View Full Version : Recommendations Blue Shampoo/ Conditioner w/o SLS and Cones?

June 8th, 2010, 07:49 AM
I am a bottle blond. I do not lighten much - actually, I dream of having the ash-/ cool blond I have just a tiny bit lighter (no, honey etc. does not work for me - believe me, I tried :mad:).

My hair puts up with the damage rather well, the only problem is it's getting brassy only one wash after colouring...

Now I've found Aveda's Blue Malva shampoo and conditioner - this does wonders for my colour! Unfortunately, it contains ASL (shampoo) and imethicone (conditioner). I gave it a try anyway, but my hair is really not taking it well.

Sooo, now here's the question: Does anybody know any blue/ violet shampoo/ conditioner for blond hair without harsh sulfates and cones? Anywhere in the world? I'd have it imported from Australia if necessary...

June 9th, 2010, 02:22 AM
Someone recommended Mrs Stewart's Bluing. Here: http://www.mrsstewart.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PLST&Store_Code=LFCMOMSB

I've not used it so can't comment but apparently a bottle lasts a long time as you only need a drop or two.

I've read that hollyhocks (blue) can be used to keep silver hair free of brassy tints so that might work. I'm experimenting with lavender flowers with my hair but I don't really have enough silver to know if it makes a difference or not. But perhaps both are worth a try?

The other thing you might consider is a vinegar rinse. White vinegar is often recommended if you have a lot of silver so you might want to try that rather than apple cider. And it's likely to be less expensive than importing from Australia.

June 9th, 2010, 04:47 AM
hmm, here in the US, Jhirmack has a purple shampoo and conditioner meant for brassiness, I'm not sure if this is sold over where you live.

you can see the ingredients on this site, it doesn't have cones. the shampoo has laureth sulfate which I think is the gentle one. shampoo (http://www.walgreens.com/store/store/product/product_details.jsp;jsessionid=GwtcNIBG6SrXQVzI28Q nuw**.p_dotcom15?id=prod374925)conditioner (http://www.walgreens.com/store/store/product/product_details.jsp?id=prod374919)

June 10th, 2010, 01:46 PM
They make a rinse that is commonly found at drugstores for older women in the US to help with graying hair. My hair gets brassy in the summer, although when it was blond, I didn't color it, and it helped get my hair back to normal. It's cone free, though a teensy bit drying. (I don't suggest diluting it for best results. It's cheap, so using 1/2 a handful mixed with only a little conditioner works fine.)