View Full Version : Men`s thread

June 19th, 2010, 08:29 AM
I searched a bit and didn`t found a men`s only thread, so I decided to create one, so we long haired guys could chat around, and give tips to one another. It would be a good idea if any moderator is seeing this, that this thread should be sticky, or maybe a whole new forum category for us, just like the "Mane" forum. This is just because men`s hair tends to be a bit harder to work around with than a lady`s hair. And some man to man like tips would come around handy in one category, wouldn`t it?
Thanks !

June 19th, 2010, 09:04 AM
Hi Bller!

There is a men's social group, but it gets very little traffic. I think that is because men are a small fraction of LHC, and the social groups don't have a way to notify members of new posts.

Having a men's thread seems like a good idea. :)

I'm going to modify your suggestion slightly: this thread should be about about topics of interest to men.

Both men and women may post here. Actually, the men encourage women to post here. This thread is, after all, about topics of interest to men. And what could be more interesting to men than women? ;)

Just keep it clean, guys and gals. Men's threads on LHC have a history of ending up in the gutter. :eyebrows:

June 19th, 2010, 09:14 AM
Fare enough :), great idea. This should be useful.

June 19th, 2010, 09:21 AM
I think this thread will be good.

The moderators may move this thread from the Mane board to the Friendship board. One would need 100 posts and 2 months to access it there.

So... what should we talk about? :)

I have this mental image of guys in sports bars. Neither sports nor bars interests me. :D

June 19th, 2010, 09:24 AM
...Just keep it clean, guys and gals. Men's threads on LHC have a history of ending up in the gutter. :eyebrows:

Aw, you called us out on that already? :D I guess that goes to show that our minds aren't all too different than yours, only we can multitask so the potenial for destruction and mahem increases tenfold.... yeah yeah, we'll try to keep it clean. *pouts*

June 19th, 2010, 09:30 AM
Hmm, maybe not that manly of a discussion, we could talk about our hair, like what we use/do to grow it healthy and things like that.
As i`m seeing you have over 20 years of long hair, you have experience, I on the other hand, finally got my parents off my back, and have grown my hair for a year and a few months. It`s pretty ok for now, but when it goes longer, i`ll need some suggestions. For now I only need one, my ends in the back tend to get fizzy and look damaged, is there a way to take care of them, because i`m scared of thinking i have to cut half of the length of it just to get rid of that. My hair grows incredibly slow, and i`ll die if i have to cut it now !:rolleyes:

June 19th, 2010, 09:31 AM
I searched a bit and didn`t found a men`s only thread, so I decided to create one, so we long haired guys could chat around, and give tips to one another. It would be a good idea if any moderator is seeing this, that this thread should be sticky, or maybe a whole new forum category for us, just like the "Mane" forum. This is just because men`s hair tends to be a bit harder to work around with than a lady`s hair. And some man to man like tips would come around handy in one category, wouldn`t it?
Thanks !

No. That is not true at all. There is no difference structurally between the hair on a male and the hair on a female. The many wonderful haircare tips that all the women on this forum have contributed would work just as well on a man as it would for a woman.

June 19th, 2010, 09:31 AM
Aw, you called us out on that already? :D I guess that goes to show that our minds aren't all too different than yours, only we can multitask so the potenial for destruction and mahem increases tenfold.... yeah yeah, we'll try to keep it clean. *pouts*Hee, hee! I enjoyed the thread on "Male LHC'ers" (to use the politically-correct term). That was great fun. I'm proud of the members of this board. :thumbsup:

Let's have fun but try not to get the thread closed. :D

June 19th, 2010, 09:32 AM
Aw, you called us out on that already? :D I guess that goes to show that our minds aren't all too different than yours, only we can multitask so the potenial for destruction and mahem increases tenfold.... yeah yeah, we'll try to keep it clean. *pouts*

Hehe :). BTW, cute german sheppard. I have a romanian carpathian sheppard.

June 19th, 2010, 09:44 AM
All of the advice here on hair care applies equally well to both men and women. There should be a lot of threads about how to deal with damaged ends.

My ends are eight years older than my hair at the root, so my ends tend to be brittle. I just live with that. :)

June 19th, 2010, 09:45 AM
All of the advice here on hair care applies equally well to both men and women. There should be a lot of threads about how to deal with damaged ends.

My ends are eight years older than my hair at the root, so my ends tend to be brittle. I just live with that. :)

Don`t they tend to work their way up your hair?

June 19th, 2010, 09:47 AM
Don`t they tend to work their way up your hair?No they don't. I don't get split ends. I think that's due to genetics.

There are a lot of threads on split ends. :)

June 19th, 2010, 09:52 AM
No they don't. I don't get split ends. I think that's due to genetics.

There are a lot of threads on split ends. :)

Yeah I know, been through a few. But the best thing I found is that someone told me to cut off the split ends on my own, just above the split, and i`ll be fine off without needing major trimming, thing that I did for a few months, but still they may not be split ends, but damaged hair due to bad combing habits. What type of comb do you use or suggest to use on a bit wavy and tangled hair?

June 19th, 2010, 09:53 AM
I've got a question: How do you deal with the people who give you static about having a "non-standard" hair style? I recall that ShadowWalker dealt with harrassment at work about his hair. Has being a longhaired male been especially challenging because of the hair in some ways?

curious female member wants to know...

June 19th, 2010, 09:58 AM
I've got a question: How do you deal with the people who give you static about having a "non-standard" hair style? I recall that ShadowWalker dealt with harrassment at work about his hair. Has being a longhaired male been especially challenging because of the hair in some ways?

curious female member wants to know...

In my opinion, they`re just jealous. Men with long hair look awfully good, and they just talk. Or that`s the way people are, commenting on people that are different than they are. But he shouldn`t care about this. They won`t dare touch his hair.

June 19th, 2010, 09:58 AM
I've got a question: How do you deal with the people who give you static about having a "non-standard" hair style? I recall that ShadowWalker dealt with harrassment at work about his hair. Has being a longhaired male been especially challenging because of the hair in some ways?

curious female member wants to know...

I'm curious about that too ...my brother cut off his shoulder-length hair for a new job ... the double standard there seems odd because no one would ask me to cut my hair for a job.

June 19th, 2010, 09:58 AM
A female sneaks into the thread.
Only to comment on Romanian carpathian sheppard.
It sound so Star Trek (whoops, my geek is showing) never head of that breed, Pretty doggies!

June 19th, 2010, 09:59 AM
Yeah I know, been through a few. But the best thing I found is that someone told me to cut off the split ends on my own, just above the split, and i`ll be fine off without needing major trimming, thing that I did for a few months, but still they may not be split ends, but damaged hair due to bad combing habits. What type of comb do you use or suggest to use on a bit wavy and tangled hair?I use a wide-tooth wooden comb from the Body Shop. A lot of LHC'ers use that same comb.

I've got a question: How do you deal with the people who give you static about having a "non-standard" hair style? I recall that ShadowWalker dealt with harrassment at work about his hair. Has being a longhaired male been especially challenging because of the hair in some ways?

curious female member wants to know...I've had long hair for so many years that my co-workers don't think of me in any way other than long-haired. I'm fortunate in that long hair isn't a problem at my work. :)

June 19th, 2010, 10:00 AM
A female sneaks into the thread.
Only to comment on Romanian carpathian sheppard.
It sound so Star Trek (whoops, my geek is showing) never head of that breed, Pretty doggies!

You should get to know one, you`ll love them. The most friendly creatures you`ll ever get to meet :)

June 19th, 2010, 10:06 AM
I've had long hair for so many years that my co-workers don't think of me in any way other than long-haired. I'm fortunate in that long hair isn't a problem at my work. :)

In my country, during the communist dictatorship, long hair was banned for men, and that was between the 70`s until all the way to `89. So people tend to see us anarchist around here, they won`t accept you for a job unless you have a "decent" haircut. Only in the past years do their small minds widened and stopped this abuse, but back in the days it was almost impossible to get a decent life with long hair. But this is just Romania, in other places they should think that the 80`s were the good days of rock music, everywhere you looked only long haired guys. So i don`t really see why it should be such of a problem for anyone, on how long your hair is. It`s a bit of a mystery to me too.

June 19th, 2010, 10:10 AM
Hehe :). BTW, cute german sheppard. I have a romanian carpathian sheppard.

Why, thank you. She's my big (100 lb.) baby. Getting old but she'll always be a puppy to me...

To answer your hair question, if you are getting roughness or driness/damage to your ends on the back side or your head, it could be simple mechanical damage. I can see your hair is long enough (from your avatar pic) to be rubbing up against things. You should think about wether you have your hair caught between your shoulders and the couch when relax or when you lay on your bed. This frequent friction could be damaging your hair. If this continues, it could cause a damage cycle in which your hair breaks off every time it gets that length, so you will have a shorter spot in the back. This contributes to the taking forever to grow thing.

My suggestion is to move your hair to the front side of your body every time you sit down. It will become habit. Also, you're less likely to give yourself whiplash when you try to stand up (if you haven't done it yet, you'll know what I mean when it happens). Yeah, ask me how I know. When you lay down at night, you may want to pull all of your hair above your head and just let it hang out above your pillow.

As for the damage traveling up, that depends on the person. Mine does so that's all I know about. I S&D until it gets out of hand and then I trim it myself.

ETA: I looked up romanian carpathian shepherd. I've seen those before but they're not common around here (too hot I think). Very beautiful dogs but man, you must clean up a lot of hair. Mine is mostly indoors and there are always little "tumble weeds" of hair floating by, doesn't matter how often it gets cleaned. I had to get a shedding brush but I swear I've brushed out *full size rabbits* from her and the hair just keeps on coming.

June 19th, 2010, 10:11 AM
I've got a question: How do you deal with the people who give you static about having a "non-standard" hair style? I recall that ShadowWalker dealt with harrassment at work about his hair. Has being a longhaired male been especially challenging because of the hair in some ways?

curious female member wants to know...

A major reason for me shaving my almost-shoulderlength hair was because of work. Everyone was nagging me daily and although I only went to work because of the patients, obviously I had to interact with other nurses. The thing is, we have a lot of military nurses at my local hospital, so all the navy, army and raf male nurses had shaved heads. I'm having the last laugh, though :p Now, when they still tell me I look better with no hair I smile to myself knowing that I'm letting my hair grow back, and possibly a bit longer than I had before :D How to deal with pressure from work-colleagues? Support, and for me it's online support.

June 19th, 2010, 10:14 AM
I've got a question: How do you deal with the people who give you static about having a "non-standard" hair style? I recall that ShadowWalker dealt with harrassment at work about his hair. Has being a longhaired male been especially challenging because of the hair in some ways?

curious female member wants to know...

You learn to understand and accept it. See the thing is like or not, the social norm for men is to keep their hair short. So naturally, many people in general are just used to and are at home with seeing men with short hair and women with longer hair.

Whenever anyone and this applies for both men and women decide to do something that will be considered odd, naturally these people will feel uncomfortable around you because what you do or how you choose to look deviates from what they know to be normal.

You can't force people to like you or accept you or to understand you. If they choose not to accept you, you then have to accept that fact.

What I do is I simply accept the fact that I will indeed be laughed at and misunderstood by a passerby on the street or perhaps a co-worker or even someone I considered to be a friend. I don't seek validation from other people. I give myself that validation. I don't keep my hair long to impress other people because I know the vast majority of people won't be impressed and they certainly wouldn't understand. I grow it out for ME. Its the identity that I've accepted for myself. :heartbeat

June 19th, 2010, 10:20 AM
You learn to understand and accept it. See the thing is like or not, the social norm for men is to keep their hair short. So naturally, many people in general are just used to and are at home with seeing men with short hair and women with longer hair.

Whenever anyone and this applies for both men and women decide to do something that will be considered odd, naturally these people will feel uncomfortable around you because what you do or how you choose to look deviates from what they know to be normal.

You can't force people to like you or accept you or to understand you. If they choose not to accept you, you then have to accept that fact.

What I do is I simply accept the fact that I will indeed be laughed at and misunderstood by a passerby on the street or perhaps a co-worker or even someone I considered to be a friend. I don't seek validation from other people. I give myself that validation. I don't keep my hair long to impress other people because I know the vast majority of people won't be impressed and they certainly wouldn't understand. I grow it out for ME. Its the identity that I've accepted for myself. :heartbeat
Those are words we all need to hear. Male or female, or a mix of both, we have to be who we are in our own soul.

June 19th, 2010, 10:31 AM
Why, thank you. She's my big (100 lb.) baby. Getting old but she'll always be a puppy to me...

To answer your hair question, if you are getting roughness or driness/damage to your ends on the back side or your head, it could be simple mechanical damage. I can see your hair is long enough (from your avatar pic) to be rubbing up against things. You should think about wether you have your hair caught between your shoulders and the couch when relax or when you lay on your bed. This frequent friction could be damaging your hair. If this continues, it could cause a damage cycle in which your hair breaks off every time it gets that length, so you will have a shorter spot in the back. This contributes to the taking forever to grow thing.

My suggestion is to move your hair to the front side of your body every time you sit down. It will become habit. Also, you're less likely to give yourself whiplash when you try to stand up (if you haven't done it yet, you'll know what I mean when it happens). Yeah, ask me how I know. When you lay down at night, you may want to pull all of your hair above your head and just let it hang out above your pillow.

As for the damage traveling up, that depends on the person. Mine does so that's all I know about. I S&D until it gets out of hand and then I trim it myself.

ETA: I looked up romanian carpathian shepherd. I've seen those before but they're not common around here (too hot I think). Very beautiful dogs but man, you must clean up a lot of hair. Mine is mostly indoors and there are always little "tumble weeds" of hair floating by, doesn't matter how often it gets cleaned. I had to get a shedding brush but I swear I've brushed out *full size rabbits* from her and the hair just keeps on coming.

My yard is full of hair everyday, i brush like a sack full of it every day. And if you like the looks of them big, wait till you see the next pic :)),


I`m a grandpa :)) i`ll make myself a good dog comber when they get big :P

June 19th, 2010, 10:32 AM
Those are words we all need to hear. Male or female, or a mix of both, we have to be who we are in our own soul.

Right ! :cheese:

June 19th, 2010, 10:42 AM
I some times get the lame comments like 'you look like a girl' and 'Are you looking for the barbers' etc. I just normally say 'thank you' to them and they just zip it.

The only moment which sticks out in my head is when I was rowing out my hair I was on the bus (I was getting out) and two kids behind me were talking about when they get haircut. I don't know if it was directed to me but they were behind me.

The only problem with having longhair is that every product is for females. At my local supermarket they put hair products on the same aisle as female health stuff which is nice.

June 19th, 2010, 10:51 AM
I`m a grandpa :)) i`ll make myself a good dog comber when they get big :P

*So* cute! How many pups are there? :)

June 19th, 2010, 10:57 AM
I`m a grandpa :)) i`ll make myself a good dog comber when they get big :PThat is adorable.

And talking about man's best friend is entirely appropriate here! :cheese:

June 19th, 2010, 10:57 AM
*So* cute! How many pups are there? :)

6 little one`s ! :D

June 19th, 2010, 11:03 AM
This man-hair talk is fascinating, especially the bits about how others treat y'all. Please continue! *rests chin in hand*

June 19th, 2010, 11:16 AM
My yard is full of hair everyday, i brush like a sack full of it every day. And if you like the looks of them big, wait till you see the next pic :)),


I`m a grandpa :)) i`ll make myself a good dog comber when they get big :P

Very cute! You must be in puppydog heaven! I love that age when they still have puppy breath before they start to stink.

June 19th, 2010, 11:21 AM
Very cute! You must be in puppydog heaven! I love that age when they still have puppy breath before they start to stink.

:)) It`s coming soon. I`ll like be seeing fur balls running everywhere in 3 weeks. Too bad it won`t last much, they tend to grow lightning speed fast. Now you see a cute furry 2 eyed creature running around, the next moment, you see a big 4 legged home protector patrolling the yard :).

June 19th, 2010, 11:24 AM
what kind of products do men use on their long hair? Are you always relegated to smelling like flowers or mint tea, or are there actually more "manlike" products? Is there a specific line of men's haircare products geared for lonhairs?

June 19th, 2010, 11:34 AM
6 little one`s ! :D
That first pic sent me into spasms of unreal cutness
there are more pups?!
Note to self, stay out of men threads.

June 19th, 2010, 11:38 AM
what kind of products do men use on their long hair? Are you always relegated to smelling like flowers or mint tea, or are there actually more "manlike" products? Is there a specific line of men's haircare products geared for lonhairs?The shampoos that I use seem to be pretty gender-neutral. Any scents are pretty mild.

I do wish manufacturers would stop printing floral patterns on shower caps. :D

June 19th, 2010, 11:47 AM
What an adorable puppy!

June 19th, 2010, 11:51 AM
Oooh, the "hair products scented like a house of ill-repute" problem...my longhaired husband has encountered it as well ;), and the "for men" haircare lines have either been too harsh (his coarse-textured hair tends to be dry) or they are too hashly-scented for his liking.

Thus far he's liking the Garnier Fructis line of shampoo and condish, no "flower" scents to clash with his aftershave.

His hair is down past his shoulderblades now, and he mostly wears it in a low ponytail, though sometimes he allows me to braid it for him ;).

June 19th, 2010, 11:54 AM
I've been growing my hair since I turned 18.
I'm 34.
I currently keep it around waist.

I got a job 8 months ago sweeping, washing, and buffing the floors of a grocery store at night. One from a very large nationwide chain. Customers do see me for my last hour each day.

The guy who works in the dairy dept has hair almost as long as mine and his has some silver.

I wear mine secured in my sleep tail which is a ponytail with small tail holders at different spots on the tail. I use 3 currently.

This is from when I only used 2

So far I have not gotten any grief about my hair. Nor any mention at all actually.

June 19th, 2010, 12:15 PM
what kind of products do men use on their long hair? Are you always relegated to smelling like flowers or mint tea
I *like* smelling minty!!

Manly doesn't work for me. My usual presentation is extremely.... hmmm.... adorable :)

A friend of mine calls me bishi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bish%C5%8Dnen), referring to a style manga artwork where male characters are represented as extremely beautiful and androgynous. Not really sure where she gets that idea from, but I'll let this piccie from Jan 2009 do the talking:


June 19th, 2010, 12:17 PM
I see where it comes from, but will refrain from further comments so this thread stays open. :heart:

June 19th, 2010, 12:22 PM
what kind of products do men use on their long hair? Are you always relegated to smelling like flowers or mint tea, or are there actually more "manlike" products? Is there a specific line of men's haircare products geared for lonhairs?

I typically share products with my husband because I like relatively neutral stuff. Most "for men" stuff smells like cheap guy perfume (axe, old spice, etc) and it's way too strong. I hate scented guy stuff and my husband doesn't seem to like it that much either. In any event, I think he's glad I don't ask him to wear any. Mane N Tail has a pretty neutral scent and it works pretty well. The Trader Joe's stuff smells nice but it's mild and the scent goes fades when it's dry. My husband uses it and he smells masculine.

EdG, too bad about the floral shower caps. You might as well paint your toe nails and walk around with those little things between your toes and curlers in your hair and avocado on your face if you're going to have floral shower caps. That would be fun to do to the neighbors, eh? Dress like that and then do something masculine like heavy yard work. Heh heh... but I digress.

The cheaper the shower cap, the more neutral. If you can find them in packs, they will most likely be clear. I don't use them but I've seen them and I know what you're talking about.

June 19th, 2010, 12:37 PM
The cheaper the shower cap, the more neutral. If you can find them in packs, they will most likely be clear. I don't use them but I've seen them and I know what you're talking about.That's my experience too. I always buy the cheap solid-colored shower caps rather than the expensive floral-patterned ones. Manufacturers need to include long-haired men in their market research. :D

I'm ROFL on the yard work. :rollin:

June 19th, 2010, 12:50 PM
what kind of products do men use on their long hair? Are you always relegated to smelling like flowers or mint tea, or are there actually more "manlike" products? Is there a specific line of men's haircare products geared for lonhairs?

Well not quite men products, pretty neutral stuff, the problem is i`ll use just about anything that makes my hair look healthy, no matter the smell. I get pretty nasty comments like the ones in which metalheads are stinky and don`t clean they`re hair which I laugh at because i turn out to smell better then them in the end, and as a man i do keep all my hairs intact, if you get the picture, like the manly hair you would usually see on a man, and they all comment stupid things, whilst they epilate they`re feet hair making them so lady looking :)), i`m so having fun in this thread ! I could tell you tons of stories about "men" in my country at the point in which you`ll roll on the floor laughing your eyes out.

June 19th, 2010, 01:06 PM
I'm curious about that too ...my brother cut off his shoulder-length hair for a new job ... the double standard there seems odd because no one would ask me to cut my hair for a job.
Yeah, this double standard really annoys me. It is completely unfair.

It seems to me that guys are the recipients of a lot of double standards. The whole 'leaving the toilet seat up' one for instance. Guys have just as much right to be annoyed at us girls for leaving it down :D But they always get the flack for it.

My brother used to have shoulder length hair, really healthy and always clean but when he went to job hunt he was told to cut it off. Not cool.

June 20th, 2010, 06:38 AM
Happy Father's Day!!

June 20th, 2010, 09:58 AM
Hey Purple Bubba! Good to see you! :) Glad you've still got your job.

EdG, you can find packages of clear showercaps (cheap ones) with the curlers and hair dye and such - I buy mine that way. They're not really *shower* caps - they're for something else, maybe highlights or streaks? I have a plastic hairstick (cut down chopstick) that I skewer up my hair with and the cap fits over ok.

June 20th, 2010, 11:21 AM
EdG, you can find packages of clear showercaps (cheap ones) with the curlers and hair dye and such - I buy mine that way. They're not really *shower* caps - they're for something else, maybe highlights or streaks? I have a plastic hairstick (cut down chopstick) that I skewer up my hair with and the cap fits over ok.Thanks embee! I will have to look for those in stores.

I have seen clear disposable shower caps provided by hotels. Unfortunately, they're way too small for my hair. ;)

June 20th, 2010, 12:02 PM
BF is using Lush "Seanik" for Shampoo. Its good stuff as far as I know and it doesn't smell like any gender I think. So no girly, no manly. Perfect, as far as I'm concerned.

happy fathers day!

June 20th, 2010, 12:30 PM
Witchy, what nice hair you have! I can see where your friend is coming from with that comment :)

As for hair products with more "masculine" scents, I dunno, DBF seems to really like the minty shampoo I handed off to him (when I discovered after I bought it that it does have low levels of sulfate).

He does refuse to try my Bpals, though, even though I have a number of "masculine" scents. I think it's a bit much for a lot of American males to wrap their heads around the idea of using "perfume" or anything that's remotely like that :shrug:

June 20th, 2010, 01:00 PM
My brother used to have shoulder length hair, really healthy and always clean but when he went to job hunt he was told to cut it off. Not cool.
Oh wow, if someone told me to cut my hair for my job, that'd be a dealbreaker! End of interview right there.

what kind of products do men use on their long hair?
A buddy of mine has reasonable shoulder-length hair, but never really looked as healthy as possible. I asked him what he used in it. His answer: Barsoap.

You know, I don't actually know many guys with long hair, but I'm willing to best most of my friends and coworkers are too manly to use anything apart from Head and Shoulders.

I think you'd be pretty lucky to find a guy who uses conditioner without feeling emasculated ;) In fact, a few years ago I got a men's shower kit for Christmas, which came with a bottle of shampoo, but no conditioner. The market research department at Gillette appears to think men want crispy hair after a shower.

I don't think most guys would ever try or admit to using olive oils, apple cider vinegar, or essential oils in their hair either. That's fine by me, since those of us who do will just have better hair to impress many a fine womens with, amirite? ;)

June 20th, 2010, 02:13 PM
This thread brings up memories. I have two brothers, seven and eight years older than me. When I was little I always envied their hair. One of them grew his to midback; it was black, thick and very shiny. The only one who ever said anything about it was grandma, everyone else just accepted he was a damn goodlooking lad. Oddly enough he achieved his hair by the simple strategy of "shampoo and don't let anyone touch". Although he had attained the epitome of cool for both me and himself, he cut it off when he finished uni and got a job. At least the memory remains. :(

My other brother, however, didn't even grow his because he wanted to. He just forgot to go to the barber. And then he forgot again. And again. :rolleyes: About once a year he has a moment of clarity and has it cut. But it only takes a month or so before he looks like himself again. His hairgrowth rate is absolutely crazy but he has these biiiiiig princessy spiral curls so most of it sits right on his shoulders and just gets bigger and thicker, instead of longer. He's also strawblonde, tall and sort of Jesusy looking so it has quite an effect.

My father also has that same beautiful blonde hair but his hasn't been long since the 70's. He could grow it out again since he has suffered almost no balding but I guess he doesn't want to.

And of course, I, the only daughter and the youngest child, did not get any of the good hairgenes. And my mother doesn't have any either, actually. So all the men in the family have glorious hair with almost no effort and we women have to struggle to keep what little we have. I don't know whether to be proud or... :p

June 20th, 2010, 03:08 PM
Yeah, this double standard really annoys me. It is completely unfair.

It seems to me that guys are the recipients of a lot of double standards. The whole 'leaving the toilet seat up' one for instance. Guys have just as much right to be annoyed at us girls for leaving it down :D But they always get the flack for it.

My brother used to have shoulder length hair, really healthy and always clean but when he went to job hunt he was told to cut it off. Not cool.

That is why I wear a wig to interviews. Very similar to this style http://www.short-hair-styles-magazine.com/images/female-short-hairstyles-12.jpg . Unless you working in environment where long hair is a risk (no sure where that could be) they can't really do much.

Work places can kill males' hope of having long hair. My brother had jet black shoulder length hair and you could tell that being turned down again and again was killing him. He got a job a few months after he got it cut and he never grew it back out. However I know he hates the fact I have long hair and the last time I saw him he put my hair is three random braid to then ask my next door neighbour for some sugar. He even took a picture of his work.

June 20th, 2010, 04:08 PM
A wig ... hmmm, very creative!

June 20th, 2010, 11:21 PM

WOW :blueeek: boy! you're so beautiful :eyebrows:

June 21st, 2010, 07:17 AM
Well i just used some conditioner for the first time, and i did untangle my hair before i got into the shower, now i`m waiting for it to air dry and see the results, wish me luck :)

Das Siechtum
June 21st, 2010, 07:36 AM
Another lad here. yeah long hair on Job interviews can be frustrating. I worked in a backery and it wasnt a problem, since I did a infinity bun with a flexi8 and put a hair scarf on.

June 21st, 2010, 07:50 AM
Another lad here. yeah long hair on Job interviews can be frustrating. I worked in a backery and it wasnt a problem, since I did a infinity bun with a flexi8 and put a hair scarf on.

Didn`t the heart harm in any way the hair?

Das Siechtum
June 21st, 2010, 08:42 AM
If you mean "heat". No. The scarf is pretty protective. And it doesn't get that warm in a backery.

So my hair is pretty healthy.

Picture from today:



June 21st, 2010, 01:22 PM
If you mean "heat". No. The scarf is pretty protective. And it doesn't get that warm in a backery.

So my hair is pretty healthy.

Picture from today:



Yeah sorry, meant to say "heat" :)). And i`m so wanting your hair right now *droll* !

June 21st, 2010, 11:14 PM
That is why I wear a wig to interviews. Very similar to this style http://www.short-hair-styles-magazine.com/images/female-short-hairstyles-12.jpg . Unless you working in environment where long hair is a risk (no sure where that could be) they can't really do much.

Work places can kill males' hope of having long hair. My brother had jet black shoulder length hair and you could tell that being turned down again and again was killing him. He got a job a few months after he got it cut and he never grew it back out. However I know he hates the fact I have long hair and the last time I saw him he put my hair is three random braid to then ask my next door neighbour for some sugar. He even took a picture of his work.
I feel bad for your bro :( I just don't get it, I mean, it is HAIR - how on earth is it going to effect how well you do your job.
The only way it would make sense to have short hair in the workplace is if you're working in an area where there's potential danger in getting your hair snagged in something and being injured.

James M
June 22nd, 2010, 12:46 AM
Hey everyone! I'm new here, and very excited to be participating :)

I've been doing a CWC, and it's really improved the health of my hair! My hair is medium length right now, bangs fall to my nose, sides inch below the ears, and the back just above shoulder length.

I get tons of grief about my hair! It's very discouraging and I'm a really confidant guy. Any job I've had to take has required me to cut my hair, and in between haircuts I'd let it grow, only to be harped on by all the guys! I find that many people truly are weird about guys having longer hair, and my hair isn't even that long! To give you an idea, I can't pull all of it back into a ponytail yet, consider me in the awkward phase. This is a phase I've never had the courage (or time) to fully go through, and I've been very close.

This time, I'm not giving in hahah, I've decided to let my hair grow, while taking the best care of it, and once at an appropriate length, finally get it cut into a style I can love.

What really inspired me to comment was a couple reasons, and I'll try not to make them long! :)

First, I think the idea of a place where guys can get tips for guys hairstyles from guys (and definitely the ladies!!) is the best idea ever. I can sometimes have a hard time relating to girls hairstyles to my own, especially getting the nerve to bring a picture of a woman or something like that to my hair dresser, (is that lame or what?) (oh and she is way hot too :))

The next thing I wanted to touch on was the minority us guys fall into when we grow our hair out. It was nice to come here, and read all the troubles my fellow brothers go through, and then I was equally surprised at my fellow sisters' sympathy and interest of this confusing double standard! It is the reason why I've never been able to fully grow my hair out. I've really gone through some immense social pressure against my hair, throughout my teens, and that made me cut it short! Real short! I wanted to fit some ridiculous norm, when all a long I really just wanted to have long hair, I like it, don't know why, maybe I'm hard wired to?

Anyhow, I've totally rambled on, and I could tell you all of some horror stories of people dogging me about long hair, in the workplace. I'm happy to have found this community, and I sympathize with anyone who has had any negative nonsense towards their hairstyle! Even to girls who are given a hard time about short hair!

Whoo, long post, glad I'm here!


June 22nd, 2010, 01:05 AM
Hey everyone! I'm new here, and very excited to be participating :)

I've been doing a CWC, and it's really improved the health of my hair! My hair is medium length right now, bangs fall to my nose, sides inch below the ears, and the back just above shoulder length.

I get tons of grief about my hair! It's very discouraging and I'm a really confidant guy. Any job I've had to take has required me to cut my hair, and in between haircuts I'd let it grow, only to be harped on by all the guys! I find that many people truly are weird about guys having longer hair, and my hair isn't even that long! To give you an idea, I can't pull all of it back into a ponytail yet, consider me in the awkward phase. This is a phase I've never had the courage (or time) to fully go through, and I've been very close.

This time, I'm not giving in hahah, I've decided to let my hair grow, while taking the best care of it, and once at an appropriate length, finally get it cut into a style I can love.

What really inspired me to comment was a couple reasons, and I'll try not to make them long! :)

First, I think the idea of a place where guys can get tips for guys hairstyles from guys (and definitely the ladies!!) is the best idea ever. I can sometimes have a hard time relating to girls hairstyles to my own, especially getting the nerve to bring a picture of a woman or something like that to my hair dresser, (is that lame or what?) (oh and she is way hot too :))

The next thing I wanted to touch on was the minority us guys fall into when we grow our hair out. It was nice to come here, and read all the troubles my fellow brothers go through, and then I was equally surprised at my fellow sisters' sympathy and interest of this confusing double standard! It is the reason why I've never been able to fully grow my hair out. I've really gone through some immense social pressure against my hair, throughout my teens, and that made me cut it short! Real short! I wanted to fit some ridiculous norm, when all a long I really just wanted to have long hair, I like it, don't know why, maybe I'm hard wired to?

Anyhow, I've totally rambled on, and I could tell you all of some horror stories of people dogging me about long hair, in the workplace. I'm happy to have found this community, and I sympathize with anyone who has had any negative nonsense towards their hairstyle! Even to girls who are given a hard time about short hair!

Whoo, long post, glad I'm here!


Welcome James, glad to have you with us. The keys to all your problems are to keep calm and let time do it`s job. About the job`s you lost in the past for the hair may give you a thing or two to think about, and if you really want long hair, than you will have long hair, no matter what some idiot boss says. Jobs are for everyone, and yes this includes long haired men as well. So try harder and finally you`ll have the hair of your dreams and a good job in the end. I wish you best of luck and hope to hear from you soon !
Cheers, Bller !

June 22nd, 2010, 03:55 AM
I'll pop in with some random thought about the social perception of my hair.
Actually I can't relate to hair only, as I have a beard that goes almost a foot down my chin and a handlebar moustache, so head hair is just a part of the combo. However, it's classic length, a little wavy, and with a narrow V shape.
I must say I never received negative comments about my hair, or about me growing long hair as a man (apart from my parents, but that's another long story). I got many, many negative comments about the beard, but if someone comments on my hair, it's a positive comment.
It must be said that I always wear my hair in a bun, so people tell me I look "oriental".
With my hair down, I often met women who were envious of the length and health of it (I'm lucky enough to have fast growing hair that require low maintenance), and say "mine would never grow that long", that is absolutely false in most cases.

As for new acquaintances and coworkers, well, I'm easily classified as "the eccentric one", so the hair is just a complement, not something that stands out; until I let it down, of course! No one has a clue of how long my hair is when it's in a bun, so letting it down for the first time in front of someone always means an amazed look and a "I didn't know your hair was SO long!".

Walking in public with my hair down is also amusing, a couple of weeks ago some random guy called me Tarzan (that I take as a compliment even it it was clearly not intended as one).

On the job side, I work in the University where appearance is not a problem, I can come in the office with short and flip-flops, or with my beard braided or my hair in Willie Nelson braids and no one cares. Well, shoes and trousers and bun when I have to meet the boss, but that's all.

June 22nd, 2010, 05:55 AM
I keep waiting for my hair to be an issue at work, but so far, it hasn't happened. The only time it has ever come up is at a staff meeting where I was singled out for being bold enough to not succumb to the pressures of conformity, but concentrate instead on things of greater value such as personal expression. It was a little weird, but I took it as a compliment.

I'm almost certain there are a few people at work that think my hair is silly, but they would never say anything to me.

Outside my job I do freelance audio engineering. Strangely enough I'm actually getting a lot more freelance work now, and artists have come right out and told me that they are more comfortable working with me recently. I think the straight-laced business look didn't sit right with the typical artist, and just when I thought I was getting too old to be considered for such work.

I guess there are cases when it can work for you.

June 22nd, 2010, 06:38 AM
I don't think most guys would ever try or admit to using olive oils, apple cider vinegar, or essential oils in their hair either. That's fine by me, since those of us who do will just have better hair to impress many a fine womens with, amirite? ;)
I've been using EOs in my hair for decades. I don't use olive oil in my hair, but I do use jojoba.

June 22nd, 2010, 07:38 AM
I thought I would just chime in with a product my ex used.. He got his shampoo from the Body Shop and for me, when diluted it worked quite well ( I borrowed it) and had a very gender neutral scent that wasn't too strong. :)

Also, for every negative comment you get there is probably at least one other person who admires your hair or even really loves it! It makes me happy when I see guys with long hair :D

Das Siechtum
June 22nd, 2010, 07:46 AM
I used balsamico vingear in the past but changed to conditioner without cones since it makes my hair more managable.

June 22nd, 2010, 07:49 AM
I hate to be so general but females like my hair then males. If I'm working a full day if I return from my lunch early two female co-workers braid my ponytail (if I am wearing one). Plus a number of females have asked me how long it took to grow that long etc which is quite nice.

The only people who have said anything bad about my hair are males but I'm guessing they are jealous that I am myself.

June 22nd, 2010, 07:59 AM
I hate to be so general but females like my hair then males. If I'm working a full day if I return from my lunch early two female co-workers braid my ponytail (if I am wearing one). Plus a number of females have asked me how long it took to grow that long etc which is quite nice.

The only people who have said anything bad about my hair are males but I'm guessing they are jealous that I am myself.

Or possibly jealous of all the female attention you are getting? This might make no sense and be totally wrong but I wonder if long hair on guys makes a few guys uncomfortable because there is a conflict with their attraction to long hair and it being on a guy.

June 22nd, 2010, 08:44 AM
Or possibly jealous of all the female attention you are getting? This might make no sense and be totally wrong but I wonder if long hair on guys makes a few guys uncomfortable because there is a conflict with their attraction to long hair and it being on a guy.

I think that some guys equals long hair has being gay which makes no sense at all.

June 22nd, 2010, 08:51 AM
I think that some guys equals long hair has being gay which makes no sense at all.

Well I happen to be both gay and of course I have long hair. I'm not sure which I'm more insulted by................the fact that those men are bigoted and homophobic or that they mistakenly assume that all men with long hair must be homosexual. There are both gay men and straight men who have their hair long, just as there are also gay men and straight men who cut their hair short.

June 22nd, 2010, 10:50 AM
Here's my story about pressure/prejudice against long-haired males and also just different ways of treating long-haired men:

My boyfriend had long hair (about somewhere around shoulder length+) which he grew from a shaved head over the course of college. When it got to its longer stages, he did get a lot of negative attention for it, specifically from men.

Usually it was stuff like when he was walking down the street and people would yell out that he was a girl or that he was gay. Some older people would also be quietly or vocally disapproving.

His hair was actually very nice and well kept. (There's a picture of him in my photo album with him and his long hair, if you want to look). My girlfriends and I (this was before I started dating him) would give him hair tips and hair things to pull back his hair with.

He got it cut for his brother's wedding, otherwise I'm sure it'd still be long.

ETA: I just asked him about it, and he said, interestingly, that people also treated him like he was older when he had long hair. Then, as soon as he cut it, people began asking him again if he was still in high school!:confused:

June 22nd, 2010, 11:23 AM
Just to share a story.

I saw two guys walking down the street a few weeks ago in full business attire. One of them had EPIC hair. It was about 1a/b M and dark blond at the top, lighter at the bottom, around tailbone length, very very beautifully maintained and down. It looked so amazing with his business suit that I barely noticed the other guy he was walking with. My husband and I were driving up behind them and I remember saying, "Wow, look at that! That's really epic hair, wholy crap!" To which my husband muttered, "He looks like a girl." ...for which he was totally *smacked down* by the truth. (I know he says stuff like that because he gets jealous that I like the long hair.) So I pointed out that the man looked nothing like a girl because even with all that hair and a business suit, I could still see that he had very masculine shoulders that no one could ever possibly mistake for a woman. Dork. You're just jealous. And he laughed because he knew it was true. Ha ha! I win!

Anyway, that guy obviously worked a pretty nice job and had definately been growing out his hair for a long time. There is hope for you long-haired guys as far as employment. I've also noticed that the "no facial piercings" rule has been removed in my area for the bus drivers. I've seen some thoroughly pierced drivers lately. Finally, people are starting to see that these things don't effect your job.

June 22nd, 2010, 12:20 PM
What products do I use? Well I tend to use mostly the products marketed for the women since they smell better and usually do a better job for my hair. I guess I just use what works. Heck i've seen commercials for women's poo and thought to myself "gee! if it didn't have the sulfates in it it would be real nice for my hair" or thought "That would be nice for my hair"

Das Siechtum
June 22nd, 2010, 12:46 PM
I also use shampoo "targeted" for women but I don't care. I choose shampoo by ingredients and smell. :-)

June 22nd, 2010, 01:32 PM
I was just looking at the sainsbury's website (A UK supermarket and the one I go to) and they now have a section for Men's haircare. Here is a list of products they believe are for guys.

Brylcreem gel/wax/clay/cream (there are four or five brands of these products), Head & Shoulders Mens Shampoo (no conditioner), Just for men and Sainsbury's basic range conditioner. If these are all the hair products targeted at males then I prefer the female targeted products.

I'm going to see if I can send a e-mail to Sainsbury's and just tell them this range is bad.

Das Siechtum
June 22nd, 2010, 02:28 PM
I dont like head and shoulders because it has SLS in it big time...and my scalp HATES sls or any harsh tenside for that matter.

June 22nd, 2010, 07:00 PM
Manly doesn't work for me. My usual presentation is extremely.... hmmm.... adorable :)

A friend of mine calls me bishi (http://%22http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bish%C5%8Dnen%22[/B), referring to a style manga artwork where male characters are represented as extremely beautiful and androgynous. Not really sure where she gets that idea from, but I'll let this piccie from Jan 2009 do the talking:

WOW :blueeek: boy! you're so beautiful :eyebrows:

I must agree!

And good luck for all of you boys! Rock your long hair.

June 23rd, 2010, 01:55 AM
I *like* smelling minty!!

Manly doesn't work for me. My usual presentation is extremely.... hmmm.... adorable :)

A friend of mine calls me bishi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bish%C5%8Dnen), referring to a style manga artwork where male characters are represented as extremely beautiful and androgynous. Not really sure where she gets that idea from, but I'll let this piccie from Jan 2009 do the talking:


That is uncanny, you look like my friend Barry but with longer hair

June 23rd, 2010, 07:29 AM
Just to share a story.
I've also noticed that the "no facial piercings" rule has been removed in my area for the bus drivers. I've seen some thoroughly pierced drivers lately. Finally, people are starting to see that these things don't effect your job.

Letting hair grow long is natural.
Putting holes in one's face is not natural.

I see long hair and facial piercing as two very different things.

June 23rd, 2010, 08:39 AM
what kind of products do men use on their long hair? Are you always relegated to smelling like flowers or mint tea, or are there actually more "manlike" products? Is there a specific line of men's haircare products geared for lonhairs?

A recent thread mentionned that there is actually such a thing as "men's shampoo", but I never knew, and I've had long hair for the last three decades. I was underwhelmed (although surprised) by the news, and have no pl;ans to buy any.

June 23rd, 2010, 10:54 AM
apropos the discussion of some men's feeling uncomfortable with long hair on other men - it seems so odd to me. I mean - helLO! VIKings! It doesn't GET more epically male than that! And the fellows in Elizabethan England and Colonial America didn't exactly rock the buzz cut, either.

Plus, honestly, most of my gay friends don't have long hair. They don't think it is stylish enough (on them. They love it on me! lol)

I think the guys who kvetch about longhaired guys just need to shut up and walk on.

June 23rd, 2010, 11:59 AM
I don't think I do anything substantially different in terms of hair care/washing/products from long haired women of my acquaintance. I typically stay away from products that are scented simply because they tend to make my scalp crankier than without.

I'm glad I live in an area where there is enough diversity and freedom of expression that harassment/negativity over hair length or other personal expression (piercings/tattoos/etc.) just isn't that common.

And I'd much prefer to have a bus driver with full body tattoos and faceful of piercings who also happens to have a perfect driving record than one with poorer driving skills, regardless of their appearance!

June 23rd, 2010, 12:25 PM
Maybe it's just me. Or, maybe not. But I am being reminded by some entries into this "hair related" community, and this blog in particular, of why I post less and less. I'm reminded of why I interact with others here less and less. And why I feel, more and more, that my own long hair journey is a personal thing for me.

My long hair is not a personal expression. It is a very public expression. Others take my expression in the way they are personally inclined to do. Why I chose to grow long hair is pesronal. I may tell you why. I may not. I may make up stories to fulfill something within me or within others.

The people that see my long hair and think I am a biker-type? Big deal. Those that see my long hair and see a gay guy? Again. So what? Some see my hair as a sign that I'd like to be more feminine. Or even completely female. Maybe yes. Maybe no. Some see rebelion. Some see non-conformity. Some truly do not care.

See what you want. React the way you want too. But, if you really want to know?

Simply ask.

Das Siechtum
June 23rd, 2010, 12:44 PM
As for me: I dont give a flying bird of what other people think about my hair or my appearance in general.

June 23rd, 2010, 12:55 PM
*pokes men's thread* Hi. :)
I was just wondering if anyone else has problems of people thinking you're a woman from behind. My dad's hair is not very long, but he has fairly short, curly hair that is similar to the white permed 'dos of a lot of older women. People will tap his shoulder from behind and say, "Excuse me miss?" until he turns around and they notice the moustache. :lol: He's never mentioned being offended by this, but I wonder how he feels and if this is common.

June 23rd, 2010, 01:16 PM
*pokes men's thread* Hi. :)
I was just wondering if anyone else has problems of people thinking you're a woman from behind. My dad's hair is not very long, but he has fairly short, curly hair that is similar to the white permed 'dos of a lot of older women. People will tap his shoulder from behind and say, "Excuse me miss?" until he turns around and they notice the moustache. :lol: He's never mentioned being offended by this, but I wonder how he feels and if this is common.

I have been called madam by the bus driver a few times now. A number of guys have whistled to me from behind but apart from that I have had nobody thinking I was a women.

Das Siechtum
June 23rd, 2010, 01:27 PM
When I was in the city once and I had my hair down, some guys in a bydriving car were yelling something in my direction...but I didnt know what it was.

June 23rd, 2010, 01:58 PM
Some lady in the buss a few months ago was behind me, and i accidentally stepped on her foot, and she yelled something like, watch where your stepping on miss, until i turned around and apologize, Then she turned to her friend and whispered something like, "omg he`s a guy" although i didn`t have quite a long hair by then, still i could ponytail it. It was quite funny.
Other interactions i had with a few older men, they frequently asked me a few directions calling me "miss" and apologizing afterward when they saw my face :)

June 23rd, 2010, 05:14 PM
*pokes men's thread* Hi. :)
I was just wondering if anyone else has problems of people thinking you're a woman from behind.
All the time, at least once a month. Much more so after going totally henna red. I've even been "ma'am"'d to my face plenty of times.

Do I have *problems* with it? No. Its actually very flattering :) I've been rocking an androgynous look for years, it just wouldn't be any fun if people could peg my gender right away.

June 23rd, 2010, 05:17 PM
apropos the discussion of some men's feeling uncomfortable with long hair on other men - it seems so odd to me. I mean - helLO! VIKings! It doesn't GET more epically male than that! And the fellows in Elizabethan England and Colonial America didn't exactly rock the buzz cut, either.

I completely agree. To me, long hair on a guy often is one of the most beautiful expressions of masculinity.

June 23rd, 2010, 06:10 PM
yeah, I get mistaken all the time. I actually take it as a compliment. Im quite small, very slim and I suppose quite alternative dress in some ways so I can see how the confusion happens.

June 23rd, 2010, 06:18 PM
Letting hair grow long is natural.
Putting holes in one's face is not natural.

I see long hair and facial piercing as two very different things.

I see it as an off-culture thing. On the other hand, cultures all over the world have been piercing and tattooing for ages, yet so many people my grandparents' age think it's "dirty", as if the ink were somehow on the *outside* of the skin. Piercings have to be clean or they get infected.

I was just relating it to the subject of people not getting hired because of their hair or being asked to cut it.

June 23rd, 2010, 07:19 PM
*pokes men's thread* Hi. :)
I was just wondering if anyone else has problems of people thinking you're a woman from behind. My dad's hair is not very long, but he has fairly short, curly hair that is similar to the white permed 'dos of a lot of older women. People will tap his shoulder from behind and say, "Excuse me miss?" until he turns around and they notice the moustache. :lol: He's never mentioned being offended by this, but I wonder how he feels and if this is common.That happens to me every once in a while.

It seemed to happen more often when I had classic-length hair. With my present length, strangers don't seem to know what to expect. :ponder:

June 24th, 2010, 01:27 AM
Maybe it's just me. Or, maybe not. But I am being reminded by some entries into this "hair related" community, and this blog in particular, of why I post less and less. I'm reminded of why I interact with others here less and less. And why I feel, more and more, that my own long hair journey is a personal thing for me.

My long hair is not a personal expression. It is a very public expression. Others take my expression in the way they are personally inclined to do. Why I chose to grow long hair is pesronal. I may tell you why. I may not. I may make up stories to fulfill something within me or within others.

The people that see my long hair and think I am a biker-type? Big deal. Those that see my long hair and see a gay guy? Again. So what? Some see my hair as a sign that I'd like to be more feminine. Or even completely female. Maybe yes. Maybe no. Some see rebelion. Some see non-conformity. Some truly do not care.

See what you want. React the way you want too. But, if you really want to know?

Simply ask.

But what's the question?

June 24th, 2010, 08:43 AM
It seems to me that guys are the recipients of a lot of double standards. The whole 'leaving the toilet seat up' one for instance. Guys have just as much right to be annoyed at us girls for leaving it down :D But they always get the flack for it.I think guys won't complain because we sometimes need it down as well. ;)

June 29th, 2010, 07:14 AM
I see piercings and long hair and generally any choice about ones appearance, natural or not as just that...a choice of expression. Regardless how anyone feels about it, it's their choice, though ti's also the choice of others to comment on it, I suppose. :shrug:

I don't get "ma'am"d much offline--if at all, actually. There was a time, however, if I so much as showed a picture of my face online, people would often have a hard time guessing my gender. Happened on here, too--though more understandable, because the majority of the population here is female...and I do wear makeup. xD; Though not much at the time.

If it did happen in real life, I'd take it as a compliment. People tend to be strange describing me or my face or personality--some say I have a masculine face, some say I have a feminine one. Some say I have a feminine personality, some say I'm more masculine. It runs the ****ing gamut.

I'd say I'm an pretty close mix of both, but distinctly male. :shrug: I did, however, get insulted when a guy told me I had girly hair on a manly face--I wanted to crush him like a bug. :D He's strange though.

June 29th, 2010, 07:21 AM
Yes, I used to get mistaken very so often from behind - I have taken it as a compliment always :)

June 29th, 2010, 08:47 AM
EdG, too bad about the floral shower caps. You might as well paint your toe nails and walk around with those little things between your toes and curlers in your hair and avocado on your face if you're going to have floral shower caps. That would be fun to do to the neighbors, eh? Dress like that and then do something masculine like heavy yard work. Heh heh... but I digress.


Oh, the mental picture there. If you really want to see the neighbors go http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b23/ImaHockeyMom/boards/emoticons/jawdrop.gif, carry around a chainsaw at the same time and laugh maniacally at random. :D

Well I happen to be both gay and of course I have long hair. I'm not sure which I'm more insulted by................the fact that those men are bigoted and homophobic or that they mistakenly assume that all men with long hair must be homosexual. There are both gay men and straight men who have their hair long, just as there are also gay men and straight men who cut their hair short.

Just like there are gay women with long or short hair, and straight women with long or short hair. Why the heck does it matter? People are so stupid, it's amazing that the race hasn't gone extinct! :rolleyes:

Letting hair grow long is natural.
Putting holes in one's face is not natural.

I see long hair and facial piercing as two very different things.

I'm about to go into nursing, and many nursing programs and medical facilities require that all tattoos and non-earlobe piercings be covered, either with clothing, makeup, or bandages. People with tattoos on their wrists and hands find this particularly problematic because of all the hand-washing involved in the medical profession -- makeup washes off, and bandages get wet and harbor all kinds of disgusting microbes.

They also require that hair be above the collar (for all genders), either cut that way or contained that way (hence why I'm suddenly into hairsticks and different bun styling methods!).

June 29th, 2010, 09:10 AM
I have a question!

How did you guys get through the "awkward period" where your hair wasn't really short but not long enough to pull back? Mine's still pretty short at the moment (though this is not what my mom tells me when she sees me, hah.) It's about two inches on top and slightly shorter at the back, and the parts in front sort of curl under so it's not getting in my eyes yet... so I'd say it's right on the cusp of "awkward".

Lately when I go to get it trimmed I've asked the stylist to just do the back and leave the front alone, in the hopes of avoiding the pseudo-mullet phase which I've seen some of my friends go through when growing out their hair, but there's still the problem of it getting in my eyes. I'm guessing some kind of styling product, but I'm not sure what to use. I've never really used anything other than gel up until now, and there's so many of them — I'd like something that's not too obvious, and that isn't going to dry out my hair. I also prefer to wash/comb my hair in the morning, because it's much easier to manage when it's wet, and once it dries a certain way it tends to stay like that until I wash it again (or until I sleep on it... and so I wash my hair every morning.)

June 29th, 2010, 09:27 AM
I'm about to go into nursing, and many nursing programs and medical facilities require that all tattoos and non-earlobe piercings be covered, either with clothing, makeup, or bandages.

That reminds me of something — I spent a year in Austria as an undergrad, and I noticed that the Austrians (in Vienna at least) seemed to have a much more liberal attitude towards those kinds of things. One of my Austrian professors actually told me that she had a friend with a few piercings who is now a doctor, and as a medical student the rules were that they could not wear nose or lip rings when dealing with patients, for hygienic reasons — so if it was a day where she was doing mostly paperwork she could leave her nose ring in.

June 29th, 2010, 09:27 AM
I'm guessing some kind of styling product, but I'm not sure what to use. I've never really used anything other than gel up until now, and there's so many of them — I'd like something that's not too obvious, and that isn't going to dry out my hair.

I use Smooth & Sleek by Pantene. For me, it felt better than using a gel product. Alternatively, coconut oil mixed with something could be useful.

June 29th, 2010, 10:00 AM
I use Smooth & Sleek by Pantene. For me, it felt better than using a gel product. Alternatively, coconut oil mixed with something could be useful.
So do you use it like a leave-in conditioner, then?

I've got a big jar of coconut oil in the kitchen, but it's the plain cooking kind. I guess I could try it anyway...

June 29th, 2010, 10:04 AM
there's still the problem of it getting in my eyes.

I absolutely *hated* that part of the growing out my bangs phase!!! Unfortunately, I don't think that just product is going to be enough to keep them out of your eyes.

Not sure how you'd feel about clipping them back -- some guys don't mind barrettes or bobby pins or mini-claw-clips, some do. :shrug: Worked for me.

If you don't want to do the clip-em-back thing, you could pull them back on top of your head in a "half-up" type ponytail. You'd need to experiment a little to get it to lie flat by grabbing some of your scalp hairs where you anchor it (unless you want to look like Pebbles Flintstone (http://i-love-cartoons.com/snags/clipart/Hanna-Barbera/Flintstones/Pebbles-Flintstone6.jpg)), but this would be an easy way to make sure they stay up and out of the way, without looking "girly".

June 29th, 2010, 10:10 AM
So do you use it like a leave-in conditioner, then?

I washed my hair, towel-dried it then used the comb-in cream as I would gel. I did this from when my hair was about 4cms long until I reached shoulderlength. At that point I just left my hair loose, but I like those headbands as worn by football players and other sportsmen.

[I'd leave it in my hair until the next time I washed my hair]

June 29th, 2010, 07:54 PM
I absolutely *hated* that part of the growing out my bangs phase!!! Unfortunately, I don't think that just product is going to be enough to keep them out of your eyes.

My hair gets wavy when I let it grow out; my natural part is just a little bit off-center and the two sides tend to curl under and then back, and if I push them off to the side they stay mostly out of my eyes. I don't think it'd be too difficult to "persuade" them to stay in that position with a little help, I just want to make sure I'm using something that's not going to look all stiff or leave residue in my hair. I'm starting to think I could use some medium/strong hold gel or pomade near the roots, to hold it in place, and then use a leave-in conditioner on the rest of it.

June 29th, 2010, 07:56 PM

Yeah! Go for the Samurai top-knot look! :cheese:
My boyfriend used one of those soccer hair things (you see a lot of soccer players in the World Cup with these), and said that he just kept on brushing his hair to one side back toward his ear. At some point he also started using bobby pins (and did not look girly). You can actually "train" your hair to some extent to grow in a certain direction -- try pushing it to one side in the shower, maybe.

June 29th, 2010, 08:09 PM
How did you guys get through the "awkward period" where your hair wasn't really short but not long enough to pull back?
Oh that's easy: part it. If you're in the habit of brushing your hair straight down (very common for people with less than an inch of hair), then you have to train your hair to part naturally in a single direction.

I don't know if you've ever seen the Harry Potter movies, but actor who plays Malfoy has hair right around that "awkward" length. A quick google image search (http://www.google.com/images?q=malfoy) shows lots of ways of working around it: gelling it back, parting it in the center, spiking with a little artificial volume which can be enough to keep it out of the eyes, and so on.

June 30th, 2010, 03:07 AM
I have a question!

How did you guys get through the "awkward period" where your hair wasn't really short but not long enough to pull back?

Loads of gel. But I wished I knew a different method back then. The damage of shampooing it out each night.

June 30th, 2010, 06:36 AM
*pokes men's thread* Hi. :)
I was just wondering if anyone else has problems of people thinking you're a woman from behind.

This has only happened to me three times before:

The first time was in some men's toilets at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport. I was drying my hands with my back slightly to the entrance and saw in the corner of my eye a guy enter, clock me, obviously think he was in the wrong toilets, mumble something approximating an apology and back out quickly. A few seconds later he re-entered purposely avoiding eye contact. :)

The second time was in a restaurant at the Keystone Resort in Colorado, I sat down with a female friend for breakfast and the waiter, who approached from behind me, cheerfully greeted us both with "Good morning ladies". It was a good few seconds into his breakfast menu patter before he looked at me properly and began apologising profusely. Somewhat annoyingly for the rest of our stay he seemed overly compensatory with his “sirs”. :rolleyes:

Most recently a post doc in my lab got me confused from behind with a visitor who was working in our lab for a few months.

I find it somewhat amusing when it happens, and take it as a compliment that my hair is of “woman quality” unlike a lot of other scraggily long-haired men I see around. :grnbiggri

I have a question!

How did you guys get through the "awkward period" where your hair wasn't really short but not long enough to pull back?

I went completely cold-turkey when I started my growing my hair out and didn’t have it cut for over a year. I rarely used gel or other styling products as I was worried about damaging my hair. Luckily, my hair grows relatively quickly so it didn’t last that long but it was still a painful process that I’d rather not have to repeat (I don’t like looking at photos from that year *cringe* shudder:). Towards the end of my hair annus horribilis I did often wear those “footballer hair bands” that Yozhik mentioned as I didn’t want to put it in a ponytail until it could easily do one at the nape of my neck. If I were to it again I would take my time and switch between the many longish men hair styles that are fashionable as it grew.

what kind of products do men use on their long hair? Are you always relegated to smelling like flowers or mint tea, or are there actually more "manlike" products? Is there a specific line of men's haircare products geared for lonhairs?

Currently I’m using the Honey Moisturising Shampoo and Conditioner from The Body Shop. As with the majority of shampoos and conditioners I don’t find them overly feminine smelling. I think it is similar to washing power/liquid for clothes, a slight floweriness or perfume scent is just accepted as smelling clean. One can always wear a deodorant or aftershave to make oneself more manly smelling. :shrug:

June 30th, 2010, 08:26 AM
A bit of conditioning test, what do you guys think of the general result?


June 30th, 2010, 08:45 AM
Looks nice Biller....a good condish is always pleasant.

@ Quixii..... yeah ive been mistaken for a woman from behind before. Mostly when im driving now though.....my body stature does not promote a feminine appearance lol. But yeah...in the car i get some smiles that turn into "look aways" very quickly sometimes....:D

June 30th, 2010, 08:47 AM
Looks nice Biller....a good condish is always pleasant.

@ Quixii..... yeah ive been mistaken for a woman from behind before. Mostly when im driving now though.....my body stature does not promote a feminine appearance lol. But yeah...in the car i get some smilies that turn into "look aways" very quickly sometimes....:D

hehe :)) cool !

June 30th, 2010, 08:54 AM
A bit of conditioning test, what do you guys think of the general result?

Looks great! Nice wurly-wave formation, no frizz.

What do YOU think of it? Does it feel good?

June 30th, 2010, 08:59 AM
Yeah, it`s comfy alright :D, problem is, i need like a ton of conditioner to make it that good looking, but even that much won`t make my curls at the ends stop tangling, those are pretty problematic `cose they tend to split easy from the tangles and the comb. But the overall result is ok, i can live with it :). I once loved the messed up tangled all head curls that was formed by not combing my hair AT ALL, looked damn good too, but it would just damage my hair, so i stopped that habit in the favor of the holy conditioner and comb ! And i`m not regreting it either !:cheese:

June 30th, 2010, 09:11 AM
Do you use shampoo, or are you a CO-washer?

As you can see from my signature picture, I know a thing or two about dealing with curls! :lol:

Have you tried leaving conditioner in your ends, to make them more slippery and less likely to tangle?

June 30th, 2010, 09:15 AM
Do you use shampoo, or are you a CO-washer?

As you can see from my signature picture, I know a thing or two about dealing with curls! :lol:

Have you tried leaving conditioner in your ends, to make them more slippery and less likely to tangle?

I use the CSC method, condition shampoo condition, i tend to get oily hair from just conditioner, so i use a bit of shampoo on my scalp to clean it fine. and i do flood my ends with cond, but still they tangle, guess they are a bit damaged.

June 30th, 2010, 09:17 AM
Bller, do you do any deep conditioning treatments?

When I was on S&C, doing honey+olive oil every now and then helped reduce the amount of conditioner needed inbetween.

June 30th, 2010, 09:25 AM
Bller, do you do any deep conditioning treatments?

When I was on S&C, doing honey+olive oil every now and then helped reduce the amount of conditioner needed inbetween.

Actually i just started using conditioner again, `cose i was tired of all my tangles and knots and messy hair in my head, didn`t do any conditioner treatment yet. I do leave a bit on the ends every time i wash, but it`s not enough, my curls are behaving bad with me :)

June 30th, 2010, 09:29 AM
Do you use all 'cone-free products?

Have you tried clarifying your ends?

Do you ever do an ACV rinse?

June 30th, 2010, 09:36 AM
Do you use all 'cone-free products?

Have you tried clarifying your ends?

Do you ever do an ACV rinse?

No , No and uhm .. No :-s, is that bad ?

June 30th, 2010, 09:47 AM
No , No and uhm .. No :-s, is that bad ?

Neither do I Biller.....matter of fact I dont even understand half of what is talked about here...:o

but ive still done alright with my mop I reckon....:p

June 30th, 2010, 09:49 AM
Neither do I Biller.....matter of fact I dont even understand half of what is talked about here...:o

but ive still done alright with my mop I reckon....:p

Good point, here`s a question, what is your periodical normal routine for your hair, i mean how do you wash it, with what do you wash it, you know that kind of routine. I could use some new tips or methods of keeping my hair healthier as it possibly can !

June 30th, 2010, 10:02 AM
Good point, here`s a question, what is your periodical normal routine for your hair, i mean how do you wash it, with what do you wash it, you know that kind of routine. I could use some new tips or methods of keeping my hair healthier as it possibly can !

Hmmm....honestly my routine varies as I mentioned in the "How often do you wash your hair" thread. Alot of it depends on the weather. If its really hot and muggy then ive been known to wash it twice in a day. And I will never consciously lay on it when i go to bed. I even catch myself waking up just to pull it out from under my back. I will also not sit in my car with it between me and the seat. its always off to one side or over my shoulder. Im just trying to keep the "wear and tear" to a minimum.

As far as how.....well sometimes upside down and sometimes right side up?....:D I will give it a good brushing before and sometimes even during to distribute the conditioner throught. Immediately afterwards I will only PAT my hair with a towel. I never take a towel and rub it around on my head. And because my hair is waist length ive got this weird thing I do where ill first squeeze all the excess water out and then ill fling the towel around my back and pull it really tight so its essentially squeezing and absorbing any other water that can be captured. I just cant bring myself to ruffle it around. Then ill sit with it for about five or ten minutes with the towel on my head to get any last little bits.

At that point ill either braid it or just put it into a pony tail. I always air dry and dont even own a hairdryer but if i let it dry freely meaning totally down....i get waves in all the places I dont want then.

Those are just some of the things I do....:)

EDIT:....I timed my hair the other day and it took 2 hours and 45 minutes to dry...

June 30th, 2010, 10:06 AM
Hmmm....honestly my routine varies as I mentioned in the "How often do you wash your hair" thread. Alot of it depends on the weather. If its really hot and muggy then ive been known to wash it twice in a day. And I will never consciously lay on it when i go to bed. I even catch myself waking up just to pull it out from under my back. I will also not sit in my car with it between me and the seat. its always off to one side or over my shoulder. Im just trying to keep the "wear and tear" to a minimum.

As far as how.....well sometimes upside down and sometimes right side up?....:D I will give it a good brushing before and sometimes even during to distribute the conditioner throught. Immediately afterwards I will only PAT my hair with a towel. I never take a towel and rub it around on my head. And because my hair is waist length ive got this weird thing I do where ill first squeeze all the excess water out and then ill fling the towel around my back and pull it really tight so its essentially squeezing and absorbing any other water that can be captured. I just cant bring myself to ruffle it around. Then ill sit with it for about five or ten minutes with the towel on my head to get any last little bits.

At that point ill either braid it or just put it into a pony tail. I always air dry and dont even own a hairdryer but if i let it dry freely meaning totally down....i get waves in all the places I dont want then.

Those are just some of the things I do....:)

EDIT:....I timed my hair the other day and it took 2 hours and 45 minutes to dry...

If you ponytail it wet, would it keep it wave free? I always let my hair down to dry, cose in a ponytail it won`t dry in ages. Also i`ll start doing that not sleeping, not sitting on it thing too, it sounds healthy. Hmm Thanks !:D

June 30th, 2010, 10:10 AM
No , No and uhm .. No :-s, is that bad ?

Not necessarily "bad" -- different products and procedures work for different heads of hair.

But it could be contributing to your tangly ends problem. Silicone products can build up unless you wash with SLS shampoo (and since you're doing a CWC, even with an SLS shampoo you probably aren't getting much of the SLS on your ends). And people with buildup often notice tangly, hard-to-manage ends. For some, when they feel the ends doing that, they know they're due for a clarifying wash.

You can try to wash with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to clarify, but you HAVE to do an ACV rinse afterward to restore your pH level or your hair will feel disgusting. (Hair/scalp prefer a slightly acidic pH level.)

June 30th, 2010, 10:12 AM
If you ponytail it wet, would it keep it wave free? I always let my hair down to dry, cose in a ponytail it won`t dry in ages. Also i`ll start doing that not sleeping, not sitting on it thing too, it sounds healthy. Hmm Thanks !:D

It keeps it wave free where I dont want the waves. But I actually enjoy the spirals on the ends when it dries......and yeah...it takes two hours and 45 minutes approximately to dry in a ponytail. Ive actually let it dry in a braid before and its still been moist after 6 hours. Ive even gone to bed like that and woken up the next morning with damp hair still. But I wont be doing that again......my scalp kicks my butt when i do that.

Ive been using Herbal Essences poo and condish......it seems to really make my hair soft....and it smells good too...:p

June 30th, 2010, 10:12 AM
what kind of products do men use on their long hair? Are you always relegated to smelling like flowers or mint tea, or are there actually more "manlike" products? Is there a specific line of men's haircare products geared for lonhairs?

I actually don't mind minty/floral smells as long as they're not too strong. When my hair was even shorter than it is now I always spiked it up with Garnier Fructis hair pomade, because the "for men!" stuff that's out there smells terrible, imho. If I have to choose between smelling like that stuff and lavender then I'll take the lavender.

June 30th, 2010, 10:13 AM
Not necessarily "bad" -- different products and procedures work for different heads of hair.

But it could be contributing to your tangly ends problem. Silicone products can build up unless you wash with SLS shampoo (and since you're doing a CWC, even with an SLS shampoo you probably aren't getting much of the SLS on your ends). And people with buildup often notice tangly, hard-to-manage ends. For some, when they feel the ends doing that, they know they're due for a clarifying wash.

You can try to wash with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to clarify, but you HAVE to do an ACV rinse afterward to restore your pH level or your hair will feel disgusting. (Hair/scalp prefer a slightly acidic pH level.)

I use advertised shampoo`s within lots of silicone with it, can`t find any SLS around here. Also if you tell me what ACV is i`ll probably try it out :))

June 30th, 2010, 10:16 AM
I actually don't mind minty/floral smells as long as they're not too strong. When my hair was even shorter than it is now I always spiked it up with Garnier Fructis hair pomade, because the "for men!" stuff that's out there smells terrible, imho. If I have to choose between smelling like that stuff and lavender then I'll take the lavender.

I absolutely hate garnier fructis products, they make my hair a mess, and somehow tingles my scalp oil glandes and they go nuts making my hair greasy in a few hours after i wash it. Is it something with this garnier shampoo that makes it special? I see it talked about around here, and i wonder what`s so special about it.

June 30th, 2010, 10:20 AM
It keeps it wave free where I dont want the waves. But I actually enjoy the spirals on the ends when it dries......and yeah...it takes two hours and 45 minutes approximately to dry in a ponytail. Ive actually let it dry in a braid before and its still been moist after 6 hours. Ive even gone to bed like that and woken up the next morning with damp hair still. But I wont be doing that again......my scalp kicks my butt when i do that.

Ive been using Herbal Essences poo and condish......it seems to really make my hair soft....and it smells good too...:p

Greeaat idea, i`ll try that herbal essences product, i`ve been thinking for a while to try them out, but didn`t do it. You gave me that impulse to go buy myself a set of shampoo+cond and try it out. But first, i need money :confused:

June 30th, 2010, 10:21 AM
ACV is apple cider vinegar. You can get it from a normal grocery store.

And I get that same thing from garnier fructis. It made my hair both flyaway and greasy at the same time. I really can't understand what is so great about it.

June 30th, 2010, 10:22 AM
ACV is apple cider vinegar. You can get it from a normal grocery store.

Oh, yeah, but isn`t it a bit .. too acid? how much do i need to use for a rinse, and in which combination? like ACV+WATER ?
I read a bit about this, but didn`t get it too much !

June 30th, 2010, 10:28 AM
I use advertised shampoo`s within lots of silicone with it, can`t find any SLS around here. Also if you tell me what ACV is i`ll probably try it out :))

Almost all "regular" shampoos have SLS, at least in the USA.

ACV = apple cider vinegar. But really, ANY acidic rinse will work: regular vinegar, lemon juice, citric acid, etc.

And it doesn't take much acid, either. For example, I use about 15ml of ACV in a cup that holds a little under a liter, then I fill the cup the rest of the way with plain water, and use the mixture for a final rinse. I do this almost every day, even though I rarely clarify -- the acid helps to smooth down the cuticle, and a smoother cuticle = fewer tangles.

June 30th, 2010, 10:29 AM
Oh, yeah, but isn`t it a bit .. too acid? how much do i need to use for a rinse, and in which combination? like ACV+WATER ?
I read a bit about this, but didn`t get it too much !

The surface of human skin is slightly acidic itself, so diluted vinegar is actually neutral. 1-2 tablespoons per 1 cup (250 ml) of water should be good but you may need more than one cup for thicker/longer hair. You just pour it over your head as the final rinse. It can smell while drying but the smell disappears once dry.

June 30th, 2010, 10:30 AM
Thanks embee! I will have to look for those in stores.

I have seen clear disposable shower caps provided by hotels. Unfortunately, they're way too small for my hair. ;)

Go to the paper plate and plastic bag part of your store and look for container covers. They pastic covers with elastic on the sides so they fit all kinds of continers and are great as disposible shower caps. I use them when I henna.

June 30th, 2010, 10:35 AM
You can try to wash with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to clarify, but you HAVE to do an ACV rinse afterward to restore your pH level or your hair will feel disgusting. (Hair/scalp prefer a slightly acidic pH level.)
Another thing that I've found useful for clarifying (which I believe is "getting all the gunk out your hair" in one word) is Dr. Bronner's liquid soap. You could probably use any kind of castille soap, but that particular brand is pretty well-known and available at places like CVS and even some grocery stores. I'm currently using it as my regular shampoo — I dilute one cup of the soap with one cup of water in an old shampoo bottle, and then add about a teaspoon of jojoba oil so it's not so drying (almond oil or another vegetable oil would probably work too) and pour a very small amount directly on my head and lather. I am emphasizing very small amount because it foams up a lot and so that's all you need. It does leave a weird alkaline feeling which an ACV rinse will take care of; I keep a 50/50 water/vinegar mixture in a spray bottle instead of pouring it over my head, and just comb it through with my fingers.

Dr. Bronner's soap also comes in different scents, I've only tried the almond and peppermint. The almond smelled exactly like amaretto liqueur, and the peppermint leaves a tingling sensation on your skin; some people don't like this but I find it refreshing, especially in the morning.

The surface of human skin is slightly acidic itself, so diluted vinegar is actually neutral. 1-2 tablespoons per 1 cup (250 ml) of water should be good but you may need more than one cup for thicker/longer hair. You just pour it over your head as the final rinse. It can smell while drying but the smell disappears once dry.
The water-to-vinegar ratio may vary — the mixture I use is much stronger because I spray it on instead of using it as a rinse, and because the weaker dilutions didn't seem to work as well for me. It's probably better to start with less vinegar, and then add more until you find what works.

I absolutely hate garnier fructis products, they make my hair a mess, and somehow tingles my scalp oil glandes and they go nuts making my hair greasy in a few hours after i wash it. Is it something with this garnier shampoo that makes it special? I see it talked about around here, and i wonder what`s so special about it.
I have no idea. I've never used their shampoo or conditioner (that I can remember, anyway) and so I can't make any informed statements about them. The pomade and gel work fine for me, but I've never tried any of their other styling products; it's probably one of those things that just don't work for some people.

June 30th, 2010, 02:22 PM
I have no idea. I've never used their shampoo or conditioner (that I can remember, anyway) and so I can't make any informed statements about them. The pomade and gel work fine for me, but I've never tried any of their other styling products; it's probably one of those things that just don't work for some people.

Guess so !

July 1st, 2010, 11:50 AM
Trimmed myself a bit of my ends today, not noticeable though. But definitely healthier for the overall growth. I`m trying to grow my 2 layers out at least it won`t look that dumb. But until then i just have to manage that my back layer 2 times longer than my front layer, giving me that mullet style i absolutely hate. Thank God i can ponytail it at least. I`m so scared of thinking that i can`t take this anymore, and i`ll go cut my back layer to equalize the front one. But then it would take ages to grow it back and i`ll cry as hell after it if i do. I`m so lost in my thoughts right now, so undecided ! :(

July 1st, 2010, 12:30 PM
Trimmed myself a bit of my ends today, not noticeable though. But definitely healthier for the overall growth. I`m trying to grow my 2 layers out at least it won`t look that dumb. But until then i just have to manage that my back layer 2 times longer than my front layer, giving me that mullet style i absolutely hate. Thank God i can ponytail it at least. I`m so scared of thinking that i can`t take this anymore, and i`ll go cut my back layer to equalize the front one. But then it would take ages to grow it back and i`ll cry as hell after it if i do. I`m so lost in my thoughts right now, so undecided ! :(

Oh I have sooo been there. The longer your hair grows though, the less mullet it will look and the more it will just look like a V hemline. Then it will be much more emotionally easy to just slowly even it out as you trim. :bunny:

July 1st, 2010, 12:32 PM
Oh I have sooo been there. The longer your hair grows though, the less mullet it will look and the more it will just look like a V hemline. Then it will be much more emotionally easy to just slowly even it out as you trim. :bunny:

Oh thanks, that really calmed me down ! I`ll let it even out by itself ! Thank you again !

PF Graham
July 2nd, 2010, 08:22 PM
I *like* smelling minty!!

Manly doesn't work for me. My usual presentation is extremely.... hmmm.... adorable :)

A friend of mine calls me bishi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bish%C5%8Dnen), referring to a style manga artwork where male characters are represented as extremely beautiful and androgynous. Not really sure where she gets that idea from, but I'll let this piccie from Jan 2009 do the talking:


WOW, that's crazy great hair! AND you live in NE - I don't get it!!!!

Maybe you shouldn't show that picture to any potential GFs.

- P

July 5th, 2010, 01:43 PM
Got some nice hair piccies from 4th of July celebration yesterday:

Just getting started:

Thank you, bartender, may I have another?

Oops, do you think I've had too much?

Mom get out of my hair! And yeah. I've definitely had too much:

Hey, my natural waves are coming in really well now!

PF Graham
July 5th, 2010, 06:19 PM
Got some nice hair piccies from 4th of July celebration yesterday:

Just getting started:

Thank you, bartender, may I have another?

Oops, do you think I've had too much?

Mom get out of my hair! And yeah. I've definitely had too much:

Hey, my natural waves are coming in really well now!

Great pictures! Love the waves and the henna!

- P

July 5th, 2010, 08:51 PM
Wow Witchy, henna makes your eyes and pale skin pop out so nicely! :)

July 5th, 2010, 09:08 PM
If you ponytail it wet, would it keep it wave free? :D
you owe me a new keyboard!
Oh my goodness. Yes, brain went to a bad place. a funny place, but a dirty place.
Oh wait, I am in the men thread, *runs away*

July 6th, 2010, 07:53 AM
Just getting started:
Great hair.

Do I see a firecracker in the background? Its not even new years eve yet. :p
Forgot, 4juli is the day for fireworks in the usa. :x

July 6th, 2010, 08:32 AM
Great hair.

Do I see a firecracker in the background? Its not even new years eve yet. :p

There's plenty of fire on witchy's head...:D

....groovy hair...:)

July 8th, 2010, 09:44 AM
I'm hoping to get some guys to chime in on this thread that I've quoted from.

Please reply in the original thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=51250) instead of this one, since your answers will be of interest to the posters from that thread.

Thanks! :)

Okay, fellas, we wanna know the truth.... do redheads REALLY have this sort of an effect on the typical guy????

Heh, I'm not sure that applies a lot any more. I've read more than one Fark thread where there's many willing to take in the poor abused gingers from the UK where their beauty is under appreciated. I present these as examples from such a thread:

(quoted images in another thread)

And my favorite, linked because of NSFW language:lol: [link removed: does not meet TLHC guidelines]

As a redhead in the US, I get a LOT of compliments on my (henna) color.

July 8th, 2010, 10:20 AM
Count me in too !

July 8th, 2010, 01:30 PM
I am also a guy with long hair.

July 8th, 2010, 01:50 PM
*pokes men's thread* Hi. :)
I was just wondering if anyone else has problems of people thinking you're a woman from behind. My dad's hair is not very long, but he has fairly short, curly hair that is similar to the white permed 'dos of a lot of older women. People will tap his shoulder from behind and say, "Excuse me miss?" until he turns around and they notice the moustache. :lol: He's never mentioned being offended by this, but I wonder how he feels and if this is common.

Lol, once, when I was about 17, I was waiting for my mom to finish some shopping in a department store, so I laid down on one of the display "beds" for the linens. Not a minute later an employee came over to tell me "young man, you can not lay there". I sat up pissed, but couldn't really blame her because my hair was about an inch and a half long and I was in a t-shirt and jeans.

July 9th, 2010, 06:41 AM
First for me. I got called ma'am at the hardware store yesterday and it wasn't even from behind, it was face to face. I was kind of taken back, and I said that I was really glad I didn't shave.

She turned the most interesting shade of red, and then we had a laugh.

July 9th, 2010, 07:25 AM
I get yelled at "Are you a man or a woman?!" by random strangers every so often. I guess they think that long hair healthy to the tips is impossible on a man, and a full beard is equally impossible on a woman. It's always annoying when that happens, but I've been mistaken for a woman on the phone, when all they could see was my voice, which I don't understand since I'm a second tenor.

Was it goose or duck down? ;)

July 9th, 2010, 07:36 AM
I have to give you fellas a pat on the back for putting up with all the abuse you put up with. The rudeness of some people just never ceases to amaze me! :rolleyes:

July 9th, 2010, 04:22 PM
A few recent photos of me, my hair and my dog .. well .. dogs :D




And some more hair pictures :D




July 9th, 2010, 04:52 PM
Yeah my bf used to have waaaay longer hair than me. We were out at a coffee shop and the woman who worked there said excuse me ladies to me and him. I cant blame her though, his hair is very long and healthy, which isn`t common for men. His hair is still long, but it is only shoulder length now as opposed to waist length. He had to cut it for work!

@Bller: Is that an iced earth shirt!? :P

July 9th, 2010, 05:01 PM
Yeah my bf used to have waaaay longer hair than me. We were out at a coffee shop and the woman who worked there said excuse me ladies to me and him. I cant blame her though, his hair is very long and healthy, which isn`t common for men. His hair is still long, but it is only shoulder length now as opposed to waist length. He had to cut it for work!

@Bller: Is that an iced earth shirt!? :P

Indeed it is :)

July 9th, 2010, 05:04 PM
Your dogs are sooo cute! :D

July 9th, 2010, 05:05 PM
Your dogs are sooo cute! :D

Thank you !:)

PF Graham
July 9th, 2010, 06:32 PM
Bller - what COOL dogs!

I don't think they would do well in Los Angeles weather but I love how close they look to German Sheppards - my personal favorite.

- P

July 9th, 2010, 09:53 PM
Bller - what COOL dogs!

I don't think they would do well in Los Angeles weather but I love how close they look to German Sheppards - my personal favorite.

- P

They are rustic dogs, they do well in any kind of weather. The summer`s around here get pretty hot, and i`m living in one of the hottest places in the country, we get +35C quite frequently, but the dogs are fine, a bit of water to cool them off and they`re happy ! And yes, they are from the same family both lupoid type and shepherd dogs group ! I`m glad you like them :)