View Full Version : can you tell when cones are out of hair?
June 16th, 2010, 08:31 PM
I wanted to try going cone free again for awhile, just to see how my hair is without them. Just wondering is there anyway to tell if cone build up is gone from your hair? Is 1 good shampooing enough to get rid of cones? I don't want to start using sulfate free shampoos and such, and there's still cone build up not getting washed out....
June 16th, 2010, 08:53 PM
Cones make my hair feel fake like plastic is coating it. The last couple of times I used something with cones it made me feel like my hair was suffocating. A good baking soda wash should do the trick. You could finish with a vinegar rinse. I just use a non cone conditioner afterwards.
June 17th, 2010, 10:30 AM
For me, I realised it when first I got (or rather: saw) a whole load of splissed ends which the cones had covered up. Nasty surprise, but it was worth it. My hair is much smoother and softer since I'm conefree :D
June 17th, 2010, 10:34 AM
Hmm, that's a tough one. I agree with the first two responses; that you should notice a different texture to your hair, for better or for worse. Many members here strongly prefer to use cones. For me, the conditioners I use are heavy and if I have cones in my hair, they just sit right on top of the shaft rather than being absorbed. So my hair will feel greasy, waxy even. But that's more of an after-the-fact indicator. :shrugs:
I don't think there's a really good way to tell in the shower whether you have removed every last bit of silicone. I myself had no luck with baking soda. I would just use a "clarifying" shampoo like suave and do two lathers, making sure to shampoo the whole length. Your hair will likely hate you for a bit, though.
June 17th, 2010, 10:38 AM
Most cones evaporate while the hair dries. The others will come off with one, maybe two shampooings. But you really don't have to do anything special to get them off.
June 17th, 2010, 01:17 PM
I don't really notice a difference because cones don't usually buildup in my hair. :shrug:
Once in a blue moon I'll use a conditioner that doesn't agree & has cones which will make my hair feel like plastic coated wire(Dove Energize Lemongrass & Grapefruit :shudder: ). When I clarify I know it's out because my hair will be soft and feel like 'hair' again.
Hope that helps. :flower:
June 17th, 2010, 01:30 PM
I would like to start CO washing and am wondering if I should first shampoo to get cones out before starting, or if they'll eventually come out with CO washing (I plan to buy Suave Natural Coconut today). Thanks in advance for your help!
June 17th, 2010, 01:35 PM
Cone free my hair is a bit less silky smooth. I have to be a lot more careful when combing, and it is slightly less shiny. Those are the signs for me to use my coney conditioner instead of my cone-free conditioner (I like a moderate to low level of cones, too many can weigh down my hair :)). It also seems to take longer to dry without cones. I think this stems from spidermom's point that most cones evaporate from your hair. I think they might help get the water out faster too.
June 17th, 2010, 03:53 PM
For me, I realised it when first I got (or rather: saw) a whole load of splissed ends which the cones had covered up. Nasty surprise, but it was worth it. My hair is much smoother and softer since I'm conefree :D
:flower: Thank you so much for writing this!
I stopped using cones a month ago and a couple days ago I was messing around with my hair and noticed a whole bunch of splitty hairs! I was alarmed because I have been taking better care of my hair and couldn't work out why I had split ends on my hairs, but now this makes sense, the cones (I used pantene, so very coney!) were just covering the damage!
I also noticed my hair is softer and shinier, now that I have stopped using conies, which is how it makes sense the cones were just covering this damage! Wow, this like a revelation to me! I was concerned but now I rest assured it is a result of no cones!
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