View Full Version : gibson bun instructions?

minnie may
June 2nd, 2010, 07:53 AM
I cant seem to find decent instructions for a gibson bun, can somebody point me? :confused:
I tried to do it with LittleOrcas method, but I cant get it smoth somehow, my hair always parts directly in the front and at the sides where the back part meets the front. I just cant get them to meet nicely.
I really want this to work because I loved this softer look since I watched Anne of Green Gables as a kid.

ETA: the intimelyfashion website seems to be down, so the links I found to their site don't really help

June 2nd, 2010, 10:16 AM
I make this bun by bending over at the waist and gathering all my hair in a ponytail forward of the crown, almost to my forehead. Don't hold it too close to the scalp, you want to create some fullness.

Give the ponytail a gentle twist, then bring this twist down to your scalp, pushing forward a little bit like you are making a pouf or a quiff at your hairline. This is where all the fullness goes.

Then wrap the remainder of the hair around that first twist. I don't twist it any further, I want the bun to look soft. Secure as you like.

Now, take a fine-tooth comb or a wire pic and shape that front wave area, combing the hair together to close up any gaps. This is essential. You are melding that hair together so that it plays nicely.

This is only a clean hair bun for me. There has to be enough fluffiness in my hair at the scalp for this to work. It might work on more aged hair for someone who has thicker hair.

June 2nd, 2010, 04:15 PM
In a Timely Fashion has a good tutiorial. Google "In a Timely Fashion" and you'll find it. You need a hair for what your going for though. They have other nice styles too.

June 2nd, 2010, 04:18 PM
Sorry I forgot to add that you can see the arcived site. Google will lead you there. It will ask if you want to see a past look at the site, and it works just as well.

minnie may
June 4th, 2010, 12:35 AM
thanks misstwist!

@ Lizard554: the google cache search doesn't seem to work either. I tried a couple of times. You don't happen to have a link to the arcived site you mean?

June 4th, 2010, 12:16 PM

When you go to the site support section click on the Very Important Thread sticky.

Lots of stuff there that will answer common question.

June 4th, 2010, 03:57 PM
They use the word "cached". I tried it and it didn;t work. I did it last week. Grrr. :(
Sorry I could not be of more help.

June 4th, 2010, 04:31 PM
wow minnie your hair is SOOOOO PRETTY! im 23 .. and up unil about two years ago i had such blond hair and im so upset .. i dyed it dark burgundy then black BAD ME i kno! .. but i digress .. i been trying to grow it out to that honey blond that it used to be and NOW ITS LIKE .. CRAZY MULTI COLOR DARK HAIR i was like oh wow!!! gee thanks hair ... lol its like an insane punishment from the hair gods for using harsh dyes!

minnie may
June 7th, 2010, 01:10 AM
thanks Lizard554 and misstwist!

I tried misstwists instructions a couple of times. the results are by no means perfect, but I can see some improvement the more practice I get.

I know it's hard to grow out colour, I went through that a couple of times too and I remember the groing out roots to look much darker than my original blonde. Part of that seems to because that new growth was not yet bleached by the sun as my old length and part can be age related darkening. Both is typical for my type of blonde, you know the ones that are whiteblonde as kids and end up darkblonde in their 30's.
If your're the same (look at old pictures of yourself and family members at different ages to find out) dont worry too much time and a bit of sunlight (carefull not to overdo it!!) will correct some of this and for the agerelated darkening, you'll either have to accept it or bleach. I battle against it with honey lightning as I dont want to do anything harsher to my hair. My ends still are considerably lighter than my crown, but I can live with that result of my ends having been exposed to sunlight a couple of years longer than my crown ;-)

minnie may
June 7th, 2010, 07:27 AM
:) naereid posted an archived link to in timely fashion on the viktorian hairstyles thread: tada (http://web.archive.org/web/20060628231641/www.intimelyfashion.com/hair/main.html)!
gonna try it soon, because the version I did this morning by misstwists instructions literally gives me a headache.

June 7th, 2010, 09:02 AM
:) naereid posted an archived link to in timely fashion on the viktorian hairstyles thread: tada (http://web.archive.org/web/20060628231641/www.intimelyfashion.com/hair/main.html)!
gonna try it soon, because the version I did this morning by misstwists instructions literally gives me a headache.

I'm sorry to hear it gives you a headache. :( I use that method specifically because anything above the crown is entirely weightless and non-irritating for me.

minnie may
June 7th, 2010, 09:38 AM
hey it's not your fault, it's highly probable that I'm just not used to updos this high on my head. I usually do english or french braids, figure 8's, gibraltar or cinnabuns. Plus I had to use hairscroos instead of my usual ketylos since those dont hold looser styles for me., and those tend to pull a bit more on my scalp

And I guess since I seem to have quite a bit more hair, "weightless" wouldn't apply to mine anyway ;-)

June 7th, 2010, 03:43 PM
I also love the gibson tuck, but am having a difficult time b/c of my length. The "pocket" that is supposed to hold the hair, almost looks unnatural considering its size! I saw a video on youtube of Torrin and her version of the gibson tuck, but my hair will not hold like that, even with hair pins. Does anyone have any suggestions?

June 7th, 2010, 05:51 PM
Okay, some period instructions for you to work with.


These aren't necessarily what we think of as a Gibson Bun. Have fun!