View Full Version : Long Hairs and Cats...Is There a Connection?

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May 11th, 2008, 09:38 AM
Does having long hair and cats go together?
It seems like alot of us long hairs here also love cats. So I'm just curious are you a long hair who also loves cats?
I have long hair and definately love cats.:)

May 11th, 2008, 09:48 AM
I love long hair and cats. To our family belong three cats, all rescued from the animal shelter and one cat comes once a day to get some food from us:)

akka naeda
May 11th, 2008, 10:10 AM
Nope. I'll happily talk to them if visiting people who have them, but wouldn't have one myself.
Dogs and birds for me.

ETA - I didn't vote as I'm not sure whether I'm classified as liking them or disliking them!

May 11th, 2008, 10:16 AM
love them, but medically impossible. I'd need anabolic steroids 24/7. I'm highly allergic. Always have been. Can't take the ammonia, or the dander. I have a low allergen Bichon Frise. The breed is said to be somewhat cat like for a dog.

May 11th, 2008, 10:28 AM
I think there is at least a bit of a connection. I notice cat owners tend to have long hair. Now is there a correlation to the number of cats one has and how long one's hair is?:D I have three.

May 11th, 2008, 10:30 AM
I love cats, dogs, birds, snakes, lizards, frogs ... it would probably take less time to name the animals I don't like. If I could only have one pet, though, it would be a dog.

May 11th, 2008, 10:33 AM
I'm very much an animal-lover in general, but cats are my fave. My sister once called me the patron saint of kitties.

May 11th, 2008, 10:33 AM
I love cats.
My grandma fears them, and she seems to have very short hair...So...
And I'm growing my hair...
Anyway, I'm getting one as soon as I move.

May 11th, 2008, 10:37 AM
I adore cats, and despite having an allergy (probably milder than Bluegrass) I have one cat that had been abandoned and I feed another that hangs around the front of my house. Don't know if it matters, but I also have a dog and love them to bits too :-)

May 11th, 2008, 10:40 AM
Love long hair and cats here and I too have been wondering if there is a correlation. I'd throw in crafting as an indicator too.

I have 1 and he's my baby. My allergies to him have been getting worse and though there's no way I'd be without Baby, I'm not sure if I'll be able to have others in the future. Though I can't imagine not having them.

May 11th, 2008, 10:49 AM
I've had cats all my life. There were 5 in my house when I was growing up (mom couldn't resist a poor, stray kitten). I don't want to ever be without at least one kitty. Actually, my friends say I'm very cat like. I think that comes from growing up with so many of them.

Speaking of kitties, I met two yesterday for the first time. By evening they were in my lap, purring and sleeping. Kitties love me as much as I love them. :D

May 11th, 2008, 10:59 AM
Cats, yes, definitely! I have two, and my hair is almost at classic.

May 11th, 2008, 11:10 AM
I like cats - I have three. I just keep on finding the poor things starving outside..

I'm more a dog person than a cat person.. I don't feel any special bond with cats just because they are cats, or consider being a cat owner a big part of my persona.. but there are no animals I don't like, and I love my kitties.

I find that people who have lots of pets or really like animals tend to be more unusual or 'alternative', as far as their world-view, and even their personal style.

May 11th, 2008, 11:20 AM
I love kitties. I don't have any myself (mom hates cats), but my sister and friends do and they have to pry the kitties from my dead hands if they want to pet them too :o
Cats are just so cute :inlove:

May 11th, 2008, 11:22 AM
I loooove kitties. At the moment I have one and my roommate has one. :)

May 11th, 2008, 11:36 AM
Im an long hair and I love cats :)
i have only one

May 11th, 2008, 12:31 PM
Love cats! I've got five of them, in fact. Though, I love all animals.

May 11th, 2008, 01:00 PM
I love my kitties! Right now we have four. I'm curious about the kitty + long hair + crafts correlation now, too. Hmm.

Ms Monnie
May 11th, 2008, 01:20 PM
I think the link might be the interwebz. Cat lovers and long-hairs alike seem to be attracted to it.

May 11th, 2008, 01:27 PM
I love my hair and hate cats. :D

May 11th, 2008, 01:38 PM
Some famous "people" with cat phobia:

Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and Mussolini

May 11th, 2008, 01:42 PM
I adore cats, and that's an understatement. My hair isn't long currently, but at heart I am a long hair, so that must count for something ;)

I have 2 right now, and may be adopting a kitten when they are old enough to leave their mother.

Nothing against dogs, but they're just not my type of pet. Plus, I'm allergic. I'm doomed to be a crazy cat lady :silly:

May 11th, 2008, 01:56 PM
I have always loved cats, my mother has three, they are like brothers and sister to me, i grew up with them! I have wondered why some people dont like cats? I think that it's because they dont understand cat's way of thinking or something.

May 11th, 2008, 02:24 PM
I a long hair (or a long hair to be) and I love cats!

And of course are my cats long hairs too: a Persian and a Selkirk Rex

May 11th, 2008, 02:49 PM
I love cats to death. I would have a ton if I could. Right now I have my cat to play with, my sister's two cats I can play with when I go over there (not that i go over there very much at all) and my DBF's 3 cats I can play with when I go see him.
Love kitties. :)

May 11th, 2008, 03:10 PM
I have always had between 7 and 18 cats all my life! Love, love, LOVE them!

May 11th, 2008, 03:15 PM
My avatar speaks for itself I think ;)

May 11th, 2008, 07:37 PM
I love every animal (well except from some bugs and parazites:scared:) but I especially LOVE cats. They're the most beautiful being ever!I think there's a possibility I love cats more than people.:rolleyes:

May 11th, 2008, 07:40 PM
I love every animal (well except from some bugs and parazites:scared:) but I especially LOVE cats. They're the most beautiful being ever!I think there's a possibility I love cats more than people.:rolleyes:

I think I'm the same way. I understand cat language and mentality better than that of people.

May 11th, 2008, 07:50 PM
Actually, I love most animals, but cats are my favorite and have been for my entire life. I only have one at the moment, but I have had her for over 13 years (she'll be 14 on Halloween). I've even been told that I have the personality of a cat, which is why I ended up with the nickname Kat.

May 11th, 2008, 07:56 PM
I think that even though there seems to be a strong correlation... well, how can anyone not like cats??? Seriously, if we took a world wide survey I'd bet there's more cat lovers than dog lovers. Perhaps LHC has a bit more in proportion... but I think cats are just more lovable!

May 11th, 2008, 09:25 PM
Of course there's a connection! Witches always have cats, and witches also always have long hair, right? (I'm kidding, of course, but there are historical/mythological links.)

BTW: I have 5 cats, and feed a bunch of strays. And consider myself a bit of a witch.;)

May 11th, 2008, 11:26 PM
I like cats, although I don't have any of my own at this time. My former roommate had a cat; interestingly, she always had very short hair (she even shaved her head at one point). The cat always played with my hair, though; he'd chase pretty much anything that was string-like, haha.

May 12th, 2008, 12:29 AM
Long hair and cat lover here too! Currently, I've got one, and DBF has one, but at one point a few years ago, just before my parents and I moved halfway across the country, we had over 20 cats... We started out with two girls (who we didn't know were pregnant) and they just kept having kittens... we'd take them in to get them spayed, but they were already pregnant again! and we couldn't keep them in the house. We gave away all the kittens that we could, and kept the ones we couldn't find homes for. When we moved, we gave away all but three, an adult female, her single kitten, and an eight week old calico kitten from another litter. Half, we found homes for, but half went to a cat-rescue. Anyway, we moved to Missouri, and the adult female started having behaviour issues, so we found her a home where she could run around outside without much danger of cars. My parents have their kitten, an orange female, and I have mine, my precious Emma, who is now two years old (her birthday is April 1... heh)

The moral of this story: spay your cats early. Also, if you have an exceptionally pretty cat, keep him/her inside! One of the kittens from the first litter was a snowshoe siamese patterned male... Shadow's mama was half siamese, half angora, and his father(we know who he was, since we owned him :/) was half siamese, half black alley cat. Anyway, he was an absolute dream of a cat... handsome and cuddly. Someone came to pick out a kitten when he was a year old, and asked if they could have him instead. I said no, of course, and they got all sorts of angry at me. Now, Shadow would go outside whenever he wanted (mostly because he knew how to use a door handle), so we had gone to the store and left him outside... We never saw him again, although when we got home, there were some strange tire prints in our yard.

yeah, the fact that I can sit here and tell stories about my cats for hours... maybe I'm something of a crazy cat lady too... LOL.

May 12th, 2008, 02:21 AM
I have longish hair...i HAD a cat. I'm allergic now, but if i wasn't not sure if i would own one. I don't hate or like them (they used to be my favourite pet for 11 years, then i loathed them for like 5 years, now i am indifferent) LOLCATS has changed my mind, i do think they are commical....
but why have a cat when you can have a bird, or a dog. :)
I didn't vote because i fall in niether category :)

May 12th, 2008, 02:57 AM
I love kitties! :inlove: I've always had cats and up until a few years ago I've always had a dog, too. When I was younger (and had a lot more patience - no kids at that time) my dog was like my child. Now that I'm older I'm not as tolerant of dogs. If they're well-behaved and clean, then I think they're wonderful. :lol:

May 12th, 2008, 05:34 AM
I would say I generally love dogs more than cats, but when I decided to grow my hair actively I got a cat :-D

May 12th, 2008, 05:38 AM
I love cats and I also find myself drawn to the longer haired cats -- the fuzzier they are, the cuter I find them. My dog also seems to have extra long fur for a Golden Retriever.

Daoine Sidhe
May 12th, 2008, 06:15 AM
I loooooove cats ! But I'm not really a longhair (yet!) :D

I used to be alergic to cats as a kid. It was hard since I like them so much.

May 12th, 2008, 06:20 AM
I've always had cats. I currently have two who are 13 and 11. (my first babies!) I love them to bits, but I don't have much time for them anymore I'm afraid. Three children took care of that!
I am allergic to dogs, don't particularly like them either. I find their irrational drive to please irritating. But that's just me I guess.
I don't plan on being a crazy cat lady! I'd like to do lots of travelling especially when the kids move out so I don't want to be tied to home.

May 12th, 2008, 09:26 AM
but why have a cat when you can have a bird, or a dog. :)

I don't like dogs or birds. Thats just me, though.:) I absolutely love cats, and never want to be without one.

May 12th, 2008, 09:29 AM
I'm a longhair but I'm allergic to cats :(

May 12th, 2008, 02:21 PM
Looks like I'm in the minority. Dog person here. The only way I like cats is grilled, with a nice cajun marinade. :lol:

8) Jim

May 12th, 2008, 02:26 PM
Two cats deign to allow us to feed, house and clean up after them. :o

Actually they are great. We've always had cats - sometimes one, but most of the time two. Whenever one cat would pass away, another would find its way to us, whether it be a stray or an unwanted pet that someone gave us.

Wanted to get a dog, as both DH and I love them, too, but we realized that we are away from home way too much to give a dog the attention it would need. Cats are great about the benign neglect thing. (We don't actually neglect them at all, they are ridiculously doted upon.)

There is nothing quite so soothing as petting a warm, purring kitty.

May 12th, 2008, 02:27 PM
Long hair and two cats. It'll be back up to three in a year or less :D

This reminds me of Beldarn's Harry Potter poll :D

May 12th, 2008, 04:43 PM
I voted for the cat dislike option, but I don't actually dislike cats. They're okay. But I have an over-the-top allergy to them so I couldn't have one even if I thought they were the coolest animals ever. Which I don't.

I'm a dog and bird person and have been forever.

May 12th, 2008, 08:24 PM
I love cats, but I love all animals. Hubby and I are hoping to get a cat soon. (It's probably the first time in my life that I've not had a pet).

May 12th, 2008, 08:56 PM
I saw this thread get popped back up and it reminded me of my my first calculus teacher...


Just thought I'd share. :lol:


May 13th, 2008, 01:16 AM
I have long hair but I am more of a dog person. I'm pretty allergic to cats but I do think they are cute.

May 13th, 2008, 12:36 PM
I like dogs and cats! I'm an animal nerd, however. I think I lean more towards dogs, though. Maybe like 65&#37; dog and 35% cat, hahaa.

May 13th, 2008, 02:06 PM
I'm a long haired dog person...

May 13th, 2008, 02:07 PM
Cats. Yuck.

Who wants to live with animals in the house? That's why barns were invented.

May 13th, 2008, 02:21 PM
LOL Ursula. Somehow, I'm not surprised that's your reaction.

3 cats here, but I'm the sort who likes just about any furry creature. Hubby's not a fan of dogs, though (says they're "doofy"), and I like how independent cats are.

May 13th, 2008, 07:25 PM
nope - not a cat lover (at all!) kittens are cute (wouldn't own one though) :)

May 13th, 2008, 07:45 PM
I love both long hair and cats, but I also love dogs too!

May 13th, 2008, 07:53 PM
I love my cat. The max I would have at one time would be 10. I figure if I get one every 2 years then the numbers should stay about right.

oh yeah, and I really dislike dogs. It's the one animal I'd never have.

May 13th, 2008, 08:07 PM
Cats. Yuck.

Who wants to live with animals in the house? That's why barns were invented.

Animals? I don't have any animals in the house, but I do have 5 fur-children of the feline variety that live in my home. Sometimes I prefer their company to that of humans. :smile:

May 13th, 2008, 08:32 PM
Confirmed long haired dog person. I don't dislike cats (so I didn't vote in your poll) but I don't really feel the urge to have any since some of their feline habits bother me.

May 13th, 2008, 08:58 PM
Confirmed long haired dog person.

Same here though right now I don't have a dog!

May 13th, 2008, 09:21 PM
I adore cats! Especially recently, I have found myself spending a ton of time with my kitties.

I'm an animal person, so I also love other furry and feathered pets. And some reptiles, though not snakes. I have a snake phobia, which isn't good cause I live where snakes love (hot, sunny California!).

May 13th, 2008, 11:36 PM
I like cats, but don't keep pets. My roommates have a Devon Rex that I can enjoy when I want to.

May 15th, 2008, 01:13 AM
I love cats (I have three of them) but so do my sisters, who both have shoulder-bsl hair, and my mum in particluar, who has a short 'Beatles' cut.

My friend with tbl hair is apathetic to cats, but likes dogs.

harley mama
May 15th, 2008, 04:48 AM
I didn't vote. I have long hair. I don't have a cat because I am very allergic to them.
There was no selection for that!

May 15th, 2008, 04:56 AM
Cats. Yuck.

Who wants to live with animals in the house? That's why barns were invented.

Am i the only one who thought this comment might be a bit rude? fair enough you got your oppinion and you don't like cats, but some people, like me, happen to love them. and i'd much rather live with them than people.

May 15th, 2008, 05:20 AM
Growing up we always had one cat. I also had many other pets but always prefered cats. I always liked that they seem so independant We always had indoor/outdoor cats and they came in for a cuddle and hung out in the yard to play.

I am getting a bit tired of the responsability of the 3 I have now though. I love them to death don't get me wrong but I have 3 in the house and one needs daily medical attention and the other actually gets depressed if I don't give him a ton of attention ( he is much more like a dog then a cat) I won't get rid of him though as they are family and very attached but I will probably take a break from pets when these guys are gone simply because I have had pets all my life, I have never not had a pet and I want to travel a lot more and just not have the responsability for once in my life.

I have 5 pets total 2 horses and 3 cats ( well one is my brothers cat but he lives with me and I love him like my own, he is my avatar kitty)

May 15th, 2008, 06:10 AM
Am i the only one who thought this comment might be a bit rude? fair enough you got your oppinion and you don't like cats, but some people, like me, happen to love them. and i'd much rather live with them than people.

I'm allergic. And I routinely have to drug myself, just to visit with friends.

I find it rather rude that someone would deliberately choose to keep their house in a state that would make their friends sick, or consider an animal more important than the health and welfare of the people around them. And that's the "polite" subset of people who keep animals in their houses.

The really rude ones get mad if I hiss to keep the cat away from me, or stick the animal in my face insisting that their cat is one that people aren't allergic to, or tell me I'm a monster because I don't immediately go to a shelter and "adopt" a cat to keep it in my house.

It's frustrating, and it makes me quite angry that I have to deal with this. Visiting with a friend shouldn't have to be a trade off with my health, one that requires the use of medicine.

May 15th, 2008, 08:03 AM
People are animals too, btw. And in many cultures you actually live(d) with the animals in the same room, or have to pass through the barn. I certainly don't think barns were invented because some people were allergic to animals (in fact, I would think that being allergic to animals is not at all a survival trait)
A lot of people love to have animals around them and won't sacrifice this just because one of their friends is allergic. The friend can always choose not to visit ot just choose other friends.

Plus, a lot of allergic people love animals and are really sad they cannot be around animals.

May 15th, 2008, 09:54 AM
I'm allergic. And I routinely have to drug myself, just to visit with friends.

I find it rather rude that someone would deliberately choose to keep their house in a state that would make their friends sick, or consider an animal more important than the health and welfare of the people around them. And that's the "polite" subset of people who keep animals in their houses.

The really rude ones get mad if I hiss to keep the cat away from me, or stick the animal in my face insisting that their cat is one that people aren't allergic to, or tell me I'm a monster because I don't immediately go to a shelter and "adopt" a cat to keep it in my house.

It's frustrating, and it makes me quite angry that I have to deal with this. Visiting with a friend shouldn't have to be a trade off with my health, one that requires the use of medicine.

right saw nothing about that on your original post but thanks for clearing it up for me. I for one have a couple of friends who are allergic to cats and when they come over i hoover and dust and generally try to help with their allergies i also put the cats in their room (I don't like the litter being in 'my part ' of the flat lol and they like having their own little space) so i'm certainly not one of these 'rude' people you seem to think all pet owners are :confused: I have never and would never be so rude as to assume that everyone will love my cats, but if i know nothing of their allergies and they're rude to my kitties, then thats one hell of an arguement right there, my BFs father was one such person and he's still banned.

May 15th, 2008, 10:33 AM
Dusting, vaccuming, and temporarily moving the animals to a different room aren't enough, in my experience, to make a place non-allergenic. It still requires medication, and being constantly careful about things like not touching my eyes.

There is no good way to keep an animal in a house, that allows the house to be visited by people who are allergic without them having to be continually alert and careful. Even if the animals are always kept in one room, the dander and fur get carried around by the pet-owner, spreading it everywhere.

May 15th, 2008, 10:49 AM
Total animal lover here; all species. If I had to choose one pet though, it would be a cat. I've owned in the past up to seven! Now, I only have two. I love me some kitties! :inlove:

I have friends that have allergies as well and some tend to avoid my house. Others with allergies come right in and just avoid my cats (although one of my cats seems to gravitate and want to rub on these people more than others).
We're all friends, we just deal with it. They wouldn't expect me not to have animals in my house because of their allergies. The friends that don't come to my house don't make a big deal of it, we just go to their house or meet elsewhere. Afterall, for most of the people, I had my cats before we were friends. If I had a peanut allergy, I wouldn't expect my friends to keep all peanut products out of their home! My health is my responsibility, not my friends.

May 15th, 2008, 12:05 PM
I'm allergic. And I routinely have to drug myself, just to visit with friends.

I find it rather rude that someone would deliberately choose to keep their house in a state that would make their friends sick, or consider an animal more important than the health and welfare of the people around them. And that's the "polite" subset of people who keep animals in their houses.

The really rude ones get mad if I hiss to keep the cat away from me, or stick the animal in my face insisting that their cat is one that people aren't allergic to, or tell me I'm a monster because I don't immediately go to a shelter and "adopt" a cat to keep it in my house.

It's frustrating, and it makes me quite angry that I have to deal with this. Visiting with a friend shouldn't have to be a trade off with my health, one that requires the use of medicine.

Ursula, I'm sorry you are allergic to cats and cannot experience the joy of being owned by one. Many of us who can have pets love them and consider them to be part of the family. When you adopt a pet you take on a responsibility for its care and you don't just get rid of it at the drop of a hat. I have literally signed papers saying I would give my cats a good indoor home and take care of them for life. Imagine what the rescue would say if I tried to return them because a "friend" told me to. Try and look at it from the pet owner's point of view. I'm sorry, but if someone came along and said I wasn't being a good friend because I didn't get rid of my cats then I would tell them to take a hike. That's too high a price for "friendship". Frankly, I would consider someone who made such a demand to be too self-centered to merit much interest on my part in any sort of friendship. (Sorry that sounds so harsh, but I'm trying to point out that it's not only what you may perceive as simply an obsession with cats that would influence my decision.) I've had my cats for a long time and I spend a lot of time with them each day because I enjoy their company. Friends only stop by occasionally, and can move or disappear anytime.

If a friendship with a cat-lover is so important to you then invite that person to your home (requesting that they shower and wear clean clothes is not unreasonable under the circumstances), or meet them at a mall, restaurant, etc. instead. From my POV a truly good friend would put up with the inconvenience of having to take meds once in awhile if they wanted to visit me in my home. I would do so if the situation were reversed. I would also do my best to clean and keep the cats away from a person with allergies, but asking me to get rid of my cats is unreasonable.

The only way I would consider re-homing my fur kids is if one of my human kids developed severe allergies. They have to live here and expecting them to spend all day every day with a pet they were allergic to would be unrealistic. If I myself became allergic it would have to be a near life-threatening condition to make me give up my babies. In fact, I know of at least two people who developed allergies and must take medication to keep their cats. They do so gladly, happy to have a way to keep their "family" together. I know of others who have told potential future husbands to get lost when they said either the cats go or they would go. Since you have not been able to have a pet, perhaps you underestimate how much other people can become attached to them. Don't condemn someone whose position you have never been in. (And yes, I have been somewhat in the same position as you. I'm allergic to many things, but I've never felt the need to tell someone to stock their home with only fragrance-free soap, to not wear fragrance, to not serve certain things, etc. I do make my allergies known so that a conscientious friend can make allowances for when I visit, but if they don't or they forget it's not a big deal. I just have to be careful and make do. If it is a new acquaintance I would probably choose to not develop a friendship with them rather than make demands.)

May 15th, 2008, 12:58 PM
I love all animals... I currently own 2 dogs, 3 cats, 3 sugar gliders, and a frog but I've had many types of pets including rats, ferrets, rabbits, snakes, lizards, etc...

If someone is allergic, well, if they know me they know I have pets before they enter my house so if they have a problem they can decline the invitation. My pets are like family members and anyone who knows me knows that. Actually I do have a few friends who are allergic to cats, (they also like cats) and they choose to come to my house. I will run the air purifier if I know they are coming, and show them the best cat-dander-free place to sit but I am not going to get rid of my pets just because someone who might like to visit me is allergic.

May 15th, 2008, 01:44 PM
Ursula -- that's just so weird. People really behave like that? Or are you being dramatic?

May 15th, 2008, 01:46 PM
Mad ailurophile here.

May 15th, 2008, 01:59 PM
I love animals, we currently have four dogs, one cat and a rabbit. We have had three cats and no dogs. Our cats have passed on due to old age. I found out last year that I am allergic to them along with a number of other things. I prefer taking allergy medication, washing my face and hands and changing my clothes after holding our cat. He won't come inside the house anymore, due to the number of foster dogs that come through our house I think, but I would have him in the house in a minute.

I would have more kitties in a minute, but we are trying to keep the animal population of our house to a reasonable level.


May 15th, 2008, 02:00 PM
Ursula -- that's just so weird. People really behave like that? Or are you being dramatic?

No, I'm not being dramatic.

I had a few co-workers who were adamant that I ought to have a pet. Gave me lists of allergy medicines, that they thought I should take 24/7, just to have a pet. Brought their animals to work (really inappropriate, it was a museum archive) to show me how "nice" they were. Tried to make me hold them, to show that people really weren't allergic to this type of animal. Suggested alternate apartments I could rent, when I pointed out that my apartment didn't allow pets - which was one of the reasons I chose that place.

I finally started talking about how it might be useful to have pets as an emergency food source, in the event of disaster, (cat or dog stew!) to get them to leave me alone.

It was quite nasty, I thought. And pushed me over the edge from tolerating animals to disliking them, and disliking them as pets even more. I just don't see the purpose of respecting a choice that involves conciously disrespecting the wellfare of myself and all of the many people like me, any more.

Plus the idea that anyone could consider animals more important than humans is one I have serious ethical issues with. Same thing with considering property more important than humans. How many lives could have been spared, in New Orleans, or in other disaster areas where people had warning, if everyone with a car filled it with people who could not drive themselves away instead of animals and property?

May 15th, 2008, 02:11 PM
That's really strange behavior. That would be like me saying I'm allergic to bananas (which I am) and having people urge bananas on me ... bizarre! I really love pets, all kinds, but I know they're not for everybody. I wouldn't get rid of any of them to make a friend more comfortable because friends don't come over that often and offer me the kind of companionship that my animals do, but I would certainly agree to meet on nonallergic ground and stay away from the pets while I'm getting ready so as not to carry the allergens on me.

As for evacuating and filling my car with animals and property before I filled it with humans, that would depend on whether or not I knew the humans, else I risk having my throat cut and my truck stolen. Definitely friends, family, and neighbors before animals.

May 15th, 2008, 05:38 PM
I think that maybe the connection is that cats love longhairs! My cat showed up at my house one day, and now he has claimed it as his own! I am happy to have him, though.

May 15th, 2008, 05:41 PM
well actually it is enough for my friends because they are my friends and not so arrogant to demand i remove my pets just for them! if they don't want to come around thats fine but i refuse to let other people command how i conduct my household. And when i go to their houses i don't demand they remove their children (not a fan of kids)

As for it not being ethical to prefer animals to people, how about this - is it ethical for people to have bullied me my whole life to the point that its made me ill, sociophobia its called, not sure about the spelling. it basically means that i can't go anywhere alone because of how badly i've been treated by PEOPLE, no i don't think it is somehow. and suggesting that i, or any cat lover would endanger their friends health and make them 'sick' on purpose is so silly to me that i still can't quite figure out why you would be friends with someone like that.

but being that this thread is basically about wether we like cats or not i apologise to the OP for this digression. :)

May 15th, 2008, 05:52 PM
Not a cat fan, myself. I'm quite allergic to them, and generally prefer the friendliness of dogs (two of those in the house).

Regarding people who are allergic coming over, I solved that problem by never having people over. Perhaps I'm a bit misanthropic, but my dogs are better company than the vast majority of human beings I've met. If I do have a friend who is quite allergic, I am happy to visit with them at their homes or out in public. My home is my castle, though, and my dogs live there and are family.

May 15th, 2008, 06:14 PM
It's frustrating, and it makes me quite angry that I have to deal with this. Visiting with a friend shouldn't have to be a trade off with my health, one that requires the use of medicine.

I agree 100 &#37; Ursula. A lot of allergy medication is hard on the system and has nasty side effects, plus any medication that you don't absolutely need is not a good thing, and a human being should not have to hurt her health to visit a friend.

It's hard though since people aren't going to get rid of their pets and and you can't entirely clean up and sterilize the area. Let's face it, non-human animals are quite frequently dirty. I love 'em, but they are dirty. :shrug: Clean non pet households are always going to be cleaner than even the cleanest pet household, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I do think it's true. I don't mind cat hair or dog hair on my pillows or rugs, but it isn't super clean.

Wish there were some easier way for you to visit pet owner friends, Ursula.

May 15th, 2008, 06:15 PM
Love cats, and all animals even the ones with scales, flippers, hoves, and beaks.I do prefer cats to dogs by just a smiggen, but I am not a long hair (yet).

May 15th, 2008, 07:38 PM
Some of us view it as a privilege to share one's home with cats or, as the case may be, having cats who share their home with you.

To me, it wouldn't seem like quite a home without at least one cat and preferably more. IMO, cats add immensely to one's quality of life.

I find it mildly offensive that someone would deem me as rude or uncaring for having cats when some of my friends may be allergic.

May 15th, 2008, 09:41 PM
I'm pretty allergic to the dander of cats and it feels like it's getting worse by the week. But I wouldn't give my cat up for anything or anyone. I do let folks know that I have a cat and if allergies are an issue then we manage whatever accommodations work for us. I resist locking the cat away in a room simply because I wouldn't consider doing that with any living being. However, I know his sleeping habits and if the visit works out for those times, I'm fine with shutting the door knowing that he's going to be sleeping.

I do find intentional comments about killing a living being just for the sake of shock value to be extremely inhumane. Seriously, would you walk up to the mother of a crying baby and suggest that smothering the screaming thing would take care of the problem? I would seriously hope not.

Each of us chooses what we value in our lives. Sure, others can have opinions on those values, but at the end of the day it's about what we choose. There are some bf, gf, husbands, wives, parents, siblings, children that I'd just as soon not have any interaction with but I'd no more demand they get put down or put away than I would accept such demands. I've had friendships with women end because of their husbands and I wish them well but not in my life.

Yes, there are some people who try to force their choices onto others. But that's then an opportunity for me to choose.

To get back to the topic at hand... Have those of you with cats seen an interest in long hair from them? My cat would try to play with my long hair when he was a kitten, swatting at it, pouncing. Even now, he likes to lie down on it or paw near the scalp. The cat of one of my friends loved to lick and try to eat my hair.

May 16th, 2008, 12:00 AM
I love cats!! I have one sulking next to me now cos she wants to sleep on my computer chair. Her resting place during thd day! haha!!

May 16th, 2008, 04:56 AM
Have those of you with cats seen an interest in long hair from them? My cat would try to play with my long hair when he was a kitten, swatting at it, pouncing. Even now, he likes to lie down on it or paw near the scalp. The cat of one of my friends loved to lick and try to eat my hair.

Yes I know a cat that does that. He often comes to snuggle with me on the bed when I stay at my friend's house and if my hair is loose on the pillow he will get it in his teeth and groom it too hard for comfort!

I've loved cats since I was old enough to toddle up to one and stroke it, and have had them in the past but can't have any where I live now. I find it interesting to watch cats' reactions to visitors - their opinions very often seem to tally with my own. This cat of my friend's is happy to be approached by almost every visitor to his house with the exception of one man, whom both my friend and I find rather difficult and antipathetic. The cat hates him, makes it very obvious and cornered him on the stairs once, scaring the bejasus out of him

May 16th, 2008, 10:49 AM
I LOVE cats. I currently only have one, but when I was growing up I had 6. Most of whom were brought in by me. :D When I moved out I took three of them with me and added a fourth before long.
My current cat Sebastian prefers to be alone. I've tried to convince him that it would be fun to have another cat, but he just stares at me like I'm nuts. Why would he want to share my attention after all?? :p
I would NEVER EVER want to live without at least one cat. They are so calming, and entertaining. Sebastian even does things specificaly to make me laugh when I need a pick-me-up.

May 16th, 2008, 11:21 AM
I am growing my hair again (long hair at heart) and we have 3 black beauties. We like to call them the DLG--short form for Donald, Libby and George. These furbabies rule our world. We have thought about possibly moving to another country in the future...and if we do they are ALL coming! They are my children and I could not be without them.

I found out that I was VERY allergic to them and cried my eyes out. They were making me sooo sick, but my heart would be broken never to be repaired if I didn't share my home/my life with them. We are looking to move so they don't sleep near my face (I wake up stuffy with a headache) but until then we have found an amazing solution--a HEPA.

A HEPA air filter (good quality ones) are very expensive and we could not afford it living on one salary, (my boyfriend is in school) so we both asked for a combined Xmas gift--a HEPA air filter. My boyfriends father did a lot of research and settled on a Honeywell HEPA air filter and it is pure GOLD! I cannot believe the difference.

Now my heart is happy, my health is great and we are one big furry family :D

May 16th, 2008, 08:27 PM
I'm a cat hoe.I have my Meatball and a stray tom cat that sleeps in my sons camping chair on our porch.He is beyond affectionate and I'm afraid he's left a loving family.If he doesn't go home soon-I'm going to start postering my neighborhood.I also have a cat in waiting.Its a white male with black cow spots,a little too young to take home yet.His name is going to be Lasagna :)

May 17th, 2008, 09:21 AM
I'm a dog AND cat person ;-)
I have 2 cats at home, both from the shelter where I work.
We have dogs and cats at the shelter, I mainly work with the cats there.

May 17th, 2008, 12:09 PM
I love cats. I could never live without them, I guess :)
I also like other animals, I have a hamster and four mice and I want to have frogs one day.

May 17th, 2008, 01:04 PM
I don't mind cat hair or dog hair on my pillows or rugs, but it isn't super clean.

Prosperina, I don't mean to offend, but your comment made me laugh out loud. Yes, my cat sheds his hair onto the pillows, rugs and everything else.

But I'll bet most all of us here in LHC all do that too!


May 17th, 2008, 03:17 PM
I also have a cat in waiting.Its a white male with black cow spots,a little too young to take home yet.His name is going to be Lasagna :)

what a great name for a kitty :) just thought i'd say .

Mine are called Vader (a girl) and Obi Wan (a boy, almost one year old) and i wouldn't be without them they are the most loving kitties i could ever hope for.

Also my mum loves cats and she is also a longhair :)

May 17th, 2008, 07:38 PM
I like cats, but I don't see a connection in loving animals and long hair.

May 18th, 2008, 02:38 AM
Prosperina, I don't mean to offend, but your comment made me laugh out loud. Yes, my cat sheds his hair onto the pillows, rugs and everything else.

But I'll bet most all of us here in LHC all do that too!


If my parents don't wash her as frequently as they should, Sadie will go out and roll in the dirt because she gets itchy. She also likes to roll in the dirt to "catch the scent" of an animal she thinks she is hunting. (So, it's not just dogs I'm criticizing, cats roll in dirt and step in icky litter boxes....) I may wash my hair only twice a week, and I do shed alot, but I do not roll in the dirt. :D Animals do, so I think we can reasonably assume my hair is cleaner. Also, there is not such thing as allergy causing people dander. :p

Now, as I specified in either this thread or the dog thread, I'm totally fine with animal dirtiness. I prefer canine dirtiness to feline dirtiness, but this is just a preference. I go over to my parents house and probably lie my head on the same pillows that their dog has propped her butt on, but this doesn't seem to bother me. (Although as I type it out, it's starting to bother me...) But I've had my shots, so it's fine. I was just making the point that animals are technically dirty, but so what? :shrug:

May 18th, 2008, 09:19 AM
Hmm, about the allergic topic.
My brothers girlfriend is allergic to cats.
She knows I will never have a cat-free (or dog-free) house, that's something she'll have to accept.
But in return, when she comes for a visit I vacuum the whole house for her, including the curtains and furniture and the cats go into their room upstairs for the time she's visiting (a few hours).
I told her always to call me some time before arriving so I have time enough to do this.
It will never be totally allergy free for her (she'll get red eyes after some time and takes an anti allergy medication), but she doesn't mind that.
When I visit her I make sure to wear clothes that have (almost ;) ) no cathairs on it and comes fresh out of the laundry.

Friends just do this for eachother.

She's going to the hospital for de-sensitivity therapy.
I hope the treatment will work because I know she really likes cats, but it is just impossible now for her to be in the same room with a cat.

May 19th, 2008, 12:50 PM
I am owned by two long-haired cats from a long-haired person.

May 20th, 2008, 07:12 PM
I love my cats! My husband acts like he "tolerates" them, but deep down he likes them - I can tell!

May 23rd, 2008, 09:05 PM
I absolutely adore kitties. :) My husband and I have two of our own, and we're always going to pet stores to look at other ones, too! Once we have a bigger place, we want 2-3 more.

May 24th, 2008, 09:11 AM
I don't love all cats, just my two. :) My babies are almost two years old now, and I've had the boy since he was a little over a week old, and his sister since about 3 weeks- they were bottle fed and everything! Prior to having them, I was very anti-cat and couldn't imagine having another pet in the house. But something about this face <a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v70/Sacrificial_Harlot/?action=view&current=P8107769cozmoe.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v70/Sacrificial_Harlot/P8107769cozmoe.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> and how he snuggled into my neck the first time I held him, convinced me to take him home. A couple of weeks later, I took his sister <a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v70/Sacrificial_Harlot/?action=view&current=54a3d713.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v70/Sacrificial_Harlot/54a3d713.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> too.

May 24th, 2008, 09:13 AM
dang, my pictures didn't show! i don't see a way to edit my post to try and fix the links, so i'm sorry for that :(

May 24th, 2008, 10:05 AM
I don't love all cats, just my two. :) My babies are almost two years old now, and I've had the boy since he was a little over a week old, and his sister since about 3 weeks- they were bottle fed and everything! Prior to having them, I was very anti-cat and couldn't imagine having another pet in the house. But something about this face http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v70/Sacrificial_Harlot/P8107769cozmoe.jpg
and how he snuggled into my neck the first time I held him, convinced me to take him home. A couple of weeks later, I took his sister too.

I hope this is what you intented to show? To get pics to post, copy the link from your host and when you post, click on the icon that looks like a picture postcard of a mountain scene above the box where you type your text, and paste your link in there.

ETA: the link you want to copy from your hosting site is the "direct link" that begins http and ends .jpg.

Also, re. editing: at the time of posting you had fewer than 25 posts and you need more than 25 posts to have the facility to edit your own posts.

May 24th, 2008, 04:22 PM
Longhair and cat lover ^^

May 26th, 2008, 08:11 PM
Though my hair right now is only BSL and I can't really qualify as a "longhair" by LHC standards, I do love kitties! I love them so much that I actually have a hard time going into the Pecto near me as they have cats for sale, and I can hardly stand the thought of those poor creatures not having homes. I have 2 cats and cannot imagine life without them. Right now I'm living in an apartment, but when the day comes that I have a house of my own, I will get more cats. Cats are so easy to own (or be owned by!) that I can easily see how people end up with 10 or more cats!

Growing up my family had many dogs of all different breeds at various times. I do love most dogs (though I can hardly stand the little yippy breeds; I find them incredibly irritating and they just make WAY too much noise - give me a large breed dog any day over one of those yippy things!) and I always thought I was a dog person vs. a cat person. Having cats has dramatically changed that and I am absolutely a confirmed cat person! I just love the fact that they are small (but not too small), soft, cuddly, smart, loving, funny as all get-out, and that they are very Zen-like and don't make a lot of noise for no reason like dogs often do.

Oh, and IMHO, I think a man's attitude towards cats is VERY telling. Cats represent the female archetype and my experience has been that most guys that are trying to show how "macho" they are by saying they hate cats, don't really like or respect women very much either. Major points go to guys who actually own cats, especially more than one, and who truly love and take good care of them!

I :heartbeat :kitten:s!

May 26th, 2008, 08:47 PM
I'm totally a dog person.

Cats make my eyes swell up from allergies. And then, they pee on my books and shoes and barf on my pajamas. Not my favorite animals, even if they are cute.

May 26th, 2008, 08:52 PM
If I have friends who are allergic to my pets, I make arrangements to meet my friends at restaurants and coffee houses. No problem.

May 26th, 2008, 08:58 PM
Just to voice the other opinion.I don't dislike cats, but I'm not a big pet person. Then again, I don't have exceptionally long hair yet, so maybe my opinion isn't valid yet.

May 26th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Oh, and IMHO, I think a man's attitude towards cats is VERY telling. Cats represent the female archetype and my experience has been that most guys that are trying to show how "macho" they are by saying they hate cats, don't really like or respect women very much either. Major points go to guys who actually own cats, especially more than one, and who truly love and take good care of them!

I :heartbeat :kitten:s!

My DH is very much a cat person. When we moved in together, he had a Siamese cat. For the first two years, it was a bit of a war, with the cat peeing on my books and shoes, leaving barf on my pillow or pajamas, and other nasty things. Then, he suddenly decided that I was his favorite human in the world. He wanted to sit on me while I was asleep, preferably with both of his front paws shoved into my nostrils.

Then, because I am mildly allergic to cats, at least once a month I would swell up and have difficulty breathing . . . would have to go lock myself into a "sterile" room (we always kept the guest room cat and dog-free) until I could breathe again. Oh, gee, it was so much fun, I don't know how I survived.:disgust:

In actuality, my cat allergy varies according to the cat. Some of them make me sneeze right away, and others I can be around for several weeks at a time. And considering my other allergies (tree pollen, grass, dust, etc), I have periodic allergy attacks anyway. Still, my allergies have been much better since the cat died (of liver failure. We were all, even me, really sad).

Anyway, DH is still a cat person and was always gentle and kind to his kitty. He would very much like another cat, and I am willing to let him have one because I love him and like to see the look of joy on his face when he is playing with a cat. But he says that my health is more important to him.:smooch:

May 26th, 2008, 11:04 PM
Awww, Gia, your DH sounds like a great guy! I'm sorry you had such problems with the cat at first; yes, cats can be incredibly territorial about "their people." You sound amazingly patient with the circumstances of being around that kitty; a lot of people who have animal allergies can become quite hostile around pets which is understandable to an extent because the proximity causes them great discomfort. Your willingness to be around another cat because it would make your DH happy is really sweet! True love!

July 9th, 2008, 12:14 AM
Cats are just cool. The ones I've had/have are just lovable and laid back. I've only had a dog once, and he was too yappy and noisy. I'm not sure if having long hair makes you like cats, but I love them!

July 10th, 2008, 08:15 AM
Yeah, I love cats. I have two. I'm not really a long hair yet though.

Kerry xx

July 10th, 2008, 08:32 AM
The moment my boyfriend and I moved into our home, almost three years ago now, I started looking for a pair of kittens to adopt. I had had cats all my life since birth and had missed them terribly during my college years and the time afterwards while living in apartments.

Now I have the two most spoiled kitties in the world who sulk when I won't give into every whim and yowling demand.

I never had siblings before and I would definitely do it again. Their social interactions are so much different than two non-related cats.

Samara Morgan
July 10th, 2008, 09:58 AM
I love cats! :cloud9: I've got my fat one called Barley :) I think they're really friendly and snuggly, I find dogs to be a bit over-powering sometimes as they can be so hyper and I'm so lazy lol :rolleyes: But dogs are lovely too :agree: And yes I like long hair too hehe :lol:

July 10th, 2008, 10:18 AM
i love cats. i have 3 rescues right now.

i've had cats since i was about 3 years old. dogs even before that.

July 10th, 2008, 10:40 AM
I LOVE KITTIES! I have two right now (littermates) and have loved cats for my whole life. I was going to make this thread myself, but you beat me to it ;)

You can see my kitties on my profile page. :)

Paradise Lost
July 12th, 2008, 05:56 AM
I love cats too! I have one at my parents'. I will move in with my boyfriend very soon, and I hope we'll be able to get a kitten then.

July 12th, 2008, 06:22 AM
I didn't vote. I don't love cats, I also don't dislike them. They're just... ok. Most are pretty nice, and funny as well. Some are evil, lol.
And yes my hair is long ;)

July 12th, 2008, 10:28 PM
:kitten: that's my Tamara in my avatar. :inlove: Dont be fooled. She is the boss.

July 12th, 2008, 11:29 PM
Up until six months ago I didn't like cats... I had a mean one when I was younger who liked to chase and bite :o

Then when my grandfather fell and broke his hip he had to go and live with my parents who have two dogs that aren't very cat friendly, so i was gifted Chester a 20 lb feline of unknown parentage.

Needless to say he purred his way onto my lap and then into my heart, now people at work hear all of my Chester stories and say that I am like a proud parent lol :D

So I don't really know if having long hair makes me like cats but it really did coincide.

July 12th, 2008, 11:46 PM
maybe there is a link in our affections for cats and long hair...
I love cats.. always have
but I also love chickens ? and wild birds and dogs.. not all that keen on fish though :)

July 13th, 2008, 02:35 AM
I didn't vote. I don't love cats, I also don't dislike them. They're just... ok.

The same here. I like almost all animals but I actually love pigs and dogs! :inlove:

July 13th, 2008, 03:25 AM
I like cats but am alergic to them. I've got a black Lab who seems to enjoy pulling my shower cap off my head when i'm doing a deep condish. He also loves SMTs think it's the honey!

Country Cowcurl
July 16th, 2008, 04:32 AM
me and my dog prefer......dogs ;)

July 16th, 2008, 08:02 AM
I'm really really allergic to dogs, but I still love 'em.
I'm definitely a cat person though.

July 17th, 2008, 02:16 PM
I adore cats! I actually love all animals though. If it has fur,feathers or scales I love it.

July 17th, 2008, 05:46 PM
I love cats. We have two; Millie and Dawg. (My sister's friends idea of funny.) I have had my hair mid back or growing back out to mid back most of my life. I am hoping to get to waist length.

July 19th, 2008, 07:05 AM
I have 3 cats! I could never live without them :kitten:

July 19th, 2008, 05:24 PM
I reeeeeeally want a cat. Maybe a British Shorthair like the "I Can Has Cheezburger" cat...

July 20th, 2008, 05:48 AM
I have three cats. Even though one is a little fatty and is more like 1 1/2 cat alone, and another is so clumsy that she is like no cat at all... :rolleyes:

July 20th, 2008, 03:26 PM
Definitely a cat person. I´m slightly allergic, but until it would get really bad I would never want to live without at least one cat. I´m also allergic to birch pollen and would not think about moving because of that either :wink:
But I do not think there is any connection between long hair and liking cats... :p I prefer short haired cats.

July 21st, 2008, 06:33 PM
Gee, it's possible! I do love cats. I've had three at most and one lived to be 23 years old! I have one rescue cat now about 8 years old and two rescue dogs. I love animals! Long-haired or short!:p

July 24th, 2008, 06:34 AM
I love cats!! I have a sweet red boy cat :)

July 24th, 2008, 06:54 AM
I love cats too (and poodles). I'm hoping to get another of each, but DH says not yet.


July 24th, 2008, 02:02 PM
I don't really belong to either category, as I'm a longhair, and I prefer dogs ;)

July 24th, 2008, 03:29 PM
I love cats and dogs too, my only caveat is that the larger they are the more I like them. My Hera is 25 pounds. Of course we almost came to blows, swipes? because she kept chewing on my hair. But now that I am hennaing again she no longer does.

July 24th, 2008, 03:47 PM
Cats do rule...it is a surprise to see the poll showing results of most people enjoying cats. I always thought people in general were more about dogs. Yay for more kitty lovers!

July 24th, 2008, 04:02 PM
I can't believe I didn't respond to this thread until now. I love cats. Just love them. I can't imagine a house without them. Of course I love dogs too and I have one of those as well.

July 24th, 2008, 07:59 PM
In before "Allerca" cat.

July 24th, 2008, 11:42 PM
I love animals! We have four cats (Jo Jo, Oncilla, Nougatt, and mine, Lady Muse) and two Standard Poodles (Harley and Davey). :)
:puppy: :kitten:

July 26th, 2008, 08:59 AM
I consider myself to have long hair, by standards of the local population, but I’ve never owned or taken care of a cat.
However, I do have a dog that thinks it’s a Spider Monkey (Chinese Crested). :P

I wonder... how many animal lovers, versus indifferent or non-animal lovers have long locks? :eek:

July 26th, 2008, 03:47 PM
I'm just a smidge past BSL and I love cats. I have three of them: Shadow, Dora, and Raspy (Rasputin P. Patches). I/we (my family) even have Mexican food-themed names for our kitties: Shadow = (Fell) Furry Taco, Dora = Dordita (remember the Taco Bell Gordita commercials with the singing and the little chihuahua?), and Raspy = Purrito.

Weird, huh?

July 27th, 2008, 03:04 AM
i basically like anything that's cute and furry! i always thought that i was a dog person but dbf grew up with cats, loves them, and adopted one right after we started dating.... a few months later i just HAD to have a kitten.... and i wouldn't trade them for the world!

July 27th, 2008, 09:03 AM
I LOVE kitties. We have one kitty who is really sweet when she's not acting like a raging psychotic. She seems to love my husband more than she loves me though--when he's around, I cease to exist. :(

July 27th, 2008, 02:16 PM
I love this question!!! :D:D

I think its a YES for sure personally! I have 2 and my DF Mom has a large growing amount of cats and her lenght is classic... and everyone I know who has short hair, hates cats...
Its so strange! (spooky even.)

July 28th, 2008, 03:09 PM
I guess being between BSL and waist, I would be a long hair.
I'm not fond of cats. Don't hit me.
I certainly don't hate them and will give a nice kitty headscratches at a friends house no problem, but myself and my clothes being covered in cat hair is really irritating to me. That and keeping a 2x2 foot box of animal waste in my house.

July 28th, 2008, 05:11 PM
I love long hair and I have three cats...I love them!!!

July 28th, 2008, 07:15 PM
I didn't vote--I like OTHER people's cats. I grew up with cats & liked them. My husband is allergic & as an adult, I am more of a dog person. But my MIL has a cat I adore & her cat likes me, as well. He hides from the kids, but greets me with a rub & attacks my purse whenever I visit. (I have no idea why he likes my purses & bags so much--it doesn't matter which bag, either: camera bad, purse, backpack--odd...)

July 28th, 2008, 07:18 PM
I certainly don't hate them and will give a nice kitty headscratches at a friends house no problem, but myself and my clothes being covered in cat hair is really irritating to me. That and keeping a 2x2 foot box of animal waste in my house.

Ok--this totally cracked me up! My MIL used to keep the litter box in her KITCHEN! It was very nasty smelling--so I totally get what you are trying to say.

July 29th, 2008, 01:37 PM
I certainly don't hate them and will give a nice kitty headscratches at a friends house no problem, but myself and my clothes being covered in cat hair is really irritating to me. That and keeping a 2x2 foot box of animal waste in my house.

Ok--this totally cracked me up! My MIL used to keep the litter box in her KITCHEN! It was very nasty smelling--so I totally get what you are trying to say.

It's true!
It's really very disgusting when you think about it.
I suppose those who have had children may be a little more ok with it, after handling the diapering ordeal, but I am not of that demographic yet :P

July 29th, 2008, 01:41 PM
Lol I get the kitty litter issue thats why mine have their own room to poo in :D (with the tray lol)and we have deodoriser in it to keep the smell minimal, I can't stand the smell haha! And OMG!!! I knew someone who had the poo box in the kitchen! ewwwwww not just ewwwww but they ate in that room too! shudder:

July 29th, 2008, 02:16 PM
Love cats!!!

...poo box in the kitchen??? Eeeewwww!

Tap Dancer
July 29th, 2008, 02:20 PM
me and my dog prefer......dogs ;)

Us too. ;) I don't mind cats but I don't have or want any. I adore dogs.

Aqua Gal
July 31st, 2008, 06:48 PM
Ha! I'm a kitty momma too.

July 31st, 2008, 09:10 PM
I :heart: cats

I didn't like them until I tried owning one (with BF, we had a very mean kitty (probably because of how I treated her when I was a kid, but hey, I was REALLY young when we took her in) until I was 14 and that was my impression of cats) myself. Then I learned the joys of being owned by a kitter cat.

I used to adore dogs and now, I think I'm more of a 'I like other people's dogs' person. I love the independence of cats and the fact that they don't need constant attention. And they're clean. I'm not sure I could be a dog owner again.

August 6th, 2008, 11:43 AM
I adore kitty kats! I have 3, Poohding, Floopy and Quiten. I have always been a fan of cats and long hair.

August 6th, 2008, 11:57 AM
i dont have long hair but i still love cats... :D

August 6th, 2008, 12:25 PM
I have long hair and I absolutely love cats.

August 6th, 2008, 09:16 PM
I have long hair and cats, one of my cats is a long hair loving cat.

At night I pull my hair aside and drape it in the space between mine and my husband's pillows. One of my cats will crawl up between us and lay on my hair, bury his face in it, and knead his paws in it while purring up a storm. I used to worry about him tangling it but to be honest, I don't really care anymore, because it's so sweet.


August 6th, 2008, 09:57 PM
I am a long hair and I love my long haired cat!:)

August 6th, 2008, 09:58 PM
I'm more of a dog person. But I still love cats. My poor Siamese has to live with three dogs.

August 11th, 2008, 12:58 AM
Long-hair person owned by three long-hair Maine Coon cats here. Their fur colors are silver tabby, brown tabby and tortishell.

600th post here!

August 11th, 2008, 05:11 PM
I love cats and I've had at least one since I've moved out of my parents' house over 15 years ago. Right now we have 2, one found in a Lowe's parking lot (workers said he hitched a ride in a truck and had been there for weeks) and one we found as a kitten (she was a ferral kitten abandoned by her mother because she was sick and blind do to eye infections). I will always be a cat owner, and every cat we've had has been with us until it has passed of old age or illness.

August 18th, 2008, 07:24 AM
I have nothing against cats but I wouldn't say I love them. I prefer horses. My boyfriend likes cats a lot though and would like us to have one. He doesn't have long hair but he likes long hair on me a lot ;) Is that enough of a connection? :D

August 18th, 2008, 05:09 PM
I just prefer dogs. But I'm not a longhair yet, maybe I'll grow into them (lousy pun intended)

August 21st, 2008, 09:41 AM
I'm allergic to cats, so I prefer to be in the company of dogs. :p

August 23rd, 2008, 08:41 PM
I'm an aspiring long hair with 5 cats. Nuff said!

November 17th, 2008, 03:24 PM
Hi, my name's raven69...and I am addicted to long hair and cats!

I have been growing out my hair for six long years and just aquired a cat who brought in a kitty from the cold...

November 17th, 2008, 03:26 PM
I love cats soo much but I cant have them i'm allergic:cry:

November 17th, 2008, 05:03 PM
I'm a long-haired-to-be dog-lover. I have nothing against cats though.

November 17th, 2008, 05:45 PM
I love animals generally but especially cats. And like others here have said, I sometimes feel like I understand cats better than people! (I miss my kitteh)!

November 17th, 2008, 06:00 PM
I love cats. o-o;;

November 17th, 2008, 06:08 PM
I'm growing my hair and I LOVE cats! I share my home with five kitties. Three of them we found in our backyard at two days old and raised to adulthood, and the other two I've collected from people who didn't want them anymore. If I could I'd adopt many more, but I've been informed that if I bring one more furry friend home, I'll be out on my butt. :no:

November 18th, 2008, 08:56 AM
I love most animals, cats too.

November 19th, 2008, 08:34 PM
Have ALWAYS been a cat lover. :kitten:

At present, a number of cats have adopted us. Strays, drop-offs
and more. Most recently a female calico with severe health issues
joined our bunch.

She is apparently from a neighbor, a careless one at that. No
shots, hasn't been spayed, possibly pregnant, and obviously
malnourished. This is likely one of many dozens of what is known
as a barn cat. Toss a cat in the barn and it will get by just fine eating
rats. Nice. :disgust:

(bites tongue to refrain from standing on extremely tall soap box)

As the calico has now figured out there is a doggie door in our reading room,
she comes and goes as she pleases. We don't really mind this, but we
now feel obligated to take her in. We're half tempted to send letters
to the neighbor requesting funds to pay for the medical overhaul she
desperately requires. Poor thing.

So now, we have two dogs (Sophie and Doobie) our two oldest cats -
siblings Hans and Tredder, a drop-off - Emmett, a rescue - Libby, another
drop-off rescue - Ti Wi. Now the calico.

Note we do not own a cat litter box. Wouldn't have one. Poop outdoors.
That is the rule. :whip:

There is a strange black cat hanging around as well. Very nasty cat,
well endowed and muscular. He is nothing but trouble. This is not a cat
we will take in, but if the opportunity presents itself, I will take him to the
vet as John Doe and have his endowment removed.

November 20th, 2008, 05:45 PM
Double points if you have a long-haired cat, right? ;)

November 26th, 2008, 05:52 PM
I adore cats! We currently have 3 of them. I wonder if there is a connection here! :p

November 26th, 2008, 07:23 PM
Will you all still be my friend if I confess that I don't like cats??? :o I don't hate them, mind you. But we had two of them and I found them to be not particularly friendly or interactive. Most of the time they ignore you. And when they do come around, it's usually to do something irritating like slinking underfoot. I'm more fond of dogs.:shrug:

November 27th, 2008, 12:04 AM
I ADORE kitties, always have. My husband and I have three kitty cats, and we love them tons! They are so precious. If we had a larger home, I'd want more, haha.

November 27th, 2008, 02:19 AM
I love most animals, but I am a cat person. I have a kitty.

November 27th, 2008, 10:23 AM
I'm basically a young crazy cat lady :D
I love all animals, though but I can't really keep a sheep in my house xD
I currently have six, as my old tomcat passed away last night :(

November 27th, 2008, 10:36 AM
I'm basically a young crazy cat lady :D
I love all animals, though but I can't really keep a sheep in my house xD
I currently have six, as my old tomcat passed away last night :(

I'm sorry to hear that :( hugs for you and your other furbabies :grouphug:

November 27th, 2008, 10:59 AM
I LOVE kitties! I often say I'd be crazy cat lady if I had the money to house all the adorable kittens that are born at the barn. I have 2 kitties and take care of mom's cat when she is away--have the Fluff-buster right now.

November 29th, 2008, 07:50 AM
It does for me, I suppose...I currently have three cats :) When I move out my mother is not going to let me take them but I want more! BF is allergic to them, though, which poses some problems

December 1st, 2008, 01:52 PM
I technically am not a long hair anymore :( but I still voted because I LOOOOVE cats!

December 1st, 2008, 04:28 PM
how could anyone - long hair or short, not like cats??

December 1st, 2008, 04:54 PM
300th "yes" vote!


December 1st, 2008, 07:50 PM
My answer was i do not like cats. Simpy because i am allergic.

December 1st, 2008, 07:53 PM
300th "yes" vote!


WEDGEHEADS! :inlove:

Meezers are especially adorable :heartbeat

December 2nd, 2008, 01:22 PM
WEDGEHEADS! :inlove:

Meezers are especially adorable :heartbeat

Lovin' them too, dear kwaniesiam!! :D

This is our CFA year 2000 Grand Champion!


We called him "Pu".

WD :)

December 2nd, 2008, 06:16 PM
I love animals in general, but I could never have a cat because I'm horribly allergic :(. My little shih tsu is rather cat-esque though.

December 4th, 2008, 10:49 AM
Confirmed cat lover. I'm allergic, but I would rather medicate than be catless.

I've often wondered what the hair, cat, creative (I'm an artist, and know masny, many other artists with cats), connection is....is it a sensual thing? Or a kindred spirit thing.....

Thanks for the poll!

December 4th, 2008, 03:12 PM
Confirmed cat lover. I'm allergic, but I would rather medicate than be catless.

I've often wondered what the hair, cat, creative (I'm an artist, and know masny, many other artists with cats), connection is....is it a sensual thing? Or a kindred spirit thing.....

Thanks for the poll!

My water-colored hands are catless now, seated here alone in the dark, my window-shaped head is bowed with sad draperies ...

Gregory Corso.

There is a kindred spirit at least.

December 8th, 2008, 09:49 AM
Crazy cat lady here as well :p

December 8th, 2008, 10:02 AM
I don't have long hair yet, but working on it and I love cats. :) I also love dogs too, just never had one for too long. Had a cute puppy when I was younger, but it chewed on my mom's chair legs and dug up her flowers, so we got rid of it. :( The dog in the add right above the box I'm typing in is cute. :)

December 8th, 2008, 10:03 PM
I'm cat-neutral. Ours is kind of a jerk, but I still love him. I prefer my dogs, snakes and geckos though ;)

December 8th, 2008, 11:51 PM
I'm neutral on cats- I wouldn't have one because of the hair and allergies, but I like having them around the barn.
I love most animals in general, though.

December 9th, 2008, 02:53 AM
I don't 'not' like cats, it's just that I've never had much to do with them. And I prefer dogs. :)

December 9th, 2008, 09:16 AM
Maybe..... My kids got me an Ocicat for my birthday. They say now I look like the cat lady.


December 9th, 2008, 10:07 AM
i definitely love my cat! i would say i am an animal person in general, so im a cat person by default.

December 9th, 2008, 10:12 AM
Maybe..... My kids got me an Ocicat for my birthday. They say now I look like the cat lady.


Adorable kitty!!! Dear Anne~ your hair is absolutely gorgeous!

WD :)

December 9th, 2008, 11:51 AM
Thank you WindowDressing.

December 10th, 2008, 10:05 AM
I love cats. I'm so glad I have a new kitten, but I'm not so glad that he likes to eat and play with my hair in the early morning.

December 10th, 2008, 10:23 AM
I love cats. I'm so glad I have a new kitten, but I'm not so glad that he likes to eat and play with my hair in the early morning.

Dear viking_quest, our youngest kitty, just turned 8, has a thing about my hair too. I nearly always wear it up, but after a CO and rake, I often let it dry down, and she'll get up on the back of my chair and try to burrow onto the nape of my neck and bite my hair, almost like she thinks she is picking me up by the scruff. None of the other kittens do that. Her sister didn't do it either.


Here she is nose-to-nose with Mommy, her favorite place. ;)


WD :)

December 11th, 2008, 10:10 AM
I have 3 cats but I just love animals of all kinds.

December 11th, 2008, 06:45 PM
Dear viking_quest, our youngest kitty, just turned 8, has a thing about my hair too. I nearly always wear it up, but after a CO and rake, I often let it dry down, and she'll get up on the back of my chair and try to burrow onto the nape of my neck and bite my hair, almost like she thinks she is picking me up by the scruff. None of the other kittens do that. Her sister didn't do it either.

None of my previous cats did that either but my cat likes it better when my hair isn't washed then when it is.

I hope your cat doesn't harm your hair in anyway though.

December 13th, 2008, 12:41 PM
I did not vote because I do like cat but I cannot own one. Severely allergic. I love dogs though. Perhaps a good poll would be long hairs and pets... is there a connection :o

December 14th, 2008, 06:54 PM
I love cats! :love:

December 28th, 2008, 09:39 AM
I love all animals (except spiders) would love a dog but love the lovely cat I have that is at the moment snoozing on the bed with her head against my calculator-an excuse not to do maths......:D

Sokudo Ningyou
December 28th, 2008, 04:06 PM
I love my kitten and I've had long hair all my life. I used to have a small dog until I moved out, and then my roommate brought along the stray cat he had. Until then, I had been hesitant around cats, as my aunt's had bitten me in the face a looong time ago. (That thing was mean!) But I got used to him, loved him, and missed him terribly when he died. And now I have a kitten (well; a year and a half old) that's my little bebe. Why have kids when you can have a cat?

Through owning cats however I've realized I was fairly allergic to my dog, but not as much to the cats, long hair and all. So it works out. The only time I've disliked cats is my current roommate's fat, whining cow of a cat who keeps hissing at mine. And my cat is protective of me: whenever hers tries to come by me, he'll jump in front of her and smack her away. And right now he's sleeping at my feet on his back, paws curled up. :D He's so cute.

December 29th, 2008, 06:53 PM
um well me and cats dont get along.. they just dont want to be grabbed and petted and poked at and scratched constantly.. and i want to grab pet poke and scritch pets all the time.. i cant tell you how many times ive gotten scratched by cats.. and also i make alot of sudden wild movements and cats just get scared by that sort of stuff.. i end up scaring them..

plus they smell.. i dont care how clean people say they are.. they arent.. they always smell like fish or cat pee and those are my least favorite smells..

i get along great with dogs they are less independent and they dont mind the constant petting and face grabbing and me rubbing my face against theirs.. and they like scritching the way i scritch.. which is usually pretty rough.. also i would much rather get nipped by a dog than scratched by a cat..

cats just seem more easily angered than dogs.. especially when they come in contact with someone as annoying and grabby as me.. they are probably ok for people who are gentle

also cats are beautiful but not cute.. dogs are usually cute

Cinnamon Hair
December 29th, 2008, 10:22 PM
I love both long hair and cats, but I'm not seeing the correlation. More likely it has to do with most of the members being female. Many females like long hair. Many females have cats. So there must be a large number of us that fit in both groups. Probably a lot of long haired female cat lovers that also like nail polish or [insert girly thing here].

December 30th, 2008, 04:05 AM
I will be considered a longhair by the end of 09 and I'll still own my cat. haha

December 30th, 2008, 04:33 AM
I love both long hair and cats, but I'm not seeing the correlation. More likely it has to do with most of the members being female. Many females like long hair. Many females have cats. So there must be a large number of us that fit in both groups. Probably a lot of long haired female cat lovers that also like nail polish or [insert girly thing here].

I have long hair (long to me, and growing!) and have always loved cats. And I do agree with Cinnamon Hair, it makes sense.

December 30th, 2008, 06:03 AM
I will be considered a longhair by the end of 09 and I'll still own my cat. haha

Dear Stubborn, perhaps you mean you'll be a longhair and still be owned by your cat? ;)

WD :)

December 30th, 2008, 10:10 AM
My hair is not very long now but I'm on the site and I love my little handsome boy...

Huh, I was going to post a picture of him but I can't figure out how.

December 31st, 2008, 09:48 PM
Maybe we love cats because we, like cats, are always grooming? Just a thought. ;) DH and I are owned by 7 spoiled rotten kitties. He is always saying he doesn't know who sheds more- the cats or me :rolleyes:.

Upside Down
January 2nd, 2009, 01:49 PM
Hahah brilliant thread!

So, there definetly IS a connection... ;)

Lady Verity
January 4th, 2009, 01:05 PM
I don't speak feline. I'm happy to pet cats and play with them a bit, but I don't understand them and don't really know what to do with them. Plus, it upsets me when they kill birds. I'm very much a dog person.

January 5th, 2009, 05:33 PM
didnt think about it before but it seems that there is connection

August 28th, 2016, 09:46 AM
Yes, I'm a long hair and I love cats :kitten:

August 28th, 2016, 10:37 AM
I love cats, even though I no longer have cats (all in- & outside cats). My first cat (gray tiger girl) went missing after a year and never returned. My second cat (black girl) gave birth to 3 gray tiger kittens. It was on the brink of getting her neutered (but the vet wanted to wait until the last second, and unfortunately... yeah that happened). I adopted them out to one family (they wanted all three). My cat, unfortunately, after a number of years, I could no longer care for her, so I gave her to my aunt who has adopted her as a mouser.

August 28th, 2016, 11:40 AM
I need cats. Physically, psychologically, absolutely... need them. :laugh: All drama aside, I have four of them, I've had 6 total, and I intend on adopting more of them. One lost an eye in a tragic household accident (I wasn't involved, don't attack me). She's my best friend on the planet now. I adopted another one recently, a little kitten less than 10 weeks old. She's now over a year old and still tiny, I feel like the adoption center short-changed me a cat. :laugh: Just kidding, of course. She's the cutest little bugger around.

August 29th, 2016, 06:26 AM
How could I not love cats?:)

August 29th, 2016, 06:58 AM
Cockroaches and flies are the only animals I don't like, the ones I say Yuck! :)

There are some others that I just stay away from such as bees, wasps, spiders, etc.

But cats are definitely my favourite ones!

August 29th, 2016, 10:36 AM
Oh dear god... There IS a connection. Now I finally know why I love cats so much. :lol:

August 29th, 2016, 10:39 AM
Yup, I'm a crazy cat lady! :lol:

August 29th, 2016, 10:20 PM
I voted long hair love cats. I've always loved cats but not always had them, and I've also had short hair for most of my life, so.... *shrugs* Currently at just above BSL and 2 cats.

September 1st, 2016, 09:10 AM
I love love love cats, I have a ginger persian cat that I love to death ♥

September 30th, 2016, 04:35 AM
I didn't vote as I don't dislike them or anything. I love animals! But I don't have any cats. I'm bunny crazy, not cat crazy. :)

September 30th, 2016, 10:23 AM
I love cats! I have one and I love her to pieces.

October 1st, 2016, 11:41 AM
I love cats too... But honestly, there's nothing like a dog. My opinion was shaped very young when we found out I was allergic to cats :( so we got a dog and she was the best dog ever. So sweet and loving and happy. Dogs for the win!

But that doesn't stop me from petting every cat in my vicinity while knowing that it will irritate my allergies. So yes, I still do love cats too.

October 1st, 2016, 11:53 AM
Yep, love cats. No longer have any, but at one point I had 5 (2 big ones and a litter of 3). I had the litter because one got with kitties just the day before she was meant to get spayed. Yeah, the vet wanted to wait until the last minute (not me), and she slipped out the door... sigh. Oh well. They were all 3 adopted by the same family, so all was well. 1 big one never returned after a year, and then the other one was adopted by my aunt as a mouser (which she's great at).

October 1st, 2016, 12:08 PM
I love cats too... But honestly, there's nothing like a dog. My opinion was shaped very young when we found out I was allergic to cats :( so we got a dog and she was the best dog ever. So sweet and loving and happy. Dogs for the win!

But that doesn't stop me from petting every cat in my vicinity while knowing that it will irritate my allergies. So yes, I still do love cats too.

I'm allergic to cats too and I still pet them whenever I see one even tho I know my allergies will go nuts.

So no I don't own one but I love cats so much, they're so funny and so demure how they're so sleek line looool

January 22nd, 2019, 10:34 PM
I'm a long hair and I love cats

January 22nd, 2019, 11:30 PM
I'm allergic to everything, but if I didn't have allergies, dog person all the way, although I do have a soft spot for fuzzy kittens.

January 22nd, 2019, 11:32 PM
I'm a longhair but I can't choose either of the poll options.

I have nothing against cats and I like them. But I am and have always been a dog person.

Ligeia Noire
January 22nd, 2019, 11:36 PM
Cat person all the way. For now, we have none, as I moved but back at my parents, we have as many has 7 and two dogs too. I love animals but cats are unique. Have plenty of pictures of them playing with my hair too. They love long hair for some reason...

January 22nd, 2019, 11:50 PM
I love all animals, including cats, but dogs are my favorite.

January 23rd, 2019, 02:33 AM
I'm a cat person :kitten: I love dogs and birds very much too but I really prefer cats as pets.

January 23rd, 2019, 05:37 AM
Love cats! I like dogs, but generally find them smellier than cats. I like almost all animals, but as a pet I love how self-sufficient cats can be but also how snuggly they can be - ours is about 18yrs old, and has become very much a furbaby in his older years. He'll fall asleep on his back cradled in my arms just like a baby :crush: :o

January 23rd, 2019, 06:10 AM
I've probably posted here before but I LOVE cats!

January 23rd, 2019, 06:10 AM
Love cats! I like dogs, but generally find them smellier than cats. I like almost all animals, but as a pet I love how self-sufficient cats can be but also how snuggly they can be - ours is about 18yrs old, and has become very much a furbaby in his older years. He'll fall asleep on his back cradled in my arms just like a baby :crush: :o

Aww! My old boy was a strong independent man but then in his older days he got all affectionate and sweet :heartbeat he would sit next to me and lean on me, then ask scratches by tapping me with his paw. Sometimes he positioned himself laying over my legs or sat on my lap. Cats are so awesome :love:

January 23rd, 2019, 09:18 AM
I've always wondered about the long hair and cats connection. Funny to run across this poll lol. I don't have long hair, never have and I realize now, never will. That being said, I'm a dog person all the way. I actually despise cats to the point I don't even like looking at pictures of them. so, idk, maybe there is a correlation.

January 23rd, 2019, 09:30 AM
How could I not love cats?:)

I even got one (and a half) now :p

January 23rd, 2019, 09:45 AM
I even got one (and a half) now :p

One... and a... half?
A half cat?

January 23rd, 2019, 10:03 AM
One... and a... half?
A half cat?

Yeah :laugh: My dad is our neighbor. He has two former stable cats (the cat we have permanently is also from the stable, but was never dads). One spends some days in the old saddle room with her son, some days with us and some days with nicer weather she goes to my father. So yeah half a cat since we share her :p

January 23rd, 2019, 10:27 AM
We're witches at heart with our long hair and our deep connection with cats. ;)

January 23rd, 2019, 11:12 AM
We're witches at heart with our long hair and our deep connection with cats. ;)

My familiar would be a cat or an owl ;) :stirpot: :heartbeat

January 23rd, 2019, 11:25 AM
My familiar would be a cat or an owl ;) :stirpot: :heartbeat
Awesome!!!! :D :bunny: I love cats and owls!! I'm sure they make awesome familiars!! I'm not sure what mine would be, maybe a cat or a fox or something? :o

January 23rd, 2019, 11:49 AM
Awesome!!!! :D :bunny: I love cats and owls!! I'm sure they make awesome familiars!! I'm not sure what mine would be, maybe a cat or a fox or something? :o

I imagine a fox would look beautiful next to you and your hair, blonde and a redhead ;)