View Full Version : Really silly question about damaged hair!

May 25th, 2010, 02:49 AM
I gather my hair is damaged as i have lightend, dyed and dyed again over many years.

I'm now on a break from dying and intent to gradually grow out the colour until i can manage no more!

What are signs of damage?

I used to get little white dots right on the end of my hair which i gather was damage and i'd have a trim. But i never get those anymore! Its been a month since i last dyed my hair. The very ends are healthy-ish, minimal damage, as i had an inch cut off (totally not my choice- scissor happy hairdresser!).

The layers seem to be a bit more damaged. The flick out and such. and i have little fly aways and shorter hairs that stich out slightly through the length of my hair - but i did used to have it thinned out alot and it could be these growing back - my hair seems thicker slightly compared to a few months back.

I would say my hair falls out at the normal rate and doesnt break majorly easily.

So how can i spot damage? Are there different types?

May 25th, 2010, 03:01 AM
Well I don't know about your haircare routine but I would try apple cider vinegar. I thought that my hair was in pretty good condition, but when I tried acv rinse I suddenly saw splits and white dots that wasn't visible before. And oils didn't really work before but now my hair just absorbes all of it. :)

May 25th, 2010, 03:07 AM
Could i get that from an ordinary shop?

Can you explain how i would do it? Mix it with water or just put it on straight?

I think i think my hair is more damaged than it actually is....but i will have a try!

May 25th, 2010, 03:27 AM
Could i get that from an ordinary shop?

Can you explain how i would do it? Mix it with water or just put it on straight?

I think i think my hair is more damaged than it actually is....but i will have a try!
Yes, grocery stores carry it. And yes it is diluted with water, many people here use a ratio that works for them. I personally use 100ml to 570ml water. If you search for vinegar rinse threads you will find other people's ratio's as well. Also, the method of applying and rinsing out/leaving in differs from person to person.

Don't over do it though, as it can be drying.

There are different types of damage and perhaps you might find this picture (http://www.teendiariesonline.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/SplitEndChart_1.gif) helpful in identifying damage.

May 25th, 2010, 04:18 AM
Damage is the difference between ends and roots :) If ends look like someone else's hair compared to the roots, your ends are damaged. Roots show how your hair looks when healthy (unless they're dyed, of course)

May 25th, 2010, 04:31 AM
It's really easy to mistake new growth for breakage, if you're not used to looking. Don't forget that every time you shed a hair naturally, the follicle of that hair will soon produce a new hair. We will always have hairs of varying lengths around our head. Once those hairs get a bit longer, they fall into the rest of the hair and aren't noticeable, but there will always be new ones.

Dars posted the best chart that shows many different types of damaged ends. If you see any of those, you can snip them out individually with very sharp scissors.

Another way to identify damage is to see how it feels. Do the ends of your hair feel different when wet than your new growth does? Do they feel rough when wet, while your new growth feels smooth?

If so, don't worry. Take some time to learn about some deep moisture treatments, and try out some very light oils to protect your hair. Don't try too many new things at once.

Try one thing at a time and find what works for your hair. Soon you will likely be able to settle on a good routine.

As for your layers, I wouldn't worry about them too much right now. Just work on getting all of your hair well moisturized.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is usually used at the end of a wash and condition to remove excess conditioner residue and to restore the proper pH balance to your hair. It helps the cuticle to lie flat and it can add to shine.

You only need to use a very small amount of ACV mixed in water. I usually keep an empty plastic juice pitcher near my shower and put a couple of tablespoons of ACV in it. When it's time for my final rinse, I fill the rest of the pitcher with water and then pour it over my hair.

Don't use ACV on its own. That would just be too acidic.

I know it's easy to want to try everything at once when you join LHC, but as I said earlier, try one thing at a time, so that you really get a feel for what does and doesn't work for you. Everyone's hair responds differently.

Good luck! :blossom:

May 25th, 2010, 06:19 AM
There's a couple of great articles in the articles section about how to treat damaged hair and how to avoid firther damage, maybe that can help you.
Silicones can hide damage by coating the hair and making it smooth that way, so if you use a coney shampoo or condish, you might not see the damage untill you clarify to remove the silicon coating the hair...
Or maybe you just don't have much damage :)

May 25th, 2010, 07:44 AM
I have dyed my hair for seven years, with bleached highlights too, and my hair is still really healthy. Unless you start seeing lots of split ends, I wouldn't worry too much and just take good care of it from now on.

May 25th, 2010, 08:01 AM
Dars posted the best chart that shows many different types of damaged ends. If you see any of those, you can snip them out individually with very sharp scissors.

Where can i find this chart? Is it an article or just a random thread?

My hair feels a little dryer at the ends but not anything major. It flicks out alot which i guess could make it seem more damaged. I know there are two bits of thinner hair that are quite damaged but i cant trim them atm coz there isnt much hair there! Its the bit near your ears......

May 25th, 2010, 08:27 AM
Nightshade posted and excellent guide to what damages hair and how to combat it! I'm reading it right now, it's fantastic!


May 25th, 2010, 08:41 AM
Where can i find this chart? Is it an article or just a random thread?

Look up above this to the post by Dars.

The sentence that says: "There are different types of damage and perhaps you might find this picture helpful in identifying damage." contains a link on the words "this picture". Click on those words, and it will bring up the chart/picture/example that shows different types of split ends.

May 25th, 2010, 09:12 AM
Oh my apologies....my computer screen is terrible cant even notice its a link!!

Damn computer wont load the page. Im still stuck on windows 2000 at work :( Will have a look at home!

May 25th, 2010, 11:25 AM
Im still stuck on windows 2000 at work :( Will have a look at home!

Don't you hate having old technology at work? We still have DSL internet (used to be dial-up!), but I've had cable internet at home for over a decade now. I get sooooo frustrated doing things online at the office, because they are so much easier to do at home!

May 25th, 2010, 11:24 PM
Heck, if it doesn't look damaged to you, why worry about it? Trim off the dyed part as it grows, that will remove any bad ends, and otherwise just treat it gently. Good luck with your new growth! :)

May 26th, 2010, 02:29 AM
Well individually if i look....it strains my eyes as i can just about get my hair in front of my face to see.....the strands look pretty ok. Not really split at all. I think it really is the layers that have a few splits, but i get trims regulary (im stretching the time in between each time i go) so its not as bad as i thought. I think i just obsess a bit!

The front bits that frame my face are finer but i see as the layers are growing they are becoming thicker again.

My hair is about .5 of an inch longer (if that) than in my icon thingy atm so im keen to take a photo soon and compare as that was from 8 weeks ago.....just keep having very bad hair days!