View Full Version : question about wigs

June 7th, 2010, 12:15 AM
I'm thinking about getting a wig just for fun, incognito nights out and whatnot ... I'm not losing my hair :)

Anyway, what kind of wig should I look for? What kind should I avoid? Would a monofilament wig be bad because of the transparent part? Would that look weird if it's not sitting directly on a bald scalp?

I tried googling but I'm having trouble finding wig advice for people who aren't losing their hair!

June 7th, 2010, 02:07 AM
I be watchin' this thread. . . .

June 7th, 2010, 02:41 AM
Try looking for advice from drag queens and the likes. AWESOME advice on just about every subject. ;)

Oh, there's this youtuber called Petrilude who has amazing tutorials on makeup, drag ect ect. and he also covers wigs in a few videos.

June 7th, 2010, 06:52 PM
I'm thinking about getting a wig just for fun, incognito nights out and whatnot ... I'm not losing my hair :)

Anyway, what kind of wig should I look for? What kind should I avoid? Would a monofilament wig be bad because of the transparent part? Would that look weird if it's not sitting directly on a bald scalp?

I tried googling but I'm having trouble finding wig advice for people who aren't losing their hair!
I wear wigs for costumes. Though most of those wigs would look just fine if worn on any regular day.

As for transparent parts of the wig, you should wear a wig cap over your hair to both protect it and keep it contained. If you wear a flesh toned cap, nothing will be visible.

For my own wigs I tend to favor kanekalon fiber ones, as they don't tangle as much and I personally don't wear human hair though those are the most durable wigs. The wig weaving I just want to be sturdy and large enough to be able to fit my hair under.

June 7th, 2010, 07:28 PM
Try looking for advice from drag queens and the likes. AWESOME advice on just about every subject. ;)

Oh, there's this youtuber called Petrilude who has amazing tutorials on makeup, drag ect ect. and he also covers wigs in a few videos.

Petrilude is indeed awesome! I'm always excited when there's a new video from him in my subscription box.

I own about 11 wigs, but most of them are very unnatural colors (purple, pink, etc). They're all kanekelon fiber wigs that I order off ebay. To me, it is unnoticeable whether they are real or not, and they rarely ever get tangled. If I even have a waist length wig so I can fantasize about my goal length :heartbeat

June 7th, 2010, 07:38 PM
Yay, wigs! :D I have one for a costume, myself, but it's bright and obviously fake. If I were the going-out type, I'd love to wear a realistic wig. But I just like to fantasize about fun and daring things, rather than do them!

June 7th, 2010, 08:57 PM
Oh I had one after i chopped my hair from almost bra strap length to my neck, since i was depressed about not having hair :P
They're pretty fun. I always wore mine with a flesh toned hair cap, & it was a mixture of synthetic fibers & real human hair [so that it was less expensive].
It didn't make me loose any hair nor shed, since I've seen people report on other sites that if you wear it a lot it can thin hair, due to rubbing & such on your natural hairs. I never noticed that. It just got too hot since where I live it's super hot & super humid, so i just decided to forego the wig. But if it was me I would wear a flesh toned cap just if anything to protect your hair. :) they're super fun so i highly suggest getting one! I get them now because I used to have a hair dye f*tish as my friends said, so now when i want to change a hair color...i just buy a wig! :)

June 7th, 2010, 09:49 PM
Thank you for the tips! Flesh-colored cap does sound useful...

I like this one (http://www.wigs.com/product_info.php?products_id=3877)... what do you think? There's a video of it.

I like this one (http://www.wigs.com/product_info.php?products_id=3899) too, although it's not quite as long as the other one (bummer!)

I think I want to stick close to my natural color ... dark brown, maybe some medium brown highlights but overall still dark.

June 7th, 2010, 09:59 PM
Both of the wigs you've posted are insanely lovely, though I prefer the former, just because it's longer. ;)
And yes, I forgot ot mention before, but a wig cap will certainly help your hair to stay put under a wig.