View Full Version : s&d benefits

May 23rd, 2010, 05:29 PM
I've been trying to s&d my hair lately because I haven't trimmed in a few months. I usually trim about a half an inch every 2-3 months but i'd like to make it through the summer without a trim to see where I can get.

My question is, is it really worth the trouble? I've tried so many times before to s&d regularly but it seems to be really tedious and doesn't get me very far as far as removing damage goes.
Do those of you who s&d find it beneficial in the long run?

May 23rd, 2010, 05:46 PM
I can't decide. I S&D for something to do if I'm stuck sitting somewhere, like passenger during a long car trip. The really awful splits stand out, so at least I get those before they can travel further up the shaft. I think it probably helps.

May 23rd, 2010, 06:15 PM
Of course it helps. It gets rid of splits and prevents them from spplitting further up the strand which means in the long run you'll lose less hair to cuts, trims,etc

May 23rd, 2010, 08:52 PM
I think it's worth it. I've seen quite an improvement in just a little over a month of S & Ding (along with doing other things, like using a sleep cap). I always seem to be sitting in the car waiting for kids, or watching a not-very-interesting movie with the family :D, so I just pull out my scissors and do a quick look. I'm trying not to do more than light dustings until I reach lower BSL or waist, and I'm hoping S & D is going to help me do that.