much havoc on my hair.
I am seriously tempted by the broccoli seed oil, but I'll have to do some more research. With my cluttered dressertop, and tight wallet, I'm not a fan of dropping more dough--especially since I've become amazingly cheap when it comes to hair stuff since joining this forum!

One suggestion, which is probably the best one, yet I will not be trying, is to wear silky tops. I LIVE in cotton oxfords, and when the weather permits, tweed and wool. The silky blouses, for some reason or another, just don't suit me. I'm happiest when dressing as a dude, even if it's just from the waist up!:p Alas, perhaps wearing hair down is to be forever a special occasion. But maybe with some experimentation it will all work out. Here's to hoping.


June 23rd, 2010, 10:04 AM
I wanted to suggest grapeseed oil as a possible alternative to broccoli seed oil. It works almost like a coney serum on my 1c/2a hair, and might be less expensive. Good luck!

June 23rd, 2010, 10:11 AM
The underlayer of my hair is much finer than my canopy as well. I find that I have to use a BBB on this hair more often than the rest of my hair.

Maybe you could try braiding just the underlayer of hair? I don't know whether it would show or not, but at least it would prevent tangles. And, if you did decide to put your hair up, you'd have a pretty accent braid :D

I've found that half ups are a good alternative on days I want to wear my hair down, but don't want it to be damaged. Only a thin layer of hair is exposed, so it is much easier to detangle afterwards (and control during the day.) HTH :blossom:

ETA: *smacks forehead* I should have read the entire thread before posting this. I think the mini braids should work well :)