View Full Version : Mini braids - extended wear?

May 16th, 2010, 06:48 AM
Hello all! I'm curious if anyone has experience with a style I've been wearing for about 2.5 weeks. I'm in 34 (I think? don't have a mirror handy ;) ) small braids.

I didn't put any bands on the ends - I'm wearing them up fairly often and rebraiding the last inches as needed, dampening them to help them dry and stay braided.

I'm using coconut oil.

I'm soaking my scalp and braids in conditioner twice a week or so.

I didn't braid very tight at the scalp.

After two weeks I redid all the braids, finger combing out the shed hairs and re-coconuting and rebraiding them.

While I am wearing them up fairly often, in a bun or sometimes all braided together, I am also wearing them down fairly often. The reason I've been enjoying this style so much is because I can wear it down with no tangling whatsoever. I've been trying to keep it safe from rubbing on things etc but it's definitely down more than usual.

Any similiar experiences? Just curious. No one I know has ever worn mini braids/microbraids so I don't have any idea if there's anything else I should be doing or shouldn't be doing. I'm certainly still enjoying them and have no idea how much longer I will wear them but I bet it'll be a while!

Jessica Trapp
May 16th, 2010, 06:51 AM
I've worn them for about 3 weeks at a time. After that my scalp gets itchy and the braids start looking frayed. I like the style because it's unusual and very easy to care for (i.e. don't have to comb my hair). Taking them out is always a bit of a pain in the neck though.

:flower: jes

ETA: wearing a sleep cap/protecting them at night seems to help them stay looking nice for longer periods.

May 16th, 2010, 06:58 AM
The CO washes have been keeping away the scalp itches - my scalp has actually been happier than it normally is!

As for protecting it at night, I've been wearing them in a high bun on top of my head, which doesn't protect them as well as a cap might, but I hate wearing sleep caps. If I do manage to put up with one until I fall asleep, I always take it out in my sleep. :p