View Full Version : Anyone still using Sorbolene to wash hair with?

June 2nd, 2010, 03:54 PM

I have been having hair issues lately and its just getting drier and drier, it now has very little wave or curl in it and has no "life" I know that when my hair is hydrated and happy I have lovely whurls but I am struggling to find a routine that will keep it moisturised and is practical (I am not really able to have a complicated routine as time is an issue) a shampooo and conditioner that will keep it happy is proving to be elusive so I was thnking that maybe I would have a go at washing with sorbolene again, I did it before but got lured by the promise of lush locks if I used a new shampoo!
I want to try it again but will try it first as a shampoo but if I can't get on with it I may try using a mild shampoo and use the sorbolene as a conditioner.
Anyone care to join me in my experiment???

June 2nd, 2010, 07:02 PM
I would LOVE to, but Sorbolene is hard to find and expensive in the US, so I'll probably have to pass on this one.

June 2nd, 2010, 08:01 PM
Have you tried using the Curly Girl method?

If your hair is dry, using a shampoo is only going to dry it out more. Washing with conditioner and following up with a deeper conditioner might bring back the moisture your hair is begging for.

September 14th, 2010, 04:22 AM
I washed with Newtons Sorbolene tonight,Ihad forgotten how lovely it made my hair feel:cheese: its light and clean feeling, I think I will just stick with it for a while as I have found 2 pots of the Newtons stuff, one of which is nearly full.

Who is going to join me????

September 14th, 2010, 09:00 PM
Hi Gilly,

Inspired by Knightslady, I tried the Newtons vegetable sorbolene for the first time about 3 weeks ago (I wash weekly). Wow, where has this stuff been all my life? :) It works fantastically well, better then CO or any shampoo.

Anyway, I am waiting to see if I get any problems with build-up (which always happens with CO) but so far, so good. As you say, my hair feels clean and light, but not stripped, and it seems to give it good volume.

So I am definitely in!

September 15th, 2010, 05:14 AM
I have never heard of this before?!?
I have a big ole tub of sorbolene in my spare bathroom...

how do you do it? do you apply on dry hair leave for afew hours then rinse?
or do you shampoo and apply to wet hair then leave 5 mins and rinse?

sorbolene is cheap in Australia, so I would be very interested to see if this will work on my hair it has been feeling a bit dry lately

September 15th, 2010, 08:46 PM
Well, Gilly and I are talking about sorbolene made with vegetable-derived products, rather then with petroleum-derived products, which is what you generally find in the shops here. I have tried washing my hair with the petroleum-derived sorbolene and had problems with rinsing it out and build-up. That said, I have these problems with a lot of conditioners too!

To use the vegetable sorbolene (which has the romantic name of sorboveg), I wet my hair so its damp, not sopping, then apply a generous amount of sorbolene and comb through. Let it sit for a while (I put a shower cap over my hair while I'm doing other stuff), particularly if you've oiled your hair. Then, once I'm in the shower, I quickly dip my head under the water so it gets wet again, and then massage the cream so that it lathers. Just like CO, you should get fine bubbles. If you don't then you need to use more. Then rinse and rinse. I do use a spray-on conditioner after this, when I'm combing out.

I think that Knightslady found conventional (petroleum) sorbolene worked best if you actually applied it and left it overnight. I didn't experiment further with conventional sorbolene because it really didn't seem to work with my hair, which is fine, blonde and straight. If you had curly, darker hair, it might work better.

September 16th, 2010, 08:53 AM
Wow. I gotta try this :)

I'm trying to get my hair out of the winter flyaways and this just may be the shot. Thank You for posting this Gilly

July 2nd, 2011, 02:30 AM
I am going to try this again!
I have been using shampoo bars since I have moved and today I noticed that I have got the nasty flakey patches of skin on my scalp, when I touched them they went all over the place and look really horrid, I applied some oil to them to try and moisturise the area but obviously the shampoo bars are not helping:rolleyes:.
Is there anyone else still washing with Sorbolene/Vegesorb?????

July 2nd, 2011, 04:34 AM
How funny, we meet again!
I do this sometimes- my scalp loves it. However, it takes for ever for me to rinse out and often leaves my hair looking a bit lank...
You can still get sorboveg from Newtons- it's great stuff.

July 2nd, 2011, 10:00 AM
This is really intriguing, and I'd like to try it, but I've no idea where I'd find a UK equivalent of Vegesorb. :hmm:

August 1st, 2011, 05:35 AM
How funny, we meet again!
I do this sometimes- my scalp loves it. However, it takes for ever for me to rinse out and often leaves my hair looking a bit lank...
You can still get sorboveg from Newtons- it's great stuff.

Hi Chiara,

You might not be using enough or mixing it well with water and leaving it on for a minute or two if it is leaving your hair looking lank. If I'm having a bad day of the greasies then I might wash twice with Newton's or (if lacking in time) will do a CO with Aldi's 5 star conditioner. Sorbolene usually works.

Still using the vegetable sorbolene myself, sometimes rinsing the ends with Aldi's 5 star conditioner.


September 26th, 2011, 10:48 AM
Updates, anyone? I'm still curious, just hesitant and wonder how everyone's faring.

October 6th, 2011, 03:42 PM
I'm thinking of ordering this from newtons but they haven't written me back and i've emailed them several times!!!

Too bad i can't call international :(

Also how would I go about paying for it since they don't have pal pal listed and I can't call them with my info?

Help! Everything lately even my beloved poo bars and soap are making me itch! And forget conditioner... all of them make me itch now even unscented... :( grrr

October 6th, 2011, 04:25 PM
How long does a 500 gram pot last btw?

October 6th, 2011, 05:02 PM
I'm thinking of ordering this from newtons but they haven't written me back and i've emailed them several times!!!

Too bad i can't call international :(

Also how would I go about paying for it since they don't have pal pal listed and I can't call them with my info?

Help! Everything lately even my beloved poo bars and soap are making me itch! And forget conditioner... all of them make me itch now even unscented... :( grrr

I would be happy to phone them for you to get them to check your email, just PM me your name and email address and I will ring them and give them a nudge!

October 9th, 2011, 02:53 PM
I would be happy to phone them for you to get them to check your email, just PM me your name and email address and I will ring them and give them a nudge!

Thanks! They did write me back I finally looked in my spam folder for some reason it went there!!!

Wow it is expensive! It is the shipping that is making it so expensive though. Do you think that getting a small pot would even be worth it? I have never tried it and would hate to spend $50 for something I have never tried and have it not work!!! Would the small pot offer enough to use for long enough to see if I like it?

Thanks! djh

October 9th, 2011, 06:35 PM
Also I was wondering is the Newton's vegetable sorbolene moisturizing for skin or just cleansing? Could you use it as a moisturizer too? It would be great if I finally found the ONE product that could be used for everything... Does anyone use it on their face?

I'm been looking for THIS ONE PRODUCT forever... :D ;)

October 10th, 2011, 02:03 AM
Yep, it can be used as an all over wash AND a moisturiser, I would hesitate to use the standard Sorbolenes like that but as the ingredients are so pure, its fine!
Regardin the itchies, have you ever tried Mastey Triate cream shampoo? Its really mild and again can be used all over with no problem, I use this when I go away for any reason as its so simple just that and a bottle of conditioner and I'm good to go!:cheese:

November 13th, 2011, 04:23 PM
I never got my sorbolene! I ordered it and by the time they went to charge my credit card (debit card) the debit card company had charged some fee and there wasn't enough on there! After several tries and faliures I finally decided it wasn't meant to be!

And it would suck to find that something from half-way around the world (expensive shipping!) worked and have to keep ordering it!

September 3rd, 2012, 05:07 AM
I have just had 3 of the 500g tubs of Newtons vegetable sorbolene delivered, I am going to have another go at sorbolene washing again tomorrow.:D

September 3rd, 2012, 06:41 AM
Well, you shouldn't need to use so much for each wash, or maybe that's just my experience. I've reduced the amount I use, but do a repeat wash.

Hope you have the same good experience with it as I've had, Gilly.


September 3rd, 2012, 06:47 AM
How much would you say you use per wash now then? I used to just dip my fingers in and get a dollop, about the same amount that I would use with a deep treatment. Sorry but I'm not good at describing sizes!!!