View Full Version : some long-hair encouragement this weekend :)

June 21st, 2010, 05:41 AM
So, this weekend, me and my boyfriend and loads of extended family were staying with my grandparents, and I got several comments that confirmed to me that I should keep growing my hair! :)
The first was that I showed my boyfriend a photo in my grandparents' conservatory of the whole family a few years ago. I had a chin-length bob in the photograph, and I mentioned to him that while I hated my hair that length, lots of people thought it was a good look on me. To which he replied: "oh no! You're right; it looks awful!" :lol: That was not the most subtle thing he's ever said, but at least it confirmed what I already knew -- I should never go much above the shoulders again when it comes to haircuts! :p

When we were all gathered eating our evening meal, after everyone had finished eating, I let my hair loose because my bun was pulling. I was listening to the conversation when I felt a gentle pull at my hair and I turned and saw my aunt had her hand knuckle-deep in it! Well that was a shock, but she was being quite admiring. She asked how long it had gotten and I said it was nearly to my waist. My grandpa said "that's the sort of thing you ought to encourage [growing hair], go for the Madonna look. And I mean real Madonna, not -" he waved his arms in a way that I guess was meant to indicate the entertainer, so I guess he was comparing me to the Virgin Mary. :lol: Who is not someone I particularly associate with long hair, but I'm pretty sure it was a compliment! :D

I assured him that I *am* encouraging it [hair growth] but that it takes a while. And my aunt responded that I seemed to be doing pretty well so far. So YAY for enthusiastic family :D

June 21st, 2010, 06:55 AM
Very encouraging.

June 21st, 2010, 07:45 AM
That's great! :D
You have a suppotive family then. Not like my grandma, she always tells me when my hair is down that I should cut it to shoulder-length.

June 21st, 2010, 08:14 AM
Congrats on your hair success! Nice to hear of some encouragement.
Everytime I see my family I constantly have this conversation with my Father:
"So...when are you next getting your hair cut?"
"I'm growing it out. Don't worry it still gets trimmed."
"How long are you growing it?"
"My waist."
"Oh....would like a drink dear?"

June 21st, 2010, 09:58 AM
Oh, that's wonderful encouragement! I get some "your hair is so pretty!" from my guy friends occasionally, so that's all that keeps me going! ^.^

June 22nd, 2010, 07:22 AM
thanks everyone :) yeah, it was great to have it confirmed by other people that my hair looks good long since mostly I just get rolled eyes for being so obsessed with it :p

June 22nd, 2010, 07:29 AM
I know that sometimes when I see a stranger's long hair I rarely say anything to them about it. I secretly admire it from afar. I sometimes wonder if anyone ever does that with my hair (not that my hair is anything special; it's not even that long yet).

In other words, people might just be stingy with compliments. Or just not say anything. But that doesn't mean that they don't like our hair!

I think we should all compliment as many people as we can. It always makes my day when I'm complimented on something! I'm sure it would make other people happy, too!

Countryhopper steps off soapbox now.

I'm happy your family is so supportive!

June 25th, 2010, 04:45 AM
nice you got hair compliments to wear it long
if hair is healthy people give compliments to wear it long
relatives too give me advise to just wear it long and not cut

June 25th, 2010, 06:14 AM
Yay for enthusiasm. Although most of us don't grow our hair for anyone else, it's nice to know that other people like it. Happy growing.

June 25th, 2010, 06:30 AM
How wonderful to get such positive encouragement!!

June 25th, 2010, 10:11 AM
thanks everyone :)

Yay for enthusiasm. Although most of us don't grow our hair for anyone else, it's nice to know that other people like it. Happy growing.
yeah, this exactly. I would grow it out even if they disliked it -- but it's nice to know that some people actually agree with me :D

June 25th, 2010, 11:25 AM
I know that sometimes when I see a stranger's long hair I rarely say anything to them about it. I secretly admire it from afar. I sometimes wonder if anyone ever does that with my hair (not that my hair is anything special; it's not even that long yet).

In other words, people might just be stingy with compliments. Or just not say anything. But that doesn't mean that they don't like our hair!

I think we should all compliment as many people as we can. It always makes my day when I'm complimented on something! I'm sure it would make other people happy, too!

Countryhopper steps off soapbox now.

I'm happy your family is so supportive!

So true. I will stare at long haired women behind their back because it is so, so beautiful. Sometimes I just want to go up to a random stranger and gush about her hair, but then I feel shy and wonder if I will seem super creepy!

June 25th, 2010, 11:40 AM
It is so nice that your family and BF are supportive!!!

I love happy hair stories:)

June 25th, 2010, 12:49 PM
That is really sweet! It's nice when people are supportive, especially family members. :)

June 28th, 2010, 03:46 AM
thanks everyone for your comments :) hopefully at the next family gathering in Christmas they'll be even more impressed -- I hope I'm past waist at that point! :D

June 28th, 2010, 05:53 AM
I am really glad you don`t have to battle with family who think long hair should only reach a certain "approved" standard length!! :cheese:

I always get so sad when people get rude/negative comments on their hair just because it is long!:(

I mean, seriously, it is just growing HAIR, not getting arrested by the police for selling drugs...:p

June 28th, 2010, 06:23 AM
I had a couple of long-hair encouragements this weekend.

I first came to LHC about 6 weeks ago to get over the temptation to cut off my 36 inches of hair. (I've had it long for 44 years, and sometimes I just get curious. And I'd fallen into a rut of wearing it in a long, thick ponytail every day.) I learned a couple of new updos here and the variety erased the "cut it off" temptation.

This Friday, at work, I had my hair up in a lazy French twist. A student complimented me on it--said she loved it--and I told her I'd been tempted to cut off all my hair but learned new updos instead. One of my colleagues was standing with us, and when I said I'd been thinking of cutting off my hair, she got a look of literal horror on her face!

Then, Sunday, I drove an elderly man to our Friends meeting, and I again had my hair up in a lazy French twist. I think it's the first time he's seen me with my hair up. He said, "I like how you can get all that hair twisted up like that! It looks good!" I thanked him and again said I'd been considering cutting it off. He said, "Oh no. No no no. Don't do that!"

Both responses were encouraging because I'd been getting a lot of the "at your age you should cut your hair" nonsense. (I'm nearly 57.)

June 28th, 2010, 06:59 AM
I had a couple of long-hair encouragements this weekend.

I first came to LHC about 6 weeks ago to get over the temptation to cut off my 36 inches of hair. (I've had it long for 44 years, and sometimes I just get curious. And I'd fallen into a rut of wearing it in a long, thick ponytail every day.) I learned a couple of new updos here and the variety erased the "cut it off" temptation.

This Friday, at work, I had my hair up in a lazy French twist. A student complimented me on it--said she loved it--and I told her I'd been tempted to cut off all my hair but learned new updos instead. One of my colleagues was standing with us, and when I said I'd been thinking of cutting off my hair, she got a look of literal horror on her face!

Then, Sunday, I drove an elderly man to our Friends meeting, and I again had my hair up in a lazy French twist. I think it's the first time he's seen me with my hair up. He said, "I like how you can get all that hair twisted up like that! It looks good!" I thanked him and again said I'd been considering cutting it off. He said, "Oh no. No no no. Don't do that!"

Both responses were encouraging because I'd been getting a lot of the "at your age you should cut your hair" nonsense. (I'm nearly 57.)
that's great! Spontaneous compliments are always amazing :D and they're right, your hair is beautiful :)

June 28th, 2010, 07:05 AM
that's great! Spontaneous compliments are always amazing :D and they're right, your hair is beautiful :)

Thanks, freckles!

June 28th, 2010, 07:17 AM
What a sweet compliment, aww. Your grandpa and aunt are so cute!

June 28th, 2010, 07:29 AM
Sounds like a very nice family! I'm glad you are getting support and encouragement on your hair growing journey! (o:

June 28th, 2010, 07:30 AM
Family encouragement is great because you'll be around them whether they like your growing or not. So liking it is a real plus!