View Full Version : Can ACV really be doing this??

May 29th, 2010, 01:44 PM
I'm trying to better about changing only one thing at a time, really I am. About 3 weeks ago I made a very small change: I leave my ACV rinse on the scalp, and rinse it off only the length. Since then, the itchy scalp that has plagued me my entire adult life has darn near disappeared. I still get the occasional twitch, but it feels like it's within the normal range, not a chronic condition.
Because of the itch, I've never had any luck with stretching washes past every other day. Even if I could stand the greasy look, the tormenting itch would drive me to it. Since finding LHC I've slowly been weaning myself off the hardcore Head & Shoulders Extra Strength I'd used for year in the belief that I really had seborrheic dermatitis. Now I'm not so sure... I'd worked myself down to using the H&S every other wash at first, then only "as needed", which was getting less and less frequent. Since I started leaving the vinegar on my scalp, I haven't felt the need once.
It seems like too much to believe that a simple vinegar rinse could have saved me years of discomfort and thrashing my hair with harsh shampoo... but I've heard crazier ideas. I certainly intend to stick with this program, at least until I see a reason not to! Except now I'll probably try leaving it on the length too, just to see what happens, and how quickly the smell will dissipate.

May 29th, 2010, 01:50 PM
I'm trying to better about changing only one thing at a time, really I am. About 3 weeks ago I made a very small change: I leave my ACV rinse on the scalp, and rinse it off only the length. Since then, the itchy scalp that has plagued me my entire adult life has darn near disappeared. I still get the occasional twitch, but it feels like it's within the normal range, not a chronic condition.
Because of the itch, I've never had any luck with stretching washes past every other day. Even if I could stand the greasy look, the tormenting itch would drive me to it. Since finding LHC I've slowly been weaning myself off the hardcore Head & Shoulders Extra Strength I'd used for year in the belief that I really had seborrheic dermatitis. Now I'm not so sure... I'd worked myself down to using the H&S every other wash at first, then only "as needed", which was getting less and less frequent. Since I started leaving the vinegar on my scalp, I haven't felt the need once.
It seems like too much to believe that a simple vinegar rinse could have saved me years of discomfort and thrashing my hair with harsh shampoo... but I've heard crazier ideas. I certainly intend to stick with this program, at least until I see a reason not to! Except now I'll probably try leaving it on the length too, just to see what happens, and how quickly the smell will dissipate.

Vinegar can relieve scap itch. You do not have to use acv which has a stronger smell. White vinegar should work equally well.

May 29th, 2010, 02:34 PM
i was convinced i had some kind of scalp condition because of how itchy it was and the amount of scabs and dandruff i was getting. But a vinegar rinse always cleared it up right away! But now that i've gotten off sulfates and cones i don't get the itchies or scabs anymore.

May 29th, 2010, 02:42 PM
i was convinced i had some kind of scalp condition because of how itchy it was and the amount of scabs and dandruff i was getting. But a vinegar rinse always cleared it up right away! But now that i've gotten off sulfates and cones i don't get the itchies or scabs anymore.

That experiment is definitely in the queue as well! But of course I'm too cheap to buy all new products before using up what I have on hand, and if the vinegar keeps helping like this I can hold out until then ;) I'm very low-cone already, but want to try getting off them entirely, just to isolate exactly what effect that has, before losing the sulfates. Of course I have tons more shampoo to use up than condish, but that's all dollar-store VO5, so I won't feel too bad about "splurging" on some Tresseme before it's all gone.

May 29th, 2010, 02:49 PM
Both CO and vinegar rinses (only tried white vinegar) stops the itching for me. It felt so good to discover that after more than 25 years of itching my scalp till it started bleeding.

May 30th, 2010, 08:50 PM
If you want to go even easier, you don't need to rinse the vinegar out at all. This works great! Once dry, my hair has no vinegar smell whatsoever. :)

May 30th, 2010, 09:16 PM
How I wish vinegar had worked for me when I was trying to get rid of my insane itching and sores on my scalp, which showed up the day after washing. I went a different route and it seems to be working, but I'd much prefer to just be able to use vinegar.

May 30th, 2010, 09:26 PM
ACV has made me love my hair again. It did the same for me, getting rid of scalp itch when I was only using baking soda to wash my hair. Now I CO and I haven't had a problem with itchy scalp, but I still use the ACV for a cold rinse. It makes my hair so silky.

May 30th, 2010, 09:52 PM
Vinegar rinses and shampoo bars(meaning no more sulfates, cones, etc.) has also completely healed my scalp condition! I still get some dandruff if I don't wash regularly and I can definitely feel more of an itch after two days but I love my natural routine!

May 31st, 2010, 05:50 AM
Congratulations, I hope it continues to work for you. I know how you feel.

I've switched to shampoo bars about a week ago and that's helped lessen the flakes, but I'm still a bit itchy. I do rinse out the ACV. Maybe I should try leaving it on the scalp, but I'm an every morning washer and I can't really go to work smelling like vinegar. I'll see if white vinegar makes a difference.

Thanks for the post, it's great to know what works for people.

May 31st, 2010, 11:07 AM
I don't actually mind the vinegar smell, but DBF doesn't much care for it. A couple of weeks ago we were in line at a store the day after I'd washed with the last of the H&S, which has sulphur in it, and left the vinegar on my scalp. He caught a whiff of my hair, leaned in for a closer sniff, and pulled back looking terribly confused. "Why does your hair smell like (sniff, sniff) ... egg salad?!" :p
Good thing I won't be combining them any more!

June 9th, 2010, 01:54 AM
sibiryachka, I have to thank you for sharing your experience. I too, have an itchy scalp, which is probably hereditary because my mother has it too. While the itchiness seemed to subside with my usage of organic shampoos and conditioners, it never really went away for good. So today I tried a chinese white rice vinegar rinse (the only vinegar I have at home besides balsamic). I added one tablespoon to a soup bowl of water. Worked very well. Of course, just using it once is a little early to judge but, my scalp feels so calm now!

June 9th, 2010, 03:17 AM
Wow! I just got out of the shower after my first ever ACV rinse, and I have a question. I thought my hair felt very dry (for some strange reason- i never have dry hair) so I thought - Buildup! I tried this, and my hair is still drying, anyone have info for me? Thanks!

I can nearly say it ... Rød grød med fløde!

June 17th, 2010, 09:52 AM
Wow! I just got out of the shower after my first ever ACV rinse, and I have a question. I thought my hair felt very dry (for some strange reason- i never have dry hair) so I thought - Buildup! I tried this, and my hair is still drying, anyone have info for me? Thanks!

I can nearly say it ... Rød grød med fløde!

Sorry, I'm a little confused. Are you saying you felt like you had buildup after the ACV rinse or before? ACV shouldn't cause buildup, but perhaps someone else has some experience with that. However, a lot of people use ACV when they start to feel a little funky or in conjunction with shampoo bars to prevent buildup. The times that I've used an ACV rinse (always after a BS wash & sometimes after shampoo) my hair has felt slightly more slippery and smooth. What amount of ACV to water did you use?