View Full Version : Mason Pearson in Australia

June 11th, 2010, 08:25 PM
So I need a good seamless comb, but I live in Australia, where no-one even knows what seamless means!
I'd like a Creative 8L from tenderheaded.com, but with shipping it'd cost $48.82 (USD).
So its acutally cheaper for me to buy a Mason Pearson Rake Comb. And I was so excited when I found Mason Pearson combs in David Jones over here. But, they have every kind except the rake! I've called every store in my state, and none of them have it. So I've resolved to order online.

Can any of you recommend online suppliers? I had a look around, and tressence.com seems to be the cheapest ($33.38 USD, including shipping). Have any of you used this site before, or can recommend others with whom you've had good service?

Thanks so much for your help :)

June 11th, 2010, 11:05 PM

Strawberrynet.com has them for $32.50AUD, including shipping. And lots of other goodies! I have bought from there before, and was really pleased with the fast shipping.

June 11th, 2010, 11:22 PM
I bought several MP combs from tressence.com and had a great experience with them both times. But I ultimately found it cheaper to buy them from a woman on ebay located in the UK. It was a while ago, so I can't pull up the listing for you, sorry! But my advice would definitely be to check ebay. :)

June 12th, 2010, 12:52 AM
Ooh, I found a great eBayer seller in the UK, only $21.85AUD, incl post!

The link: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Mason-Pearson-Rake-Comb-C7-FREE-WORLDWIDE-P-P-/350365189560?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51936485b8

I feel like buying one, and I don't even need it! Do the brushes compare, pricewise? I have no idea how much one is IRL.

June 12th, 2010, 10:38 AM
Tressence.com is excellent. I bought combs and brushes from them on a couple of separate occasions, and wouldn't buy anywhere else.

June 13th, 2010, 05:26 AM
Thanks everyone for the advice, I've just ordered from eBay. Can't wait! Free shipping is always excellent :)

June 13th, 2010, 06:30 PM
If you have a body shop near you, they have very inexpensive seam less wooden combs!

June 13th, 2010, 09:21 PM
I couldn't see the wooden comb at my Body Shop. I bought the wooden bristle hairbrush, it's lovely!

June 13th, 2010, 11:08 PM
Adore beauty have the full range available online, their customer service has to be seen to be believed, I have ordered many times from them and usually I get the email saying my order has been dispatched a few hours after I have paid for it!:cheese:

Also its an Australian company, gotta love that!;)

June 13th, 2010, 11:52 PM
Thanks for the new tips everyone!

Fractalsofhair I would love a Bodyshop wooden comb, I've heard great things about them. Unfortunately, in Australia they only sell the wooden brushes, no combs :(

I do have a wooden comb, but its made of bamboo and not very well finished in between the tines. I have sanded it (alot) but it still worries me. I prefer a plastic (or equivalent) one.

Gilly, I had a look on the adore beauty site, and they sell every other kind except the rake! Though it looks like a great site.

June 13th, 2010, 11:56 PM
Gilly, I had a look on the adore beauty site, and they sell every other kind except the rake! Though it looks like a great site.

I would either ring them or email them as it maybe out of stock, its worth asking them, I'm sure they could get it for you without too many problems, they have got things for me in the past.

June 26th, 2010, 09:47 PM
I ended up ordering from the Ebay seller, and it arrived last week.

I love it! It makes my hair feel so much smoother. It makes me want to wear it down more often. The teeth are really flexible, so even if I tried to rip it through a knot it won't. Using it on wet hair was lovely as well (I know I shouldn't).

Very happy with the whole experience. Thanks for helping me choose where to order it from!