View Full Version : Someone Wanted Pairs Combs/Barrettes?

Peggy E.
May 7th, 2008, 07:18 PM
Eta: It has been brought to my attention, the seeker for which this pair of combs was posted, is no longer sailing through life with us here on LHC. Consequently, if you are interested in the combs, drop me a line - otherwise, I'm going to place them in a spot where I'm not as likely to forget their existence again..... ;o(

Sorry, I didn't know.

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Once upon a time, there was someone in the LHC community who had sent out a cry for help. "Please, please, I need a matching pair of combs/barrettes/hair thingies, or my hair will suffer terrible frizzing, breakage, turn green and purple, may possibly explode and seriously injure someone!"

I've been wracked with guilt, having seen this cry for help and yet not responded! For I did not believe I had anything with which to help this poor dear, to save her hair, protect her head, soothe her shattered nerves, or whatever else is going wrong there.

And then I found them! I have this pair of filigree combs, with tiny golden-licked seeds, set off with little pearls and diamond-bright-white rhinestones with the very sweetest of wee rose blooms set in the center, bronzed and lovely.

All set on deep red prongs that seats the pair comfortably - and securely - into the hair. The total length of these combs is a whisper short of 4" while the width of the jeweled topper comes to 2-3/4" of vintage innocence and grace.

These are marked "Made in U.S.A." and there's also a double "star" signature which I am unable to read - we're talking uptown here!

Perfect for all those summer garden tea parties which await those amongst us who hob-nob in high society.

Were you looking for these? If so, here they are; if not, why not?! ;o) The $25 for the pair price includes shipping to all parts of the planet (if you are over the moon, we'll have to adjust the shipping....).

PM me if you're the one wanting these!



May 7th, 2008, 08:11 PM
Those aren't really me, but I must say, that was a beautifully written description:blossom:

May 10th, 2008, 07:41 AM
Your posts are always a hoot to read. :)

These are beautiful combs; I might possibly re-incarnate to a lifestyle that could accommodate them so don't mis-place them. ;)

Peggy E.
May 10th, 2008, 03:02 PM
Okay, Lady Rose. I'll try to keep them under control this time - no more running around the house in the dead of night, flirting with their glitz-encrusted friends! ;o)

Happy Mother's Day, all you wonderful mothers!

May 12th, 2008, 09:14 AM
Peggy E- seriously that was very entertaining! Your funny!!!! :)

May 12th, 2008, 10:05 AM
Peggy, those combs are gorgeous, but alas will not hold my thick and uncooperative hair. Your description, however, was enthralling and I think I'll have to hire you as a copy writer when I have stuff to post for trade or sale!