View Full Version : Amish Hair Pins: Crinkly or Straight?

June 9th, 2010, 12:53 AM
Hello everyone!
I've come to realize while trying to keep my chinese bun up that bobby pins and u-pins keep working themselves out of my hair. It may be partly because it's too short and partly because I don't put them in right. So I am considering ordering Amish pins to try and keep my hair up. They have two different kinds; Straight Pins (http://www.prayercoverings.com/catalog.php?item=211&ret=catalog.php%3Fpage%3D2%26keyword%3Dpin%26cond% 3DAND) and Crinkled Pins (http://www.prayercoverings.com/catalog.php?item=212&ret=catalog.php%3Fpage%3D2%26keyword%3Dpin%26cond% 3DAND).
So now I am in a bind, what length, what kind, and how many? Since I am probably only going to use them to hold up with hair sticks, I may only need a smaller size, what do you think?

1. How do you insert bobby pins and U pins into your buns?
2. What are your thoughts on Amish Pins?
3. What kind would you recommend?

Thank you so much :) it's fairly late for me so I am off to bed, I will read and respond to your comments tomorrow morning!


June 9th, 2010, 04:06 AM
The crinkly pins sound intriguing. I've never tried them though. I have the 3 inch straight ones and they are wonderful. I usually just stick them in and they hold well.

Heavenly Locks
June 9th, 2010, 04:20 AM
Judging from the site, the crinkly pins are brand new :) I'd love to try them. If they're made the same (aside from shape) as the other Amish pins I have, I KNOW they'll be great. Even better possibly due to the extra grip you can get from the crinkle shape.


I was so excited about the new product that I forgot your questions, sorry about that! :o

1. I use them straight in. I don't turn & flip them like I do a hair stick sometimes. I coil my hair and poke a pin straight down to my scalp, pick up a bit of hair at the scalp and then flatten out the pin and push it the rest of the way in. I do *NOT* use bobby pins for buns. They are made to hold a tiny amount of hair so I use them to hold my fringe to the side while it grows out or to smooth down a lump or bump, or a fussy wisp of hair. They are not a stability type of pin.

2. LOVE my amish pins. They are so incredibly sturdy and I have not bent one yet. I have used other U shaped hair pins before and they are total junk compared to the amish pins. However, amish pins are not hair colored for you unless you have silver hair. I used a brown nail polish on the ends of mine to hide them in my hair.

3. I have average hair in thickness and texture. The straight/smooth amish pins are fine for me. If you hair is finer or more slippery, maybe the crinkle ones would be better for you. I use 2.5 inch ones. I bought 2 packs and I've only got one pack open and it's been plenty of pins. In fact I rarely use more than 3 per bun. :)

Hope that helps!

June 9th, 2010, 04:52 AM
I have the crinkly ones that Ravenslair makes and sells in her etsy shop (they are genuine Amish pins - she then crinkles them herself).

They don't go in as easily as the straight ones but they hold perfectly, and don't seem to work themselves out by themselves. I did loose one of the straight ones I have (lovely decorated ones, also by Ravenslair ... so I was really bummed by that!), which worked itself out of an updo and disappeared (possibly due to my updo coming in regular contact with the high collar of my winter coat).

So now I always make sure that I never put the straight ones in angled any thing lower than sideways. Just to be sure!

All in all, I am very happy with my Amish pins, both straight and crinkly ones. If I really had to pick one to recommend, I think I'd recommend the crinkly ones though.

June 9th, 2010, 09:31 AM
thank you everyone! I think I will go with the crinkled ones (unless I cave and buy both when I am at the shopping cart :D ) since my hair has a tendency to spit and slide everything out.

much thanks!

June 9th, 2010, 11:15 AM
I have both the straight and the crinkled pins from plain and simple. I've been using U shaped pins for an eternity and I really couldn't see how Amish pins could be so much better. but they are. They go in perfectly, don't bend and hold much better than any other pins ever have.

Like Heavenly locks, I paint mine with brown nail varnish so they blend with my hair. I have all of the sizes from the smallest to the longest, but the ones I use the most are the two inbetween sizes (2.5" and 2") I wanted to try the crinkled ones when they started selling them and bought a couple of packs. They hold even better than the straight ones. I've never had any of the straight ones slip out, but the crinkled ones seem to "lock" into place. Pity they don't do them yet in 2"