View Full Version : Took a little detour.....chop,chop!

May 7th, 2010, 06:09 PM
Well, there's been a *slight* delay in my long hair jouney. As of a month ago I became a shortie again. Like jaw-length short.

I was feeling a bit down about my appearance (have been since having my third baby) and wasn't really sure the longer look was helping matters. I felt dragged down. And I didn't like how I looked with my hair pulled back away from my face - sort of resembled the skinned rat look. lol

So I thought about cutting here and there for months! And finally one day I decided I was tired of just thinking about it and being wishy-washy so I ponied up and had it cut. And I just LOVED it! It was cute, sassy, versitile and really gave me a big lift both in appearance and in how I felt. And I've got these awesome cheekbone length bangs. I ADORE those! And I've enjoyed re-employing my hair dryer occassionally. I have no regrets about doing it. :)

But, (there's always one of those isn't there), the only thing I miss about my longer hair is being able to pull up. Ironic isn't it? I didn't like wearing it up but I miss the ability to wear it up. I know, makes no sense. :rolleyes:

So I think I'm going to let it grow out again. But I'm adjusting my goals and my hair's priority in my life as it was consuming a bit more energy than I have available. I think I would like to grow to BSL and stay there for a while. It's a managable length down with the option of some updos. All said and done, I lost about 6-6.5 inches so I hoping that in a year or so I'll be at goal.

And I'm keeping my cheekbone bangs for a bit, too. I really, really like them and think they add some needed interest around my face. hmmmm....maybe shoulda just cut in bangs to begin with? nah! I'm enjoying this length and look forward to enjoying getting back on the long hair path again.

After all, it's all about the journey and not the destination, right? :toast:

ps - I've got a pony nub and it's so darn cute! Ha! :D

May 7th, 2010, 06:21 PM
I'm about the same length... I have the same bangs too, well a bit shorter- just sitting above my cheekbones. I'm planning on keeping them as my hair grows- I think it will create a bit of softness around the face for updos (no skinned rat look!).

May 7th, 2010, 06:29 PM
I get the whole "feeling blah" with long hair feeling a lot since I love the way I look with a chin length bob and it's my favorite look on me, but I'm also lazy, and yeah, I agree, it's so nice to be able to pull your hair back and not worry about it. I had long bangs last year and really liked them, but grew them out for no particular reason. Now you've got me thinking I should get them cut again. :hmm:

May 7th, 2010, 07:54 PM
I got my hair cut after babies, too. Much easier! Plus it really perks up crazy-shedding hair.

May 7th, 2010, 08:10 PM
I get the whole "feeling blah" with long hair feeling a lot since I love the way I look with a chin length bob and it's my favorite look on me, but I'm also lazy, and yeah, I agree, it's so nice to be able to pull your hair back and not worry about it. I had long bangs last year and really liked them, but grew them out for no particular reason. Now you've got me thinking I should get them cut again. :hmm:

I think this short 'do is very flattering on me, too. But I'm horrible about upkeep and getting it trimmed every 4-6 weeks to keep it that way. :o

I got my hair cut after babies, too. Much easier! Plus it really perks up crazy-shedding hair.

I think the Great Shed also played a role. I lost so much after this one. Now that it is short it's super thick through the roots and about 3/4 of the length. The ends got thinned out a bit for the style but not so much that it won't grow out nicely.

Now that I'm done with babies and shedding perhaps this is the right time for long growth. :)

May 7th, 2010, 08:35 PM
I'm another who wore shorter hair after each of my babies. I think the only reason it ever grew out was purely the fact that I was so terrible with the upkeep. I just never had time to get to the salon, and the next thing I knew it would be long again.

Too bad I didn't know how to care for it back then. At least now, if and when you decide to grow it again, you'll be able to grow it the healthier way.

I don't know about you, but I have found that now that I've got a good working routine going, I don't spend too much time and energy on hair care anymore. I spend far more time talking about it on the Internet than I actually spend on my hair. :)