View Full Version : Updos for 1a/F/iii+&c that don’t cause headaches

June 2nd, 2010, 12:41 PM
i’ve read through all the threads regarding updos that distribute weight evenly, but i’m having trouble doing most of the ones recommended on account of my hair texture, or because i have to do it myself & i don’t have a three-sided mirror to see what i’m doing.

i’ve been getting a lot of headaches lately. my old standby is putting my hair up in a bun using chopsticks [& within the past year or so, with three claw clips], but i think my scalp has been getting more sensitive to my hair’s weight/tension since this fall, when i got an IUD.

i’m having to take my hair down every few hours, for at least thirty minutes, every damn day to disperse tension headaches from wearing my hair up. & my hair’s so slippery & light that i have to pretty much lie down & not try to do anything when it’s down, or else it’ll just get caught in every doorway/doorknob, or the ends will end up tangled from me constantly throwing it behind my shoulders or out of my face.

a lot of updos don’t work for me because my hair is completely straight, almost baby fine, & there’s a LOT of it—both in terms of thickness [...there should really be a term like DPI {dots per inch} for hair thickness...like, ha—FPI {follicles per inch}?] & length [i have to stand on the coffee table to put my hair up, or else the last quarter of my hair’s pooling on the floor...i have to bend over enough to have my head upside-down when i’m putting my hair up, or else gravity or air currents will make stray hairs slip everywhere they shouldn’t be; i don’t really understand how anybody with long hair can do anything with it themselves without having to do it upside-down—]. ...nevermind that i have to put it up by myself with pretty limited visual feedback [just have one mirror over the sink in the bathroom, & i live alone].

i make jewelry & sew clothing & silkscreen stuff for a living, so i spend most of my day standing or sitting on a chair leaning over a table to work. an updo that wouldn’t unduly stress my hair when i have my head tilted down and/or to the side would be spectacular.

i have a few thick ribbons i wrap around my head to keep the hair that slips out of my bun out of my face [& potentially getting meltasinged when i’m working with a soldering iron or whatever]—an updo that would help keep hair from slipping out would be an extra bonus, though, since i have to rewrap the ribbon every few hours from the hairs slipping from that, too.

i know that it’s easier to put up an updo that holds if it’s damp, but i seem to get headaches as soon as it dries out [perhaps because it’s too tight?], & half the time the added weight of damp hair just gives me a headache from the get-go anyway.

it seems like the only reliable way to have my hair & not get a headache is if it’s down & parted down the middle. even adding just a loose headband’ll get me into headache territory.

[some iteration involving french braids would probably be the route to go if my hair weren’t so fine & straight that OTHER PEOPLE can hardly do them on me when my hair is damp...it just slips to the top of braided tail if you try when my hair’s dry. i’ve made concerted efforts to try to do them on myself, but the angle that my hands are at make it completely impossible. i have carpal tunnel syndrome, too, so my hands get fatigued halfway through the attempt anyway.]

this is frustrating the hell out of me.

does anybody have any suggestions of viable updos [or any helpful tips/advice]? directions, or links to directions, would be appreciated. i’ll try anything short of chopping my hair or getting the IUD removed. i do NOT care at all what it looks like, as long as it [i]works & doesn’t damage my [somewhat delicate] hair.

[somebody, anybody—please? this issue is making it so freaking hard to get any damn work done. so, so, so frustrated.]

June 2nd, 2010, 01:06 PM
Damp hair can start to hurt you as it dries because it begins to shrink up again, which means it starts to contract and get tighter, potentially pulling at your scalp and making you ache.

Depending on the time you feel like putting into the style have you given Heidi/Milkmaid braids a shot, pinning as you go to keep the weight going around your head?

One of my go-to styles is a braided cinnabun, and it feels a lot different depending on how it's secure. Flexis seem to hold it well, but if it shifts slightly it can be really frustrating. I've used four claw clips and that did well, too, but occasionally ended up pulling one section of hair more than the other, which got frustrating when it happened. When I've used bobby pins all around the thing it held well and didn't pull at all, because the amount of anchor points distributed things well and it was an easy fix if just one single pin was pulling something too much.

I also usually wear a Nautilus bun, and depending on how big the loop I make is, it can be loose or annoyingly tight, but it's such a quick bun to do that redoing it is easy peasy.

I really do hope something works for you, because I know how frustrating it is when you can't quite get a style to work without pulling/headaches. That's the pits! I'll cross my fingers!

June 2nd, 2010, 01:21 PM
You could try Elizabethan hair taping to more evenly distribute the weight of your hair, or two braids on the side of your head.