View Full Version : Second Hendigo

May 12th, 2010, 07:28 AM
I really wanted my hair to match my roots better, and was not pleased with all the bright red. It was not very complimentary with my skin tone. So, I used a little bit more indigo than henna this time. I mixed my henna with coffee (figured it couldn't hurt) and Tazo Passion tea. I only left it on my head for an hour and half. I am pretty happy with it. It is a bit dark but I have heard indigo fades??? I really hope that isn't true. If it stays this color I think I am done with henna for a while. It really is a lot of trouble with my thick hair. So PICS:

After with flash

After without flash, natural light
It looks much darker than these pics show. I will try to take one outside soon (if it ever stops raining!).

May 12th, 2010, 01:11 PM
Ohhh, pretty color! I found the indigo faded a little, but did root touch ups every 4 weeks or so and glossed the length for 20 minutes to keep the color from fading. It worked just fine and I did not have to stick really hard to the four week rule, there was no line of demarcation so I could go longer. The more you use hendigo, the more the color sticks. Good luck, it is a very pretty shade! If you look at my albums, you will see how mine turned out using 50/50 henna/indigo.

May 12th, 2010, 05:11 PM
Wow. What a beautiful, rich color. My indigo doesn't "stick"/look and stay very dark until about four applications. Everyone is different but it seems like more people experience fading with indigo than permanence (at least an eensy bit of fading).

I do love that color, though.

May 13th, 2010, 10:03 AM
Thanks for the info! I am hoping it doesn't fade too much because it blends with my roots so well. I guess I may end up having to do another but at least I know the right mix now!