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View Full Version : Older ladies with blonde hair PICS and ideas please?

June 3rd, 2010, 10:58 AM
I really really want to go to a colorist and go for the gusto. I want bleach blonde locks. Maybe platinum locks. Long BLONDE hair. I have had it it very, very blonde in the past and I want it blonde again. I just looked at some pics of me at a family reunion with my old grey, tired hair, and I HATED it. It is not me. Not yet. I have always been more flamboyant and more out-there and more attention grabbing. I may be 54 and plump now, but the inner girl says NO WAY AM I GOING DOWN LIKE THIS!

If i was my old WOW self, i would be more motivated to exercise and dress up. I just feel sad and old and grey now. Like a frump. I want BOOM BOOM POW!

Can anyone relate? Are there pics out there of 50-ish women with long blonde hair? I will not be curling it or flat ironing it. I am natural with hairstyles, ponytails and braids and headbands, no heat. I am thinking yes to bangs maybe though.

BUT I WILL NOT BE IGNORED! I am upset because last night my so-called sig-other said that blonde made me look old. I AM OLD! I AM GREY NOW BECAUSE I AM OLD!

Thanks for letting me scream and holler.

btw, I like her hair...

June 3rd, 2010, 11:04 AM
See my signature picture. I'm older (though I scarcely believe it!) and the color you see is the result of light brown hair with white in it. I got the white the old fashioned way!

I think you should do what you want with your hair. If it makes you feel more energetic, go for it. Just follow the care ideas here that work for you.

And maybe your sig other was trying to be nice in an inept way?

One thing to keep in mind, blond can wash out your coloring. At least it does for me. The added white can wash out my face, and I have to compensate.

June 3rd, 2010, 11:12 AM
You are going to have quite the process to get to the blonde you desire. You are dark on your lengths and grey at your roots. You have to lift your darker color and you have to deposit color over your grey, and you have to get everything to match. Woah ! I hope you have a very trusted, talented hairdresser.
Have you considered a darker blonde tone instead of going so light ? As we age the very light bleach blondes can look awfully harsh, I know you love blonde, but what about adapting it to suite your natural skin tone and look a little less " I am a fake blonde ". It could be lovely. Still a large process though, and you may end up sacrificing some of the health of your hair. Are you prepared for that trade off ? If you are, then proceed, but cautiously !
Good luck to you.

June 3rd, 2010, 11:15 AM
I have nothing to add to the expert here. I know you've been thinking about this for a long time, so best go for the blonde, or you'll keep spinning the same wheel. (or I should say I would if I were in your place)

June 3rd, 2010, 11:42 AM
Then go for it! Life's too short not to have the hair you want.

June 3rd, 2010, 11:51 AM
Feral: You should check out long-hair idol Avrilon's (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/member.php?u=69) page! Check out her album. Gorgeous hair, beautiful lady and supernice person too. (she's late 50s)

Ultrabella said: You have to lift your darker color and you have to deposit color over your grey, and you have to get everything to match - Avrilon managed that and talks about what she uses in her blog.

June 3rd, 2010, 12:20 PM
I'm 52 with natural blonde hair, and since you asked for the photos of older women with blonde hair, I'll offer up my sig photo.

I agree with some of the others who point out that what you want will be something of a process to achieve and then to maintain, and it sounds like your hair will have quite an ordeal in the process. But if your heart is set on it, then I think you should go for it.

Please don't get mad, but I just have to say that changing your hair color may not be the 'miracle pill' it sounds like you're expecting. Speaking only for myself, I'll tell myself say things like, oh, if only I could lose 10 pounds I'd (fill in the blank) --- and then I do and guess what, nothing changes. I say this only because I would hate to see you go blonde and then after the first few days the energy dies back down and you have those awful 'what the heck was I thinking' moments.

But with those cautions thrown out there, I still say if your heart is set on it and you truly believe this is what you want and need, then Go For It!

June 3rd, 2010, 03:07 PM
What about colouring to your base shade of brown and adding honey highlights...I think it would more young and natural. What do you think?