View Full Version : Cool water for everything

May 13th, 2010, 10:04 PM
Hello LHC,

For the past couple months I've been utilizing cool water on my hair for both rinsing shampoo and conditioner. Works like a champ in tamming the frizz. I'm currently using daily clarifying shampoo and conditioner. My hair seems to like these products best and there easy to work with.

I pre rinse in cool water, wash, rinse, condition, let conditioner sit for a few minutes, rinse out conditioner in cool water.

I personally like cool showers in the summer. I've been reading on here that cool water does not completely remove product buildup and can slow hair growth Is this true? Or is my routine sound kosher to everyone? I have thick wavy black hair.

*Rose Red*
May 15th, 2010, 02:29 PM
I always read that a rinse with cold water makes shiny hair! Why should it not remove the things like warm water?
I´m interested! (But I like warm showers more than cold ones)

May 15th, 2010, 02:34 PM
I do this too ... any water that touches my hair is slightly cooler than skin temperature. My hair likes it!
But the rest of my shower is with hot water ... I just change the temperature for a moment when I put my head in it.

May 15th, 2010, 02:39 PM
Why should it not remove the things like warm water?

Warm water dissolves stuff, especially oils/fats (like sebum) better than cool water does.

May 15th, 2010, 04:02 PM
Actually, water can't dissolve oils and fats. :oIt can remove them, but does not dissolve them - water is a polar molecule, and oils and fats are nonpolar. Warm water dissolves ionic and polar substances - like salts from sweat - much more efficiently than cold water, though.

I like using cold water :) It's invigorating in the morning, and gives so much shine!

May 15th, 2010, 04:17 PM
Actually, water can't dissolve oils and fats. :oIt can remove them, but does not dissolve them - water is a polar molecule, and oils and fats are nonpolar. Warm water dissolves ionic and polar substances - like salts from sweat - much more efficiently than cold water, though.

I like using cold water :) It's invigorating in the morning, and gives so much shine!

Yeah, I suppose I phrased that in a weird way. I guess I was just thinking about how it looks like it dissolves, like when you run a greasy pan under hot water.

May 15th, 2010, 04:56 PM
Hot water can liquidfy the solid sebum/waxy sebum, which might make it easier to remove for some people, or harder for others. I find it's next to impossible to clean my scalp without hot water, the dead skin just refuses to leave my scalp. I think it's because of the lack of circulation, though not 100% sure, as I'd think cold water would encourage circulation as well.

May 15th, 2010, 09:33 PM
If I don't use hot water to wash my hair, it feels waxy and I can't get a comb through it. It also is dry and unhappy looking later on. At the end of my shower I use cold water as a final rinse but only after all the product is rinsed out. Cold water might work for you due to the type of products you are using since clarifying removes more gunk.