View Full Version : My nightmare cut - 40 down to 24

May 8th, 2010, 02:02 AM
Hi I live in the UK. I started growing my very short hair in 1999. I always had 3-4 inches cut off every year at least.
In May 2006 I had waist length hair cut back to BSL beacuse I was ill and expecting my first.
My hair was waist length again within 16 months.
By October 2009 when I had my third baby I had tailbone length hair with fairytale ends - the sad thing is the only pics I have are with my hair in one long plait. I was only wearing my hair down once or twice every year.
My hair is superfine but I have quite a lot. But due to having been ill when pregnant, I hadn't looked after it properly. I had to cut a knot ball out the size of a large matchbox. My head was always itching. When my son came out of NICU he continued to be really poorly and I didn't have the time to look after super longhair. One night my hairbrush got stuck in my hair - I could sit on it by then - so I am guessing 40 inches and I flipped and made my husband cut it with the kitchen scissors back to BSL. :(
The liberation was great. Then it sunk in. Everynight I still have nightmares about it - literally.
You can see my current hair length (thats 1 April) in my Avatar - just below BSL? The shortest strands on the top of my head ar e24 inches and the longest 26 inches. I don't know which bits of hair I need to measure ? It must be about 4 inches off waist - so I hope to be back there in say Jan 2011.
The offcuts are 15-20 inches long!!!!!!!
Anyway I have no split ends and at least my hair is finally starting to grow. I have been very poorly for 4 years on and off and I am hoping my hair might start to get better now. The other plus is I dont' itch now I have sls free shampoo etc . I wish I had found this site before I cut my hair off.

May 8th, 2010, 02:35 AM
Welcome aboard! :) We all made big chops and other hair-related mistakes before LHC (i know i did, LOL) and we're all recovering from something.

As for measuring, here's the link to the most popular measuring method here: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=9

happy growing!

May 8th, 2010, 02:39 AM
The good part about hair is that is grows back :). I'm sorry you had a rough go of it, I chopped after my daughter's birth as a sort of delayed reaction to personal stress involving the whole thing as well, and sorely regretted it (I went from waist to above shoulder). I am wiser for that cut, as, after a fashion, it solidified that I am best and happiest with long hair, but I wish the learning had been less drastic.

You're in good company here. Welcome and have fun growing with us :flower:

May 8th, 2010, 02:45 AM
Thanks for the link on how to measure - that might add a couple of inches onto my measurment! Will try tonight.
I did wonder as I am quite tall and I thought 40 inches sounded quite short for hair that I was sitting on!It also answers my question on consistency!

Purdy Bear
May 8th, 2010, 02:59 AM
Welcome to the forum. Your hairs is absolutely gorgious!

May 8th, 2010, 05:02 AM
Welcome and happy growing! :flower:

May 8th, 2010, 05:07 AM
Welcome! Your hair does look nice and healthy. Hope alls well at home and your little one is getting big and stronger every day:) You're on a fab road to growing back your hair being on this forum:toast:

May 8th, 2010, 05:09 AM
Your story is all too familiar to me - I wish I had remembered about this site before I cut my hair too!

My hair was healthy and gorgeous and tailbone length, but I didn't know how to do ANYTHING with it other than a cinnabun, which after years had created enough tension on the hairs right where they start to twist into a bun that I had a halo of broken hairs. It was boring as hell and I finally couldn't take it any more, so I had it styled and the stylist cut it to shoulder length.

Not his fault, I asked for a drastic change. But a few months later when I rediscovered this site and learned how to braid, I was devastated that I had chopped my hair off and put layers in. Gah.

All I'm saying is that I completely sympathize. But at least your hair is healthy and on the way now to growing out gorgeous!


May 8th, 2010, 06:33 AM
Welcome from another UKer. :waving: Your hair looks lovely and with all the good advice on the forum you are sure to reach your goal of waist in no time. Happy growing. :D

May 8th, 2010, 07:08 AM
Hi and welcome! :blossom: I understand your frustration. So many of us have cut and had to start over again. I am one of them.

I hope that being here at LHC and watching the progress of the other members will inspire you and remind you that you are not alone.

I look forward to watching your progress. :)

May 8th, 2010, 07:35 AM

Well at least you are now back on the road to recovery - in more ways than one, it seems.
So fret not, you are in safe hands here. I'm sure it wont be long before your hair comes bouncing back, it just appears to be a long way away now because you had so much off in one go. Happy growing! :D

May 8th, 2010, 07:44 AM
Welcome from another UKer too :)

I am so sorry about your ill health and hope it improves, and good luck with your growing.

May 8th, 2010, 10:27 AM
Welcome! And I empathize - last summer, I chopped my hair from past BSL when stretched to above the shoulder to get rid of some really bad damage from color and a relaxer. I discovered this site recently and go back and forth between wishing I hadn't cut, and knowing I needed it (my split ends had split ends, my hair was splitting mid-shaft - it was a mess).

But you're in the right place, and soon you'll have hair just as long as you want it. Happy growing!

May 8th, 2010, 03:12 PM
JackieJottings - I see you are from my hometown!

Anyway thank you all for your support. Remeaure results tomorrow. I have a horrible feeling that if my hair strands measured 40 when I cut them - the forehead back measurment could be horrific!

Does anyone else think that illness affects hair quality? If I am allowed to popst a link to a photo site I can show you my hair when I was poorly - it looks dull and lifeless.

If you can see my signature pic - that is my healthy hair when my first son was 15 months old and only 15 months after chop to BSL!That is also my natural colour and wave. I have mixed hair - some of my hairs are course black, some brown and I have some superfine blond!

May 8th, 2010, 03:44 PM
Welcome to LHC! :waving: I'm another one who cut layers just before I found LHC. *gives dirty look to wicked layers* But hang in there, you'll be at your goal in no time at all.

May 8th, 2010, 04:25 PM
Does anyone else think that illness affects hair quality?

Yes. :flower: I have had this happen. Hugs.